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雅思大作文全部话题范文 第1篇









雅思大作文全部话题范文 第2篇


Some people consider that the speaking of a non-native language in one ’ s country of residence may pose significant problems in terms of everyday living and social relations. Though I agree that there is likely to be inconvenience in some specific situations, overall, the scale of the negative impacts is probably small.


( 立场应该明确,虽然 probably 表示的是可能性,但是它指的是可能性很大,这是明确的 )

主体段 1:会引起的问题

There are two main situations where I believe that the need to speak a foreign language in one ’ s own country can generate some difficulties. The first one is that conducting complex business in a foreign language can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. In some contexts, it is vital that all parties can express and understand every detail accurately, such as when negotiating the terms of a commercial contract. The second problematic feature is that not everyone is skilled at foreign languages and using them takes up energy and time that they would probably prefer not to spend. Indeed, we cannot be surprised if plumbers and cleaners, for example, were not skilled at the use of languages spoken by some of their clients, given that devoting professional time to improving practical skills is also very important for them.

主题句 : 我认为在自己居住的国家需要说自己的外语,能产生麻烦的情况有两种。

问题 1:在国外用外语谈复杂的生意会导致困惑和误解。在一些情况下,做生意的各方必须准确地表达和理解每一个细节,比如协商商业合同条款的时候。

问题 2:不是每个人的外语都熟练,不熟练的人使用外语会用掉他们不愿意花的时间和精力。 ( 就是中国学生和英国人聊天时那种特别费力的感觉 )

举例论证:举个我们并不意外的例子,管道工和清洁工,考虑他们要花大量时间来提升自己的专业技能,他们并不擅长使用他们的一些客户用的语言 ( 难以和这些客户进行良好的沟通 ) 。

主体段 2:反驳——虽然是问题,但是不严重

Nevertheless, in my view, the issues that communication in non-native languages in one ’ s own country give rise to are not sufficient to be to blame for serious social and practical problems. Countries with two or more official languages have usually become adept at accommodating speakers of all recognised languages in official procedures. For example, in Switzerland, court papers may be submitted in French, German or Italian – the main official languages – and courts are allocated resources to translate them as required. A further means of preventing social problems can be seen in bilingual countries such as Canada, whose education system and civic values promote respect for differing cultures and linguistic backgrounds. This means that when official systems to minimise the impact of linguistic differences do not suffice, ordinary people are less likely to feel angry and alienated. Rather, they tend to see the communication problems as opportunities for greater understanding.


举例论证 1:有两门语言或者多门官方语言的国家,通常在官方流程上都给其他语言的居住者提供方便。比如在瑞士,法律文件可以以语法、德语和意大利语 ( 三种官方语言 ) 提交,翻译这些文件需要的资源也相应地分配到了法院。

举例论证 2:在一些双语国家,比如加拿大,可以看到进一步预防社会问题的方法。加拿大的教育体系和公民价值观鼓励尊重不同文化和语言背景。这意味着,当官方体系不足以做到最小化语言差异造成的影响时,普通人感到生气或者被排斥的可能性变小。他们会把这些交流问题看做是机会,以达到更好理解。 ( 官方做法即使不足以让人满意,其他民众的态度可以弥补缺陷,让外来人不觉得被排斥 )


In summary, I take the view that, the problems relating to the need to use a foreign language in one ’ s own country are often kept to a minimum on account of government efforts to accommodate all main linguistic groups.

总结,我认为,因为政府努力让所有说主流语言的人 ( 太小太小的语种,确实顾及不到 ) 生活方便,所以在居住国使用外语导致的问题常常都最小化了。


1 ) adept:very skilled; proficient; expert

an adept juggler.

2 ) 题干信息 living in a coutry where you have to speak a foreign language 的替换

the speaking of a non-native language in one ’ s country of residence

the need to use a foreign language in one ’ s own country

3 ) 题干信息 social problems, as well as practical problems 的替换

problems in terms of everyday living and social relations

4 ) civic values

The Civic values Are principles of conduct centered on personal relationships within a society and serve to maintain social order.

