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公众号视频简介范文英文 第一篇

In recent years, wechat is becoming more and more popular. People express themselves, exchange ideas and transmit information through wechat. There are many reasons why people know wechat.

Wechat is a relatively cheap way of communication, which greatly reduces the cost of calls. Secondly, wechat caters to the taste of most people. Its attractive intece and various functions are popular, and its convenience also accounts for its popularity.

It is available anytime and anywhere. However, problems also arise. When we use wechat, our identity will be exposed.

As a result, we may have trouble, which may make face-to-face communication worse, relationships may eventually break down, but not least, our attention may be too focused on learning. There is no doubt that wechat will improve over time.




公众号视频简介范文英文 第二篇

On June 4, the Japanese Imperial Navy launched a large-scale attack on Midway Island of the United States Navy. Nimitz, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, assembled all the ships he could get to deal with the situation. Because of Japan's intelce superiority, the US Navy was familiar with every detail of Japan's combat plan, and finally achieved the key elements of victory, namely, the dive boom taking off from the _Yorkton_ aircraft carrier The bombers sank the aircraft carriers Sakai, Kaga, Suri and Haiyang, which were proud of the Japanese Navy, and obtained an important deputy to change the course of the Pacific War.



公众号视频简介范文英文 第三篇

Nowadays, short video is becoming more and more popular. It brings people happiness and happiness, and also brings us more life tips. On the other hand, it also brings more benefits to advertising.

The most important thing is its negative impact on people, rather than trying to create happiness in life. Now people often sit there waiting for interesting things, which leads to the degradation of the ability of happy life.



公众号视频简介范文英文 第四篇

After the announcement, EVA later paid tribute to desperate housewives on her twitter page and thanks her fans for their support. _We have confirmed that we are in the final season of desperate housewives, and I am very grateful for all that has been given,_ she wrote Wow, thank you for your wonderful comments. We have such amazing fans watching this last season.

It's on the way to be the best one. _.



公众号视频简介范文英文 第五篇

Twitter, the US ambassador to the United Nations, tweeted: anyone can think of Susan Rice Rice is preparing for last week's confirmation hearing: I denounce today's cowardly terrorist attack on innocents on the Tel Aviv bus, but last week she searched twitter for it, and there was no sign that innocent people could die elsewhere in the Middle East, and the missing word for Gaza was obvious - although the ambassador did take the time Celebrate the transgender day in America, and if, like Ms Rice, a little bit of solidarity with Israel will never go wrong - you are likely to be nominated as the next Secretary of state, but ambassadors' selective tweets reflect that even in Barack Obama During the Obama administration, the US foreign policy also faced a broader problem. The United States could not get rid of the accusation that its moral authority was often damaged by the use of double standards. Israel was not the only beneficiary of America's strong condemnation of Syria's repression.

Libya and (more recently) Hosni Mubarak Egypt, with its embarrassing whispering complaints about the repression in Bahrain, became distinct contrast. The government's response to human rights violations by other American friends, such as Rwanda or Sri Lanka, has always been silent. Americans' concern for human rights is always balanced by other issues - maintaining alliances, avoiding conflicts, and courting domestic voters when it is difficult to keep consistent on human rights issues.

Some people may think that silence is a more appropriate choice, but it is nothing Many who denounce America's double standards will be even more shocked by America's embrace of completely immoral foreign policy; what Obama needs in his second term is a bolder American to speak up for human rights, politics, and the protection of civilians - more willing to point out that these are universal principles, not only applicable at a convenient time.


