tpo19独立作文范文 第1篇
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
In order to be well-informed, a person must get information from many different news resources.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
tpo19独立作文范文 第2篇
Hi, my name is Bill. I was talking your professor in the subway about the greatest phone service I used. And it turned out we both interested in marketing, so he asked me to talk to the marketing class. You see I am a buzzer, part time you know. During the day, I am a student just like you. Now I had read that piece of tacking buzzing, it is really misleading. How it described buzzing leads out a lot and gives the wrong impression.
大家好,我是比尔。我刚才在地铁上跟你们教授谈论我用过的最好的.电话服务,然后他让我来市场营销课堂上讲一讲。大家知道我是一个兼职托儿。在白天我跟你们一样是个学生。我看到了这个关于口碑营销的偏见的文章,这是一种误导。 里面对于口碑营销的描述是错误的。
First, it makes a sound that buzzing do not tell the truth about the products they are buzzing. That is not true. How buzzing work is this:companies find people who
use the product and who really think the product is good. So, buzzing is not like ordinary advertisement when an actress is paid to read some lines. Yes, I get pay for telling what I think, but you get the truth from buzzers. I really do think my phone service is great. That is why the company hired me.
Second, the reading makes it seem that when a buzzer talks to someone, the person believes whatever he hear from the buzzer. Not true. In fact, the opposite is true. People I talk to ask a lot of questions about the product I buzz, that’s about the price, service and how long I used the product. If I don’t have the answers, they won’t buy the product.
第二点,读者认为当一个托儿向别人推销的时候,这个人会相信托儿所说的一切。 这也不是真的。事实与之恰恰相反。我所交谈过的人都会问很多关于我推销的产品的问题,比如价格、服务还有我使用的时间。如果我不能回答,他们就不会买这种产品。
Finally, if you believe what you read, buzzing will destroy civilization. That’s stupid. If a product is bad, the company cannot recruit buzzers. So, what you get from a buzzer is not only sincere, it is likely to be about a good product. If you try the phone service I use, you will get love it. So, people who try buzzed products are going to have good experience, so they will end up being more trustful and open to people.
tpo19独立作文范文 第3篇
As stated in the reading, many critics would like buzzing to be banned. Yet a buzzer
Bill, dissenting from those critics, argues for buzzing in three aspects.
First, he contends that the point made in the reading, that buzzers don’t tell the truth, is not true. Buzzers, he explains, although they are paid by companies, are
actually previous users having enjoyed the product and willing to share their real thoughts with us.
Second, he argues against buzzers’ role in misleading consumers as illustrated in the reading, by saying that consumers remain clear and skeptical when being buzzed. They question about details such as price, service and the buzzer’s familiarity before drawing their final decision according to the responses.
Third, about the harmful effects imposed by buzzing on civilization mentioned in the reading, he indicates that buzzers are only employed to promote worthy products they ever used to leave consumers a nice experience, as a result of which buzzing benefits social relationships.
tpo19独立作文范文 第4篇
In modern society, media was almost everywhere. At the beginning of one day, I read a newspaper when eating breakfast. On the mass transportation to office, I listen to radio programs until the subway arrive my destination. A high school boy next to me is playing an I-phone, and people on the bus read books, journals, and magazines. I usually skimp newspapers and magazines when passing by a convenient store. Actually, there are too many sources providing information. I take advantage of them every day, but I still do not feel well-informed, because there is too much information filling into my thinking. So that is the reason why I disagree with the statement that a person must get information from various news sources to be well-informed.
First of all, there are too many sources, and most of them give segment information. The segment information might be misleading our judgment. For example, the weather reports on channels always have different opinions. Sometimes a programs says there would be rain tomorrow with 30 percentage raining rate, the other provided that it would be cloudy tomorrow and possible a sunny day. Their forecasts are different and might be true. Unfortunately, people are more likely to get all of them, which made us harder to make a decision for tomorrow’s plan. Hence, people get information from different sources might mislead their judgment and be more difficult to be well-informed.
Second, if the people have many sources for information, they will have no time to be well-informed, because they must spend more time integrating them. For example, when I was in the university, I did a study on earth quake and tsunami. I gathered the information from textbooks, national geographic magazines, and discovery channel, as well as the internet. I spent many time organizing these information, and got different knowledge from different media. From the textbook, I knew causes of earth quake and its relationship with tsunami. Then, from the discovery channel, I learned the nascent point of view from well-known researchers. I also had the various theories on the internet and finally found they were partially obsolete. After I gathered all the information, I found that to integrate them into a study was really a task, since there was too much information. As a result, I needed more time to be well-informed, and I would rather to take a geological class about the topic.
