

青春之歌 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞


改掉熬夜的英语范文 第一篇

Many people want to ask, what is the best time for sleep? Do we need to sleep early or late?

My opinion is to sleep early. Here is the reason why we should sleep early. First, it will make you more healthy. Sleep late would cause illness, long time not sleeping early will damage your body. Second, many people had said that if you don't get many time to sleep, and you sleep late would make black rim of the eye. That is not healthy also, and it's not beautiful. We should give our body a rest. Sleep is the best way. Well, there are certain time that is best for us to sleep. Sleep early is definitely better than sleep late.

Also, we should not keep awake the whole night. You don't feel the damage when you are young, but when you get older, the problem start to appear. Many disease of heart and lung started from not sleep at night. Many youth think it is fun to keep awake or sleep late. But I don't think so. Keep your body healthy. I strongly suggest to sleep early.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二篇

The former is secreted before dawn, which can promote the metabolism of carbohydrate in human body, and protect the development of muscle; while the latter is produced only after sleep, which can not only promote the growth and development of young people, but also can delay the aging proceof the elderly. As a result, staying up late will cause a variety of harms to human body.

First, frequent fatigue and decreased immunityThe most serious sequence caused by staying up late is fatigue and lack of energy. What's more, the immunity of human body will decrease accordingly. And some other symptoms such as cold, gastrointestinal infections, allergies will also , headacheThe next day after staying up late, you will suffer from headache when you are at work or at class. You will be unable to concentrate. What's more, long-term staying up late and insomnia will also bring invisible damage to our memory.

Third, dark circles and puffinessNight is the time for human body to have a good rest. Without adequate rest, you will feel extremely tired, which will lead to poor blood circulation around the eyes, causing dark circles or blood streak in the white of the eye.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三篇

I used to have a lot of bad habits. I used to play computer s, eat a lot of junk food, stay up late at night and go to bed in the morning. I tried to get rid of these bad habits, because they affected my study.

I failed several times in the exam. However, it is easier said than done, and it is not easy to get rid of a bad habit. Now I've changed.

It's my father who coaxed me out of my bad habits. Playing computer s and eating junk food has made a detailed daily plan to prevent myself from returning to my old habits. I get up early every day, and I always find time to do some exercise.

I sleep eight hours a day. I have milk and some fresh vegetables and fruits. Now I seldom touch junk food.

I feel very healthy.




改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四篇










改掉熬夜的英语范文 第五篇

Many people want to ask, what is the best time for sleep? Do we need to sleep early or late? My opinion is to sleep early. Here is the reason why we should sleep early. First, it will make you more healthy. Sleep late would cause illness, long time not sleeping early will damage your body. Second, many people had said that if you don't get many time to sleep, and you sleep late would make black rim of the eye. That is not healthy also, and it's not beautiful. We should give our body a rest. Sleep is the best way. Well, there are certain time that is best for us to sleep.

Sleep early is a definitely better than the sleep too late. Also, we should not keep awake the whole night. You don't feel the damage when you are young, but when you get older, the problem start to appear. Many disease of heart and lung started from not sleep at night. Many youth think it is fun to keep awake or sleep late. But I don't think so. Keep your body healthy.

I strongly suggest to sleep early.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第六篇

Staying up late will be detrimental to human health, because the adrenal cortex hormone and growth hormone are all secreted during the night when people are sleeping. The former is secreted before dawn, which can promote the metabolism of carbohydrate in human body, and protect the development of muscle; while the latter is produced only after sleep, which can not only promote the growth and development of young people, but also can delay the aging process of the elderly. As a result, staying up late will cause a variety of harms to human body.

First, frequent fatigue and decreased immunity

The most serious sequence caused by staying up late is fatigue and lack of energy. What's more, the immunity of human body will decrease accordingly. And some other symptoms such as cold, gastrointestinal infections, allergies will also appear.

Second, headache

The next day after staying up late, you will suffer from headache when you are at work or at class. You will be unable to concentrate. What's more, long-term staying up late and insomnia will also bring invisible damage to our memory.

Third, dark circles and puffiness

Night is the time for human body to have a good rest. Without adequate rest, you will feel extremely tired, which will lead to poor blood circulation around the eyes, causing dark circles or blood streak in the white of the eye.

Fourth, dry skin, dark spots and acne

The period between 11:00 pm to 3:00 am in the next day is the beauty time, and it is also the time for the meridians in human body to move to gall bladder and liver. If these two organs do not have adequate rest, it will be reflected on the skin. So some problems such as roughness, yellowish face, dark spots and acne will appear. What's worse, long-term staying up late will slowly cause some neurological and psychiatric symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety and so on.

Fifth, affecting fertility

For the men and women of childbearing age, if they always stay up late, it will not only affect the motility and quantity of male sperm, but also will affect the secretion of female hormone and the quality of ovum, and it is also likely to influence the menstrual cycle.

Sixth, increasing the probability of getting some chronic diseases

People who staying up all night always have higher secretion of * than the average person, which will increase the pressure on metabolism, and thus leading to some chronic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes.

