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studyproposal范文 第1篇


Alvarez Fernandez


Ardent Technical Institute

Bidhannagar, central London

9th September

Sub: Program proposal Letter

Dear Mr. Alvarez

I am writing this proposal to invite the applicants of your institute for a website development program which will be used for our company’s official purpose. This website will contain all the information regarding the details of our company.

The website has to be developed in thus the applicant should have a good knowledge of languages like , C, C++, and html. The candidate should have a good communication skill with fluency in English language.

For developing the website the applicant will be paid an amount of $12500 along with some other consolation prizes. The candidates will have to have to work as per the terms and conditions of our company.

In case any of the students are interested; they can to apply to our office directly. The selection will be made by a written test followed by an interview. The applicants need to bring all the previous educational certificates along with two latest passport size photos. I think this will be a good platform for students to show their talent. Hope to get a good response from your institute.

Complete details of the program are enclosed with this letter.

Yours sincerely

John Mills

studyproposal范文 第2篇


因为不知道你的具体情况,给你发一篇写作指导,希望对你有帮助。 学习计划书的行文风格和文章结构与个人陈述有很大不同,不需要太多个性化和感性的描述,而应该是结构清晰简单,逻辑严密,阐述的事实明确,相关论据有力可信,学成回国的理由要非常充分,并且绝对不能和申请人的其他材料发生矛盾。

1、从学习计划的内容构成说起 学习计划可以说是综合了个人陈述,简历,学习计划以及职业规划等多方面的综合文书。一般情况下除了基本的个人信息,教育背景,还应该包括社会活动(课外活动、实习经历、工作经历等等),获得奖项。


2、从写作风格上来说,一般可以分为两种类型:个人兴趣爱好类型和专业及职业规划型 个人兴趣爱好型学习计划可以从个人经历来打动签证官,比如父母的职业背景和同学朋友的影响,老师的引导等等。中间部分阐述自己在学习和成长过程为该专业所做的准备,包括学习成绩、自身能力的锻炼和培养。

最后,表达自己对攻读该专业的意愿和决心,并明确表达自己学成后的职业规划和目标。 专业和职业规划性的学习计划,应该以个人对于所申请专业的了解和认识为主线,着重突出对该专业在中国现状和发展的认识,表达自己对先进知识的追求和向往,最后说明中国目前缺乏这方面的专业人才,自己学成后对于中国专业人才的补充,进而上升为自己学习该专业的重大意义。

3、学习计划中的任何描述都要具备故事性和生动性 故事性主要是说在阐述学习目的时最好能有实例来说明,使得学生的出国意愿以及目的更加生动具体。而整个学习计划更应该环环相扣,相互辅佐的。


4、 学成回国 为了避免签证官对于学生留学动机的怀疑,我们需要在整个文书的结尾特别强调未来回国的职业发展规划。打消签证官的担忧之后,签证通过把握就会大大增加了。



studyproposal范文 第3篇

Construction Bid Proposal Cover Letter

Respected Miss. Watts,

This letter is in regards to the construction of a branch of your hotel in the city of New York. This is to bring to your notice that we are reputed construction company and would be interested in undertaking the construction project of your hotel.

Our organization is involved in the construction industry since last ten year and we have undertaken the construction of number of reputed projects in the city. We have also received numerous awards for our construction projects. We would like to bid for the construction project of yours and assure that we can complete the construction process with five million dollars.

I can assure you that we will leave no scope for complaints. We are aware about the reputation of Hilton Group of Hotels and will surely deliver the job keeping that in mind. The bid that I am quoting is the most economical one in the market.

I am enclosing the breakdown of the cost details with this letter. Please let us know if any further information is needed from our side.


Jane Fonda

studyproposal范文 第4篇


Peter Fox

Financial Contracting Officer

Reddies Pvt. Ltd.

Box 12450, Building 12

9th September 2012

Sub: unsolicited proposal cover letter.

