研究生考试英语作文范文 第1篇
The Change of Reading Habit in the New Era.(800 words)
文章的题目是“The Change of Reading Habit in the New Era”,即新时代下人们阅读习惯的改变,比较简单,相信大家也能够结合亲身经历进行阐述。比如,电子书越来越流行、算法让书籍的选择越来越同质化等角度均可。
In the 15th century Gutenberg invented the printing press, and revolutionized the way book were reproduced and, along with it, people’s reading habit changed. Today, in the 21st century, we are experiencing another such revolution, thanks to digital technology. Like the printing press, technological blessings like the internet, tablets, and e-readers are once more shaping our reading habits entirely. This dramatic change, as far as I am concerned, makes reading a more fascinating activity.
Nowadays, there are myriad ways to read books, articles and any other kind of written materials. With the advent of gadgets like Kindle, iPad, a mounting number of people have broken their habit of turning pages of a real book and started to embrace e-books online. In the meantime, many screens allow readers to interact with content, from eye-friendly e-book readers to shiny tablets and smart phones. Those various changes have hit our reading habits in general and thus injected new dynamism in reading.
E-books empower reading to be more convenient and accessible. For one thing, e-books are searchable, which is helpful for fact-checking, and the device can store all the notes and highlights, allowing people to quickly stuff up when reading. For another thing, e-books save readers from bringing cumbersome books with them. Instead, with one digital device, entire library will be with us. Mothers can read with one hand when they take care of babies. Commuters are blessed to read with one hand on a crowded train. It is apparent that e-books make reading a more available activity for people from all walks of life.
Social media has also had an enormous impact on reading, as it has on all corners of the media industry. It has definitely become a new way for readers to connect with authors and discover new books. For one thing, chances are higher that people can find books they enjoy, especially with the algorithm recommending relative books based on users’ reading history. For another thing, social media serves as a powerful platform to connect authors and readers. By commenting or messaging each other on social media, readers share their reviews of the books they have read and discuss them with other readers. Meanwhile, they can follow authors’ pages and invite them to talk about the books, as opposed to the lack of communication between authors and readers in the traditional way. Overall, with the emergence of social media, our reading habits have also changed in a tremendous way.
In a word, technology, in this new era, has changed our reading habits at large, from the emergence of technologies like iPad, e-readers, to the wide use of social media. There are, indeed, pros and cons of e-books, but as long as we hold an optimistic attitude towards the change brought by the new world, we can make the best use of it.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第2篇
In the pictures above are a father and her beloved son. In the left cartoon, smoking a cigarette and sitting in a sofa comfortably, the father is watching a football match on TV and shouting, “Son, study hard for me!” On the contrary, in the left portrayal, at 9 . , the father is studying together with his son, both totally absorbed in their books. The caption indicates, “Instead of merely making a request, setting an example.”
The purpose of the pictures is to show us that utmost significance should be attached to practicing what you preach. On the one hand, parents teach much more by their actions, than by their words. Some of them may say to their children, “don’t say nasty things about so and so”, and then the children will hear them criticize their friends and neighbors. On the other hand, parenting is such a crucial responsibility, yet there are no required courses to prepare one to undertake this role in life. The only learning is the example from one’s own parents.
To sum up, parents are the best teachers.
Obviously, if parents’ actions don’t conflict their own words, they would have the opportunity to be outstanding examples of their children. Just as an old saying goes, “Action speak louder than words.”
研究生考试英语作文范文 第3篇
The above two pictures have shaped sharp contrast to each other. In one picture, a flower grows in a greenhouse and is in full bloom in spite of the outside rain. But in the other, the flower, moved outside and without the protection of the greenhouse, is withering in the thunderstorm. The two pictures show us that the flower, which is raised in a greenhouse and carefully protected, cannot stand natural wind and rain at all.
It is most likely that the drawer means to compare children in our country to the flower in his drawings and reflect a problem in the present education of our children. For one thing, nowadays, most children are brought up by their parents with tender care. Parents always try their best to meet the children’s demands, to provide them with the best environment of growth and study and to protect them from any possible harms, setbacks and sufferings. For another, owing to the present examination’ oriented education system, most children are too heavily burdened with studies to have time to take part in social activities, so they learn little about the society, the real world outside their family and school. Growing up in such a manner and such an environment, the children will inevitably and naturally lack the ability to stand sufferings and overcome obstacles when they leave their parents and step into the society.