What's more, there are also other harms caused by staying up late, such as poor eyesight or dysfunction of the liver. We should pay special attention to these bad effects, and try not to stay up late at night.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第七篇

Today more and more students are inclined to stay up at enjoy the night so much that they don't go to bed until deep into the night or even until the next that would do harm to their who usually stay up can get tired the next day and they often sleep in can't listen to the teachers heart and time goes on,they will do bad in their study ,and will be poor health.

For these reasons,I would like to advise those students who are staying up not to do that again!You should go to bed before 11 in the you take my advice?


改掉熬夜的英语范文 第八篇

Children and teenagers love to stay till late hours in order to play computer games or to see their favorite series and they never seem to have enough time during daytime. However, scientists forestall that regular lack of sleep during childhood could deprive one of normal sleep for all their life.

Even though doctors don't know yet exactly why we sleep, the use ofsleeping is unquestionable. Its lack brings about disturbances in concentration, lowers work abilities, leads to bad mood and even increases appetite, which can lead to overeating and all of its consequences.

Recently, doctors discovered another side-effect of sleep insufficiency. Japanese doctors affirm that if a child is allowed to go to sleep later than 10-11, when he of she is older he will be in a high risk of severe insomnia. Its cause lies in the fact that children don't have their biological clock established yet and, as a result, the habits which are developed when they are 9-12 years old remain for all their lives. More than that, children's biorhythms are so frail that it is enough to sleep only half of the night several times during a week and the biorhythms go wrong. In general, if a child is used to stay in front of a TV or a computer monitor till late hours, in his adult life he of she won't be able to fall asleep when going to bed earlier. It is very complicated to reverse this process.

This is the conclusion drawn by the scientists from the Medicinal University from Tokyo, led by doctor Jun Kahayama. They gathered detailed statistics about the way day rhythms of children with different models of behaviour change. They are being regulated by a special area of the brain – nucleus suprachiasmaticus, which, according to doctors, reacts on the quantity of light perceived by the human eye. When the child is exposed to the influence of artificial light during night - be that from the computer or the TV – the brain cannot determine whether the day has ended or not and, thus, doesn't send signals for sleeping. As a consequence, the brain is _reprogrammed_ for a later time of sleeping.

Scientists also pay attention to the fact that, during the last 5 years, the number of children younger than 11, suffering from different sleep disturbances, has increased by 26 per cent. Their British colleagues also share these concerns: the director of the Center of Sleep Researches in Great Britain, professor Jim Horn, considers that children who are constantly using computers and mobile telephones overexcite their brain during the day and, thus, cannot sleep normally at night.


改掉熬夜的英语范文 第九篇

With the College Entrance Examinations approaching , the students of Senior Three are focusing much more on studying. Many of them even begin to stay up studying. A heated discussion was held to argue about the advantages and disadvantages of it.

Some students have their own reasons for studying late into night. Firstly, the quietness in the night will result in better effectiveness. Besides, the examinations are only 200 days away so it's high time they made good use of every minute. What’s more, seeing others studying so hard, they will feel anxious if they don’t take action.

Some others, however, hold the opposite view, saying that a sensible senior student must know how to balance his time between study and leisure. As everyone knows, staying up late will naturally affect the next day's performance in class.

As far as I’m concerned, different people have different habits. If you can hold it, it’s your own business when to study and when to sleep.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十篇

Review well. In modern society, exams are becoming more and more common and important in the United States. Especially for students preparing for the final exam, it has become a typical means of education.

I have to say that it can really test our level and make us progress, but on the other hand, it does have side effects for us. For example, many students stay up late to review their lessons, lack of sleep, and they will have an exam the next day. I think this is not good for their health.

In the long run, we should find a solution to the problem, which can not only make us better, but also satisfy our sleep.



改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十一篇

Today more and more students are inclined to stay up at enjoy the night so much that they don't go to bed until deep into the night or even until the next that would do harm to their who usually stay up can get tired the next day and they often sleep in can't listen to the teachers heart and time goes on,they will do bad in their study ,and will be poor health.

For these reasons,I would like to advise those students who are staying up not to do that again!You should go to bed before 11 in the you take my advice?

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十二篇

Our school has regular rest hours for students. However, we can often see many students do their lessons or other things after the bed time. They usually stay up until midnight.

Teenagers need enough sleep daily. Staying up late may do harm to health. It can also make students late for class or sleepy in class. Thus, they miss something they should have learned.

It’s blameless to stay up once in a while if we do have to take up our rest time for some urgent deeds, but don’t make it a habit. President Xi recently advised young people not to stay up late, which we should bear in mind. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. We really need to make a change to the unhealthy lifestyle so as to ensure our rest time.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十三篇









改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十四篇

Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it.

As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十五篇

The period between 11:00 pm to 3:00 am in the next day is the beauty time, and it is also the time for the meridians in human body to move to gall bladder and liver. If these two organs do not have adequate rest, it will be reflected on the skin. So some problems such as roughness, yellowish face, dark spots and acne will appear. Whats worse, long-term staying up late will slowly cause some neurological and psychiatric symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety and so on.

Fifth, affecting fertility

For the men and women of childbearing age, if they always stay up late, it will not only affect the motility and quantity of male sperm, but also will affect the secretion of female hormone and the quality of ovum, and it is also likely to influence the menstrual cycle.