Solidarity Responsibility Respect Justice Cooperation Honesty Sincerity

雅思大作文全部话题范文 第3篇

  Admittedly, government should, at least partially, be in charge of sending youngsters to school. This is mainly because young children are vulnerable members of society, and they may be confronted with unexpected accidents. In this case, it is imperative for government to assume its unescapable obligation by transporting young students to school. Besides, if government has a sufficient budget, it should provide such welfare services to its taxpayers, as those parents are very likely to be wrapped up in their work, with no more time allocated to giving their children a ride to school. // However, offering totally free transport may seriously strain public finances, forcing the government to make serious cuts to its expenditure in other crucial domains such as healthcare, public infrastructure, poverty elimination, and environment protection.


  赞同是政府责任的理由:1. 有义务保护未成年人;2. 有预算的情况下,为其纳税人(家长)提供便利 [这边“有预算”的前提,为下文做铺垫]// 反对理由:校车不是政府必须开销,预算吃紧的情况下应优先考虑其他领域需求,比如:医疗、基础教育、基础设施、脱贫、环境保护等

  vulnerable adj. 易受到伤害的

  be confronted with 遭遇到

  assume vt. 承担

  taxpayer n. 纳税人

  be wrapped up in把全部精力放在某事上〔以至于没有时间关心别的事〕

  strain vt. 使不堪承受

  make cuts to sth. 〔规模或数量,尤指政府或公司支出的〕削减,缩减,裁减

  elimination n. 消除,根除

 Body 2

  Acting as the legal guardians of young children, parents undoubtedly ought to take the responsibility to ensure the safety of their kids. In addition, if there is a short distance between the home and the school, it is even more inconvenient for students to take the school bus, as their residences are not always on a school bus route. Driving children to school by parents can instead save much time. // However, it is not always the case, since there are either instances where parents fail to coordinate the time of transporting their children and going to work on time due to the long travelling distance, or instances where impoverished families cannot afford private cars to drive their children to school.


  赞同家长接送的理由:1. 作为孩子监护人,理应为孩子安全负责;2. 距离近的情况下,校车的固定线路反而不便利 [这里“距离近”的前提为下文做铺垫] // 反对家长接送理由:特殊情况下,比如家校距离远、低收入家庭没有条件等,家长无法协调时间或金钱接送孩子

  guardian n. 监护人

  residence n.[C] 住宅

  on a …. route 在…的线路上

  impoverished adj. 穷困的


  In conclusion, government and parents should be jointly responsible for transferring children to school. If there is a short distance, then it is advised for parents to take such responsibility. If the travelling distance is rather long, then parents ought to send their children to the nearest school bus station punctually, and it is legitimate for government to charge parents a reasonable fee. Meanwhile, low-income families should be taken into consideration, and government has to guarantee children from these families free access to school buses.



  jointly adv. 共同地;联合地

  punctually adv. 准时地

  legitimate adj. 合情合理的

雅思大作文全部话题范文 第4篇


A conundrum of modern societies is the declining level of health in the general population, such as corpulence, which can be partly ascribed to people’s preference for unhealthy foods despite the fact that they know the detriments. Personally, behind such preference are two predominant factors, and this thorny issue can hopefully be tackled.

说明文题型,问原因和解决办法。该话题与12月2日刚考过的话题相似:Shops should not be allowed to sell any food or drink that has been scientifically proved to be bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 这题干不就是一种解决办法嘛?另外,剑16 Test 3 以及 6月17日考题,都是与健康饮食相关的题。

Ø conundrum n. 难题

Ø corpulence n. 肥胖,臃肿

Ø be ascribed to 被归因于

Ø detriment n. 坏处


To commence, the sound flavour that junk food offers should be responsible for the unhealthy diet. This is mainly because those unhealthy foods are usually sugar-, salt-, or fat-laden ones high in calorie and GI, which, after being eaten, will stimulate nerve cells to produces dopamine, a chemical functioning as a neurotransmitter to convey bliss and excitement. For this reason, people prefer or even easily get addicted to sugary beverages and fatty foods, especially the ones whose mouthfeel has been enhanced./ Besides, it is due to the surging living pressure that most employees nowadays have to work non-stop. In this case, they tend to order these instant foods, usually unhealthy ones, which fit the current fast-paced life.