To sum up, the problem of children’s education must be solved timely and effectively because it is they that constitute the future of our country.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第4篇
我开始投身于考研的时间应该是11年的8月,我的英语复习安排是从9月份开始,我每天就是进行单词的记忆,花了20天的时间将考研词汇背了下来。接下 来,我就直接做的历年的考研真题,从05年到11年的,并不是单纯考试找范文就那样的做题,而是先对每一部分通读,做了答案之后,反过来再对短文逐字逐句的进行理 解,标记出单词句子,并对他们进行仔细地注解,对文章整体翻译,重新理解答题项,审视自己的思路与出题者的异同所在,在不断的思考与磨合中,努力使自己的 理解思路向出题者的靠拢。这个复习阶段持续的时间很长,一直到十一月中旬了,在这之间可以根据自己的情况安排进度。在后面一个阶段,我开始在复习的过程中 加入了写作的部分,之前的那一阶段,我每做一套真题会对后面的作文例文进行学习,对佳句等进行摘抄,在这个阶段,我就对之前研究真题是做的笔记以及一些写 作的佳句进行了回顾,每天温习一下,培养自己的感觉。同时,我开始做模拟题了,在规定的时间内,做模拟题,隔两到三天做一套吧。再后来,我就将作文再次整 理了一下,确定了我想在考试中用的作文模板,最后就是准备研究生考试的到来了。当然,在这段时间的心态比较重要,没有必要过多的演练模拟题了,这会给自己 带来过多的压力,反而影响发挥。我比较习惯的是,在考试之前将自己之前复习时做的那些笔记拿出来翻一下,并不是说这些东西考试的时候一定能用上,只是觉得 考试前做这些轻松的事儿感觉比较好吧,看看觉得考试找前自己还是做了挺多吧,心理上给自己打一下气。
研究生考试英语作文范文 第5篇
In some countries, teenager have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.
I don't think it is a good ideas for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students. It can interfere with their studies, It can disrupt their home life, and it takes away part of their childhood that their can never replace.
Education today is very complex and difficult .In order to learn and get good grades, a student must work very hard and concentrate, This means attending classes from early in the morning until late afternoon, then doing research for projects, then going home and doing homework. It’s a busy schedule for everyone. For someone trying to hold down a job, it’s even harder. Students need all their energy for their studies. If they're working after class at night, they’re going to be tired the next day. They won't be able to concentrate. This will have a negative impact on their learning, and eventually on their grades.
Having a job can also disrupt a teenager's home life. Families spend less and less
time together. If a teenager has a job to go to after school, he won't be home for dinner.
He won't be home after dinner either, and may not get home until late at night, This means he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with his family .If he doesn't have a car, it can mean changes in his parents' schedule ,too. They have to drive him to work and pick him up.
The main drawback of a teenager having a job while he's still a student is that he's missing out on the fun of being young. He has a whole lifetime in which he'll have to earn a living. This is the last free time he'll have, It’s the last chance he'll have to hang out with friends and just enjoy himself. Soon enough he'll have to worry about paying the rent and buying food.
Jobs bring money, but money isn't everything. A teenager with a job gives us too much. No one should spend all his time at working, and especially not a teenager.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第6篇
Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spends more money on improving public transportation ( buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
Governments should definitely spend more money on improving all forms of public transportation. These include buses, subways and trains. This is the best way to preserve natural resources and reduce pollution.
As a planet, we’re dealing with a finite amount of natural resources. Once they're gone, they can't be replaced. They can't fill our need for oil and gasoline forever. But we seem to forget that and consume them at an incredible rate. In wealthier counties, some families have two or three cars. As soon as teenagers get their driver's licenses, they’re given cars so their parents won't have to drive them places.
Public transportation hasn't been sufficiently developed. Because of this, suburban areas surrounding cities have been allowed to sprawl more and more widely. This means that people can't even go to the store without having to hop into the car. Everything is too far away from where they live. If there were better and more frequent public transportation, people would be able to give up their cars for local driving.
As a result of all the cars being driven, we’re dealing with terrible pollution problems. In big cities, there are days during the summer when the elderly and people with respiratory problems are advised not to leave the house. Ten years ago this was unheard of! Now it's the norm. Public transportation would cut down considerably on air pollution.
Public transportation also encourages a sense of community. People who travel to work together all the time get to know each other. Car isolate us from neighbors. However, people feel they need to drive because they can't depend on public transportation to fit their schedules. If more money were available, buses, subways and trains could run 24 hours a day. Then they would be available all the time to the people who need them.
I always try to take public transportation whenever possible, and I encourage friends and neighbors to try it too. I think we must support public transportation in order to create a better world.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第7篇
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to have a very good relationship with my parents. They have supported me, given me necessary criticism, and taught me a great deal about how to live my life. Parents can be very important teachers in our lives; however, they are not always the best teachers.
Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. Sometimes they can only see their children though the eyes of a protector. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable new experience. However, it might seem too dangerous to a parent.
Another problem is that parents may expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. They can't seem to separate from their children in their mind. If they love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if their child's true love is art, or writing, or car repair?
Parents are usually eager to pass on their value to their children. But should children always believe what their parents do? Maybe different generations need different ways of thinking. When children are young, they believe that their parents are always rights. But when they get older, they realize there are other views. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technology changes. A student who has friends of all different races and backgrounds at school may find that her parents don't really understand or value the digital revolution. Sometimes kids have to find their own ways to what they believe in.
The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and our peers teach us. Books and newspapers and television also teach us. All of them are valuable.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第8篇
This bar chart indicates different market shares of automobiles of three types of brand affiliations between 2008 and 2009.
In 2008,cars with Japanese brands topped the three types of vehicles,accounting for 35% of the total market. What follows is the cars with Chinese brands,hitting 25% of the auto market,with the share of American brand bottomed out at 15%. In 2009,some developments are noticeable in that the cars with the largest share became those of Chinese brands,which occupied roughly 32% of the market,while cars with Japanese and American brands took 25% and 15% of the whole market respectively.
It is observed that between 2008 and 2009,cars of Chinese and Japanese brands took turns to be the in terms of market share while those with American brands ranked the last in both years. And the share of Chinese-brand cars witnessed a mild increase and that of the Japanese-brand cars saw a moderate decrease,while the American-brand cars stayed the same.
From this graph,we can come to the safe conclusion that the Chinese automakers are doing a good job in outcompeting their Japanese and American counterparts in 2009,but the gap is not so significant and if no efforts were made from the part of the Chinese auto industry,the distribution map might be rewritten in the future.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第9篇
研究生考试英语作文范文 第10篇
This is a tremendously interesting and thought-provoking picture. From the left picture, it describes a young mother holding a little girl’s hand. However, when you look at the right part of the drawing, you will see another picture which stands in marked contrast to the right part: an adult female supporting an old mother’s with her hand. As is vividly shown by the picture, the issue of the aging population in China has become a major concern around our society, which is increasingly serious.
The picture is attempting to convey a thought-provoking message.
Filial piety has been advocated as a traditional Chinese virtue throughout history. In the first place, every step of a child’s growth, from birth to death, bears so much time and energy of the parents and above all, their unselfish love. So our parents rightly deserve our reward—love, respect, care and support. Whatis more, family relationship is very much like a mirror. If you smile upon it, it will smile back upon you. By treating our parents kindly, we will set an example for our sons and daughters and gain their respect and love in return.
In a word, it is our innate obligation to be filial to our parents.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第11篇
A person you know is planning to move to your town or city .What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
A friend of mine from college is moving to my city, so I have been thinking about what she would and wouldn't like about it, I’d say the quality of life here, as far as fun and activities are concerned, is very good. The quality of life isn't very good, though, in other important ways.
Living in a lager city is exciting, but you pay a price for it. There are lots of interesting things to do, and good restaurants with food from around the world. There are museums, art galleries, and lots of movie theaters. However. the crime rate is high, and people have to be careful about where they go at night. There's a lot of traffic most of the time, and finding a parking space can be a problem. There are also a lot of people living here. Sometimes it feels too crowded.
In a big city like mine, housing is very expensive. If costs a lot even if you're just renting an efficiency apartment. The good side is that there's a lot of choice about where you want to live and how you want to live. You can find apartment of all sizes in different settings. Houses of equal variety are available for sale or rent.
If my friend likes the great outdoors, she might be disappointed. Unfortunately, my city doesn't have a lot of wide open green spaces, and there aren't a lot of trees on the streets. We're not near the ocean, and the mountains are a day's drive from here. Still, we do have some natural areas. For example, we have a beautiful big park. It even has a lake in the middle that's used for ice skating in the winter. There’s a different kind of beauty in the city.
Thinking about it, I suppose whether my friend likes my city will depend on whether or not she likes exciting places. I hope she likes a lot of variety as far as housing and activities are concerned. If she does, then this is the place for her.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第12篇
研究生考试英语作文范文 第13篇
一背诵:选择历年真题的范文和一些与真题作文相近的文章狂背!背不能只是懵懂的瞎背,要有重点, 背文章框架、精彩句构和点睛的文笔,考研英语作文突击战。时而可以拿一些外语原著(散文)名篇来读背,加强自己的语感,使自己的表达地道化。
3、开门见山!!! 题目要求你写什么的,开篇就点题!
