商务回复函件格式范文英语 第1篇
Dear Sirs:
We welcome your enquiry of 20th May and thank you for your interest in our products. A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today, with samples of our products.
Mr. Lee, our overseas director, will be in London early next month and will be glad to call on you. He will have with him a wide range of our manufactures, and when you see them we think you will agree that the quality of the materials used, and the high standard of craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers.
We manufacture a wide range of hand-made leather shoes in which we think you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in the catalogue and are of the same high quality as our gloves. Mr. Lee will be able to show you samples when he calls.
We hope the samples will reach you in good time and look forward to your order.
Yours faithfully,
Tony Smith Chief Seller
商务回复函件格式范文英语 第2篇
第一段落 边陈述写信目的,边设定整体,英语商务书信格式范文。
●收信我们收到了您1998年4月14日的来信。We have received your letter of April 14,1998.
我们收到了您的咨询函,非常感谢。We thank you for your inquiry.
回复格式结构:1、在信的开头 写明发信的原因,总结发信的目的和依据。然后用过渡性的词语“回复如下相关事项”来引起以下情况。在理由部分,应首先引用信函的标题和编号。
We have received your letter and thank you for your inquiry.
我们非常高兴从您的来信中获悉…… We are pleased to learn from your letter...
From your letter we have learned that...
我们收到了您1998年5月23日的来函查询,非常感激,商务英语信函范文。We are grateful for your inquiry of May 23,1998.
我们已经收到了您1998年6月6日的来信。This is to acknowledge your letter of June 6,1998.
xxxx函[199×]×号 ××省人民政府办公厅:贵厅关于商请办理直通香港运输车辆有关牌证的函已收悉,我局对此予以高度重视和大力支持。经与××直通运输公司联系,100部运输车辆的资料已经收集完毕。
商务回复函件格式范文英语 第3篇
英文邮件范文1 My family Hello, I’m ___. I have a very happy family. My mother is a worker. How old is she? Guess! She’s thirty-five, she like zebras. On Saturdays and Sundays, she likes swimming。
随信附上…… We will enclose... *enclose “装入信封”。
随信附上……的复印件 We are enclosing a copy of...
……复印件随信一并寄上。 There is a copy of... attached to this letter. *attach 有附上“大件的东西和主要东西”的语气,商务英语投诉信英语作文模板。/ Attached,please find...
范文:(发文单位名称 ) 关于 (发文事由) 的复函(文种)×××:(单位) 关于 (来函的标题) 的来函收悉。 (有关工作) 计划,经(单位)上报已下发到 (有关单位货部门) 。关于 (具体计划或工作问题)。
附上了你要的…… Attached you will find...
附寄在内的是一份……的复印件。Enclosed is a copy of.../ Enclosed,please find...
商务回复函件格式范文英语 第4篇
几个月前,我们曾就……事给您写了一封信。Some months ago we wrote you regarding... *regarding “关于……”。
就……事我们至今没有得到您的回音,英语商务信函书写范文。 So far,we do not seem to have received word from you... *催促什么事情时。
如果在1998年12月1日前还得不到您的回音的话,…… If we do not hear from you by December 1,1998...*语气有些严厉。
有关……事,我们还未收到您的任何回音。So far,we have not received word from you... *so far “至今为止”。/ So far,商务英语范文,we have not received any word from you...
很抱歉未能尽早给您回信。 We apologize for not replying to you earlier.
未能及时给您回信,我们深表歉意。We are sorry for not answering your letter sooner.
We are sorry for not replying to your letter sooner.
We are sorry for not responding to your letter sooner.
久未回信,让您久等了。Thank you for your patience. *patience “忍耐,耐心,耐性”。
商务回复函件格式范文英语 第5篇
Dear Sir:
Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure.
Yours faithfully,
商务回复函件格式范文英语 第6篇
Dear sir,
we are very glad to receive your fax inquiry. since it is the first time we contact, we would be highly appreciated if you could provide us your bank name and address.
we realize the types of ic you need, but we do not know the specification you require for that ic such as the voltage current. could you please tell us the purpose of this ic?
the fax you send us is not very clear for the wording part. therefore, please fax it again (no need for graph ).we wish we could provide the best services to you .
sincerely yours,