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高考英语简历范文格式 第一篇


一份描述你专业抱负或是职业目标的陈述报告。(A statement which expresses your professional ambitions and/or career objectives.)包括:目标(objective)、工作目标(job objective)、职业目标(careerobjective)、谋求职位(positionsought)、希望职位(position wanted)、申请职位(position applied for)等。

(二)个人资料(Personal Data):

主要是介绍你自己(Introduce yourself),包括个人的一些自然状况:姓名(name)、年龄(age)、出生日期(date of birth)、 住宅电话(home phone)办公电话(office phone)、民族,国籍(nationality)、籍贯(native place)、家庭状况(family status)、婚姻状况(marital status)等。


在何种程度上,教育背景及工作背景适合从事某一工作。(The degree and/or depth to which a person's work and educational background is a good fit for aparticular job.)如:

1.教育背景(Educational background):

即正规学校教育/或培训(A history of a person's formal schooling and/or training.)包括:学历(educational history )、教育程度(educational background)、知识背景(knowledge background )、所学课程(courses taken)、

专业课程(specialized courses)、进修课程(refresher course)、脱产培训(off-job training)计算机科学(computer science)等,及掌握情况。

2.工作背景(Work background):

即专职及兼职工作经历。(A history of a person's professional and/or non-professional employment. )包括:工作经历(work experience)、职业经历(professional history)、具体经历(specific experience)、兼职(Part—time)、实习(Intern)、实际业绩 (Performance)、工作成就(achievements)、个人能力(People)、市场开发(Marketing develop)、关键问题的解决(breakthrough)、成功的要素(Element of Success)、胜任力(Competence)、被认命的职位(appointed position )等。


你擅长的工作,你所拥有的积极的个性特点,你想向你未来老板推销的你的一些技能。实力包括较强的思想交流能力、分析能力、技术能力、管理能力、创造力、团结力和可取的个人品质。(Tasks which you feel you excel at, positive personality traits that you feel that you possess, and skills that you sell to apotential employer. Strengths can include superior communication skills,

high analytical ability, technical skills, managerial prowess,creativity, people skills, and desirable personality traits.)例如:

良好的沟通能力(Good Communication skill)

敏锐的商业头脑(Sharp Business Mind)


能当机立断(I’m willing to make decisions.)

我和他人容易共事。(I work well with others.)

我能有效进行时间管理。(I can organize my time efficiently.)



(Areas that you perceive that you need improvement in, whether it be work habits, business knowledge, communication, etc. Any potential weakness must be spun into a positive answer which converts it into a potential strength.)例如:

我有时对自己要求过于严格。(I tend to drive myself too hard.)

我对别人的能力期望过高。(I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.)

我喜欢速战速决。(I like to see a job done quickly.)


高考英语简历范文格式 第二篇

As the figures / percentages in the table show (chart / picture / pie chart / chart has been rising / falling (from sharp / significant decline / rise / drop / significant / significant / steady rise / fall / decline), it goes without saying that there are at least two good reasons for this, and on the other hand, it is due to the fact that there may be other reasons besides this that people generally recognize For the above reasons, it is usually convincing, that is: my opinion is that I am sure my opinion is based on) your address, month, date, addressee's address: dear, I am very glad to hear from you / see your advertisement for the position, I would like to write to tell you / I am confident that I am suitable for the job you are looking for / I feel that I have the ability to meet the requirements listed by you I am enclosing my resume for your reference. If you can give me a valuable interview opportunity, I will be very grateful. I would like to thank you for your reply as soon as possible at your convenience / I look forward to your reply as soon as possible.

Please send your sincere regards to your health and success. Recently, what surprised us most is that there are many reasons to explain this main reason. More importantly, the third reason is a result and another conclusion.





高考英语简历范文格式 第三篇



英文简历没有所谓的固定形式,你必须衡量自身以及职务需求,打造最能凸显优势的内容呈现方式,并且格式要自行设计。往往简历本身的整体独创性也会是列入评分的项目之一。以所附的模板为例,有时候你可能不一定要写出「professional Qualities」(技能以及专长)这个项目,或甚至以「Summary」(经历概要)来加以代替,这些都完全取决于你自己的弹性。





英文简历的写作原则4.搭配求职信 (cover letter)

这部份将在后面更详细的说明。 求职信兼任着自我推荐的角色,是英文简历不可或缺的搭档。有了它,你的简历将威力倍增。另外下表说明在撰写简历以及求职信时,建议可以参考你个人工作经历的长短以及是否有职业上的转型等来做一些重点调整。