Dear Mr. Peter,

I am writing this letter to submit my proposal for opening a new business venture in the real estate sector. Today everyone wants a home of their own and I think this would be the best sector for investment. I have also finalized the area where we will start our housing project. All the paper works like registration of the plot have been done. All I need is a business partner who is ready to invest in the project.

I assure you that this project will be a profitable one. I am targeting the higher middle class people for selling the flats. The total project will be on 300 acres of land and it will be township where the residents of the flats will get every amenity like restaurant, school, gym, hospital within the premises of the project. Also I would like you to inform that this is first mega project in the city.

I am herewith enclosing the complete details of the project with this letter and hope to get a positive response from your side.

Yours sincerely

Tycoon Dowden

studyproposal范文 第5篇

思路是: 一、首先学习成长的目标: 1、明确个人的职业发展规划; 2、明确年度要提升的职业目标(目标岗位); 二、其次是明确个人能力的提升点: 1、结合去年的工作心得(能力不足,犯错误的工作项等)明确提升的能力点; 2、对照目标职业(岗位)的要求找出差距,明确需要学习补充的能力点; 如是职业生涯规划,需要有比较具体详细的和一定专业性的分析总结。

如果每周进步1%,一年就会进步超过50%,如果每天进步1%,一年就会就进步超过350%。 你相信个人的成长能有多快? 在我遇到对我影响最大的第一位导师的时候,我在3个月内的成长超过之前3年的成长总和。

两个一起毕业的同学,进入不同公司,遇到不同导师,在一年后的成长一定有很大变化,为什么? 师傅领进门,修行在个人,想要快速成长,要取决于你的决心——你有多想要做这件事?成长这件事情对你来说意义和好处是什么? 在于“一定要”和“有必要”,我举个学习英语的例子,我的一个梦想是要学好英语,但这件事情是“有必要”,目前还不是“一定要”,所以我很想学好英语,却没有把它放入我的日程安排当中,只是放在关注圈当中,持续关注这方面的信息,但我没有天天背单词,也没有专程的英语学习时间,这就是两者的差别。 “一定要”就是自己一定要做的事情,会安排专门的时间在这上面,会优先处理这件事情“有必要”就是想起来的时候会动一下,想不起来的时候就会往后推的事情。

studyproposal范文 第6篇

Professional Proposal Cover Letter


Diana Hayden

HR Manager

New Technologies Private Limited

Sector-VI, Central London

9th September

Sub: professional proposal cover letter.

Dear Ms. Hayden,

I am writing this letter to invite applications for my dream project “green tooth”. This project is based on developing a multi-chip which is compatible with many complex electronic devices. The main objective of this chip will be to save energy. And to fulfill this dream I need a group of well skilled software engineers.

This project is financed by a fortune 500 company so there will be no financial problem. The engineers will be well paid. They have to only focus on developing this special chip. The candidates should have a working experience of at least two years. All the interested candidates have to submit their resume on my company’s email-id patatecniques34@ can get the entire details of the proposal on my company official website . The last date for responding for the proposal is 15th September 2012.

I hope the candidates will pay a positive response towards my proposal. All the deserving candidates are welcomed in our company. I will be eagerly waiting for your response.

Thanking you

Richard Thomson

studyproposal范文 第7篇

Some people are careless while writing a cover letter, so they repeat the same things in it as in the resume. But this will affect your impression and also increases your cover letter length, so reader may loose his/her interest.

In proposal cover letter, two things are important: first is proposal and second is the cover letter. The main purpose of the proposal is to give information and try to obtain support from the reader to do something or to take any positive action.