Sixth, increasing the probability of getting some chronic diseases

People who staying up all night always have higher secretion of * than the average person, which will increase the pressure on metabolism, and thus leading to some chronic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes.

Whats more, there are also other harms caused by staying up late, such as poor eyesight or dysfunction of the liver. We should pay special attention to these bad effects, and try not to stay up late at night.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十六篇

I agree that they can help poor students economically. Maybe poor students need money. With the help of this college student, the problems will be solved.

On the other hand, they will encounter some problems. They don't have enough sleep. They need to stay up late to serve college students.

They can't properly review their lessons. Some poor students will encounter fierce or poor performance Students, and then they will suffer to hire these students, and they can help them gain experience. They get jobs early, which is good for them.

When they start working, I agree that rich students hire poor students to serve them. If both sides agree, we can't say anything.



改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十七篇

Furthermore, it negatively impacts on the work efficiency. On the one hand, owing to the discomfort of your health as mentioned above, you may feel distracted from the work. On the other hand, because of the decrease of the memory capacity, your work efficiency will be lower, which means that you may not complete the things as you want. Assume that you are a university student and you plan to review for your psychology examination next week after tomorrow’s class. Nevertheless, you stayed up late yesterday for some reason. Therefore, you probably be late for tomorrow’s class or even skip it. Thus, you must find other time to compensate for it. Afterwards, when preparing your examination, you may feel headache and cannot concentrate on it, thus having difficulty memorizing and understanding the psychological terms and principles. Therefore, your schedule for reviewing chapter 2 and chapter3 will be changed. You can only review chapter 2 and may not finish chapter 3. However, in order to finish reviewing on time, you are more than likely to stay up late again. Then, you will be in the vicious cycle and your work efficiency will be lower and lower.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十八篇











改掉熬夜的英语范文 第十九篇

The period between 11:00 pm to 3:00 am in the next day is the beauty time, and it is also the time for the meridians in human body to move to gall bladder and liver. If these two organs do not have adequate rest, it will be reflected on the skin. So some problems such as roughness, yellowish face, dark spots and acne will appear. What's worse, long-term staying up late will slowly cause some neurological and psychiatric symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety and so on.

Fifth, affecting fertility

For the men and women of childbearing age, if they always stay up late, it will not only affect the motility and quantity of male sperm, but also will affect the secretion of female hormone and the quality of ovum, and it is also likely to influence the menstrual cycle.

Sixth, increasing the probability of getting some chronic diseases

People who staying up all night always have higher secretion of adrenaline than the average person, which will increase the pressure on metabolism, and thus leading to some chronic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes.

What's more, there are also other harms caused by staying up late, such as poor eyesight or dysfunction of the liver. We should pay special attention to these bad effects, and try not to stay up late at night.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十篇

Many people want to ask what is the best time for sleep? Do we need to sleep early or late? My opinion is to sleep early. Here is the reason why we should sleep early.

First it will make you more healthy. Sleep late would cause illnelong time not sleeping early will damage your body. Second many people had said that if you don't get many time to sleep and you sleep late would make black rim of the eye. That is not healthy also and it's not beautiful. We should give our body a rest. Sleep is the best way. Well there are certain time that is best for us to sleep. Sleep early is definitely better than sleep late. Also we should not keep awake the whole night. You don't feel the damage when you are young but when you get older the problem start to appear. Many disease of heart and lung started from not sleep at night. Many youth think it is fun to keep awake or sleep late. But I don't think so. Keep your body healthy. I strongly suggest to sleep early.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十一篇

Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her She overworked and always stayed up If given chance again, she would not stay up Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十二篇

Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like mitting suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十三篇

You may need more sleep than you think.

Research by Henry Ford Hospital Sleep Disorders Center found that people who slept eight hours and then claimed they were _well rested_ actually performed better and were more alert if they slept another two hours. That figures. Until the invention of the lightbulb , the average person slumbered 10 hours a night.

Night owls are more creative.

Artists, writers, and coders typically fire on all cylinders by crashing near dawn and awakening at the crack of noon. In one study, _evening people_ almost universally slam-dunked a standardized creativity test. Their early-bird brethren struggled for passing scores.

Rising early is stressful.

The stress hormone cortisol peaks in your blood around 7 am. So if you get up then, you may experience tension. Grab some extra Zs! You’ll wake up feeling less like Bert, more like Ernie.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十四篇

Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.



改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十五篇

Many people want to ask, what is the best time for sleep? Do we need to sleep early or late? My opinion is to sleep early. Here is the reason why we should sleep early. First, it will make you more healthy. Sleep late would cause illness, long time not sleeping early will damage your body. Second, many people had said that if you don't get many time to sleep, and you sleep late would make black rim of the eye. That is not healthy also, and it's not beautiful. We should give our body a rest. Sleep is the best way. Well, there are certain time that is best for us to sleep. Sleep early is definitely better than sleep late. Also, we should not keep awake the whole night. You don't feel the damage when you are young, but when you get older, the problem start to appear. Many disease of heart and lung started from not sleep at night. Many youth think it is fun to keep awake or sleep late. But I don't think so. Keep your body healthy. I strongly suggest to sleep early.


