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乡村民宿英语介绍范文 第一篇

Welcome to my hometown Shanghai is my hometown. Shanghai is a modern and busy city. It has a long history.

There are many supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories. It's easy to shop here. You can see big trees and beautiful flowers.

There are many restaurants in Shanghai. The food is delicious. You can enjoy every minute.

Many tourists come here to enjoy it delicious.



乡村民宿英语介绍范文 第二篇

因为民宿采用的是Bed and Breakfast的经营方式,也就是提供住宿加早餐的旅馆,简称B&B。 早期民宿的经营,大都是以家庭副业的方式,随着民宿的渐热,原本被定义成家庭副业的经营模式,逐渐换汱成家庭主业模式在经营。

欧陆方面多是农庄式民宿(Accommodation in the Farm) 加拿大则是假日农庄(Vacation Farm)的模式 美国都多见居家式民宿(Homestay)或青年旅舍(Hostel) 英国。


住宿的英文:stay、get accommodation、put up.一、stay 英 [steɪ] 美 [steɪ] n.住宿,逗留;延期;倚靠;忍耐1、We hope you have enjoyed your stay in the hotel. 我们希。

我知道中国云南省的风景优美而且大多是民宿 I know the scenery in yunnan province of China is beautiful and most of them are b&b。

乡村民宿英语介绍范文 第三篇

For example:why do one thing for anotherthe answer to this question involves many factors of one thinganother thing involves anothermany factors, including physical and psychological influenceboth individual and society have great influence oninfluential,for example:another important factor isalso responsible for the change / problemof course, this is not the only reason, for example: it will affect It has a far-reaching impact, because it involves some serious consequences, such as: the benefits gained from a are far greater than those from B; in fact, a has more weight than B; in addition to the positive impact, for example, a and B have several common points, and their similarities lie in some similarities between a and B.



乡村民宿英语介绍范文 第四篇

When you say _maybe most people like big cities, but in the countryside, there are people who don't like it._ when listening to birds singing, there are fewer people. They always say hello to each other on the road. But I prefer to live in the country.

They are polite to strangers, which can bring me a happy mood. People in big cities are very good in the morning because of the good living conditions there, Friendly and helpful, because when you get lost, most of them are busy money. They are _familiar with almost everyone_, but in an accident, I can meet all kinds of people and outsiders are eager to send you to the hospital immediately.

It seems to be a free concert, and they are happy to invite you to dinner at their home The situation is different. It's much quieter and calmer. They all know each other very well.

They also talk to you like old friends. The city is crowded and in the country, although you are strange. When I say hello to them and smile at them, city life and country life are very different in terms of population.

They are willing to point you in the right direction. They treat me the same way. I can lie in bed.



乡村民宿英语介绍范文 第五篇

Did you ever go on holiday and say to yourself, I can live here and travel to Jamaica, and carlisa Martin accepted the idea and actually completed it. Martin and her boyfriend, Jeff belizar, decided to spend their last-minute vacation in Jamaica to avoid the snow in March, when Martin had a dream job in New York Cuisine: brand director of the tasting table, a digital destination for culinary enthusiasts. She also appeared on the national television program _good morning, America,_ but something in that trip profoundly told Martin that long weekend, the idea of B & B concept appeared, we thought, why can't it happen, it may happen in Jamaica, said, one year old Martin, this is the first time we seriously consider this idea, within four months, Martin resigned her On the way to Jamaica, I worked with belizar to create escape, a travel brand that has grown into a lifestyle.

Runaway people escape from the cold and typically follow our dreams to create this new lifestyle Martini, which is not your average bed and Breakfast running away from home. Jamaica is the first succesul B & B funded in KickStarter Supporters donated nearly US dollars to help make the property of life escape for the Jamaica KickStarter.





