商务信函范文模板中文 第1篇
发送商务信函的目的在于建立商务往来关系,就某一细节进行商讨,努力达成共识,以便促进一项商务活动的开展。要达到这些目的,首先必须保证阅读者能够清楚了解写信人的意图,迂回或闪烁其辞的话语会让读信人产生不信任,甚至会怀疑对方的语言表达能力,对进一步开展商务活动很不利。模棱两可的话轻则阻碍读信人对信函意思的理解,重则会对发函方造成不必要的损失。例如: As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco,we have bimonthly direct services. 此处bimonthly 有歧义,可以是twice a month 或者once two month.故读信人就迷惑了,可以改写为We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco.
翻译要保留原文的清晰度相当重要。由于在较为正式的场合中,为了将一概念定义完整和清楚,英文常常用关联词将几个短句并在一起形成一个长句,而中文无法照样只用一句话来翻译,即使这样译了也很难达到通顺和自然。这时,我们就采取将长句按特定的事情发展的顺序拆分成两个或两个以上的小句子的方式来翻译。必要时还要增加或省略一些词语,让整段文字结构更合理、内容更清楚。例如: The prices stated are based on current freight rates,any increase or decrease in freight rates at time of shipment is to be the benefit of the buyer,with the seller assuming the payment of all transportation charges to the point or place of delivery.例句中以一个介词with 来分界,译为“合同价格是以运费计算,装运时运费的增减均属买方。卖方则承担至交货地的全部运费”。在原文中with 分句是一个状语,翻译时采用中国人平铺直叙的思维方式,用分述的方式把这个句子拆成两句,清楚地表达了原文的语言信息。
是不是一封书信只要包含了全部关键信息就可以成为一封好的书信了呢? 拟信人还应注意语言组织的条理性,或按事情发展的先后顺序,或按各要素的重要性排序编写。东扯一句,西扯一句的写法必定会影响文章的清晰度。
商务信函范文模板中文 第2篇
To inform one of; to say; to state; to communicate; to advise one of; to bring to one's notice (knowledge); to lay before one; to point out; to indicate; to mention; to apprise one of; to announce; to remark; to call one's attention to; to remind one of; etc.
1. We are pleased to inform you that
2. We have pleasure in informing you that
3. We have the pleasure to apprise you of
4. We have the honour to inform you that (of)
5. We take the liberty of announcing to you that
6. We have to inform you that (of)
7. We have to advise you of (that)
8. We wish to inform you that (of)
9. We think it advisable to inform you that (of)
10. We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that (of)
11. We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice
12. Please allow us to call your attention to
13. Permit us to remind you that (of)
14. May we ask your attention to
15. We feel it our duty to inform you that (of)
商务信函范文模板中文 第3篇
1. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that (of)
2. The purport of this line is to advise you that (of)
3. The object of the present is to report you that
4. The object of this letter is to tell you that
5. By this letter we Purpose to inform you that (of)
6. Through the present we wish to intimate to you that
7. The present serves to acquaint you that
商务信函范文模板中文 第4篇
按照本函下列清单, 附上应兑现的汇票。
we enclose for realization drafts as per the list at foot.
enclosed please find drafts drawn as follows:
enclosed we hand you two bills of lading fo rthe goods, per . “shizuoka maru” to hongkong.
依照您的订单同函奉上80包羊毛的发票, 请查收。
enclosed please find the invoice of 80 bales wool bought by your order.
随信附上50箱货物的发票, 请查收。
enclosed you will find an invoice of 50 cases goods.
随信附上订单三张, 请立即安排。
enclosed please find three orders for immediate attention.
随信附上贴邮票的信封一个, 静候回音。
a stamped envelope is enclosed for reply.
随函附上订单一张, 请填妥后并附来支票为荷。
an order form is enclosed. fill it out and attach your check.
enclosed we hand you an invoice, $5,000, for 10 cases goods.
enclosed we hand you a draft, $100, drawn on your goodselves by our seattle house.
商务信函范文模板中文 第5篇
top part of a business letter
日期:date: 23 december
地址:mr. james green
sales manager
bbb plc
55-60 old st, london e6 6hg
称谓:dear mr. green (dear gentlemen, dear sir, dear sirs, dear madam)
body part of a business letter
3. look at the two endings of business letter below. notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters.
