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阐述说明型英语作文范文 第1篇



在文章开始时提出需要说明的东西和观点,然后常用first,second,…and finally加以罗列说明。罗列法广泛地使用于各类指导性的说明文之中,下面这篇学生作文就是用罗列法写成的:

Early Rising

Early rising (早起) is helpful in more than one way. First, it helps to keep us fit (健康)。 We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, we can do good to our health from doing morning exercise (做早操)。

Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies. We learn more quickly in the morning, and find it easier to remember what we learn in the morning.

Thirdly, early rising enables (使能够) us to plan the work of the day. We cannot work well without a good plan. Just as the plan for the year should be made in the spring, so the plan for the day should be made in the morning.

Fourthly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our faces and hands and eat our breakfast properly.

Late risers may find it very difficult to form the habit of early rising. They ought to make special efforts to do so. As the English proverb says,“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”


There are several good reasons why we should learn a foreign language. First of all, …Secondly, …And finally, …

We should try our best to plant more trees for several good reasons First of all, …Secondly, …And finally,

必须指出的是,有时罗列法并不一定有明确的first, second…等词,但文章还是以罗列论据展开的。


举例法是用具体的例子来说明我们要表达的意思,常用for example, for instance, still another example is…等词语引出。下面这篇学生作文就是用举例法写成的:


It is impossible to keep in good health unless we take enough recreation (娱乐)。 The mind, too, needs change to make it fresh and vigorous (有活力的) There is much truth in the old saying, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.“

There are many games which boys and girls can play after their school work is done, for instance, football, tennis, and kite-flying. Other examples of recreation are boating, fishing, gardening, cycling, walking, chess-playing, and reading. Persons who sit much at their business should take a kind of recreation that will supply their muscles (肌肉) with exercise. Those who spend most of their time in the open air and do manual work (体力活) should adopt (采纳) reading or some other quiet form of recreation.

Cycling is said to be an important means of recreation, but many persons foolishly tire out themselves by cycling too much. The same may be said in regard to football. Tennis is a pleasant form of recreation. Many persons take great delight in boating. Fishing requires much patience, and there is much danger of taking cold by sitting still on a cold day too long. A good brisk (轻松) walk is one of the finest forms of exercise. For persons engaged in outdoor labor, chess-playing is another excellent form of recreation.


3.比较法(comparison and contrast)


From Paragraph to Essay

Although they are different in length (长度), the paragraph and the essay are quite similar in structure (结构)。 For example, the paragraph starts with either a topic sentence (主题句) or a topic introducer followed by a topic sentence. In the essay, the first paragraph sets up the topic focus (主题所在) Next, the sentences in the body of a paragraph develop the topic sentence. Similarly, the body of an essay consists of a number of paragraphs that discuss and support the ideas given in the introductory (引导的) paragraph. Finally, a concluding sentence (结束句) ——whether a restatement, conclusion, or observation——ends the paragraph. The essay, too, has a concluding paragraph which ends the essay logically and satisfactorily. Although there are some exceptions (例外), most well written expository (说明文的) paragraphs and essays are similar in structure.

可以看出,在比较相同点的时候,常用到similarly,also,too,in the same case,in spite of the difference等这样的词语。

European Football and American Football

Although European football is the parent of American football, the two games show several major differences. European football, sometimes called association football or soccer, is played in 80 countries, making it the most widely played sport in the world. American football, on the other hand, is popular only in North America (the United States and Canada)。 Soccer is played by eleven players with a round ball. Football, also played by eleven players in somewhat different positions (位置) on the field, is played with an elongated (拉长的') round ball. Soccer has little body contact (接触) between players and therefore needs no special protective equipment. Football, in which players make the greatest use of body contact to stop a running ball-carrier and his teammates, needs special protective equipment. In soccer, the ball is advanced toward the goal by kicking it or by butting (顶) it with the head. In American football, on the other hand, the ball is passed from hand to hand or carried in the hands across the opponent's (对手) goal. These are just a few of the features which distinguish (区别) association and American football.

这是一篇用比较不同点的手法写的说明文。从文章中可以看出:however,on the other hand,in contrast,but,nevertheless等表示转折的词语常用来引导对不同点的比较。





A bat is a small mouse-like animal that flies at night and feeds on(以……为食品)fruit and insects but is not a bird.

其实,在英—英词典中,对英语单词的英文解释就是定义法的典型例子。比如,看看Longman词典对student和teacher的定义是很有意思的:A student is a person who is studying at a place of education or training. A teacher is a person who gives knowledge or skill to sb. as a profession (专业)。

5.顺序法(sequence of time, space and process)



Coal underwent (经受) many changes before it became the bright, brittle (脆的), black substance which we now use. During ancient times (在上古时代), when the earth enjoyed a very warm and wet climate, the land was covered with large forests and big plants. As time went on, the ground changed and began to sink (下沉) a little. These very large numbers of trees and vegetables received a deposit (沉淀) of sand and clay. This layer of sand and clay pressed upon the layer beneath and prevented it from contact with air. These trees and plants received the pres sure and changed its appearance.

Generations after generations (几世纪后), as the ground kept gradually sinking, another layer of sand and clay was again deposited (积聚) above the layers already formed. A great pressure was thus exerted (作用) and the peat (泥煤) was changed into the black and brittle substance which is known as coal.

Coal is a kind of mineral which is formed by nature as above stated. It is an important industrial material and is chiefly used as fuel. It is very valuable in the industrial world. The place where coal deposit is called a coal mine (煤矿)。 In China, coal mines are largely found in the north-west part of the country. Shanxi is a famous province for producing coal. It has the most coal of China.


分类法是将写作对象进行分类说明的一种写作手法。比如:著名的英国哲学家弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)在其脍炙人口的《谈读书》(Of Studies)一文中就用到了分类法:

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested, that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books…

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第2篇




③、作比较:把__________和__________加以比较,突出强调了事物的特征/事理。 ④、作诠释:对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。

⑤、打比方:将__________比作__________,从而形象生动地说明了事物的特征/事理。 ⑥、摹状貌:对事物的特征/事理加以形象化的描摹,使说明更具体形象。


⑧、列数字:用具体的数据对事物的特征/事理加以说明,使说明更准确更有说服力。 ⑨、列图表:用列图表的方式对事物的特征/事理加以说明,使说明更简明更直观。 ⑩、引用说明:引用说明有以下几种形式——




D、引用神话传说、新闻报道、谜语、轶事趣闻等。作用是增强说明的趣味性。 (引用说明在文章开头,还起到引出说明对象的作用。)




















































































第三,夸张要注意文体特征,如科技说明文、说理文章就很少用甚至不用夸张,以免歪曲事实。 对偶








3、串对(流水对)。上下句意思上具有承接、递进、因果、假设、条件等关系的对偶形式。例如: c.才饮长江水,又食武昌鱼。
















1、成分排比 即一个句子中的一些成分组成排比。例如:

延安的歌声 它是黑夜的火把,雪天的煤炭,大旱的甘霖。

2、分句排比 即一个复句的各个分句构成排比。例如:


3、单句排比 例如:



如果我们能够研制出一种类似 鹰眼的搜索、观测技术系统,就能够扩大飞行员的视野,提高他们的视敏度。如果能研制出具有鹰眼视觉原理的“电子鹰眼”,就有可能用于控制远程激光制导武器的发射。如果能给导弹装上小巧的“鹰眼系统”,那么它就可以象雄鹰一样,自动寻找、识别、追踪目标,做到百发百中。







为了加强语气,用疑问句的形式表示确定的意屋常用肯定形式表示否定,用否定形式表示肯定。例如: 就说蒋筑英吧.已经经过了这样长久的考验,跑他入党的志愿,也一定要等到死后才能由省委的追认满足么?(用肯定的形式表示否定)







阐述说明型英语作文范文 第3篇


抽样调查举例   ──调查中小学生的视力情况教学设计   代启梅































(一)创设情境   确定方案










[1] [2] [3] 下一页


阐述说明型英语作文范文 第4篇

As we know, our country suffered heavy ice early . Everything was covered with freezing rain. Guizhou, Hunan and Sichuan suffered the most. It caused the buses, trains and planes stop service. The disaster destroyed power facilities, cutting power supplies in many areas. As a result, huge economic loss was caused. Many people could not work and live normally. There was no food, water or light in some places. Our government called on people to fight against heavy snow. As a student, I think we should learn from those heroes. We must study hard at school. We should learn all kinds of knowledge to make our motherland stronger, better and richer.


