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解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第一篇

Almost all foreign-invested companies believe that companies should have discipline first, and then efficiency. But what do they do? Leaders should be consistent with their words and deeds. This is the beginning of discipline.

If every employee of the company can do what they say, then the discipline team will affect the reputation of the company. Second, the leaders of the company must be careful and think carefully about their orders. Otherwise, once they give orders and don't implement them, organizational discipline will not exist.

Discipline is a part of the company's culture How to regulate the company's discipline is a big knowledge. Since discipline is the intangible culture of the company and a part of the organization, every employee should be trustworthy.



解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第二篇

Everyone is very good. I'm Tom. I was born for the class investigated.

The network shouldn't do this: first, the classroom is a place where learning needs to be quiet. Some students traner their mobile phones to the classroom. In the classroom, they often hear the phone ring.

Third, some students send text messages in the classroom, wasting valuable learning time. Some students often call, which seriously affects the classroom discipline. I hope I don't want to In these cases, a comfortable, relaxed and comfortable learning environment.


解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第三篇


3.少儿英语培训学校教学管理规章制度 4.英语培训学校教师管理规章制度 1、英语培训学校规章制度












十一.家长须知: 1、安全第一,配合中心做好学生的安全教育工作。上下课应由家长或专人接送,其间安全自己负责。








二、学校员工不得迟到、早退和旷工。 1、迟到:按每人次10元人民币处罚(重大交通事故,恶劣天气除外),迟到超过半小时者按旷工半天计算。

2、早退:未经批准早退不足半小时罚款10元,超半小时按旷工半日处理。 3、旷工:旷工半天扣发50元人民币;无故连续旷工3天,按自动离职处理。








3、在特殊情况下宁肯个人受到委屈而一心维护学校形象和利益者,学校酌情给予奖励。 4、对树立学校良好形象,受到客户好评者,学校酌情给予奖励。

安德鲁英语培训中心 20xx/7/13 3、少儿英语培训学校教学管理规章制度

一、教学主管 1.课程设置:



(3)针对寒暑假这一黄金时间,结合当地的情况,提前拟定可行性课程计划及活动方案,使课程多元、实用,配合推广部的招生,并对教师进行相应的寒暑班课程培训,保障各班次的正常教学; 2.教师管理:





(5)按照各项指标审核授课教师,并参照学生对老师的评价,填写《--年--期教师考核表》,奖励有突出贡献的授课教师。 3.教学管理:



















少儿英语培训制度是少儿英语培训学校的基础,需要培训学校良好的去制定执行,这样才能使学校有个规范性的制度,才会引导学校走在正确的办学道路上,而不是全部都是向钱看的。篇2:英语作文背诵范文(带翻译) 一、great changes in my hometown more than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor of people were were few people didn't have enough food to eat and wore old had a hard life . 一,在我的家乡发生了很大的变化



二、save the earth 二、拯救地球

如何保护环境已成为世界上最大的问题。 这是我们的责任保护我们的环境。不管我们居住的地方,我们应该做些事情来保持我们的邻居整洁。我们可以收集废纸或其他废弃物回收利用。我们应该种更多的树,我们应该阻止那些工厂从浇注废水流入河流、湖泊和领域。我们不应该把垃圾随处可见,在公共场所随地吐痰。我们不能摘花、践踏草地在公众场合。如果每个人都尽自己最大的努力去保护环境,世界将变得更加美丽,我们的生活一定会越来越好。

三、improve our environment good environment can make people feel improve the environment means to qualify our life .what should we do to improve our environment ? 三、改善我们的环境

好的环境能让人感到快乐。改善环境意味着资格我们的生活。我们应该做什么来改善我们的环境? 我们应该种更多的树。我们应该阻止那些工厂从浇注废水流入河流、湖泊和领域。当我们看到垃圾在地上,我们应该把它捡起来,扔进一个垃圾箱。不要在公共场所随地吐痰。别把公共墙壁。这是我们的责任,让我们的地球整洁。 四、pollution around us 四、我们周围的污染


