mba管理类联考作文范文 第1篇
免费的福利往往会导致公共资源的过度使用,将造成不公平的问题。在经济社会中,通过个人的努力与拼搏来获得维持自身的物质财富,从而实现自我价值。然而, 当一部分社会主体发现自身所获得收入被无偿的作为福利赠予穷人时,而有人却能坐享其成,这种对比下造成的不公平,会使得人们对工作的积性大打折扣,社会的高效运行被破坏,甚至危害到社会的稳定。所以,为了维护社会的公平性,我们也不应当对穷人提供福利。
mba管理类联考作文范文 第2篇
再次,“金砖四国”的突起,也未必是由互联网技术的发展所导致。比如很可能巴西靠的是它的 “世界原料基地”,俄罗斯靠的是它的 “世界加油站”,中国和印度靠的是它廉价的劳动力。一旦这些优势丧失,其发展潜力很可能会大打折扣。
最后,经济的发展,除受信息因素的影响外,还受资金、地理、资源、交通、教育、人口素质、文化传统等各种因素的制约。由于非洲相对于北美、中国西部相对于东南沿海,在这些方面都还存在着巨大的差异,甚至难以填平的鸿沟,所以,它们的崛起就未必是那么乐观的 “指日可待”了。
mba管理类联考作文范文 第3篇
Environmental protection is no doubt a major issue confronting the modern society with the development of new technologies and the explosion of world population. While the issue is certainly relevant to each individual citizen and all the companies, some people contend that only the government should be concerned about protecting the environment. I concede that the government should lead the efforts in addressing the environmental problems. Nevertheless, cooperation and participation from the corporations and individual citizens are essential as well.
There is no doubt that the government is the agency that should play the leading roles in solving the environmental problems. To begin with, with the power to collect taxes from individual citizens and private companies, the government have the financial resources that are necessary to deal with environmental issues. In addition, the government may formulate policies to provide incentives for the companies and individuals to reduce the amount of pollution caused by their activities. Finally, the government is the only institution that may enact laws related to environmental problems.
On the other hand, without the cooperation and participation of individual citizens and private companies, the government's efforts to protect the environment would not be effective. For example, the government may launch a campaign to educate the public about the desirability of driving compact cars for reducing the air pollution. The campaign would make little difference if the individuals pay little attention to the information or do not care about the environment at all. Nor would the government's goal be achieved if the car manufacturers do not produce more compact cars for the market. In other words, the government alone cannot solve the problem of environment. It takes the collaborative efforts from individual and corporate citizens to improve the situation.
In conclusion, I agree that the government should take the responsibility to lead the society in addressing the problems of environmental pollution as it has the power and resources necessary to do so. Nonetheless, individual citizens and private companies have to be engaged if the government is to accomplish anything.