阐述说明型英语作文范文 第5篇

Recently _______,what amazes us most is______________,it is ture that__________.

There are many reasons main reason is____________________.

what is a result_______________.

Considering all there, one thing_____________________,for another________






认真分析后我们可以看到,A对社会/世界 /健康的不利有很多。首先,从最直观的角度来看,A的出现直接损害了(这里加入一句针对性的话,如人类的身体健康和环境的平衡) 。(举例)。其次,从更深一层次上讲,它为人类的精神文明蒙上了一层阴影。更可怕的是,由于A所产生微小利益,却促成了许多可悲的人们为其忘乎所以,破坏了人类生存的法则和空间。



One object or phenomenon (negative significance inclination.)

A has attracted extensive attention of the society. Nowadays, increasingly more argumentations about A can be found in TV programs, newspapers, ugogo and marry aspects of our everyday life.

Since its concept covers vast fields, such as science, humanity, ideology, economy, society and nature, A is difficult to be defined, precisely and fixedly. Generally speaking ,we can describe A as follows:…….

A’s status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its in negligible but harmful influence on individuals, collective, and even the whole world. It seems to have a strange power to drive some individuals or organizations to act wrongly. The essence of these wrong actions is:

(1) to gain personal, short-term and partial individual interest at the expense of damaging others’ long-term and overall interest;

(2) to adopt improper means to win more rewards with less input.

Situating under the shadow of A, individuals /organizations and violate natural law merely to obtain temporary, or even illusory interests. However, the result may turn out to be loss of really important and valuable resource or ability.

We must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by A, because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree and then spread, it will surely threaten the development of the whole society.

Though with various reasons and forms, from the perspective of the essence, the problems brought by A originates from the fundamental principle of human ideology and material production. Thus, we should seek the solutions through setting foot on this principle.

Due to the depth and width of A’s harmful influence, we should draft our on the basis of deep analysis of A problem. We must acquire our power from technology, management, law and culture terrorm, effectively eliminate the shadow of A, and ensures ourselves a bright future.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第6篇

托福口语阐述观点技巧介绍 让考官听懂你想表达什么




3、在描述时,应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower,tree,bird等细节,增强生动性。










(1)关于进入考场的顺序,老师一般是按照名字字母的顺序ABCD...安排考位的,偶当时考得时候Z,最后第三个进去,做听力最后几段的时候,的确不少朋友开始试音了,对听力有部分干扰。考口语的时候,少数先进去的讲完了,但是大部分人都还在讲,感觉现场比较乱,如果心理状态不是很好的朋友,很容易受到干扰。所以就口语而言,其实先进的朋友还是有一定优势的。当然有部分朋友会觉得如果先进的话,就不能使所谓的“小聪明” ,这就是问题4,先提上来解决。




(5)紧张如何克服呢?我之前看多机经,不少朋友会利用口语考试前休息的10分钟,把自己准备的口语模版默写下来,把纸对折成4,一张纸正反面即可。我亲身实践了一下,完全可行。中间问老师要了些白纸和换了铅笔,然后默写模版,时间刚刚好,当然我没有出去吃东西或者上厕所,考试的时候,默写的时候,模版在左,笔记在右,感觉挺胸有成竹的,一点都不紧张。回答的时候,就像填空差不多,读一读就好了。大家也看到,IBT口语-23分并不难,如果大家也这么准备,相信23分应该不是问题。Good luck!


托福口语考试对考生最具挑战性的一点是考生几乎没有深入思考的时间,从给出题目到开始考试,只有短短的15秒钟,却要求在45秒钟之内给出一个有头有尾的完整回答。老师说,托福考试是对考生英语素质的考察,很多考生面对计算机,不自觉就会出现很多口头禅,有英文的:well,you know等或者毫无意义的“啊、嗯”的音节,更有甚者,将自己的中文口头禅也说出来。这些无意义的词语出现在只有45秒的口语答案中,很具杀伤力。


















阐述说明型英语作文范文 第7篇

In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us. The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.


阐述说明型英语作文范文 第8篇





There are basic differences between large and small enterprises. In a small enterprise, you operated mainly through personal contacts. In a large enterprise, you have established “policies” , “channels” of organization, and fairly strict procedure. In the small enterprise you have immediate effectiveness in a very small area. You can see the effect of your work and of your decisions ground. In the large organization you are normally taught one thing thoroughly. In the small one the danger is of becoming a Jack-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none. In the large it is of becoming the man who knows more and more about less and less.

2) 整块比较

It is easy to be a winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlike winners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to face defeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointment publicly. They can not cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but they must be composed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.



1) As far as political views are concerned, people fall into three categories. First are the conservative people. Conservatives are opposed to sudden or great changes. Second are the liberal people are in favor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem to idealistic. The third type is the moderate people. The moderates keep everything within reasonable limits. They are more practical in this hard world. In my opinion, most people seem to belong to this group.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第9篇


-04-21 荔行人生

Topic: Should our fresh man live bythemselves or live with others in the different grades.


Hello everyone, today I want to discuss topicwith you: Should our fresh men live by themselves or live with others in thedifferent grades?

Of course, different people have differentideas. Now, I will share my idea with you, which is that we should live with studentsin the same grade

First,Freshmen can go to class together, to adapt tothe new teaching method and spend the free time together. Unlike high schoolwhich is busy, college life gives us a lot of spare time when everyone gather togetherin the dormitory to share the attitudes  towards the new school and new teachers, discusstheir professional knowledge, and talk about the future plan of development. Itis very convenient to do these things if students in the same grade live in thesame dormitory.

Second, freshman is so shy, not familiar with the surrounding living together with the seniors, they may be laughed at and bullied, butfreshmen living together can help each other to be familiar with thesurroundings. For example, we can go around the campus and find it so this is what high school students think of no fun, but freshmen arefull of curiosity, so I think the freshmen should live together.

In conclusion, let us join hands together to create a good livingenvironment. The dormitory is also home to us. It needs our join efforts to letit become warm and harmonious. So, cherish our college life, cherish the collegefriendship.

By Jinhuan

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第10篇


要求:1. 文章必须包括描述和评论两部分;根据内容适当发挥,注意行文连贯。

2. 词数:100词左右。









This is a funny and instructive picture. In the picture, a young man is smoking happily in a factory when he sees a sign which means “No smoking” on the wall. But he finds that the factory is giving off large quantities of heavy smoke which makes him feel very puzzled, “Why does the factory forbid people to smoke while the factory itself emits so much poisonous smoke?”