但另外一方面,工作经历较少的人可能相对的较不容易展现其绩效以及能力。因此在这里你要善加使用「successfully」、「effectively」等有冲击性的形容词来强调你对工作的企图心及热诚。不过要注意你的英文用字遣词要到什么深度,必须衡量个人真正的能力。千万不要为了表现英文能力而硬挤出过于艰涩的文章。到时候 面试 的时候露出马脚,那可就糟了。

高考英语简历范文格式 第四篇



Fill in your resume should pay attention to the following:


A, resume to often updated

Whether you're looking for a new job, should be regularly update your resume, including the latest contact, the latest working content, achievement, and obtain the certificate of the update to resume. Because you, published in the online resume at any time may be HR see, so should every moment do careful preparation, as far as possible will be the most perfect one side presents to HR.


Often update your resume is another advantage is that, when active finding the right job openings, also can avoid apply for hurried fill out before your resume, and will be a few important result omissions.


Second, use the wording of the general knowledge


Resume mentioned in key word to use the wording of the general knowledge, such as job title, etc. So do to make more easy to search with HR system to you.


Three, fill in his autobiography


Resume autobiography is most can play a character, ideas, work attitude and so on the part, you can will resume in the experience of this cannot be completely out in his autobiography written from a different point of view, to present themselves, so that you have to HR comprehensive understanding.


Autobiography is often part of HR will pay attention to, so should be paid attention to in the text style when to turn to formal, cannot be too lively.


Four, related experience to highlight


In your resume, highlighting their own industry experience, and a successful cases, will be very persuasive. Filling in for recruitment enterprise post should be the demand, in your resume, emphasis on the work experience of the relevant before work responsibilities and achievement, the embodiment of the content to be active and cater to the needs of the recruiting post, reflect themselves have the ability be competent this work.


Five, professional certificate is very important


Certificate not only can be used to highlight their professional degrees, many jobs is must have the “professional qualification certificate” to mount guard. So, as far as possible will certificate of complete information, can let you increase the HR likability.

高考英语简历范文格式 第五篇



简历太长,就意味着里头夹杂着一些无用或者无关的信息,而这些信息只会起到反效果。HR想看到的是有条理的、一目了然的简历,过多的无关信息浪费了他们的时间,还要为你的简历理出纲要。就如同广告一样,所用的词汇越多,消费者就越难记住。Nike的广告语就三个单词“Just do it”,却获得了营销上的巨大成功。你的简历也应该像Nike的广告语一样,简练而有力地展示自己的形象和优势。除非你应聘的是广告、艺术类职位,否则,过于“创意”的简历只会让HR认为你不够职业而被首先剔除。





要用点句(bullet point),避免用大段文字。点句的长度以一行为宜,最多不要超过两行; 三句为佳,不超过五句。三是一个很微妙的数字,两个显得太少,四个就多了,三个正好。














高考英语简历范文格式 第六篇




9/88-Present THE LAPIS CORPORATION,Pinesville,LA

Personnel Administrative Assistant

Maintained filles.

Prepared records for off-site storage.

Designed forms for archives.

Developed effective space management plan for on-site records.

Improved tracking system resulting in few lost files.

Handled employment verifications and designed forms to expedite process.

12/84-8/88 GLADE GROVE COLLEGE,Baton Rouge,LA

Records Coordinator for Development

Recorded gifts made to the college.

Maintained filles.


Translated data form surveys into numerical code for data entry.

Edited computer printouts.

Performed quality control.


'Advantage' Coordinator (The 'Advantage' is an auto dialer.)

Tested and programmed each unit.

Schedule site visits and installations.

Kept inventory.

Assisted customers with questions and problems.

4/71-5/72 Interviewer

Conducted public opinion surveys.


Biltmore College,Dallas,Texas 1972

Associates degree in Marketing.

References are available upon request.

Work experience is emphasized while limited education is de-em-phasized.

Clean layout makes resume easy to read.

