bec中级作文真题范文 第1篇
1. 考试的前一天,查看所在城市的.天气情况,如果下雨,要记得带好雨伞。
2. 如果考场不是自己熟悉的地点,建议大家提前找好考场位置。
3. 检查证件:是否带齐准考证、身份证。证件一定要带齐,注意一定是身份证,学生证不可以代替身份证。
4. 检查考试用品:2B铅笔、橡皮和黑色签字笔(写作用黑色签字笔、填涂答题卡用2B铅笔)。
5. 最好准备一块手表,以便在考场上掌控自己的做题速度,这一点非常重要!
6. 考试前一晚不要熬夜,注意充分休息、放松心情以利于考试当天正常发挥。睡前不要做剧烈运动,不要熬夜背单词看书,不要让自己的身体处于兴奋状态,牛奶和舒缓的音乐都有助于快速入眠。
7. 睡前切记调好闹钟,以免第二天考试迟到。
8. 考试当天,早餐正常饮食,切不可因为胃口不好而放弃早餐。可以带一块巧克力来补充能量、舒缓情绪。
9. 建议大家提早半小时出门,考试开始后,迟到考生不得入场。如果因为堵车而迟到,导致失去考试资格就太可惜了。
10. 到达考场后,建议先把如厕问题解决一下,尤其是女生。因为到临近考试的二十分钟,你会发现厕所门口排队的人已经看不到头了。
bec中级作文真题范文 第2篇
TO: ALL Section Heads
There are eight vacancies on training courses being given in Mary and June. The courses provide useful training for junior staff in com*rs, time management and other aspects of modem office work.. could you kindly recommend suitable staff?(42words)
Dear Ms Wu
With reference to our company’s exhibition and presentations at the world Trade Center on June 7, I wish to inform you of certain changes which we hope can be made. As the number of participants has increased from 60 to 98, we wonder if we can use Lecture Hall’A’ as ‘B’ will be too small. In addition, since two speakers are now unable to attend, we shall require only 2 Seminar Rooms instead of the 4booked. Finally, is it possible to provide pm? I do hope these changes will not inconvenience you.
Thank you very much.(116words)
bec中级作文真题范文 第3篇
1. 考试的前一天,查看所在城市的天气情况,如果下雨,要记得带好雨伞。
2. 如果考场不是自己熟悉的地点,建议大家提前找好考场位置。
3. 检查证件:是否带齐准考证、身份证。证件一定要带齐,注意一定是身份证,学生证不可以代替身份证。
4. 检查考试用品:2B铅笔、橡皮和黑色签字笔(写作用黑色签字笔、填涂答题卡用2B铅笔)。
5. 最好准备一块手表,以便在考场上掌控自己的做题速度,这一点非常重要!
6. 考试前一晚不要熬夜,注意充分休息、放松心情以利于考试当天正常发挥。睡前不要做剧烈运动,不要熬夜背单词看书,不要让自己的'身体处于兴奋状态,牛奶和舒缓的音乐都有助于快速入眠。
7. 睡前切记调好闹钟,以免第二天考试迟到。
8. 考试当天,早餐正常饮食,切不可因为胃口不好而放弃早餐。可以带一块巧克力来补充能量、舒缓情绪。
9. 建议大家提早半小时出门,考试开始后,迟到考生不得入场。如果因为堵车而迟到,导致失去考试资格就太可惜了。
10. 到达考场后,建议先把如厕问题解决一下,尤其是女生。因为到临近考试的二十分钟,你会发现厕所门口排队的人已经看不到头了。
bec中级作文真题范文 第4篇
Proposal on Taxi Firm SelectionINTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this report is to evaluate and recommend a taxi firm that would become our regular transporter. We will need one especially during next year, trade fair and conferences. There are two firms to evaluate.
FINDINGSAs regard to Telecars, we have good references for it. It is a very experienced traditional firm and is also very reliable. It provides 24-hour service that is useful during night meetings and Cabs is a brand new company and there are no references for it. It provides long distance routes which we use very often and it is also cheaper. But it does not have a website and thus internet booking is not available.
RECOMMENDATIONSI recommend choosing Telecars because of its good references, long tradition and reliability.
bec中级作文真题范文 第5篇
Because of shortage of space, employees have put heavy boxes near fire doors. There should be access to fire doors as workers must leave the building quickly if there is a fire. Fire doors should be unblocked and obstructions removed.(40words)
This year the company has made a profit of RMB67 million compared with RMB33million last year. This profit has result largely from a reduction of RMB27 million in expenditure, achieved because of two factors; first, the lower cost of raw materials and secondly more efficient methods of production. Moreover, although sales in the home market have fallen, international sales have more than compensated for this fall. It is thought that sales in the home market have been poor because of the difficult economic situation in our country. In view of this, it is recommended that the company tries to identify more markets abroad and increase its exports.(108worsds)
bec中级作文真题范文 第6篇
Read this letter to the editor of a magazine.
In most of the lines (36-40) there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two lines, however, are correct.
If the line is correct ,put a tick (√) in the space on your .4nswer Sheet.
If there is an extra word in the line ,write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.
Example :
New Mexico's mineral industries make up for about one third of...for
the state's billion general-fund income in fiscal year 1991...√ . .
Sir-you say that New Mexico has ^v^few natural resources^v^.
36. However ,the mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the
37. state's most strongest economic forces. In 1991 New Mexico
38. ranked fourth one in the United States in production of natural gas.
39. Ten combined value of those oil and gas production was S 2. 8 billion dollars.
40. New Mexico came through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states.
Section A
36. most是多余,应删掉.
37. one是多余,应删掉.
38. those是多余,应删掉.
39. dollars 是多余,应删掉.
40. 没有多余的词.