Nowadays, many factories know the danger of smoking to themselves and don’t allow people smoking in the factory. However, they don’t pay any attention to the danger that they cause to the whole society. And they let out lots of polluted smoke which does great harm to our environment.

In my opinion, we could live without most of the industrial products, but we could not survive without nature! Therefore, something must be done to prevent the pollution caused by all factories!

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第11篇



The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ---------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).

In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the say------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.


Nowadays, there are more and more [某种现象] in [某种场合]. It is estimated that [相关数据]. Why have there been so many [某种现象]? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.

The first one is [原因一]. Besides, [原因二].

The third one is [原因三]. To sum up, the main cause of [某种现象] is due to [最主要原因]. It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, [解决办法一].

On the other hand, [解决办法二]. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of [某种现象].



英语作文开头万能公式 【3】



经典句型:A proverb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that…




所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey, about of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.




Travel by Bike




Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?


更多句型:A recent statistics shows that …

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第12篇











Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet, but what is it, do you know? The Internet is a network. It uses the telephone to join millions of computers together around the world.

Maybe that doesn’t sound very interesting. But when you’ve joined to the Internet, there are lots and lots of things you can do. You can send E-mails to your friends, and they can get them in a few seconds. You can also do with all kinds of information on the World Wide Web (WWW).

There are many different kinds of computers now. They all can be joined to the Internet. Most of them are small machines sitting on people’s desks at home, but there are still many others in schools, offices or large companies. These computers are owned by people and companies, but no one really owns the Internet itself.

There are lots of places for you to go into the Internet. For example, your school may have the Internet. You can use it during lessons or free time. Libraries often have computers joined to the Internet. You are welcome to use it at only time.

Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. It is possible for you to work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information you need. You can buy or sell whatever you want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information on the Internet is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Internet. B. Information.

C. Computers. D. E-mails.

2. Which is the quickest and cheapest way to send messages to your friends?

A. By post. B. By E-mail.

C. By telephone. D. By satellite.

3. Which may be the most possible place for people to work in tomorrow?

A. In the office. B. At school.

C. At home. D. In the company.

4. Whose the owner of the Internet?

A. The headmaster. B. The officer.

C. The user. D. No one.

5. What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?

A. English is important in using the Internet.

B. the Internet is more and more popular.

C. Most of the information is in English.

D. Every computer must have the Internet.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第13篇

Which one do you prefer, to solve problems on your own experience and knowledge, or to ask others for advice?

As knowledge and experience serve as twim towers in problem-solving, one is often presented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, eitther to wrack his brain, just like what happened to Neuton, siiting for many years under an apple tree and eventually figuring out ond of the greatest universal rules that govern the whole globe, or to seek for others’ widsom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjinin Franklin, gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown libray. Both ways work. When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative. Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others’ advice contribute greatly to effectiveness and effeciency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someone’s mind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with group’s wisdom. That explains the famous old saying that one sees further when standing upon the shoulders’ of past great giants; that explains why a great leader is always with greater minds; that also explains why teamwork in corperation is highly emphasized in the 21st century. Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhance capabilities of each individula involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, or even the entire global village.

Asking others’ advice instead of getting everything done on one’s own promotes democracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, and their sayingin turn reflects our respect toward freedom of speech as well as their wisdom. In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, and hereby better mutual

understanding about perspectives, principles, praticalities and personalities of each other.

Admittely turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refers to absolute and irresponsible dependence. Consideration upon different thoughts and ideas broadens our mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective and efficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, which

undoubtedly gives rise to better, if not the best solutions. As is paraphrased from John F Kenedy, brainstormed, there is little we cannot do while divided, there is little we can do.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第14篇









阐述说明型英语作文范文 第15篇

Explanation: for this part, you can wte a short article according to the pictes below. You should start yo article with the pictes below, and then elaborate on the importance of exercise to human beings. You should wte at least some words, but not than words.

We should those who need . The picte shows what we often read in the news. In modern society, when an old man is lying on the street, passers-by are hesitating whether to do something in case of csing unnecessary tuble.

First of all, there may be some main reasons for this phenomenon. It is reported that some elderly people deliberately fall down and blackmail people who them. It is these old people's behaviors that make this phenomenon seous, although there are Some people want to them, but they are afraid of unnecessary pblems.

On the other hand, in modern society, the old people who really need can't get the of passers-by. Everyone is very busy and indifferent to their own affairs, only concerned about their position, salary, etc. Try to imagine that when you need but no one can summaze it for you, I think we have to those who need , but also ptect oselves.




阐述说明型英语作文范文 第16篇

Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. He came from a family of artists. His mother was an actress and his father was an actor. He started dancing and singing for money in 1894. In 1904, he went to America and he became a film director in 1914. He made many funny films from 1914 to 1966. He died in 1977. Many people were very sad at the news. People all over the world will remember him forever.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第17篇































阐述说明型英语作文范文 第18篇








仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower,tree,bird等细节,增强生动性。



Task 1

is the one style of clothing that students in your school tend to wear? 为什么喜欢这种风格的衣服Include specific reasons and details in your response.

about a volunteer work you enjoy doing, explain why you enjoy it in details.

an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and the kind of gift that's common.

people talk about environmental protection. Name one thing we can do to save our world.

every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past that young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition which formed in the past but you wish it is still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish it still popular.

it important to be polite and have good manners?

of the following three do you think is the most important for a great working environment? Friendly coworkers, flexible hours or a helpful boss?

do you usually reward yourself after hard work?

the situation where you can't use computer or have no access to internet for a month. How will your life be different? Use details and examples to explain.

you were making a donation, which of the follow organizations would you be making your donation to? Environmental protection group, city library, or animal shelter?

a character in a book,movie or TV program that deeply impressed you. Explain why you like this character. Include reasons and details to support your response.

one of your friends is always late for events and appointments,你会给他一些什么建议来帮助他变得更守时?

about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you don't like it.

14.一些现在的火车专门设有安静车厢 where passengers are not allowed to speak loudly and use cell phones, laptops or other mobile devices that produce loud sounds. 你觉得这是个好主意吗?Explain why or why not.

15.学生们需要在期末的时候 evaluate their professors吗?

of the following classes would you like to take: 1) history of science; 2) art history; 3) science of the 20th century?

one experience that your friend disappointed you and how you reacted to it.

about a social problem or issue your country is facing currently.

university plans to offer students cash rewards for high performance in one of following activities: Volunteer service, Athletic achievement, Academic performance. Choose one and explain why you think it deserves to be rewarded.

is the best way for parents to help their children succeed in school? Use details and examples to explain your answer.


1. What kind of lesson would you like to give in an elementary school: a lesson about how to protect the environment, how to grow plants, or how to cook simple food?

2. Describe a family member who is the most different from you. Give specific details in your answer.

3. An environmental group is planning to organize an activity to help protect the environment. What activity do you suggest and why?

4. Among the following professions, which do you think is the most important to a city? Police officer, building designer or transport worker.

5. One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend? Please include examples and details in your answer.

6. Some schools have a policy that requires students to bring their own laptop computer into the class. Do you agree or disagree with this practice?