原因1:好吃;原因2:压力大 → 快节奏的生活→ 一些不健康的食品,比如快餐,比较适合这种趋势

Ø laden adj. 满载的,装满的(lade的过去分词)

Ø dopamine n. 多巴胺

Ø function as v. 起…作用

Ø neurotransmitter n. 神经递质

Ø mouthfeel n. 口感


Considering the gravity of this trend, two schemes can be put on the agenda. The first approach is that policies regarding subsidisation can be issued by governments to motivate manufacturers to develop diet and delicious products. Meanwhile, the subsidies can also to some extent reduce the production costs, which will guarantee the newly-developed products sold with a proper price. Besides, high tax could be imposed on unhealthy food products. In this way, producers will thus have to raise the price for the sake of ensuring their profits, which naturally follows that ordinary people are more likely to consume the aforementioned cheaper but healthy alternatives.

整体方案就是调控价格:1. 用补贴鼓励公司研发健康美味的产品,同时降低新研发产品的售卖价格;2. 提高不健康食品的税收 → 售卖价格提高 → 人们选择买前面更便宜且健康的食品

Ø diet adj. 低脂肪的,低糖的

Ø impose vt. 征收


To recapitulate, since possible culprits and feasible remedies have been enumerated, this crisis can be promisingly resolved with joint efforts of relevant parties.


Ø recapitulate v. 总结

Ø culprit n. 罪犯;(不好事情的)原因

Ø remedy n. 治疗方案;解决办法

Ø promisingly adv. 有希望地

Ø joint efforts 通力合作

雅思大作文全部话题范文 第5篇

Many nations around the world attach great importance to economic development and some rich countries also strive for more wealth. In my opinion, whether the additional wealth is a blessing or a curse to citizens depends on how the wealth is made and distributed.

More wealth can further raise people’s living standard by providing them with various kinds of high-quality products from daily necessities to luxuries. Economic prosperity also brings more tax revenues to the government, which has a greater budget to build and maintain better infrastructure including education, healthcare, transportation, etc. All these will increase people’s degree of satisfaction with life.

However, in some cases, the rapid economic growth is achieved at the expense of the clean environment and people suffer rather than benefit from this kind of growth. For example, some factories create massive wealth, but they emit harmful gases and discharge waste water to the environment, posing a threat to people’s health. Citizens living in a polluted area would not have a real sense of happiness, even though they have more disposable income.

Moreover, in a country which is already rich, an important task is for the government to distribute the wealth fairly and build a society with equity and justice. Without a mechanism to ensure fair distribution, the increased wealth would not make citizens happier. Instead, the widening gap between the rich and poor may cause a series of social problems such as higher crime rate and more conflicts.

In conclusion, focusing on economic development does not necessarily result in citizens’ greater satisfaction with their lives. Rich countries should also consider the environment and fairness when they pursue more wealth.

雅思大作文全部话题范文 第6篇

It is claimed that people embarking on a career early and striving for it tend to gain higher work satisfaction than job hoppers who change their jobs frequently. Generally, I hold the same viewpoint.

It is true that most people enter the workforce with limited ideas about whether they want to stay in a particular industry for their entire career. So it makes sense to allow themselves some chances to explore when it comes to career prospects. In addition, the digital age has changed the way an individual perceives career development. Nowadays, people are no longer confined to traditional vocational choices, such as engineers and lawyers; instead, there are more unconventional work options, for example, being an influencer on social media. Therefore, the expanding employment scenario delays the decision making of many young minds. Nevertheless, frequent changes are detrimental to adults’ career development prospects. Employers today still highly value loyalty in many industries, and they usually offer additional incentives to long-term employees, including bonuses and reward schemes. Long-time employees have the advantage of thoroughly understanding the operation at work and also becoming familiar with the staff and processes. If they work hard, their promotion prospects are good, and there is likely to be greater job security, with the promise of a good pension when they retire. In this case, young people should plan for their career early so as to explore their interests to the fullest and research for possible jobs or businesses in the specific field, then stick to the profession they enjoy, and grow together with the company. To conclude, modern society has enough examples to prove that it is never too early to plan one’s occupation, and one should commit to the career path that is carefully chosen in order to achieve the greatest job satisfaction.