研究生考试英语作文范文 第14篇
研究生考试英语作文范文 第15篇
It has been said, “Not every thing that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
“Experience is the best teacher” is an old cliché, but I agree with it. The most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. You can’ learn everything from a book.
Of course, learning from books in a formal educational setting is also valuable. It’s in schools that we learn the information we need to function in our society. We learn how to speak and write and understand mathematical equations. This is all information that we need to live in our communities and earn a living.
Nevertheless, I think that the most important lessons can’t be taught; they have to be experienced. No one can teach us how to get along with others or how to have self-respect. As we grow from children into teenagers, no one can teach us how to deal with peer pressure. As we leave adolescence behind and enter adult life, no one can teach us how to fall in love and get married.
This shouldn’t stop us from looking for guidelines along the way. Teachers and parents are valuable sources of advice when we’re young. As we enter into new stages in our lives, the advice we receive from them is very helpful because they have already bad similar experiences. But experiencing our own triumphs and disasters is really the only way to learn how to deal with life.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第16篇
Dear my friends,
I am writing this letter to welcome you to our university. I expect you to arrive here with increasing joy as well as excitement. It is of great pleasure to anticipate your coming soon.
As foreign students, you will find everything on our campus quite different, fresh and alien. Therefore, after arriving, you can take full advantage of every opportunity to communicate with us directly to bridge the gap. To be more specific, the climate in Beijing is considerably different from your hometown, but you will soon get accustomed to living here. Finally, I hope to accompany you and introduce some special or unique campus characteristics and cultures to you so as to let you better understand our college life.
We shall strive to make your visit as pleasant as possible by providing the best service as well as support for you. All of our students are looking forward to your early coming eagerly.
Students’ union ?
研究生考试英语作文范文 第17篇
Given is a pie chart, clearly illustrating the striking contrasts in college students’ reading purposes on mobile phones in a certain university. Overall, the aim of learning ranks the first, accounting for 58%. Then, the next is searching for information, with 28%, followed by entertainment, at 12%.
These statistics above can be associated with the importance of mobile phones in students’ learning and daily life, but what result in the differences? On the one hand, smart phones are characterized by the diverse and powerful functions, which brings them great convenience and enhance their learning efficiency. A typical example is that they, with cell phones, can take online courses and look for useful information anywhere. On the other hand, compared with others, university students suffer greater mental stress, so they relax by listening to music or watching videos on phones.
As a youngster, I believe that we should use mobile phones in a rational way. Meanwhile, it is not advisable for anyone to be addicted to online games or social networks.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第18篇
This pie chart clearly illustrates the purposes of students’ touring in a certain university. As is reflected by the diagram, 37 percent of college students travel in a bid to appreciating the scenery, next comes the aim of relieving pressure, accounting for 33% percent. By contrast, the percentage of students travelling aiming at others, making friends and cultivating independence account for 15%, 9% and 6% respectively.
Several primary factors could contribute to this phenomenon. In the first place, travel can offer us a wide range of experiences. In travelling, we may join tourists marveling at the incredible power of Niagara Falls, mingle with the happy throngs strolling in the Paris boulevards and experience the bitterness and joy of people on different lands and in different times. In the second place, college students, who have to juggle academic work, romantic relationships and a busy social calendar, are particularly susceptible to pressure. By touring, they can successfully manage and reduce stress.
Taking all these factors into consideration, we may predict that with the quickening pace of campus life and ever-increasing pressure, the number of university students touring will keep growing in the forthcoming decade.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第19篇
For over a decade, the craze of Chinese college graduates taking qualifying examinations to become civil servants has remained unabated. An important proportion of graduates view civil service as their top priority in job selection and they spare no efforts in preparing for those examinations, sometimes years before their graduation.
To some extent, this craze is a modern revival of the ancient notion that “those who excel in academics end up in officialdom.” In the present-day China, however, there are complicated reasons underlying this phenomenon. The jobs in sectors other than civil service are insecure and unstable, and employees have to work under greater stress faced with growing competitions in the workplace and the industry. Some government departments are related to monopolized industries and civil servants can enjoy unusually high salaries and welfare benefits. Finally, government officials are usually regarded as occupying the highest rung of the social hierarchy and a student who succeeds in becoming government official is considered the pride of the family, adding prestige and glory to the entire clan.