7. What kind of gift would you like to send to one of your friends: a gift for practical use or a gift just for fun?

8. Nowadays many people find their social network on the internet, do you think it is a positive trend?

9. Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up money until they can afford it. Which do you prefer and why? Please include examples and details in your answer.

10. As to test-taking, some students prefer to write an essay, while others prefer to answer objective questions. Which do you prefer and why?

新托福口语解析:cancel the time workshop

Task 3新托福口语解析:cancel the time workshop

标题:The university decides to cancel the time workshop.





原因二:学期中、学期末学生也有很多其他事情要忙,不如一开始就去time arrangement workshop寻求帮助。



吧愀猀欀 2


吧愀猀欀 3

【阅读】提议教授给学生class note


1.这样上课容易走神不理解;2 不会去上课

吧愀猀欀 4

【术语】Peer reinforcement


吧愀猀欀 5



吧愀猀欀 6




阐述说明型英语作文范文 第19篇

According to the following Chinese instructions, wte in English (wall newspaper) instruction: wte English composition in Chinese according to the following instructions, sir, I heard that o school will welcome some Canadian students to stay here for o weeks. Students who want to invite them to stay can attend the ITI. I want to give it a try.

My parents and I can speak fluent English, which s us communicate with each other. O house is big enough for him or her to live for another peod of time. I live near Huanu River.

I can see the betiful scenery of Shanghai in my home. He or she will like a lot of Chinese culte. My grandparents are good at wting and my grandmother is good at Chinese painting.

I think o fends will give him an interesting and comfortable expeence. Thank you for reading in yo busy work. I hope you can agree with me Yo sincety, Li Hong.




阐述说明型英语作文范文 第20篇

1、 根据课文特点和学生实际情况,以激发兴趣法、形象联系法、指导归纳法、拓展思维法进行教学。



2、 采用多媒体教学平台,运用多种教学手段,扩大教学容量。





阐述说明型英语作文范文 第21篇

















阐述说明型英语作文范文 第22篇






1. 表达时间

1)a long time ago, 2) at six o’clock in the morning, 3)at the end of,

4)at the weekend, 5)before he came here, 6) by the end of last term,

7)during the summer holidays, 8)in a few years’ time, 9)in the past,

10)in the old days, 11)in the past ten years, 12) in August ,

13)in winter vacation, 14) in weekdays, 15) last month, 16) next week,

17)on Sunday morning, 18)on October 1st

19)since early in the 20th century, 20)so far, 21)up to now, 22) not…until, 23)while , 24)in the 1930’s ( in the thirties of the twentieth century)

25)January, February, March , April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

2. 表达地点

1)at the crossing, 2) at the end of the street, 3)at the airport, at the village,

4)at the foot of the mountain, 5)at the bottom, 6)at the top of,

7) be located in, 8) behind the park, 9)be situated in,

10)five kilometers to the north of Guangzhou,

11)in the south of Guangdong Province, 12)in the middle of the park,

13)in Class 3 Grade 2, 14)in front of the bus, 15) in the tree,

16)in Guangdong, 17) in China,

18)lies to the west of Sichuan, 19)on the other side of the street,

20)on both sides of the road, 21) on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean ,

22)on the right。

3. 表达因果

as, as a result, because, because of, for, in the end, cause, result in, consequently, originate from, since, so, therefore, It is clear that… , It turns out to be… , The primary reason is … , etc.

4. 常用指路句子

1)Go along the street and take the second turning on the left/turn left at the second crossing沿着这条街往前走,在第二个十字路口向左拐。

2)Cross the bridge/Go across the bridge.过桥

3)Go on until you reach the end. 一直往前走,直到尽头。

4)It’s about 100 meters along on the right. 它就在前面靠右大约100米处。

5)Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights. 沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。

6)Turn right / left at the second crossing. (Take the second turning on the right / left.) 在第二个十字路口向右 / 左转弯。

7)Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square. 坐46路公共汽车,在广场下车。

8)It‘s on the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road. 在淮海路和西藏路的路口。

9)Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left. 沿着外滩往前走,然后往走转弯。

10)It’s only about ten minutes‘ walk. (D) 那儿离这儿只有走大约10分钟的路。

My home is not far from here. It’s only five minutes walk. 我家离这儿不远,走5分钟就到。

It is one hour’ ride from Shanghai to Suzhou. 从上海坐车到苏州有1小时的路程。





4.金鸡牌闹钟(Gold Cock Alarm Clock)特点: 1)记时准确;2)外形多样、美观;3)闹声清脆悦耳; 4)经久耐用;5)用户评价高、行销世界各地;6)质优价廉。

Possible version:

school was set up in the 1960s. At present there are 21 classes, 1,031 students and 121 teachers in the school. The students have seven lessons every day and they have an hour for sports after class in the afternoon.。 This school is famous for its football team, which is the champion in the city.

hometown is a small one. It lies in the west of Hebei and to the south of Tianjin. Small as it is, it‘s very beautiful. It used to be very poor. Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. A lot of new factories, schools and hospitals have been set up. There are many flowers and trees on the roadside, which makes my hometown. all the more beautiful.

teaching building is a four-storeyed building.(Our teaching building is a building with four stories.) The teachers’ offices are on the first floor. There are 24 classrooms on the 2nd,3rd, and 4th floor. In each classroom there are 50 sets of chairs and desks. And each classroom is furnished with a TV set 。 At the end of each floor there is a language laboratory.

Gold Cock Alarm Clock has been warmly received by the people and is popular all over the world as its producer is equipped with(装备) the most advanced equipment and has a strict management. Being of high quality, the clock keeps good time and lasts a long time. It has various beautiful models. And the alarm is pleasant to hear. However, the price is reasonable.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第23篇





3、在描述时,应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower,tree,bird等细节,增强生动性。








在描述时,大家应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower、tree、bird等细节,增强生动性。




阐述说明型英语作文范文 第24篇




























阐述说明型英语作文范文 第25篇







阐述说明型英语作文范文 第26篇

Helicopter strike force, fish cheung tanked, and eagle soar, heaven and earth have a xiang nine days alone, solitary bully the power of the sky; Cicada to usurp the role of “cicada”, then only the branches, mediocre. Su Shiceng tells us: “into the big, you not only the world of the ancient, also have perseverance of the volunteers”. Empty talk one cavity revenge, will be ineffective.

May 18 look back in the spring and autumn has quietly away from me. And I knew that he was acting the cicadas, looking back scaned the age of 18 in the spring and autumn period, only talk the talk, alone in the branches, does nothing, heart can not help relief stuff, but in this time, 18 in the spring and autumn is the sea a bouquet. But life is 18 several spring and autumn period, stand up to us to squander? Looking at that time in the history of, listen to this “absolutely know this matter to practise.” The great poet lu you's great melody. Lu you already understand this truth, doing is better than saying, each person's success, not to say that come out of, if not just rhetoric, rhetoric that was just a belly empty, hustle, a paper, and the language is also good.

Listening to the bing xin's stars: “four or five flowers of speech opening the behavior of the fruit of the junction progressively more small.” Thoughtfully in the heart, the thunder again big, if the rain is too small, also is just a bluff. Work is the most true, actions speak louder than words. Today's symbol of today's symbol of buffett's daughter proud as a child, at a dinner party, the father for the daughter bragging about their future will certainly become a great writer, for his father. Father buffett didn't happy appreciates his daughter was determined, and instead ask her: “can you say what you have several works and appreciation for it?” Daughter stammer said not to come out, buffett and great anger, roar a way: “leave the table and return to your bedroom to reflect on yourself, remember, when you didn't do anything, don't dream of becoming.” Daughter proud when I was young, at a dinner party, the father for the daughter bragging about their future will certainly become a great writer, for his father.