五、make our world more beautiful ! our best to make the world beautiful. 五,使我们的世界更美丽! 环境保护是越来越重要的人类。这是我们的责任照顾我们周围的天性。动物和植物都是我们最好的朋友。,我们应该与他们共同分享这个世界。我们不应该杀野生动物,我们必须保护森林,因为他们是动物的家。我们必须种植更多的树木和草,他们就可以让世界环保。更美丽的世界,我们将会有快乐的生活。让我们尽我们所能使世界美丽。

六、keep our school clean we are studying in this is our duty to keep it clean and is not good to spit in public places, such as in the library, in the shouldn't leave rubbish here and 't draw pictures on the wall, they influence the look of our school .we should keep the claroom clean and we should do some cleaning everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, i'm sure our school will be more beautiful . 六,保持校园清洁

我们在这所学校学习。这是我们的责任保持房间整洁。这并不是一个好吐唾沫在公共场所,如在图书馆,在课堂上。我们不应该把垃圾扔在这里和那里。不要在墙上乱画,他们影响看我们的学校。我们应该保持教室干净整洁。我们应该经常做些清洁。如果每个人都尽自己最大努力做些有用的事情对我们学校来说,我相信我们的学校也会变得更加美好。 七、my country life i like to live in the live in a small is a river near of trees are around my can see a lot of farms and is le air here is cleaner and are fewer read aloud early in the it is getting dark, the moon is bright in the 's very quiet .what a nice place i live in ! 七、我的乡村生活

我喜欢住在乡下。我住在一个小村庄。附近有一条河。许多树在房子的周围。我能看到很多农场和鸟类。有低噪音。这里的空气清洁和清新。有私家车的减少。我念在清晨。当它变得黑暗,月亮在天空明亮。它很安静。一个好地方我住在! 十一、the importance of english english is the most widely spoken in the 's spoken by most people in the usa, great britain, canada, australia, and new also very widely used as a foreign language in many other countries of the widely used for busine between different than three quarters of the information on the internet is in english, is really a bridge to so much knowledge .english is used by travellers and busine people around the one of the worlds most important languages as it is so widely why more and more people in china are interested in learning english. english is so useful that we must learn it well .now let's work hard at it and see who learns it faster and better in our cla . 十一,英语的重要性

解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第四篇

Football is a famous entertainment project, we play with feet. Many people love a football match. Football is their favorite topic of conversation. They usually go to the football matches and cheer for their favorite teams. We know when someone kicks in the goal that there is a score. Two teams are in the same place to kick. Both team has 11 people. We have 90 minutes in a match. We can pass the ball with our feet. You must run and run because maybe the others will kick the football.

In America we call it soccer, in England we call it football. That’s why we sometimes call it “soccer” or “football”.

If we have a football match, we must wear special clothes.

I think football is a good game to play, don’t you?

解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第五篇

In the classroom, we should do what we should do in class. We should have class rules. We have a good class discipline.

We should listen carefully. We should not talk to classmates or make noise in class. We should not drink anything.

We should not do other subjects' work. We should work together to build a good class. I believe we will do better Let's do our best in class.



解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第六篇

My parents are very I have so many family rules.

For example,i can't go out with my friends at school weekends,i have to go home before nine 's strict,but i think it's necessary.

And i must finish my homework in can't play computer have to wash clothes by myself.

I have to get up at six o'clock every i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.

Thanks to these can live i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair!Students need nine hours sleep!

And i think play some computer games is not think the family rules can make some change.

解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第七篇

Since we went to school, we have been educated to be polite, no matter tothe young or old people. People follow the manner rules and have a nicecommunication between each other, but some people ignore the rules and theytreat their rude behaviors as something cool. Today, people advocate theindividuality, so the young generation wants to do something different and catchpeople's attention. For example, they don't care other people's feeling andcriticize others as they like, or just interrupt when other people is talking,they just show what they want to say and they believe they are special and is very rude behavior that they don't respect others and have the wrongidea about individuality. We can do something special on the base of respectothers and follow the rules, or we are just the rude people.

解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第八篇

Following the rules can make the world in order, so that everyone's timewon't be wasted. But there are always some people try to break the rules, justto show how different they are, some even think it is cool to do it. Recently, ayoung guy was riding his sliding plate in the railway station. He ignored thestaffs' warning and just kept the way he was. He even shouted at the staff. Atlast, when policeman came, he apologized and promised would not do it a rude boy. He only thought about himself and ignored the rules. What hedid wasted everybody's time. Breaking the rule only got himself a badreputation.