改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十六篇

Staying up late will be detrimental to human health, because the adrenal cortex hormone and growth hormone are all secreted during the night when people are sleeping. The former is secreted before dawn, which can promote the metabolism of carbohydrate in human body, and protect the development of muscle; while the latter is produced only after sleep, which can not only promote the growth and development of young people, but also can delay the aging process of the elderly. As a result, staying up late will cause a variety of harms to human body.

First, frequent fatigue and decreased immunity

The most serious sequence caused by staying up late is fatigue and lack of energy. What's more, the immunity of human body will decrease accordingly. And some other symptoms such as cold, gastrointestinal infections, allergies will also appear.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十七篇

In the yellow light, a thick book is on the desk after class, and at the same time, I often sat in the chair yawning. Everyone has a bad habit of staying up late, I was one of them. Sometimes we stay up late because we study, but the time must be limited. But in addition to learning to stay up late, such as playing games, watching comics, watching TV, playing com*r and so on, it is not advisable. I used to love to read books in the evening, is a look at eleven pm.

For this bad habit of staying up late, I have never got rid of the bad habit of staying up late. At that time, I looked at extra-curricular books, read very well, looked very devoted, a look to see more than eleven in the evening, when to see the alarm clock, found that time is too late, then put aside extra-curricular books rest. One night I slept very heavy, like couldnt finish. In the morning, when the snacks of the alarm clock rang, because of the great difficulty, I turned off the alarm clock. Later, when the second time the bell rang, it was six forty-five. As soon as I look at this time, I get scared and get into bed, and my brain is full of suffer, be late.

When I prepared everything, I came to the school gate and was late. The headmaster wrote my name and class on the book. When to return to the classroom, the teacher is also a lesson, that day, I did not have a good time, when the class, because of staying up late because I was tired to sleep early, when the result is lying on the table when the rest, he was called a teacher, classmates suddenly to look at me, at that time, I looked down, feel very embarrassed, I never been so embarrassed.

When I was worried about my previous unhappiness and I still felt sleepy, I knew it was the result of staying up late. In retrospect, if I dont stay up late, maybe I wont have so many bad things, and Im not going to be called standing by now. Hey, its not good to stay up late. When home from school, I decided, determined not to stay up late. I dont want to be late, and then sleep in class. Stay up not only is not good for the body, but also affect my growth. Not only that, it makes my study a mess, so that the class is not serious, can not learn knowledge. I think, the disadvantage of staying up late is not just to think so much, we should get rid of staying up late is a bad habit.

When I finished dinner in the evening, I sat next to my desk and looked at the extracurricular book. I put the outside book into the desk drawer and took out a textbook from the schoolbag. I set the alarm clock at half past nine in the evening, at this time, when I was going to sleep. I started to decide, later in the evening, resolutely do not read extracurricular books stay up, I want to develop a good habit of early morning and early morning, I want a healthy body, I want my academic record to improve.








——熬夜的危害英语作文 (菁选3篇)

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十八篇

The next day after staying up late, you will suffer from headache when you are at work or at class. You will be unable to concentrate. What's more, long-term staying up late and insomnia will also bring invisible damage to our memory.

Third, dark circles and puffiness

Night is the time for human body to have a good rest. Without adequate rest, you will feel extremely tired, which will lead to poor blood circulation around the eyes, causing dark circles or blood streak in the white of the eye.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第二十九篇

Nowadays, staying up late is a common practice for many people, and many people go to bed very late. Moreover, according to statistics, people stay up late gradually younger, not to mention some students now began to stay up late, one or two point to sleep.

My sister is an example. The Chinese new year a few days, her brother came to their home from the field. Her brother came with a computer, and there was a plant fighting zombie on the computer, and the level of play was high. Sister is also fascinated by this game, playing with him, playing until the early morning, sleep. My sister is a very capable of sleeping, sleep until noon 11. After a few days, her other brother came, and he also brought a computer, the computer also has plants fighting zombies, the level of play is also very high. So my sister and he is a play, play until four o'clock in the morning. Then my sister slept until two or three o'clock.

You see, my sister got rid of the time, and if so, can the body live? We must not be less than six hours of sleep in children. If less than six hours, in the study, work will have a big impact, such as we go to class may sleep. What will happen? And we can't sleep too much, and if you sleep all twenty-four hours a day, it's certainly not going to work. So we have to develop good habits to get up early and go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning. This day can learn up to in fine fig, easy, easy.

Finally, remind you not to disturb the order of sleep because of the game or what temptation, do not develop the habit of staying up late, to develop the good habit of getting up early and going to bed early, so that our body will help.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十篇

owadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十一篇

Do you always work or study until midnight?

Do you often hang out or spend much time in pubs at late night?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are unfortunately one of the large groups of people who always stay up late. Because of the fierce competition in the society, it seems that everyone has endless work to do and twenty-four hours per day is not enough. Therefore, an increasing number of people stay up late in order to finish the mountainous work. Besides, lots of young people enjoy entertaining at late night. However, many of them are still not aware of the bad effects of staying up late. In fact, it does severe harm to us in three aspects, namely physical health, work efficiency and mental stress.