(1)please let me know if this is convenience.
i look forward to hearing from you.
best wishes
yours sincerely,
ms. gillian janes
personnel nanager
(2)please phone us to confirm the details.
we look forward to receiving your comments.
yours faithfully
for ms. gillian jones
personnel manager
商务信函范文模板中文 第6篇
商务信函范文模板中文 第7篇
一、 XX手机品种单一,销量少。
二、 工单量少,劳务费入不敷出。
三、 免费项目服务太多,无收益。
1、 由于上述原因,我方无力继续经营,双方协商后解约。
2、 请贵方出资在设立服务中心,我方可以派员经营。
3、 结清双方帐目,将客服转交给第三方来经营。 上述经营意见及说明,请贵司尽快给予回复。急切!
公司会根据自身情况对员工设立年终奖,员工要怎么写年终奖的申请书呢?下面是公司年终奖申请书范文,欢迎参阅。公司年终奖申请书范文1人力资源部:我部门员工( )20xx年度考勤正常,无旷工情况,迟到、请假天数均未超过年终奖扣发标准,请...
Dear :
We’re deeply sorry to hear of the passing of your president, was the person who initiated business with our company and it is under his leadership that the business between our two companies expanded continuously in the past few owe much of our current success to and we are very grateful to his for what his has done for us.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences and convey deepest sympathies to his family.
Yours Sincerely
Love is used between lovers, family members and close friends. It can be used between colleagues in a casual way. If you want to appear casual and risk sounding unprofessional, be careful and casual.
Use it among friends to show your concern. Thank you or thank you is very casual. Thank you is formal, usually in business The use of _thank you_ in an occasion is a good way to end an email.
If you make a request or ask a question, thank you, your or your real or real leisure or business leisure in a more private, but still polite way, you may have met the recipient's best or best wishes for leisure or business leisure in a polite way Letters can be used between friends or strangers sincere or sincere you or your sincerity at will, business leisure or formal standard letter ending _sincerity_ is the most common ending, because if you are not sure how to sign a letter, you can use it to end informal or formal letters, using _sincere_ sincere _or_ best regards _if the recipient is you in reality You can use this word for people you haven't met in your life.
商务信函范文模板中文 第8篇
(1)贵函 your letter; your faour; your esteemed letter; your esteemed faour; your alued letter; your alued faour; your note; your communication; your greatly esteemed letter; your eryfriendly note; your friendly adice; yours.
(2)本信,本函 our (my) letter; our (my) respects; ours(mine); this letter; these lines; the present.
(3)前函 the last letter; the last mail; the last post; the last communication; the last respects(自己的信); the last faour(来信)
(4)次函 the next letter; the next mail;; the letter following; the following.
(5)贵函发出日期 your letter of (the) 5th may; your faour dated (the) 5th june; yours of the 3rd july; yours under date (of) the 5th july; your letter bearing date 5th july; your faour of een date(ae); your letter of yesterday; your faour of yesterday''s date; your letter dated yesterday.
(6)贵方来电、电传及传真 your telegram; your wire; your cablegram(从国外); your coded wire(密码电报); your code message; your cipher telegram; your wireless telegram; your telex; your fax.
(7)贵方电话 your telephone message; your phone message; your telephonic communication; your telephone call; your ring.
(8)通知 (noun) adice; notice; information; notification; communication; a report; news; intelligence; message. (erb)(通知,告知) to communicate (a fact) to; to report (a fact) to...on; to apprise (a person) of; to let (a person) know; to acquaint (a person) with; to intimate (a fact) to; to send word; to send a message; to mail a notice; to write (a person) information; to gie notice(预告); to break a news to(通知坏消息); to announce(宣布).
(9)回信 (noun) an answer; a reply; a response. (erb) to answer; to reply; to gie a reply; to gie one''s answer; to make an answer; to send an answer; to write in reply; to answer one''s letter. (特此回信) reply to; answering to; in answer to; in reply to; in response to. (等候回信) to await an answer; to wait for an answer. (收到回信) to get an answer; to faour one with an answer; to get a letter answered.
(10)收讫,收到 (noun) receipt(收到); a receipt(收据); a receier(领取人,取款人); a recipient(收款人) (erb) to receie; to be in receipt of; to be to (at) hand; to come to hand; to be in possesion of; to be faoured with; to get; to hae; to hae before (a person); to make out a receipt(开出收据); to acknowledge receipt(告知收讫).