解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第九篇

In order to have discipline in class, we must show ourselves in class, so that everyone can benefit from learning. We have to listen to what the teacher says, write down important information, don't talk to other students, don't use mobile phones. If you have any questions, you should ask the teacher.

The is the basic principle that we must follow in class.



解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第十篇

In today's academic life, it is often said that it is too possible for young people to prepare for academic life after graduation. They say that academic subjects are rooted in the past and are useless in solving modern problems. I disagree with this view for three reasons.

My first reason is the responsibility of parents, not the responsibility of teachers. It is an ideal place to learn family management and interpersonal skills, as well as work ability and attitude, to let their children deal with practical matters in life at home rather than in the classroom, They are the best learning _on the job_ and under the supervision of an experienced old worker. My second reason is that academic subjects have withstood the test of time.

They represent the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors. Instead of being impractical, they give us the knowledge and confidence to make correct judgments. Academic subjects are beneficial to any possible problems Training our psychological discipline, but the practice discipline is weak in this respect, my third reason is based on the saying _people do not live on bread alone._.

In school, teaching only focusing on practical problems will be boring. The best literary works in the world and the epoch- scientific and geographical discoveries in the past have enriched our lives and made us feel that we are part of the human family. The subject teaching in the school is completely appropriate.

I firmly believe that practical subjects have no place in the classroom. On the contrary, courses should be more academic pets.




标签: 新学期

解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第十一篇

Everyone has a live in it and feel very are three persons in my family,my mother,father and live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.

My father is a hard-working works as a always tries his best to help every,patient and make patients sonetimes he works so hard that he can't remember the date.

My mother is a woman with a bad memory.

She always does a lot of housework,but sometimes she makes mistakes out of example,one day,she washed clothes in the washer,after the washer finished the work,she found she hadn't filled the washer with water.

Now let me tell you a funny thing:one day,father wanted to get up early as usual,buthe wasn't able to do that,because he hadn't set the alarm clock the night before,so when he got up,he did everything in a father left,mother said to me mysteriously,_He will come back soon.

_ _Why?_ I was greatly surprised._Because today is Sunday,his holiday!_ Just as mother said,father came back home soon,and went to bed again--he was too tired.

You see,what an interesting family have!I hope that you will have one like mine,too.

解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第十二篇

There are five people in my family, father, mother, sister, brother and I, my family lives on the third floor, I know many neighbors, they are good to me.

My father work in a motor company in linkou, he have to go to work every day to seven, eight o 'clock in the evening to get back home, mom didn't go to work, so she stays at home every day doing housework, send us adding and dropping classes, help my sister do lunch at noon.

My sister has been on the junior high school, she has to get up at six more, when I get up every day so when all could not see her, the elder sister my homework is very good, I have no questions, she will be very patient to teach me. My brother how didn't go to the kindergarten class at eight o 'clock in the morning every day, sometimes I go to class when he is still in bed!

My father and mother are all very concerned about me, I don't work, would they?? I, but also teach me how to do a lot of housework.

I like my family because mom and dad are very love me also very concerned about me, although my mother is very fierce, I exam will be punished when I'm bad, but I know they are good for me. I'm in a bad mood, they will ask me what is, why is the mood bad?

I think my family is very warm and happy, so I love my family and the family.

解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第十三篇

There are lots of rules in my school.

For example we must clean our classroom every morning. I think it’s very necessary for us to keep it clean. And it’s good for our health. We have to wear school uniform every day. I think the uniforms are ugly. In my opinion we should be allowed to choose our own clothes. We can’t talk in the classroom.

As far as I am concerned keeping quiet is good for studying.





解决上课纪律问题范文英语 第十四篇

Every school has its own rules for students. We are told to wear schooluniforms at school. We should listen to our teachers carefully in class.

Homework must be done carefully and handed in on time. We ought to keepquiet in the library. Getting along well with our classmates is necessary.

Besides, we must always be on time for school.

I think it's important for students to follow the school rules. But we don'tlike to wear school uniforms all the time. Each of us is not the same and welike to be different from each other.