In sum, there are too many sources providing information. We could spend a lot of time to absorb it all, but the information might be different from different sources. This might make us misleading and lose our judgment. In addition, information from different sources might be too diverged to merge. With that, we have to spend more time on organization. Therefore, many different news sources are appropriate for a person who wants to be well-informed.
tpo19独立作文范文 第5篇
1. 在过去时间里合理不代表在现在合理
2. 风险与机遇并存,结合个人喜好的做事方式可能会带来新的机会
3. 就算不顾个人喜好按照传统做事,可能有违自己内心,做事会不开心甚至产生抵触心理
Having existed for a long time, traditions, which consist of a set of beliefs and customs, are usually considered as normal and standard practices among many cultures. Therefore, it is argued by some people that despite potential conflicts with people’s own personal preferences, following traditions is more important way of doing things. However, I personally agree with the view that individual preferences are more important than traditions.
There are two main reasons. For one thing, it is acknowledged that every person has his or her own distinct features. With different family, social, cultural or educational backgrounds, people all have formed their own ways of doing things with their preferences. Following traditions, by contrast, always means that people should adopt the same methods to deal with various situations. However, these traditions, in some cases, could turn out to be quite rigid and do not suit every person. If people can apply their own preferable ways, they can be more motivated and so are more likely to complete tasks with higher efficiency and bring better outcomes. For another, times have changed, and some traditions are no longer appropriate for the current society. In this case, people have to make compromise and individual preferences can help to accelerate this process in the hope of finding better ways to cope with some unexpected even more complicated situations.
Admittedly, there are some reasons why some people believe traditions are more important than personal preferences. Since traditions have existed for a long time, they have always proven to be the right way or the most reasonable method of doing things without having too much potential to take risks. Individual preferences, however, probably are quite different from the popular opinions and sometimes even cause some conflicts. Most importantly, due to the uncertainty, personal preferences cannot easily be accepted by the general public as well. Nevertheless, what I want to refute is that traditions cannot always be sensible in today’s era, and since opportunities and risks can coexist, doing things with one’s own preferences can also bring numerous new opportunities. Also, if people choose to only follow the traditions and ignore their own individual needs, it is difficult for them to handle things with joy and perhaps they may even get depressed in the end.
Therefore, it is not reasonable to only follow the traditions even when those traditions have conflicts with or are quite different from personal preferences. I firmly believe that individual preferences are more important than traditional ways. Faced with opportunities and risks, people should try to figure out the most appropriate ways to treat traditions.
tpo19独立作文范文 第6篇
Many consumers ignore commercial advertisements. In response, advertising companies have started using a new tactic, calling “buzzing.” The advertisers hire people – buzzers – who personally promote (buzz) products to people they know or meet. The key part is that the buzzers do not reveal that they are being paid to promote anything. They behave as though they were just spontaneously praising a product during normal conversation. Buzzing has generated a lot of controversy,and many critics would like to see it banned.
很多消费者都无视商业广告。为了应对这种情况,广告公司开始采取一种名为“托儿”的新策略。广告公司雇佣托儿,让他们向他们认识的或者遇见的人推荐产品。 这种策略的关键是托儿是会隐藏他们受雇佣来推荐产品这一事实的。他们表现出 他们只是在日常的交流中无意地推荐某种产品。这种营销方式引来了很多争议, 而许多批评家希望能够禁止这种方式。
First, the critics complain that consumers should know whether a person praising a product is being paid to praise the product. Knowing this makes a big difference: we expect the truth from people who we believe do not have any motive for misleading us. But with buzzing what you hear is just paid advertising, which may well give a person incorrect information about the buzzed product.
首先,批评家认为消费者有权利知道向他推荐产品的人是否是有报酬的。知道真相是很重要的。我们预期真相的来源是那些我们相信他不会为任何原因误导我们的人。但是你从托儿口里听到的宣传是付费的广告,而这些宣传可能会给人提供 错误的消息。
Second, since buzzers pretend they are just private individuals, consumers listen to their endorsement less critically than they should. With advertisements in print or on TV, the consumer is on guard for questionable claims or empty descriptions such as “new and improved.” But when consumers do not know they are being lobbied, they may accept claims they would otherwise be suspicious of. This may suit the manufacturers, but it could really harm consumers.
第二,鉴于 托儿假装他们只是个人,消费者听到他们推荐的时候就不会像平常 那样有辨别力了。对于印刷品或者电视上的广告,消费者会提防里面令人生疑的 说法和诸如“新款、升级”之类的空洞描述。但是当消费者不知道他们是被人游说的,他们可能会接受本来他们不会相信的说法。这样可能满足了制造商的需求,但是却会对消费者带来伤害。
And worst of all is the harmful effect that buzzing is likely to have on social relationships. Once we become aware that people we meet socially may be buzzers with a hidden agenda, we will become less trustful of people in general. So, buzzing will result in the spread of mistrust and the expectation of dishonesty.
而最糟糕的是这种口碑营销的方式会破坏社会关系。一旦我们知道了我们在社交 中遇到的人是有这隐秘目的的托儿,我们会不在那么信任别人的。所以,口碑营销对导致不信任和不忠诚的蔓延。