(11)确认 to confirm; confirming; confirmation;inconfirmation of(为确认...,为证实...); a letter of confirmation(确认函或确认书)
(12)高兴,愉快,欣慰 to hae the pleasure to do; to hae the pleasure of doing; to hae pleasure to do; to hae pleasure in (of) doing; to take (a) pleasure in doing (something); to take pleasure in doing (something); to be pleased to (with)(by); to be delighted at (in)(with); to be glad to (of)(about); to be rejoiced in (at).
(13)随函附件 enclose; inclose.
(14)迅速,立刻 urgently; promptly; immediately; with all speed; at once; with dispatch; with all despatch; with the quickest possible despatch; with the least possible delay; as soon as possible; as quickly as possible; as promptly as possible; at one''s earliest conenience; at the earliest possible moment; at an early date; without delay; without loss of time; immediately on receipt of this letter; by express messenger; by special messenger; by special deliery; by express letter.
(15)回信 by return; by return of post; by return of mail; by return of air-mail.
(16)依照 according to; agreeably to; conformably to;pursuant to; in accordance with; in conformity with (to); in obedience to; in deference to; in compliance with; in agreement with; in pursuance of.
(17)就...,关于 about; regarding; concerning; as to; as regards; with regard to; in regard to;(of); respecting; relatie to; anent; in connection with; referring to; with reference to; in reference to; re.
(18)期满到期及应付之款 to be due; to fall due (become) due(日期将到); duly(正时,及时);in due course (依照顺序).
(19)(每个,按照,通过)per(=by,through)rail.(post,mail,steamer )(通过铁路,邮政,轮船) per pro.= by proxy (由代理) per annum (=yearly,每年) per mensem (=monthly,每月) per diem [daiem] (=daily,每日) per man, per capital (=per head,依照人数,每一人) per piece (每一个,每一件)
(20)表示抱歉(冒昧做了某事) to take the liberty of doing something; to take the liberty to do something; to take the liberty in doing something.
(21)甚感遗憾,请包涵 to regret; to be sorry; to be chagrined; to be mortified; to be exed; to regret to say; to be sorry to say; to one''s regret; to feel a great regret for; to express regret; to be regretted; to be a matter for regret; to be regrettable; to be deplorable.
商务信函范文模板中文 第9篇
dear mr. / ms,
on 14 november i submitted a bill for services rendered to your office at the lille international exposition. more than a month has now elapsed without payment or acknowledgment of my bill. please check this oversight,and remit payment at your earliest convenience. i look forward to future services to your corporation.
thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
yours faithfully
第八种、感谢信 thank-you letter
dear mr. / ms,
thank you for your letter of june 4, enclosing an account of the organization and work of your chamber of commerce and industry.
we are very grateful for such a detailed account of your activities. this information is certain to help increase our future cooperation.
yours faithfully
商务信函范文模板中文 第10篇
商务信函范文模板中文 第11篇
january 18, 200#
ms. leung suet chan
deputy manager
new times trading company limited
13-14/f., industry building
35 harbour road, wanchai
hong kong
dear ms. leung
order nt-20717
thank you for your fax of 17 january. we are extremely sorry to learn that an error was made in carton 13 of the above order.
the missing 9,000 ball pens were sent this morning by cathay airways and the documents have alreadly been forwarded you.
we greatly regret the inconvenience caused by this and the previous two errors and offer ore sincere apologies. we can assure you that every effect will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again.
yours sincerely
rob subbaraman
export mangager
january 18, 200#
ms. leung suet chan
deputy manager
new times trading company limited
13-14/f., industry building
35 harbour road, wanchai
hong kong
dear ms. leung
order nt-20717
thank you for your fax of 17 january. we are extremely sorry to learn that an error was made in carton 13 of the above order.
the missing 9,000 ball pens were sent this morning by cathay airways and the documents have alreadly been forwarded you.
we greatly regret the inconvenience caused by this and the previous two errors and offer ore sincere apologies. we can assure you that every effect will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again.
yours sincerely
rob subbaraman
export mangager
商务信函范文模板中文 第12篇
top part of a business letter
日期:date: 23 december XX
地址:mr. james green
sales manager
bbb plc
55-60 old st, london e6 6hg
称谓:dear mr. green (dear gentlemen, dear sir, dear sirs, dear madam)
body part of a business letter
3. look at the two endings of business letter below. notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters.
