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英语文章抄写范文手写 第一篇

On the ground, his legs hurt so much that he was about to cry, but he was in a hurry. At night, the children went to school. His father came to see the children I had brought home.

He was surprised and asked, _Mom, are you ok?_ I laughed awkwardly and said, _it's OK. Mom fell down just now._ he urged me to go to the bedroom, and so did dad Something happened. He said don't go to class.

I didn't speak.




英语文章抄写范文手写 第二篇

Nowadays, with the increasing popularity of computers, teachers, students and parents pay less and less attention to handwriting. However, due to various reasons, many students do not want to improve their handwriting. Many students think that they can use computers to replace handwriting.

Therefore, there is no need to waste time to improve their handwriting ability. As far as I am concerned, writing represents a person's quality, beautiful and tidy, Especially for middle school students, writing is beneficial, so we should pay more attention to handwriting in the future.



英语文章抄写范文手写 第三篇

The air is filled with heat and the sun shines on the sky. Many students have to rush around for further study under the urging of their parents. This is called _overtime_.

Obviously, this phenomenon has its own advantages for students. They can improve their studies more or less. Parents don't have to worry about whether children will go to Internet cafes or play video s all day long, but _extra-curricular_ is true There are adverse effects.

Summer vacation is a precious day for agers to exercise and broaden their horizons. If the holiday is equated with extra courses, then summer vacation is a precious day for children to exercise and broaden their horizons. Then our students and future s will lose their most precious childhood.

In my opinion, _overtime_ is like a bad wind and should be condemned It's not forgiveness, because it lowers the spirit of our sustainable TOEFL.


英语文章抄写范文手写 第四篇

You can see ABC V in the picture VOA, there is a mother and daughter in the forest happily swing around, they wear the same style of clothes, they have a head of golden hair, there are so many trees and flowers around them, flowers bloom around them, like a parade, this painting is so beautiful for the same relationship between mothers, daughter and environment, it attracted my eyes, I imagine dancing with them I hope the harmonious relationship between parents and children is very important for their physical and mental growth. Perhaps what children lack most is not money, but the love and care of their parents. If you are a father or mother, how much time do you spend with your children? Have you ever danced with your children or played with them like the mother in the picture? Did you notice the sweetest smile on the children's faces? Your assistants will be the best gift for children, and their smile will be the best gift for you.

So no matter how busy you are, don't forget to stay with your children.


从图片上可以看到ABC v VOA,有一对母女在森林里快乐地荡来荡去,她们穿着同一种款式的衣服,她们都有一头金发,周围有那么多的树和花,花儿在她们周围盛开,就像一场,这幅画对于母亲之间的同一种关系来说是如此美丽,女儿和环境它吸引了我的眼球我想象着和他们一起跳舞,呼吸新鲜的空气,用我的灵魂歌唱我希望父母和孩子之间的和谐关系对孩子们的身心成长非常重要。孩子们最缺的也许不是钱,而是父母的爱和关心。如果你是一个父亲或母亲,你有多少时间陪伴你的孩子曾经和你的孩子们一起跳舞,或者像照片中的母亲一样和孩子们玩耍过吗?你注意到孩子们脸上最甜美的笑容了吗?你的助手们将是给孩子们最好的礼物,他们的微笑也将是给你最好的礼物。


标签: 新学期

英语文章抄写范文手写 第五篇

Since I'm going to primary school, it's very important to form good learning habits. First of all, I should write down everything in the class and listen carefully in class. In this way, I can understand the second sentence of the teacher.

I should review my lessons after class, do homework in time, and finally learn to ask questions about some difficulties Learn to solve problems by myself, so that I can make great progress, I will become a good learner.



英语文章抄写范文手写 第六篇

As we enter the century, with the continuous development of many technologies, computers seem to be more and more popular, while handwriting is becoming less and less important. Many agers seem to leave handwriting behind. Computers can do almost anything.

We even don't write letters when necessary. As long as we send an e-mail step by step, we become not good at handwriting, It is necessary to recognize once again the importance of handwriting, which is a generally recognized cultural component of China's new year culture. This is a precious cultural wealth, which was given to us by our ancestors.

In addition, calligraphy is also a basic social skill. It is one of the standards to measure a person's quality. For example, when you apply for a job, the manager asks you to fill in a form.

Your handwriting is so poor that you leave a bad impression on the manager. Maybe you can't get the job because of your poor handwriting. We should always remember that we have no chance to make a good first impression.

Therefore, although computers can save us, it is obviously necessary to improve your handwriting. We still need to learn calligraphy to improve our calligraphy ability. In this way, we can form a serious and rigorous habit.

There is no special calligraphy class. I appeal to primary and secondary schools to open calligraphy classes as soon as possible to cultivate students' calligraphy quality and improve their calligraphy level. Finally, please remember that calligraphy is an important skill in today's world.

If we want to succeed in life, we should not neglect the ability of calligraphy. Although computers have helped us to improve our competitiveness, we should try to practice your calligraphy from now on.