高考英语简历范文格式 第七篇


Word processing: Microsoft Word

Other applications: PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, QuarkExpress,

PhotoShop, Excel, Access, File Maker Pro, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Reference Manager

Writing ability (proposals, newsletters, presentations, resumes, cover letters)

Internet skills

Event coordination: trade shows, seminars, user conferences


Interpersonal skills - ability to put people at ease; Dependable, organized, efficient ;Team player; Self-starter


The Health Institute, Division of Clinical Care Research, New England Medical Center, Boston, MA

November 2000 - Present, Executive Assistant to Director and to Research Scientist

Created prepress drafts for flyers, catalogs, order forms, and price lists

Managed digital image library

Formatted digital images for Website

Coordinated co-op program and produced credit memos

Wrote memos, presentations, and correspondence for Vice President

Maintained Excel sheets for budget, brand ID program, and retail mailer program

Monitored invoices

Health Dialog, Inc., Boston, MA

Sept. 1998-April 1999 Administrative Assistant for healthcare management firm

Edited and produced company newsletter

Maintained company database

Performed Internet research on health topics and competition

Reviewed and analyzed health videos

Created PowerPoint presentations

Fulfilled orders for videotapes


Taught in nursery school for five years and kindergarten for two years


Prescription Parents, Inc. (a parent support group for parents of children with cleft lip/palate)

Member (1981-present), President (1995-present, 1985-87), Secretary (1984-85), Newsletter Editor (1982-84, 1987-89), Corresponding Secretary (_-1995)

Office for Children, Southern District Council, Former Member of Board of Directors


1992-93 Katharine Gibbs School, Boston, MA. Entree Business Program, Deans List

1971-75 Boston State College, Boston, MA. . Early Childhood Education, Deans List

1967-71 Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, CT. ., majored in English.

高考英语简历范文格式 第八篇

Name: xuexila

Nationality: China

Current residence: Guangzhou, China: Han

Domicile: Guangzhou stature: 160 cm kg

Marital status: Single Age: 26

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: procurement, trade with the single / with a single assistant

Job type: Full-time arrived to date: one week

Salary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope Working Area: Guangzhou

Work Experience

Company Name: Guangzhou Garment Co., Ltd.

Beginning and ending date :2011-09 —— 2013-05

Company Type: Private Industry: Trading / Import & Export

Ren Position: business with a single

Job Description: --- responsible cowboy series model, the production of goods, shipment follow-up.

--- Deal with guests daily incoming and outgoing mail, confirm the order details.

--- New model costing and pricing.

--- Material procurement.

Educational Background

Graduated: Guangdong Provincial Economic and Trade School

Highest Level of Education: College

Graduation date :2012 -07-01

By Major: Business English


I am confident and optimistic, have the right and upward values ??of life. The enthusiasm and enterprising, industrious and pragmatic, the courage to challenge and exploration, has the responsibility of doing things carefully, in harmony with people, good coordination and cooperation. Work, has accumulated a certain amount of work and the experience of doing things, while good at summing up experience and analysis, to make themselves continue to grow and mature.

高考英语简历范文格式 第九篇

A possible version: I saw a traffic accident on my way to school this morning. It happened at an intersection near the gate of our school. The traffic light was on, but a young man didn't stop.

At the same time, he rode very fast. A black car came and hit the man. The man was seriously injured and his bicycle was broken.

What a terrible scene We should obey the traffic rules and be careful on the road.



高考英语简历范文格式 第十篇

My name is Li Yijia. I was born in August in Guangzhou. I graduated from the English Department of Beijing Normal University.

I studied in a middle school for two years, and then worked as a salesman in Fujin language bookstore for two years. I am good not only in Chinese but also in English. I am very interested in English, and I won the second place in the English competition in Beijing.

I continue to study English in my spare time. I am very happy to be able to talk freely with foreigners. I believe that I am suitable for this job and I am determined to do my job well.

My name is Li Yijia. I was born in August in Guangzhou. I graduated from the English Department of Beijing Normal University.

I stayed in middle school for two years, and then I was in Fujin language The bookstore worked as a salesman for two years. I am good not only in Chinese but also in English. I'm very interested in English because I won the second place in the English competition in Beijing.

I continue to study English in my spare time. I am very happy that I can talk freely with foreigners, I believe I am suitable for work and determined to do my job well, pet.





高考英语简历范文格式 第十一篇

Dear Ms. Jenkins, I'm Li Hua. I'm writing this letter to tell you about my plans for the coming summer vacation.

I also hope you can do me a favor to gain some practical experience. I am planning to work part-time in a foreign company. I have completed my application and resume, but this is my first time to write a cover letter and profile Calendar, so I don't even know what to pay attention to, so I'm writing to you, hoping you can give me some help.

If you can help me, I will be very grateful, looking forward to your reply, I really appreciate you, Li Hua.