For all the apparent attractions of the officialdom, the craze of entering the civil service is a distorted one. In the United States, truly ambitious students enter the industry instead of civil departments, where they apply their individual initiative to achieve personal success. It has already been pointed out that, with so many best minds of the nation fighting their way into the civil sectors, the consequences are catastrophic. The civil servants system, with its inherent bureaucracy and rigid rules, would inevitably turn the otherwise energetic and aggressive young people into docile followers of their superiors’ instructions and dutiful but mediocre implementers of executive orders. This will considerably undermine the vitality of a whole generation and the competitiveness of the entire country in the international arena. All forms of craze are accompanied by elements of irrationality and abnormality and, the sooner this craze vanishes, the better.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第20篇
[参考主题]1。合作 2。和而不同 3。实践出真知4。全员决策
① 全员决策可以提升企业文化凝聚力。
② 全员决策可以增强企业的辨识力,从而获得企业发展的正确方向。
③ 企业组织中的各个层级不同、员工的组织化程度不同、素质差异与利益诉求多元化,因此会存在很多不同的声音,势必会给企业带来新的难题。
① 在全员决策中建立相应的保障机制。
② 在全员决策过程中摆脱传统的、以控制为核心的管理化过程。
③ 建立及时、全面的沟通机制。
研究生考试英语作文范文 第21篇
It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
There are advantages and disadvantages to a childhood in either the country or a city. It's hard to say which is better. Growing up in the country means a certain amount of isolation. You're in a small town or on a armband not with a lot of people. Even more important, the people you meet everyday tend to be just like you. Most will be the same race as you, have the same background as you, and will have gone to the same school as you. In the city, the people you meet are different. There are different races and different cultures. You get a more interesting mix.
City people tend to come from a lot of different places and move around a lot. So, there isn't the sense of community in the city that you have in the country. People in the city can live in the same apartment building for twenty years and never get to know their neighbors. In the country, everybody knows everybody. For a child, this means the country is more secure. A child can get lost or hurt in the city and have no one to turn to. In the country, everyone’s a neighbor. People in the country feel connected to each other.
A child growing up in the city has the advantages of a lot of interesting and exciting place to visit. He or she can go to the zoo, museum, art galleries and concerts. There are a lot of restaurants with different kinds of food. It’s easy to see every new movie that comes out. Child in the country don't have a lot of these activities nearby.
All in all, I think a childhood in the city is better because it prepares you more for what real life is like.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第22篇
on university tuition system in china
directions: it is reported that many universities in china have begun to charge students for tuition. should university students in china pay their own tuition ? state two opposite opinions and illustrate them in detail. write an essay of about 200 words within 40 minutes.
tuition system has become one of the hottest topics in china since it was put into effect. reports on this topic are published in a variety of newspapers and magazines. people differ greatly in their opinions on it.
some people think that there is no university in the world which is open to students without tuition. as far as china is concerned, it is a developing country with the largest population in the world. the government is unable to allocate enough funds to pay for various teaching facilities and many different kinds of expenses. one of the ways to relieve the problem is for students to pay tuition. the money raised in this way can be used to improve the conditions for running schools.
others, however, are opposed to the tuition system. they argue that the living standard of the chinese people, especially of those in the poor rural areas, is still low, compared with that in the western world. the university tuition will certainly add to the already heavy burden of the parents, who live on their salaries or wages. moreover, tuition may become an obstacle to the development of china’s higher education. this is because it hinders some talented people from entering the university just on account of their poverty.
研究生考试英语作文范文 第23篇
第一阶段(预备阶段):1月至2月 对考研有一个基本的概念,渐入考研备战状态。
第二阶段(基础阶段):3月至7月 主要夯实基础,着重在词汇、阅读和长难句的理解
第三阶段(强化阶段):7月至11月 复习单词、做单项练习、练习写作、做20xx年-20xx年真题三遍
(2)、9月至11月 继续巩固背单词(每天每周要有复习的量)、每周至少写一篇大作文、每两周至少写一篇小作文,每两天或每三天做一套真题(要求一天做整套,剩下的一天或两天用同样的考试时间认真总结哪里错了、为什么错、怎样能不犯同样的错误)。建议大家根据老师给出的例句改写成适合自己的模板,运用之前阅读中学到的一些好的表达,形成有自己特色的写作风格。
(2)、12月后半月至1月初 至少每隔一天下午按照考试时间做一套题(距离考前还有半个月的时候可以做几套模拟题,但是距离考试不到半个月了就一定要做真题,把20xx年至20xx年的真题严格按照考试时间来做,保持考试的状态)。做完之后进行核对,查漏补缺,有不认识的重要单词要记下来,不断重复背诵。模拟做套题要当作正式考试来做,正式考试时当作模拟来做。最后,建议大家放松心情、增加自信,因为我们按计划一步一步扎扎实实地走过来,考试时只要像平时模拟那样做题就没问题!