Father buffett didn't happy appreciates his daughter was determined, and instead ask her: “can you say what you have several works and appreciation for it?” Daughter stammer said not to come out, buffett and great anger, roar a way: “leave the table and return to your bedroom to reflect on yourself, remember, when you didn't do anything, don't dream of becoming.” Grandiloquence who will say that, but if you don't do, talk again good. Buffett in all successful, because he took the time to do not say.

In the law of the survival of the fittest, all kind of frosty day race in the vast world of freedom, only action, to succeed.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第27篇

Summer reading book

I read “cry”, is read “Kong Yi a few”. Although previously read this article, but in “the scream” to create the atmosphere of, the sad and ridiculous Kong Yi few as if was added to the many tragic color.

Talking about Kong Yi, I think of China's education. At the end of Qing Dynasty, some people read the “heavy emperor Kennedy, the name of Er Cao. Wanban are Xiapin, only high school, ”“ child prodigy poetry, reveals a ”Scholar“ glorious; some people read is ”chaos, muddy coagulation and“ of ”young school Qiong Lin“, to teach the ancient cliche. These so-called ”textbook“, I really do not know how many times change.

And it is said to reduce the burden on students, the reason why said, it is said, it is because it does not seem to affect me. But to eat lunch, brother, sister, who seems to be benefited, just understand that the junior high school students is beyond the student category. At this point, once again, a few of the arguments: ”reading a book about people......“ Actually relieved a lot of.

After dinner, which asked: ”this year summer vacation homework?“ I stood up and looked at the unfinished work, shaking his head, said: ”not much less! Enough? Not much also.“

Today is the number 11, a few days to go to school classes. This afternoon I from the neighborhood kids with a few hands back a lollipop novel ”a thing“. In the novel the ”I“ for the first time see the driver, the noble qualities of a common laborer, in the heart although is in serious consideration and reflection. However, when the police came. ”I had to catch a handful of copper gave him.“ I have found that their small, can put yourself in the position to judge? The driver's behavior and whether they can use the money to weigh? Moreover, one can solve the problem of copper, wash away his mistake? Nature can't, and ”I“ can't answer myself ”.

Love of money often believe in money however is the “God of wealth” in “the legend of the God of wealth” in say: “hard work and honesty is not money can buy of.” Those who think that money is everything, everything in terms of money always claim to be a wise man, Mr. Lu Xun said: “world but by April Fool's cause, smart people will not support world...” Advise those who listen to “God of wealth”!

Reading, not only eich the knowledge, but also to make people understand the philosophy of life.

The Farm

Listen to others to say, in the happy farm vegetables is fun, I want to go there on a piece of land to grow vegetables.

Saturday, my mother helped me to apply for a QQ number, opened its own farm. Just started, I'm just a 0.

School, my mother said to me: “you have to take care of the farm to give you, you can only play once on Saturday.” I said, “okay.”.“

On Saturday, after my mother's approval, I entered my farm, I saw that I had been raised to level 3, and there were more than 5000 gold coins. Even more delightful is that my geography ”food“ has matured. I stretched out my hand, ”key removal“ soon after picking ”food.“.

At this time, I click next to the ”QQ friends“”. Friends “boards” and “papaya” mature, a yellow, very lovely, I'd steal some. At this time, I found a sign on the side of the “labor is glorious, stealing shame”. It suddenly dawned on me that it was wrong to steal other people's things. But the stolen papaya had entered the “warehouse”, I can't get it out. How to do? Let me do something for her. I picked up the herbicide to help her weed, but also used pesticides to help her kill the “dish” leaves on the pests.

After all these things, I went back to my farm. Pick up the shovel to shovel dirt, and then go to the store to buy seeds. “Store” of the seed lot, with radish seeds, potato seeds, and watermelon seeds. I bought a radish seed planted in the ground, and then poured some water, and so on tomorrow, the flowering.

Tell you, because every Saturday to adhere to the “farm” hard work, I have now risen to 17.

In the QQ farm vegetables, “the farm” let me know, “Yifengengyun, a harvest, wealth to own hard work to create, steal other people's things are shameful.

Catch shrimp

Today morning, shrimp, mom and Dad took me to the park and cousin bouldering stream catch.

The water in the stream is crystal clear, and the stripes of the pebbles in the water are clearly visible. We take off our shoes and socks, rolled up trouser legs, standing on the shore, with big eyes, carefully started looking for shrimp. Suddenly, my father said to us excitedly: ”come on, here are a few shrimp!“ We ran past, the daddy finger direction, he saw a few little shrimp is leisurely play. Their whole body transparent, with the water in the pebbles into one, if not carefully look, really can not see them!

See shrimp in the river, both of us in high spirits and tiptoed down the water, are already ready to come up with the net, quietly stretch in the past, and was not near, clever shrimp seem to be aware of, a foot pedal, quickly slip away. I started looking again, and saw a few shrimp is by resting on a stone, I put the network quietly stretch in the past, they swam to another piece of stone up. I put the network quietly stretch in the past, ”crafty“ shrimp swam to another piece of stone up, as if in and we hide and seek like of. Fishing for a long time, my father has been fishing for more than a dozen shrimp, and my cousin has nothing. We is some impatient, respectively took a plastic bag in the water does not stop fishing, fishing, shrimps are we stir disoriented, a

few shrimp score a lucky hit into our ”captured“.

We carry our ”booty“ home.


Tonight, my father and I are watching science fiction movies, ”Afanda“, I asked: ”what is Afanda?“ Dad said: ”look at yourself.“.” I looked and know that the story took place on the planet Pandora, an avatar is admixture of human genes and the alien genes, avatar with long tail and tail, ears like a mouse, head is even higher than Yao Ming, but thought by human scientists control. There are many strange plants and animal planet Pandora, there are towering trees, in the air suspension of the mountain. An animal has 6 legs, a horse, a dog, a wolf, a rhino, a tiger, a horse's nose is like a shark's gills, and a lizard, you touch it. It's like a night of spinning fireworks! The most powerful is the dragon, fly freely in the Na'vi riding a dragon Pandora planet. There are also a variety of plants, they have a common point in the evening will be issued a beautiful fluorescent, as beautiful as the underwater world! One of them looks like a revolving stair, you touch it and it gets smaller. What a beautiful planet! But merchants of the earth in order to ore, the destruction of the Na'vi beautiful home, the last avatar riding a dragon led the Na'vi see them out of the planet Pandora. Beautiful and magical place of Pandora I dream to go!

A special lunch

Remember that time, I had a special lunch, lunch special incense, particularly sweet, it is my first time to eat so special lunch......

Because my mother was busy that day, give me 5 yuan to buy rice. Noon is over, so I am going to take the money to buy a meal to eat. I feel my pockets! My money was gone, I went to! Looking for a long time still can not find, hey! Can only hungry belly. Just a classmate to buy rice up, she asked: “ah, you don't eat?” I reluctantly replied: “how to eat the money? ”She listened at once,“ said one of us.” I am very annoyed to answer: “you eat it yourself, I'm not hungry.”!“ In fact, my stomach was already growling, she repeated requests, I only laugh happily said: ”I?Have a bed with this convex locust play?