In the first place, staying up late badly impacts on our physical health condition. The human adrenal cortex hormone and growth hormone, which are vital substances for human body, only secrete at night. The former secretes before the dawn facilitating the carbohydrate metabolism and protecting the development of muscle function. The latter only secretes after sleeping. It can improve the growth of the young and slow down the aging of the elderly. However, if people often stay up late, the secretion of these two substances will be gravely impacted. Finally, our health condition will be degraded. It can cause a variety of harms to human body. Normally, frequent staying up late will lead to fatigue and degraded immunity. People may easily get sick when the weather gets a little bit colder or hotter. In addition, it can also cause headache. People may feel heavy in the brain and dizzy for a whole day. Besides, the fertility of both male and female will be impacted. For women, it will affect the secretion of female hormones and the quality of ova. It also tends to affect the menstrual cycle. For men, both the quality and quantity of sperm will be impacted. What is more, staying up late can also damage people’s eyesight, skin and memory capacity, and cause black eyes as well.

Furthermore, it negatively impacts on the work efficiency. On the one hand, owing to the discomfort of your health as mentioned above, you may feel distracted from the work. On the other hand, because of the decrease of the memory capacity, your work efficiency will be lower, which means that you may not complete the things as you want. Assume that you are a university student and you plan to review for your psychology examination next week after tomorrow’s class. Nevertheless, you stayed up late yesterday for some reason. Therefore, you probably be late for tomorrow’s class or even skip it. Thus, you must find other time to compensate for it. Afterwards, when preparing your examination, you may feel headache and cannot concentrate on it, thus having difficulty memorizing and understanding the psychological terms and principles. Therefore, your schedule for reviewing chapter 2 and chapter3 will be changed. You can only review chapter 2 and may not finish chapter 3. However, in order to finish reviewing on time, you are more than likely to stay up late again. Then, you will be in the vicious cycle and your work efficiency will be lower and lower.

What is also noticeable is that staying up late can bring about mental stress. Since your work efficiency is lower, you probably doubt yourself whether you are a capable person or not. You may think you are not so smart as others and even fear yourself that you can hardly get a good grade in your psychology examination, which makes you feel more anxious and upset. Besides, if you frequently stay up late, you definitely look tired and in low spirits. Therefore, when working on a group project, maybe nobody wants to be in the same group with you, a low-efficient and anxious person. Thus, you will feel separated from others, which possibly makes you more stressed and upset.

In conclusion, although we have a lot of work to do and various activities to participate in, staying up late is by no means a good choice for us. It badly impacts on our physical health, lowers our work efficiency and makes us stressed and anxious. Faced with too much work, we should make good arrangements in advance and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十二篇

Health is far more important than wealth. Wisdom and health can let us enjoy life and achieve what we expect. On the contrary, poor health often makes us lose interest in everything around us.

How to keep healthy concerns everyone, although we have advanced medicine. When discussing this problem, some basic principles should be: first of all, it is very important for us to eat more fruits and vegetables, because they provide vitamins and help with the digestion process. We should keep a balanced diet Keep a regular diet.

Proper nutrition is very important for health. Avoid foods high in sugar and fat. Third, we'd better do morning exercises every day and exercise regularly to make our bodies strong.

We must avoid too much work pressure. Being too tired will certainly weaken our defense system and make us easy to get sick. Finally, we must get rid of the bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and smoking.

In short, if we stick to the above aspects, we can live a healthy life and become as suitable as violin.





改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十三篇




改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十四篇

My forever friend is not only my deskmate, but also my best friend. I remember the first day I moved to school, the teacher asked me to sit next to him. I was very shy, and then hardly spoke.

Everyone thought I was a piece of ice and didn't want to make friends with me. He always told me jokes and had a sunny smile. He found that I was not good at math.

He stayed up late to teach me after school How to solve every problem patiently. The school seems to have him around much better, we laugh together, learn together, from then on become unable to operate.



改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十五篇

You may need more sleep than you by Henry Ford Hospital Sleep Disorders Center found that people who slept eight hours and then claimed they were _well rested_ actually performed better and were more alert if they slept another two the invention of the lightbulb ,the average person slumbered 10 hours a night.

Night owls are more coders typically fire on all cylinders by crashing near dawn and awakening at the crack of one study,_evening people_ almost universally slam-dunked a standardized creativity early-bird brethren struggled for passing scores.

Rising early is stress hormone cortisol peaks in your blood around 7 if you get up then,you may experience some extra Zs!You’ll wake up feeling less like Bert,more like Ernie.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十六篇

Nowadays, staying up late is a common practice for many people, and many people go to bed very late. Moreover, according to statistics, people stay up late gradually younger, not to mention some students now began to stay up late, one or two point to sleep.

My sister is an example. The Chinese new year a few days, her brother came to their home from the field. Her brother came with a computer, and there was a plant fighting zombie on the computer, and the level of play was high. Sister is also fascinated by this game, playing with him, playing until the early morning, sleep. My sister is a very capable of sleeping, sleep until noon 11. After a few days, her other brother came, and he also brought a computer, the computer also has plants fighting zombies, the level of play is also very high. So my sister and he is a play, play until four o'clock in the morning. Then my sister slept until two or three o'clock.