(1)please let me know if this is convenience.
i look forward to hearing from you.
best wishes
yours sincerely,
ms. gillian janes
personnel nanager
(2)please phone us to confirm the details.
we look forward to receiving your comments.
yours faithfully
for ms. gillian jones
personnel manager
商务信函范文模板中文 第13篇
1. Please inform me that (of)
2. Kindly inform me that (of)
3. Be good enough to inform me that (of)
4. Be so good as to inform me that (of)
5. Have the goodness to inform me that (of)
6. Oblige me by informing that (of)
7. I should be obliged if you would inform me that (of)
8. I should be glad if you would inform me that (of)
9. I should esteem it a favour if you would inform me that (of)
10. I will thank you to inform me that (of)
11. You will greatly oblige me by informing that (of)
12. We shall be obliged if you will inform us that (of)
13. We shall be pleased to have your information regarding (on, as to; about)
14. We shall deem it a favour if you will advise us of
15. We shall esteem it a high favour if you will inform us that (of)
商务信函范文模板中文 第14篇
感谢所有对DOD品牌支持的忠实客户,DOD ONE自20xx年6月上市以来得到热烈的反响,短短的时间内销量已突破万台。但根据我们一系列严苛的测试后,发现我们的创新新品ONE部分量产批次在长时间的日光高温暴晒后,从支架上取下机身时,可能会发生机身磁铁脱落的现象。
一旦出现磁铁脱落的情况,会极大的影响到您的使用及体验。本着DOD 诚信正直的企业价值观,我们在进一步进行各项严苛测试及讨论改进方案后,向您告知这个隐患的存在。同时,我们向所有ONE的忠实用户在使用中可能会受到的困扰和产生的不便表示歉意!再一次诚挚地向您说声:对不起!
商务信函范文模板中文 第15篇
4. 确认
to confirm||confirming||confirmation
in confirmation of
a letter of confirmation
关于上周本公司通过电话给您的报价, 我们特予以确认。
we confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you.
we confirm our respects of the 3rd may, and inform you that your consignment has duly arrived.
兹确认已收到“o”号轮船送来的货物, 现寄去550美元的支票一张。请查取。
i confirm the receipt of your shipment by . “o”, and now send you a cheque, valuing $550.
兹确认我上星期致您函, 请及早约定与我方代表面谈的日期。
confirming our letter of last week, we ask you to appoint an early interview with our representative.
兹确认本公司6月11日的信, 同函附上50包的提单。请查收。
confirming ours of the 11th june, we now hand you enclosed b/l for 50 packages.
we confirm our respects of yesterday, and have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you.
we have much pleasure in confirming herewith the order which you kindly placed with us yesterday.
您对我公司所提订单, 请务必于明天下午三时前来电确认。
kindly let us have confirmation of these orders by telegraph tomorrow by 3 .
谨确认今日电报, 非常遗撼, 该工厂于昨夜被毁于火。
in confirmation of my cable today, i regret to state that the factory was completely destroyed by fire last night.
为确认今早电话中所订货物, 请寄来订货单。
kindly give us an order sheet in confirmation of the message by telephone of this morning.
商务信函范文模板中文 第16篇
商务信函范文模板中文 第17篇
商务信函范文模板中文 第18篇
商务信函范文模板中文 第19篇
简洁就是用最精炼的语言来表达意思,在商务信函中言简意赅就是为了方便高效率沟通与工作。能用一个字表达的不用一个词组,能一个词组讲清的事就不用讲成一句话。商务信函不用因顾及礼貌而开头就说“I hope you are well”( 近日可好?) ,天气也从不在此中提及。我们用“now”不用“at the same time”; 用“though”而不用“in spite of the fact that”……。形容词虽然可以表达友好、满意、歉意等感情,但只是在十分必要的情况下才出现。中国人在写英文信函时经常会出现一些不必要的重复,比如: “true facts”、“next time in the future”这样的词语读者能懂,但是会对这种不地道的说法嗤之以鼻。
中文就简洁这一点在很多情况下具有优势,商务信函中最能体现这一优势的是一些客套而必要的敬语,比如: “we are looking forward to your early reply”,翻译成中文就五个字: “盼早日回复”; “with all kind regards,I remain”,中文为“祝好”。像“regards”、“wishes”这一类词,都不用按照原意翻译,祝好的英文句子大多用中文的俗语代替。
商务信函范文模板中文 第20篇