She gave me half of my lunch. I felt ashamed. The last time she had a small test, her pen was broken. She asked anxiously, who had two pens to lend her one, and I thought, “well, I think.”! I don't give you two, but you don't know that I have two pens. She just got a failed, I regretted doing.

After lunch, I think there was a sour, the taste is full of regret in my heart.

I understand: we need to help each other, solidarity and love, so that we can feel the warmth of class collective!


“Oh, what the hell is in the mess? Oh, oh, mom, help me! It hurts.” I while clutching his mouth, screaming and shouting, mom heard rush to see I wuzhuozui, strange asked me: “Ye Xian. What's the matter? What's happening?”“Mom, my teeth ache, can you help me look at my teeth in the end is how, okay?” I endured the pain, sour to mother said, she touched my head, softly to me said: “Oh, well, let me see.” Mother patted me on the head “open my mouth, so let me see.” I try to open mouth, my mother found the a shaking of the deciduous teeth, gently touched your tooth, ah, pain extremely, I came near to the mother's finger to bite the mother smiled, said: “a teeth's ready to fall, extraction must be, tomorrow I'll take you to the tooth.” Ah, pull, tooth extraction.“ I was taken aback by the said mother tilted his head, to me said: ”yes, extraction, your teeth now called deciduous teeth, it must be pulled loose teeth, in order to grow a mother new strong teeth“ mom said, pointing to the edge of her teeth.

Second days early in the morning, my mother took me to the dental clinic where to tooth extraction, the door into the clinic, I smell a thick smell of alcohol, quickly cover the nose. Cabinet pliers, anesthetics and so on extraction tools varied lying there, I frightened, I saw sitting next to my little friends, they are not crying and yelling to the aunt arms drill, I saw this scene, could not help but fear that up, hands and feet soft, teeth not stop biting his lips, hands to my mother held more firmly, mother also don't know how to comfort me, only know that call me don't be afraid.

It's my turn, the dentist took pliers coming towards me, I see the big pliers I was scared as if such as what is about to get a taste of crab of the clamps the taste of, the dentist came, saw me so panic, squat comfort me: ”little friends, do not be afraid, actually a little bit extraction were not hurt, because I had put the pliers was stained with anesthetics, however, as long as you have a little courage, we will be able to overcome all the difficulties,: would you like to try it?“ Don't know is dentists encouraged or lucky goddess gave me great courage, I walk to come forward to, opened his mouth, to the doctor extraction. The doctor, for all of us said: ”you see, the little girl how brave! The other kids like the sister, so brave, don't cry.“ Pull out teeth, other children with the envy of the eyes look at me, made me strange.

Yes, as long as we are brave, what can run, for example: learning, difficulties, don't because so little frustration was he was terrified, what can block our to the growth of the road? What can ruin our good time? Believe me, as long as the brave, the world did not have to go to the Flaming Mountains.

The people's Park

Today, I went to the people's park with my father and my mother. One into the park, the first to see is the wheel of the wheel, in my impression, the wheel is a fast turn of the game. Today, however, I was in Nanning people's Park to do the wheel is turning the wheel is very slow,

My mother and I are a Ferris wheel, tightly seize the next can help things, going to going to the highest point, my mother and I thought like a roller coaster like to turn over, head towards the ground, so firmly holds the support rod, heart pounding. In fact, this wheel is not only slow, but

also not fast, do not come back. In this way, although not enough to stimulate, but can let me enjoy from the ”day“ to the landscape of Nanning. I saw the old area, the old house with a few tall buildings, it is very awkward. Before we knew it, we returned to the bottom and shrugged.

Then, we went boating, rented a boat, we went on a boat, I am happy to say: ”I came to be the driver!“ We first through a hole in the bridge, I successfully opened in the past, mom and dad said I'm good, my heart sink like a honey, sweet. Then, we have turned the a big bend, back to the hole, I put the steering wheel left net, hee hee, hull was I put straight, I rely on technology smoothly across the a with the hull is about the size of a small hole, and I looked behind a look, wow, a a small boy, drove the ship, also stumbled. Just as I was laughing when mom and dad from behind my boast: ”good good, pass the exam.“ Listen to the praise of mom and Dad, my heart. Under the boat, I just recall the fun and short sailing fun, can not help but think it is a very interesting thing.

People's Park is so fun, a stroll is not fun, come again next time!

Butterfly and butterfly

Once upon a time there was a flower butterfly, her wings are colorful, in the light of the sun, it is very bright.

There is a white butterfly, his body is white, like a gentleman.

They are good friends, every day. But one day a news broke the quiet life, flower butterfly was broken by the human wings, can not fly... For the butterfly, this is how cruel, the wings are equal to their everything......

Flower butterfly said, good pain...... So painful

White butterfly said, from now on, we never abandon!

Over the next three months, the white butterfly takes care of the butterfly, meticulously. White butterfly is afraid to spend butterfly a person at home hungry, can not eat anything, so stay up all night to do a small wheelchair for the flowers. This put it out of him, but he is not afraid, silly smile... In order to let the flower butterfly is not furniture sharp stab, white butterfly deliberately put all the furniture into the round...

Butterfly big eyes blinked, ”rinse“ tears streaming down.

One day after three months.

Flower butterfly wings incredibly miracle, even the doctors have always been cool to say that this is a miracle! The side of the white butterfly smiled. He was so tired, but he managed to get back in return... He knows that this is three months, he will take care of the butterfly wings okay.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第28篇
































阐述说明型英语作文范文 第29篇

1、With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.

2、Subtle friendship is true; subtle greetings are enough; subtle love is tender; subtle longing is deep; subtle wishes come from the bottom of your heart…

3、Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we'll have to suffer the consequences.

4、This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.

5、The long vista is there for the seeing. The ground at your feet, the world about you----people, thoughts, emotions, pressures---are now fitted into the larger scene. Everything assumes a fairer proportion. And here is the beginning of wisdom.

6、I, naturally, should want most to see the things which have become dear to me through my years of darkness. You, too, would want to let your eyes rest on the things that have become dear to you so that you could take the memory of them with you into the night that loomed before you.

7、I like the subtle friendship that does not hold people together. In stead, an occasional greeting spreads our longings far beyond…

8、Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.

9、Death s 's a promise made to each of us at before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.

10、Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to still we try to do what is best,what is only for ourselves,but for those we or later we must all become responsible one knows this better than the young.

11、If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in ”How to Use Your Eyes“. The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.

12、You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.

13、Nor are the insights of happiness limited to what is near around you. Unhappy, with your thoughts turned in upon your emotional woes, your vision is cut short as though by a wall. Happy, the wall crumbles.

14、If you have people you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and don't expect. Advise, but don't order. Ask, but never demand. It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true Love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.

15、I like the subtle wind. In spring, it steals a kiss on my cheek; in autumn, it caresses my face; in summer, it brings in cool sweet smell; in winter, it carries a crisp chilliness…


阐述说明型英语作文范文 第30篇


主要情况 范围:9个省,自治区(autonomous regions),一个直辖市(municipality)面积:540万平方公里 人口:亿

实施要点 交通(transportation)建设:修建多余公路,铁路 环境保护:退耕还林,防治污染 资源利用:开发利用其丰富的天然资源 人才引进:广纳各类专家,技术人员






New Development for Central and Western China

The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China.

This part of China includes 9 provinces and autonomous regions and one municipality, covering an area of million square kilometers with a population of 285 million.