The information may be about to purchase a goods or services, to inform about courses or to fund for specific programs etc. To persuade the reader, you must represent your proposal in a well manner. The second thing is a cover letter. A well-written cover letter always opens the chances of obtaining an interview. So, be careful while writing a proposal cover letter.

studyproposal范文 第8篇

A research proposal for putting Whole Language Approachin the minorities′ English Language Teaching

Ⅰ The significance for the minority students in Xinjiang to learn foreign languages. Xinjiang is a region with many minorities. The population of the minorities accounts for 60% of the total population. For the past several years, the minorities in Xinjiang spread their own histories, culture and scientific knowledge by using their own languages mostly.

studyproposal范文 第9篇

Raise question提出问题&Proposal提议

Raise question


I have some questions about the report XX-XXX


For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions: …



For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing…


I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future。


Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issue…


Thanks note


Thank you so much for the cooperation。


I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project。


Thanks for your attention!


Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated。


Really appreciate your help!



I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!


I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP。


studyproposal范文 第10篇

Writing the Counter Proposal Letter

While there is not a specific formula to writing a successful counter proposal letter, there is a basic structure you can follow for maximum likelihood of success.

First Paragraph: Statement of Interest and Enthusiasm for Job/Company; Key Selling Factors

This paragraph is critical in setting up the tone and direction of the negotiations. Be direct and sincere in expressing your interest for the company, thanking the employer for the job offer. Be sure to follow-up with your key selling points -- how you will make a direct and immediate (or longer-term) impact on the organization.

Second Paragraph: Negotiating Item #1 -- Offer and Counter Proposal

Restate the particular point from the original offer that you wish to negotiate, followed by your counter proposal -- ideally supported through research, a desire to be fairly compensated, or reinforced by the value you will bring to the company.

Third Paragraph: Negotiating Item #2 -- Offer and Counter Proposal

Restate the particular point from the original offer that you wish to negotiate, followed by your counter proposal -- ideally supported through research, a desire to be fairly compensated, or reinforced by the value you will bring to the company.

Fourth Paragraph: Negotiating Item #3 -- Offer and Counter Proposal

Restate the particular point from the original offer that you wish to negotiate, followed by your counter proposal -- ideally supported through research, a desire to be fairly compensated, or reinforced by the value you will bring to the company.

studyproposal范文 第11篇


James Wordsworth


Mount Companies Private Limited

56, Boston Road, Cambridge

12th September .

Sub: technical proposal cover letter.

Dear Mr. James

I am writing this letter to submit my application for technical proposal. We have planned a technical project based on designing and developing an energy saving chip.

To make it successful we need your technical support and for this we need your technical resources and equipment’s. The chip will be designed and developed by our team of expert electronics engineers. This energy saver chip can be used with all the electronic devices like computers, laptops, televisions, air conditioner etc. To make this chip we need some technical expertise from your side. Once the chip is developed, it will be a great boon for the electronics industry. Hope that you will support us in our research project.

You can get more details of the proposal project from our official website . And if you want to personally meet us please send a mail on our official email- id gkltechnologies@. I will wait for a positive response from your side in this regard.

Thanking you

Henry Watson


GKL Private Limited

Enclosures: details of the technical proposal.

studyproposal范文 第12篇


James Wordsworth


Mother Teresa Hospital

56, Boston Road, New York


12th September 2012

Sub: Submitting the proposal for a shelter home

Dear Mr. James

I am writing this letter to submit my proposal to setup a shelter home in your hospital’s premises. This shelter home will be for the relatives of the patients who are admitted in your hospital.

This shelter home will contain facilities like canteen, bathroom and waiting room. Those who come to visit the admitted patient in your hospital can take rest and food from the shelter home. This is a non profitable proposal that is this project will neither make loss nor profit for your hospital. The intention behind this proposal is just to help the people who come to your hospital. I think this project will take your hospital to new height of success.

The cost for establishing the shelter home will be financed by our hope you will provide a positive response towards this proposal. I will be eagerly waiting for your response. To confirm the proposal you can call me on my mobile number. Please find the complete details of the proposal enclosed with this letter.

Yours sincerely

Jolly Wills



