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留学生个人陈述范文 第1篇






留学生个人陈述范文 第2篇



















留学生个人陈述范文 第3篇

Ten years from now Tim Dickson won't even remember my name. The unknowing recipient of my undying love for two years, Tim had been everything a girl could ever ask for: smart, handsome, witty, athletic, with a voice that could make angels weep. Everyone knew his name. To a shy little country

mouse, nearly invisible in our student body, he was the epitome of manliness. I sat in my corner of room C-119 and gazed adoringly at his profile as he amazed the class of Modern World History with his dashing style. Carefully planning the routes to my classes to coincide with his, I was his silent shadow.

After fourteen months, contrary to my hopes, Tim still was not aware of my existence. Determined to bring myself to his attention, I staged my entrance to his heart with all the flair I could muster. I would breach his defenses at the next history oral presentation in the guise of the dashing Cardinal Richelieu.

It was now or never! Striding into the classroom, my head raised, eyes flashing, I stood proudly, the colors of my eighteenth-century costume catching the light and giving me courage. My opening line shook with tight emotion.

purred in soft persuasion. I gloried in my elocution. Each word was power. My voice rose to a brilliant conclusion, and I stood with my arms outstretched and my head bowed in submission.

Dead silence.

My left knee trembled uncontrollably. Why did no one speak? My hands began to shake so I pulled them behind me-like one condemned. My eyes gauged the distance to the door.

Then someone began to clap. More joined in. Tim looked into my eyes and smiled. He smiled!

Joy, oh joy. My soul overflowed with rapture. I had done it! He noticed me! All the shame, all the worry, and all the castigation melted away in that moment. I knew how to make him love me. I simply had to speak better, sing better, act better, and write better than anyone else. Determined, I joined competitions, played in concerts, and wrote essays that were read in class. When Tim transferred to the . class, so did I. I threw myself into class discussions, attempting to dazzle him with my intelligence and intrepidity. Making friends with his friends, I dogged his steps.

The next summer Tim moved away. I never heard from him again. But the transformation in me had taken place. Now I was involved for the simple

pleasure of being involved. Challenging people surrounded me. Biff taught me to love. Dave taught me to laugh. Ramez taught me to break my limits. Alit gave me confidence. Whenever I was in danger of reverting to a wallflower, one of my

new friends would drag me into another club or activity.

In every foray into the threatening world of

Tim Dickson was the single best thing that ever happened to me, all because he didn't know me from Adam.


十年了,Tim Dickson甚至都不会记得我的名字了。我曾经痴痴暗恋他两年,他却浑然不知。Tim是每个女生梦寐以求的那种理想男生:聪明、英俊、谈吐机智、体格强健,美妙的嗓音会让天使嫉妒得哭泣,他的大名无人不知。我是一个害羞又胆小的乡村小姑娘,同学中几乎没人注意我,而Tim对我来说就是男性气概的最佳榜样。他在“现代世界史”课上的表现迷人自信,震惊四座,我坐在C-119教室的一个角落里,望着他的侧影,惊叹不已。为了和他同路相遇,我精心策划我去教室的线路,我默默地紧随着他。

希望落空了。十四个月后,Tim仍然没有注意到我的存在。我决定主动去吸引他的注意,我挖空心思,发起了对他的攻心战。我打算在下一次历史课课堂发言时把自己打扮成自信的Cardinal Richelieu,以此来打开他的防线。