You see, my sister got rid of the time, and if so, can the body live? We must not be less than six hours of sleep in children. If less than six hours, in the study, work will have a big impact, such as we go to class may sleep. What will happen? And we can't sleep too much, and if you sleep all twenty-four hours a day, it's certainly not going to work. So we have to develop good habits to get up early and go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning. This day can learn up to in fine fig, easy, easy.

Finally, remind you not to disturb the order of sleep because of the game or what temptation, do not develop the habit of staying up late, to develop the good habit of getting up early and going to bed early, so that our body will help.





改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十七篇

Do you often hang out or spend much time in pubs at late night?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are unfortunately one of the large groups of people who always stay up late. Because of the fierce competition in the society, it seems that everyone has endless work to do and twenty-four hours per day is not enough. Therefore, an increasing number of people stay up late in order to finish the mountainous work. Besides, lots of young people enjoy entertaining at late night. However, many of them are still not aware of the bad effects of staying up late. In fact, it does severe harm to us in three aspects, namely physical health, work efficiency and mental stress.

In the first place, staying up late badly impacts on our physical health condition. The human adrenal cortex hormone and growth hormone, which are vital substances for human body, only secrete at night. The former secretes before the dawn facilitating the carbohydrate metabolism and protecting the development of muscle function. The latter only secretes after sleeping. It can improve the growth of the young and slow down the aging of the elderly. However, if people often stay up late, the secretion of these two substances will be gravely impacted. Finally, our health condition will be degraded. It can cause a variety of harms to human body. Normally, frequent staying up late will lead to fatigue and degraded immunity. People may easily get sick when the weather gets a little bit colder or hotter. In addition, it can also cause headache. People may feel heavy in the brain and dizzy for a whole day. Besides, the fertility of both male and female will be impacted. For women, it will affect the secretion of female hormones and the quality of ova. It also tends to affect the menstrual cycle. For men, both the quality and quantity of sperm will be impacted. What is more, staying up late can also damage people’s eyesight, skin and memory capacity, and cause black eyes as well.

Furthermore, it negatively impacts on the work efficiency. On the one hand, owing to the discomfort of your health as mentioned above, you may feel distracted from the work. On the other hand, because of the decrease of the memory capacity, your work efficiency will be lower, which means that you may not complete the things as you want. Assume that you are a university student and you plan to review for your psychology examination next week after tomorrow’s class. Nevertheless, you stayed up late yesterday for some reason. Therefore, you probably be late for tomorrow’s class or even skip it. Thus, you must find other time to compensate for it. Afterwards, when preparing your examination, you may feel headache and cannot concentrate on it, thus having difficulty memorizing and understanding the psychological terms and principles. Therefore, your schedule for reviewing chapter 2 and chapter3 will be changed. You can only review chapter 2 and may not finish chapter 3. However, in order to finish reviewing on time, you are more than likely to stay up late again. Then, you will be in the vicious cycle and your work efficiency will be lower and lower.

What is also noticeable is that staying up late can bring about mental stress. Since your work efficiency is lower, you probably doubt yourself whether you are a capable person or not. You may think you are not so smart as others and even fear yourself that you can hardly get a good grade in your psychology examination, which makes you feel more anxious and upset. Besides, if you frequently stay up late, you definitely look tired and in low spirits. Therefore, when working on a group project, maybe nobody wants to be in the same group with you, a low-efficient and anxious person. Thus, you will feel separated from others, which possibly makes you more stressed and upset.

In conclusion, although we have a lot of work to do and various activities to participate in, staying up late is by no means a good choice for us. It badly impacts on our physical health, lowers our work efficiency and makes us stressed and anxious. Faced with too much work, we should make good arrangements in advance and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十八篇















改掉熬夜的英语范文 第三十九篇








改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十篇

Children and teenagers love to stay till late hours in order to play computer games or to see their favorite series and they never seem to have enough time during daytime. However, scientists forestall that regular lack of sleep during childhood could deprive one of normal sleep for all their life.

Even though doctors don't know yet exactly why we sleep, the use ofsleeping is unquestionable. Its lack brings about disturbances in concentration, lowers work abilities, leads to bad mood and even increases appetite, which can lead to overeating and all of its consequences.

Recently, doctors discovered another side-effect of sleep insufficiency. Japanese doctors affirm that if a child is allowed to go to sleep later than 10-11, when he of she is older he will be in a high risk of severe insomnia. Its cause lies in the fact that children don't have their biological clock established yet and, as a result, the habits which are developed when they are 9-12 years old remain for all their lives. More than that, children's biorhythms are so frail that it is enough to sleep only half of the night several times during a week and the biorhythms go wrong. In general, if a child is used to stay in front of a TV or a computer monitor till late hours, in his adult life he of she won't be able to fall asleep when going to bed earlier. It is very complicated to reverse this process.

This is the conclusion drawn by the scientists from the Medicinal University from Tokyo, led by doctor Jun Kahayama. They gathered detailed statistics about the way day rhythms of children with different models of behaviour change. They are being regulated by a special area of the brain – nucleus suprachiasmaticus, which, according to doctors, reacts on the quantity of light perceived by the human eye. When the child is exposed to the influence of artificial light during night - be that from the computer or the TV – the brain cannot determine whether the day has ended or not and, thus, doesn't send signals for sleeping. As a consequence, the brain is _reprogrammed_ for a later time of sleeping.