The government will pay special attention to their transportation system. Some highways and railways will be built. To protect nature, farmers will return farmland to forest. Also, measures should be taken to prevent pollution. Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be exploited and made full use of. To meet the needs of the development, all kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in.

We have every reason to believe that the efforts of the government will be a great success. As a result of the great project, the central and western regions of China will surely achieve greater and faster development in the new century. The people will have a better life and China will surely be richer and stronger.


Problems in the New Century (举例法说明文)

Write an expository essay on the problems man will be faced with in the new century.

In the new century, human beings will be filled with hope and live more advanced life. What used to be depicted in science fictions can be the reality of the near future. However, man will also have to confront with some problems that will curtail(剥夺)human beings of their existence.

First of all, pollution of all forms such as land pollution, noise pollution, air pollution and water pollution are worsening with each passing day. People complain all over the world that it is becoming harder to breathe and water is turning undrinkable. Also forests are being felled at a very fast rate. The pollutions are getting so terrible that in some countries we can’t find clean and clear rivers and white clouds in the sky! When the children draw a picture of their surroundings, they paint the green trees in gray, the red sun in gray, everything in gray, and they can’t find a pure environment except in the books.

Additionally, the explosion of population in some parts of the world is manifesting its terrible results. Human beings wil1 have outgrown the earth’s resources, and people will run a high risk of starvation and diseases resulting from overcrowding. In due course, man would be forced out of the earth if the present trend were not reversed.

What is more, in the past century we had many disastrous wars. But there is still potential that the atomic bomb will be used by some politicians in order to keep regional hegemony. If it should happen, the exp1osion could easily lead to the destruction of civilization.

More seriously, the depersonalization of human relationships and the weakening of spiritual values are aggravating due to the stress caused by the busy schedules and the extreme pursuit of money. This will further contribute to man’s isolation and loneliness.

Apparently, with all these problems facing human beings, it seems to be overwhelmingly urgent to conquer them one by one because we have only one earth and it is our home. In the new century, we must try our best to heal the world and make it a better place for you, for me and for the children who will come to this world.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第31篇


Recently _______, what amazes us most is______________, it is true that__________. There are many reasons explaining__________________________. The main reason is________________.

What is more_________. thirdly_____. As a all there, one thing_____,for Conclusion______________.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第32篇

On December the 26th, , when the people were still addicted to happiness on Christmas, the strong earthquake, which took place in Indonesia, caused heavy tsunami. In the turn of a hand, the famous Phuket Island of tourist attraction of Thailand that has enjoyed the reputation of “Heaven in human world” was turned into “the hell on earth”. For the people who were rescued from this calamity, this essentially peaceful Christmas vacation has been the inly-indelible drop shadows. When some visitors who had just brushed past the death talked about the experience at the time, they have not yet recovered from a fright. Here is a grisly experience of a newspaperwoman: The ocean suddenly disappeared… December the 26th, the newspaperwoman Yi Linyang of “Strait Times” was taking a holiday in Phuket Island with her husband. Before the tsunami came, they were diving in Monkey Beach. However, when they were getting ready to leave by boat, the weirdy happened! They saw the ocean suddenly disappeared! The boat took the ground by the reeves, there were jumping fish here and there. Nobody had seen that before, everyone was frightened out of his wits for the moment. When all the people didn’t wake up to what had happened, the seawater surged ahead and washed back, and the huge billow went straight from the distant place. Yi Linyang’s heart still fluttering with fear, she said: “We ran desperately, no one would know how far would the seawater chase us…” Can you see? It was the first locale of the tsunami of Indonesia.


阐述说明型英语作文范文 第33篇










阐述说明型英语作文范文 第34篇

People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by man’s release of completely new and often artificial substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance, such as oil from oil tankers into the sea.

The whole industrial process which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily lives, is bound to create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balance, or the ecological balance as it is also known. Many of these waste products can be prevented or disposed of sensibly, but clearly while more and more new and complex goods are produced there will be new, dangerous wastes to be disposed of, for example, the waste products from nuclear power stations. Many people, therefore, see pollution as only part of a larger and more complex problem, that is, the whole process of industrial production and consumption of goods.

Others again see the problem mainly in connection with agriculture, where new methods are helping farmers grow more and more on their land to feed our ever-increasing populations. However, the land itself if gradually becoming worn out as it is being used, in some cases, too heavily, and artificial fertilizers cannot restore the balance.

Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in terms of glass, metals and paper. Advertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy.

Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by

cutting out unnecessary buying, excess consumption and careless disposal of the products we use in our daily lives.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第35篇







































_The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 20xx are awarded to the city of Beijing._With the motto _New Beijing, Great Olympics_, Beijing promises to host a _Green Olympics_, a _Hi-tech Olympics_ and the _People's Olympics_.

Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 20xx Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.

The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 20xx Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.


篇一Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name isXXX . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance...

英语演讲稿格式从大的方面看,英语 演讲词实际上是属于一种特殊的说明文或议论文,其基本组成部分是:1)开始时对听众的称呼语 最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr...

篇一Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance....

英语演讲稿格式从大的方面看,英语 演讲词实际上是属于一种特殊的说明文或议论文,其基本组成部分是:1)开始时对听众的称呼语 最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr...

TED英语演讲稿I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason to go to the . box at the end of the day, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed in email, in Facebook, in texting or cell phones...

Sport is something that everyone can enjoy. It can be played by individuals and as a are many type of sport, the most common ones are basketball, tennis, table tennis, netball, swimming and a lot of others...

Good morning dear young fellows from suntrans,Today is my two months and two days celebration of working in suntrans. This is my first job, and I am very glad tohave it, and to stand here sharing my feelings with all of...

Graduation Ceremony SpeechGood evening, ladies and gentlemen! Tonight is a special day. I appreciate our dear teacher Miss chen. She is responsible teacher and she usually makes us feel interested in learning English....

etiquette is not only the person, the embodiment of education is also a manifestation of personal morality and social morality. is the face of the city, is the country face....

hello, everyone, i’m liu dongdong。 i’m a student。 there are three people in my family—my father, mother and i。my father is 40 years old。 he is a worker。 i think he is a good worker。...

many things in this world find neither an answer nor a proper explanation. for example, why should two become a couple among the billions of people on earth? why dont they love each other even though they live together...

i have a dream by martin luther king, am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation....






阐述说明型英语作文范文 第36篇


自然情况 位于长江边,风景优美,适合居住

成就 经济发展迅速


存在问题 水,空气污染


对江城发展的看法 自己拟定


1. 回信中不能使用“江城 ”以外的地名。

2. 词数:100左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。

3. 参考词汇:经济 economy



1. 首先确定这是一篇描述地方的说明文。

2. 确定写作要点:根据所给信息,大体可以分为三个部分——城市简介,可以按照地理位置、自然环境、城市面貌和变化发展这样的逻辑顺序写,接下来写你看到的问题,最后写你的一些看法和建议。

3. 各层次之间注意使用恰当的连词,让过渡自然,结构合理。比如: however, in my opinion 等。

Possible Version:

Dear Bob,

It’s very kind of you to write me and let me know about our beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng.