留学生个人陈述范文 第4篇







留学生个人陈述范文 第5篇

Personal Statement Applied Program: Wireless Telecommunications On August 27, , at the Central Institute of the Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group based in Beijing, a young woman, full of energy and self-confidence, was giving a presentation entitled “The Design of the Switching Numerical Method of the Radio Resource Management (RRM) Strategy in TD-SCDMA, and the Testing of Its Simulated Systems,” which received rapt attention and high remarks from all the experts in Computer and Telecommunications who attended the meeting. That woman was I. At present, TD-SCDMA, W-CDMA, and CDMA are considered the main technological standards in the third generation of the world’s technological development in mobile telecommunications. And the design of a switching computation method for the RRM Strategy is a key element and technological crux for the TD-SCDMA technology. In retrospection, I found that it was my great enthusiasm for mobile telecommunications, and my persistent pursuit of accuracy and perfection that have helped me win accolades from colleagues and experts. In China, since the TD-SCDMA uses a smart antenna, it makes a demand for a finer research on the computation method for the RRM Strategy, in areas such as PC, DCA, and HC. To me, a new starter in the company, it was a real challenge. Since the research team was new, it lacked engineering data and practical experience, although the equipment of the lab was quite advanced. It was only after much library research, thinking, and consultation with experts did I find a RRM computation method suitable for a smart antenna. Because a smart antenna has its advantages of a more accurate VE locating and reduced searching areas, this computation method effectively lowers the complexity of the switching process and its failure rate. During the time when I worked for the project, I often stayed up several days in a roll to perfect a lab test. But I also derived an enormous sense of satisfaction and fulfillment after overcoming obstacles, which more than compensated the pains and difficulties that I had to go through.

The rapid development of mobile telecommunication technology places a high demand on professionals working in this field. To a certain extent, it has to be a labor of love. My keen interest in mobile telecommunications emanated from the concept of “personal communication.” During my undergraduate years at the Northwest University of Industry, I spent much of my spare time browsing over professional publications and journals, to keep myself abreast of current developments. The concept of “personal communication” I encountered during this process impressed me immensely. A system of “personal communication” is one that allows the user to communicate at anytime, anyplace, to anyone, and in any way. It painted such a beautiful of picture of a future society that I became fully convinced that it is a subject well worth my lifelong pursuit. This was why I chose Mobile Telecommunications as my area of specialization in the graduate program. As a graduate student, I completed several research projects independently and successfully, including, for instance, “Turbo Code and the Application of Its Coding Concept.” In short frame conditions, the Turbo Code, with its improved application in engineering, seems to have a bright future in real-time voice-data service (Please see the attached article). After completing my graduate degree, I entered Datang Group, a pioneer in China’s software development. Here I did software design for the switch control template used at the RNC equipment for the TD-SCDMA system, and developed a switching computation method for the RRM Strategy. I went through the entire process of software design for the switch control template for the RNC equipment, from topic analysis to the project outline and then to actual program writing. The present development of telecommunication technology indicates that the smart antenna, software radio, and the transmission technology of subline 下行 high-speed subdivided exchange data (下行高速分组交换数据传输技术) are key technologies for today’s mobile telecommunications. Software radio, in particular, has attracted much public attention. The use of DSP and software to solve the problem of wireless interfaces of diverse standards on a public hardware platform has become a major issue pursued by many professionals in our field. I too hope to make my own contribution to the technological development in this area. In the next few years, the traditional concept of using.

chips to build wireless equipment for mobile telecommunication will be seriously challenged. In recent years, the technologies and standards of the third generation of mobile telecommunication have been rapidly updated. Software radio, I believe, will be the future of our trade. My desire to know more about computer engineering prompted me to rise above my present conditions. The United States, as technological superpower, have first-rate teaching faculty and research facilities in the world. Its ideological openness and tolerance make a sharp contrast to Chinese culture, which tends to value tradition rather than innovation. Wireless telecommunication may be said to be one of the newest research areas, and it is new concepts and new vision that give life to the industry. I believe that in the fine research environment in the United States, I will be able to make “shortcuts” in attaining my academic and career goals. I would like to apply for admission to the Center for Wireless Telecommunications of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. As the most prestigious research institute in Wireless Telecommunications, the Center has a large number of famed scholars and professionals dedicated to the theoretic research of Wireless Telecommunications. Meanwhile, it maintains close contact with the telecommunication industry, and in this way can test the theory in practical experimentation, which in turn promotes theoretic research. It is an ideal place for me to fully develop my research potential. I look forward to finding a teaching position at college level in China after completing my graduate education, which will allow me to continue my research work in Wireless Telecommunications. I will impart my theoretic and practical knowledge to my students, and hope that this will benefit China’s wireless telecommunication industry, and society at large. I will make every effort to make the idea of “personal communication” a reality.

留学生个人陈述范文 第6篇