Scientists also pay attention to the fact that, during the last 5 years, the number of children younger than 11, suffering from different sleep disturbances, has increased by 26 per cent. Their British colleagues also share these concerns: the director of the Center of Sleep Researches in Great Britain, professor Jim Horn, considers that children who are constantly using computers and mobile telephones overexcite their brain during the day and, thus, cannot sleep normally at night.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十一篇

What is also noticeable is that staying up late can bring about mental stress. Since your work efficiency is lower, you probably doubt yourself whether you are a capable person or not. You may think you are not so smart as others and even fear yourself that you can hardly get a good grade in your psychology examination, which makes you feel more anxious and upset. Besides, if you frequently stay up late, you definitely look tired and in low spirits. Therefore, when working on a group project, maybe nobody wants to be in the same group with you, a low-efficient and anxious person. Thus, you will feel separated from others, which possibly makes you more stressed and upset.

In conclusion, although we have a lot of work to do and various activities to participate in, staying up late is by no means a good choice for us. It badly impacts on our physical health, lowers our work efficiency and makes us stressed and anxious. Faced with too much work, we should make good arrangements in advance and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十二篇

In the yellow light, a thick book is on the desk after class, and at the same time, I often sat in the chair yawning. Everyone has a bad habit of staying up late, I was one of them. Sometimes we stay up late because we study, but the time must be limited. But in addition to learning to stay up late, such as playing games, watching comics, watching TV, playing computer and so on, it is not advisable. I used to love to read books in the evening, is a look at eleven ..

For this bad habit of staying up late, I have never got rid of the bad habit of staying up late. At that time, I looked at extra-curricular books, read very well, looked very devoted, a look to see more than eleven in the evening, when to see the alarm clock, found that time is too late, then put aside extra-curricular books rest. One night I slept very heavy, like couldn't finish. In the morning, when the snacks of the alarm clock rang, because of the great difficulty, I turned off the alarm clock. Later, when the second time the bell rang, it was six forty-five. As soon as I look at this time, I get scared and get into bed, and my brain is full of _suffer, be late._!_

When I prepared everything, I came to the school gate and was late. The headmaster wrote my name and class on the book. When to return to the classroom, the teacher is also a lesson, that day, I did not have a good time, when the class, because of staying up late because I was tired to sleep early, when the result is lying on the table when the rest, he was called a teacher, classmates suddenly to look at me, at that time, I looked down, feel very embarrassed, I never been so embarrassed.

When I was worried about my previous unhappiness and I still felt sleepy, I knew it was the result of staying up late. In retrospect, if I don't stay up late, maybe I won't have so many bad things, and I'm not going to be called standing by now. Hey, it's not good to stay up late. When home from school, I decided, determined not to stay up late. I don't want to be late, and then sleep in class. Stay up not only is not good for the body, but also affect my growth. Not only that, it makes my study a mess, so that the class is not serious, can not learn knowledge. I think, the disadvantage of staying up late is not just to think so much, we should get rid of staying up late is a bad habit.

When I finished dinner in the evening, I sat next to my desk and looked at the extracurricular book. I put the outside book into the desk drawer and took out a textbook from the schoolbag. I set the alarm clock at half past nine in the evening, at this time, when I was going to sleep. I started to decide, later in the evening, resolutely do not read extracurricular books stay up, I want to develop a good habit of early morning and early morning, I want a healthy body, I want my academic record to improve.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十三篇

Health is far more important than wealth and health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our the contrary,poor health tends to deprive us of our interest in everything around to stay healthy concerns everyone,though we have advanced we discuss this,some fundamental principles should be brought in mind.

Firstly,it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins and they help in the process of have to keep a balanced diet and maintain regular eating nutrition is important for good food with lots of sugar and plenty of foods high in better do morning exercise every day,do sports frequently to make our bodies have to avoid too much work too tired all the time may definitely weaken our defense system,making us get sick have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health,such as drinking and smoking.

In conclusion,if we stick to things according to the aspects mentioned above,we?ll lead a healthy life and become as fit as a fiddle.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十四篇

A study by the center for sleep disorders at Henry Ford Hospital found that people who sleep eight hours and then claim to be _well rested_ actually perform better, and are more alert if they sleep another two hours. Before the invention of the light bulb, the average person had to sleep a few hours a night, and owls were more creative. Artists, writers and coders often fall at dawn and wake up in the early hours of the morning.

In one study, night owls almost universally passed a standardized creativity test - their early bird brothers struggled to pass the score. _,.



改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十五篇







改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十六篇














改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十七篇

Staying up late will be detrimental to human health, because the adrenal cortex hormone and growth hormone are all secreted during the night when people are sleeping. The former is secreted before dawn, which can promote the metabolism of carbohydrate in human body, and protect the development of muscle; while the latter is produced only after sleep, which can not only promote the growth and development of young people, but also can delay the aging process of the elderly. As a result, staying up late will cause a variety of harms to human body.

First, frequent fatigue and decreased immunity

The most serious sequence caused by staying up late is fatigue and lack of energy. What's more, the immunity of human body will decrease accordingly. And some other symptoms such as cold, gastrointestinal infections, allergies will also appear.