The city stands on the bank of the Changjiang river. It is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories, houses, and roads have been built. More schools and hospitals are available for its people. However, there are still some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion, Jiangcheng should develop its economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its population should be brought under control so that we’ll have a better hometown in future.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第37篇



3、在描述时,应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower,tree,bird等细节,增强生动性。




口语教材选定以后, 就要反复跟磁带模仿直至能完全背诵。如何检验自己对教材的掌握程度呢? 李阳介绍的方法还是不错的, 即把句型的英文遮住,对着中文说英文,再把中文遮住,对着英文说中文,如果能流利做到这两点,基本就算过了背诵这一关了。另外,在学习过程中, 要特别注意那些与中式思维不同的表达方式, 比如说,“Would you mind giving me a push?” 很多人会不假思索地答“Yes, of course”, 其实正确回答应该是“Not at all”。推荐大家背诵一些精华短句,一定会对口语有帮助:

’m an office worker. 我是上班族。

work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。

’m happy to meet you.很高兴见到你。

like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。

5. I’m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。

6. I’ll call you. 我会打电话给你。

7. I feel like sleeping/taking a walk. 我想睡、散步。

8. I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。

9. I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。

10. I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。

11. I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。

12. I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。

13. I’m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。

14. I’m supposed to go on a diet/get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。

15. I heard that you’re getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!

16. I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。

17. I can’t do this. 我不能这么做。

18. Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。

19. Let’s a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。

20. Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?

21. What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?

22. When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?

23. Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?

24. Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?

25. The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet.会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。

26. Tom’s birthday is this week. 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。

27. Would you care to see it/sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会儿呢?

28. Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/tell me how to get there?星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?

29. Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?

30. He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着迷。

31. Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他那车付了多少钱?

32. Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25? 你能相信我买那台代电视机用了25美元吗?

33. Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife?你知道他有外遇了吗?欺骗他的妻子吗?

34. Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗?

35. Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?

36. Are you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?

37. I enjoy working with you very much. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。

38. Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary?你知道吗?石头最终和他的秘书结婚了。

39. Let’s get together for lunch. 让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。

40. How did you do on your test? 你这次考试的结果如何?


要想把好的句型化为己用,最好的方法就是“复述”。可以选一些简单短小的故事来复述,这个过程对有些人会比较容易,而有的人就会觉得很难,这是因为他还没能把所学的句型融会贯通,这时不要硬来,可以先降低难度,选取那些后面附有问题的文章或课文照着问题回答,这里推荐《新概念》,因为新概念的问题设计得很合理,把问题答完也就相当于把课文简要复述出来了,而且问题易于回答。在这个过程中一定要大声回答,光是写在纸上或在脑子里想是远远不够的。像这样练习一段时间,逐渐过渡到只允许看着课文复述;再到不看课文直接用自己的话复述,然后逐渐增加课文难度与长度,限时完成, 一次完成不好就再来一次,直到通顺流利为止。用表计时,就可看到自己的进步。没当看完一篇文章就立刻能流利地复述出来,那么恭喜你!你已经取得了相当大的进步,继续努力吧!






简介:影片讲的是非洲大草原的动物王国,其主题超越任何文化和国界。老狮子王向儿子传授的道理貌似简单,其实富有深刻的哲理:生命的轮回、万物的盛衰,一切都必须依照自然规律。 进当太阳从水平线上升起,夜晚转成白昼,非洲苏醒了,万兽群集,荣耀欢呼,共同庆贺小狮子王辛巴的诞生。小狮子王辛巴在众多热情忠心的朋友的陪伴下,不但经历了生命中最光荣的时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,历经生、死、爱、责任等生命中种.种的考验,最后终于登上了森林之王的宝座,也在周而复始生生不息的自然中体验出生命的真义。


狮子王ⅠJimmy Cliff &Lebo M - Kakuna Matata

狮子王ⅠElton John - I Just Can't Wait To Be King

狮子王ⅠElton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight

狮子王ⅡTina Turner - He Lives In You




怪物史瑞克ⅡCounting Crows - Accidentally In Love

怪物史瑞克ⅡEddie Murphy &Antonio Bandalas - Livin La Vida Loca|




汽车总动员Sheryl Crow - Real Gone


简介:影片讲述纽约中央公园的头号动物明星狮子亚历克斯,和动物园里最要好的斑马马蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼以及河马格洛丽亚原本过着悠哉游哉、养尊处优的生活。但是生性不甘寂寞的马蒂这一天却心血来潮,突然 对外面的世界感到好奇,当他看到一群企鹅集体逃出动物园之后,决定也走出户外,见识见识他从来没看过的花花世界……


马达加斯加Erick Morillo - I Like To Move It



影片讲述纽约中央公园的头号动物明星狮子亚历克斯,和动物园里最要好的斑马马蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼以及河马格洛丽亚原本过着悠哉游哉、养尊处优的生活。但是生性不甘寂寞的马蒂这一天却心血来潮,突然 对外面的世界感到好奇,当他看到一群企鹅集体逃出动物园之后,决定也走出户外,见识见识他从来没看过的花花世界……

托福口语如何脱颖而出 锻炼“朗读感”























1、每天的发音练习必不可少——至少坚持一个月。大家要记住:语音方面,如果不是糟糕的不可救药的话,都是可以纠正过来的,所以首先要对自己充满信心。那么到底要练习哪些音呢?其实就是国际音标中的6个困扰音,即中国考生最不容易发到位的音——[ɑ:]、[e]、[ ]、[ei]、[ai]、[au];考生必须对着镜子把嘴型做到位,不断读这6个音,同时也要读其相关的单词,每天至少要练习30分钟。



阐述说明型英语作文范文 第38篇










阐述说明型英语作文范文 第39篇

On Friday, xiao Ming came home happily after school. First, the teacher left his homework and then xiaoming told his mother, ”I want to play basketball with my classmates.“ Xiao Ming bounces out of the house, holding a basketball in one hand and holding a banana in one hand. He goes to the basketball court to play basketball with his classmates.

On the way, a large yellow banana was quickly wiped out by xiao Ming. The banana peel was dropped by xiao Ming and dropped to the ground without being thrown into the dustbin. He didn't stop and went on. Suddenly, xiao Ming saw a strong health sanitation worker, who was holding a big broom and trying to clean up the dirt on the road. See his sweat like a broken line of beads continuous flowing downwards, so the leaves on the tree and the garbage on the road is the darling of the sanitation workers uncle into the truck. Xiao Ming felt very regretful in this scene, thinking that in school teachers often we should take care of the environment. He didn't take care of the environment just now, and it also played a role in destroying the environment. Thinking of this three steps and taking two steps back, he picked up the banana skin on the ground and threw it happily into the dustbin.

By this, xiao Ming understood this. Although the sanitation worker is a city beautician, everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

阐述说明型英语作文范文 第40篇









1、Look____the cake(at,in)

2、This is____you,Jack(four,for)


4、Seeyou___the morning(on,in)

5、Turn___the light(on,off)


1、a、Touch the chair   b、Clean the table   c、Have some sand wiche sand bananas

2、a、That is allright     b、You’re welcome    C、That’sgreat

3、a、Yes,please         b、That’sallright          C、I like elephants

4、a、No,I can’t        b、I like it                 C、See you great

5、a、Oh,it’snice       b、Yes,I want soap     C、Sue,hereyouare



1、Let’s___as now man


()2、Put____your coat


()3、What color____it?







()1、What day is it today?     a、Yes,I do

()2、Do you likes now?       b、It’s Sunday

()3、Can I help you?          c、They’repine apples

()4、What are these?         d、Seven pears,please

()5、How many do you want?     e、Yes,please。I want a cap


















阐述说明型英语作文范文 第41篇