雅思大作文全部话题范文 第7篇

(让步)It must be conceded(承认)that in many ways technology aids in crime prevention and forensics(法医学;辩论术). Security systems such as surveillance cameras and financial tracking databases discourage would-be criminals from breaking the law, as they are aware of the ease with which they may be tracked, caught, and prosecuted(起诉). Also, new breakthroughs in DNA testing and computer simulations have made it easier to reconstruct crime scenes and identify criminals. (转折)However, the issue with this argument is that not all criminals are dissuaded(劝阻) by the knowledge of these systems, and while they do increase the likelihood of catching people who have committed crimes, these technological improvements do not necessarily prevent the crimes themselves from occurring.

雅思大作文全部话题范文 第8篇



比如说教育类的词汇,“考试教育”一词,很多人会说是education which focus examination, 其实它的准确表达应该是exam-oriented education;

还有“同龄人”很多学生会表达成people of same age, 背过话题词汇的考生应该都知道一个很简单的词peer;


1. paparazzi 狗仔队

2. mass media 大众媒体

3. entertainment 娱乐

4. journalism 新闻业

5. journal 期刊

6. the latest news 最新消息

7. exclusive news 独家新闻

8. news agency 新闻社

9. news blockout ^v^

10. news censorship 新闻审查

11. freedom of the press 新闻自由

12. coverage 新闻报道

13. do reportage on …报导…

14. hit the headlines 上头条

15. issue 出版、发行

16. newsstand 报摊

17. free-lancer writer 自由撰稿人

18. chief editor 总编

19. editorial 社论

20. newsworthy 值得报道的

21. barometer 晴雨表

22. the barometer of public opinion 舆论的晴雨表

23. live broadcast 直播

24. quiz show 智力竞争节目

25. game show 游戏节目

26. variety show 综合节目

27. talk show 脱口秀

28. sitcom 情景喜剧

29. soap opera 肥皂剧

30. movie star 电影明星

31. movie king 影帝

32. movie queen 影后

33. affair 绯闻



1. ambitious 雄心壮志的、野心勃勃的

2. adaptability 适应性

3. adapt oneself to …使自己适应…

4. prosperity 繁荣

5. be disadvantageous to …对…不利

6. flow of personnel 人才流动

7. mechanism of personnel flow 人才流动机制

8. survival of the fittest 适者生存

9. a sense of accomplishment 成就感

10. potentiality 潜能

11. learn to cooperate and comprise 学习合作和妥协

12. be deeply impressed with …对…印象很深

13. company philosophy 企业文化

14. flexibility 灵活性

15. competitive 竞争激烈的

16. arena 舞台

17. team-work spirit 团队合作精神

18. treasure opportunity 珍惜机会

19. a fat salary 收入颇丰

20. a harmonious interpersonal relationship 和谐的人际关系

21. a sense of responsibility 责任感

22. material gains 物质待遇

23. promising future 光明的前途

24. bright prospect 光明的前景

25. a challenging job 一份具有挑战性的工作

26. turning point 转折点

27. be closely related to …与…息息相关

28. get advanced in the society 出人头地

29. a decent job 一份体面的工作

30. chance of promotion 升迁机会

31. stability and satisfaction 稳定感和满足感

32. keep skills fresh and up-to-date 使技能可以不断更新

33. expand one's horizon 开阔视野



1. automobile industry 汽车工业

2. boost the economic development 促进经济发展

3. levy the tax 征税

4. modernization 现代化

5. be viewed as …被视为是…

6. be concerned about …对…担忧/关注…

7. pollution-free fuel 无污染燃料

8. luxury 奢侈品

9. chronic lead poisoning 慢性铅中毒

10. fill… with …使…充斥着

11. popularization of cars 汽车普及

12. lay more emphasis on…把重心放在…

13. observe traffic regulations 遵守交通规则

14. break traffic regulations 违反交通规则

15. get struck in traffic 遇上堵车

16. rush hour 上下班高峰时间

17. ease the traffic pressure 缓解交通压力

18. pedestrian 行人

19. pavement 人行道

20. zebra crossing 斑马线

21. overspeed 超速行驶

22. bottleneck 交通堵塞地区

23. settle down effective laws 制定出积极有效的法律

24. impose restrictions on …对…实施限制

25. short-sighted 目光短浅的