Second, headache

The next day after staying up late, you will suffer from headache when you are at work or at class. You will be unable to concentrate. What's more, long-term staying up late and insomnia will also bring invisible damage to our memory.

Third, dark circles and puffiness

Night is the time for human body to have a good rest. Without adequate rest, you will feel extremely tired, which will lead to poor blood circulation around the eyes, causing dark circles or blood streak in the white of the eye.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十八篇

Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these the young people work in the office in the daytime, so they also need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it.

As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第四十九篇

As we all know, lifestyle is very important to all of us. In recent years, some people's lifestyle is not good. They often sit in front of the computer to play s or watch movies, which will affect their health.

Some people get up too late and sleep too late. Some people are addicted to smoking. Of course, it is not conducive to their health.

We should maintain a good lifestyle. First of all, we should use computers correctly 2、 We should form the habit of getting up early and not staying up late. More importantly, we should get rid of bad habits such as smoking and drinking.

Only in this way can we live a happy life.



标签: 新学期

改掉熬夜的英语范文 第五十篇

Dear Li Ping, I heard that you are ill again. I think your illness is related to your bad living habits. First of all, you don't eat on time.

You don't have anything except a glass of water for breakfast, which is bad for your stomach. Then you often eat junk food as a meal. At the same time, you don't like to eat fruits and vegetables.

Next, your diet is unbalanced. Therefore, you like to stay up late in the night to watch TV programs. You can't get up early to prepare for school the next day.

Of course, you don't have enough time Take a good rest. Teenagers should at least get some sleep. According to what I said, eight hours a night, you'd better get rid of these bad habits and form new good habits from now on.



改掉熬夜的英语范文 第五十一篇











改掉熬夜的英语范文 第五十二篇

Dear pen pal, do you like to stay up late to study? Although you may think it's quiet there, there's nothing to disturb you, but if you always stay up late, it's not good for your health, you'll feel tired all day, you can't pay attention to class, and even lead to cancer. I think you'd better go to bed early, get up early and finish your homework. I hope your friends, you can have a more healthy body.



改掉熬夜的英语范文 第五十三篇










改掉熬夜的英语范文 第五十四篇

The period between 11:00 pm to 3:00 am in the next day is the beauty time, and it is also the time for the meridians in human body to move to gall bladder and liver. If these two organs do not have adequate rest, it will be reflected on the skin. So some problems such as roughness, yellowish face, dark spots and acne will appear. What's worse, long-term staying up late will slowly cause some neurological and psychiatric symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety and so on.

Fifth, affecting fertility

For the men and women of childbearing age, if they always stay up late, it will not only affect the motility and quantity of male sperm, but also will affect the secretion of female hormone and the quality of ovum, and it is also likely to influence the menstrual cycle.

Sixth, increasing the probability of getting some chronic diseases

People who staying up all night always have higher secretion of adrenaline than the average person, which will increase the pressure on metabolism, and thus leading to some chronic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes.

What's more, there are also other harms caused by staying up late, such as poor eyesight or dysfunction of the liver. We should pay special attention to these bad effects, and try not to stay up late at night.


改掉熬夜的英语范文 第五十五篇

Children and teenagers love to stay till late hours in order to play com*r games or to see their favorite series and they never seem to have enough time during daytime. However, scientists forestall that regular lack of sleep during childhood could deprive one of normal sleep for all their life.

Even though doctors dont know yet exactly why we sleep, the use ofsleeping is unquestionable. Its lack brings about disturbances in concentration, lowers work abilities, leads to bad mood and even increases appetite, which can lead to overeating and all of its consequences.

Recently, doctors discovered another side-effect of sleep insufficiency. Japanese doctors affirm that if a child is allowed to go to sleep later than 10-11, when he of she is older he will be in a high risk of severe insomnia. Its cause lies in the fact that children dont have their biological clock established yet and, as a result, the habits which are developed when they are 9-12 years old remain for all their lives. More than that, childrens biorhythms are so frail that it is enough to sleep only half of the night several times during a week and the biorhythms go wrong. In general, if a child is used to stay in front of a TV or a com*r monitor till late hours, in his * life he of she wont be able to fall asleep when going to bed earlier. It is very complicated to reverse this process.

This is the conclusion drawn by the scientists from the Medicinal University from Tokyo, led by doctor Jun Kahayama. They gathered detailed statistics about the way day rhythms of children with different models of behaviour change. They are being regulated by a special area of the brain – nucleus suprachiasmaticus, which, according to doctors, reacts on the quantity of light perceived by the human eye. When the child is exposed to the influence of artificial light during night - be that from the com*r or the TV – the brain cannot determine whether the day has ended or not and, thus, doesnt send signals for sleeping. As a consequence, the brain is _reprogrammed_ for a later time of sleeping.

Scientists also pay attention to the fact that, during the last 5 years, the number of children younger than 11, suffering from different sleep disturbances, has increased by 26 per cent. Their British colleagues also share these concerns: the director of the Center of Sleep Researches in Great Britain, professor Jim Horn, considers that children who are constantly using com*rs and mobile telephones overexcite their brain during the day and, thus, cannot sleep normally at night.




改掉熬夜的英语范文 第五十六篇