美国驻大使推特(Twitter)在推特(Twitter)上写道:任何人都可能认为苏珊•赖斯(Susan Rice)正在为上周的确认听证会做准备:我谴责今天在特拉维夫(telaviv)公交车上针对无辜者的怯懦恐怖袭击,但上周她还在推特(Twitter)上搜了回来,没有迹象表明,无辜者可能会在中东的其他地方死亡,加沙这个词的缺失很明显——尽管这位大使确实抽出时间欢呼美洲变性人纪念日(Susan RicetwittertWittert变性人纪念日,如果像赖斯女士一样,对以色列的一点声援永远不会出错——你很有可能被提名为美国下任国务卿,但大使们有选择地发推文反映出,即使在巴拉克(Barack Obama)执政时期,美国外交政策也面临一个更广泛的问题,美国无法摆脱其道德权威经常因使用双重标准而受到损害的指控以色列并不是美国强烈谴责叙利亚的唯一受益者,利比亚和(最近)胡斯尼·穆巴拉克埃及与它尴尬地低声抱怨巴林受到的形成了鲜明对比。对卢旺达或斯里兰卡等其他美国朋友侵犯的行为的反应也一直保持沉默,美国人对的关注总是会被其他问题所平衡——维护联盟、避免冲突、在问题上难以保持一致的情况下讨好国内选民,有人可能会认为,沉默是一个更合适的选择,但这也没什么好处,许多谴责美国双重标准的人会对美国欣然接受完全不道德的外交政策感到更加震惊;第二任期所需要的是一个更大胆地为、发声的美国自由和保护平民——更愿意指出,这些都是普遍原则,不只是在方便的时候才适用。

公众号视频简介范文英文 第六篇

One possibility is that I was very happy when I heard that China's first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou, was launched in October. I will never forget the day when the Chinese people were proud of the succesul launch of the first unmanned shenzhou-1 and Shenzhou-5 spacecraft, which showed that China's space technology has reached the goal of launching Shenzhou-5, which is a great feat. The dream of thousands of astronauts has been realized.

I am now a high school student, Yang Liwei, who has set up a good example for us I want to study hard and lay a solid foundation for my future. When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei.



公众号视频简介范文英文 第七篇

Teenagers are young and energetic. They really want to show themselves in public. They want people to pay attention to them.

They also want to do things in their own way. I think agers should follow some principles when they show themselves in public. They should associate with those who are comfortable with them, find new friends who like to behave like themselves, and behave normally so that you want to be treated The way you treat others, don't try to be perfect, confident, not aggressive, accept yourself and talk to others politely.




公众号视频简介范文英文 第八篇

During World War II, the US government reached a secret agreement with a Sicilian American Gangster: Charles Luciano, who was serving a year's imprisonment. He was asked to help the Mafia to provide Mafia assistance against the possible infiltration of Axis powers into the coastal areas of the United States. His relationship between Italy and Sicily was used to provide intelce, and to ensure that the US military participating in the Italian campaign could pass through from to.

In return for his cooperation, Luciano was allowed to manage his criminal emperor unimpeded in prison In spite of public outcry, Luciano was paroled on condition that he had to leave and return to Sicily, perhaps as a reward to a man whose government could not officially acknowledge his contribution.


二战期间,与一个西西里岛的黑帮分子达成了一项秘密协议:正在服刑xx年的查尔斯·卢西亚诺(charles luciano)。他被要求帮助提供援助,以对抗轴心国可能对沿海地区的渗透,他在意大利和西西里岛的关系被用来提供情报,并确保参与意大利战役的美军从年到年都能方便地通行,作为对他的合作的回报,卢西亚诺被允许在里不受阻碍地管理他的犯罪帝国,尽管公众强烈,卢西亚诺还是被假释了,条件是他必须离开回到西西里岛也许是对一个无式承认其贡献的人的奖励。

公众号视频简介范文英文 第九篇

Passers-by and phoenix tree in the summer at noon, the weather is very hot, some passers-by see a phoenix tree is very tired, they go to the tree to have a rest, look up at the tree, they say to the tree: Hey, this tree has no fruit, the tree replied: you don't know what good you get from my favor, but you say I am. Although some people don't know what benefits they get from others, But they still criticize their benefactor.





