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英语读后感范文 第一篇

i am not going to talk about the movie NO THIEF.

just now, i was told by one of my good friends that her electronic dictionary had gone. maybe someone BORROWED it PERMANENTLY. it just happened in the library of our XuHui campus.

several month ago, another classmate of mine lost her cellphone at the crossroad of CaoBao and GuiLin Road. the last second she still used her cellohone to receive a call, but even before the traffic light turned from red to green, she suddenly found that the phone had gone! i was at present. maybe the thief even walked away pretending to be at leisure just under my eyelid! we called 110 at once. the police came but they still could do nothing except putting on records simply. one of the police said to us that it was much more important for us to take good care of our possession than to rely on the policeman to arrest all the rampant thieves! waht he had said was really with reason and unforgotten!

no thief in the world! everybody hope so!

英语读后感范文 第二篇

Not every story can become a classic, after watching Roman holiday_, I learned a lot . the princess thirst for met Jo Bradley in Rome, finally she had to leave him for her country.

Even the princess also have the life she didn't like, moreover us.

We are all desire freedom .Sometimes, too much work will make us feel tired, we can learn to relax ourselves and enjoy wonderful holidays but after the holidays, we also need to go back to our homes like the princess, and need to take on our responsibility.

英语读后感范文 第三篇

I feel very embrassed and shamed .i think it's unfair for all of our schoolmates .the 33floor is more excelent than me and my classmate s,if i haven't surf the internet about the sentence of jane eyen i will never found how silly we are ,i feel very sorry about my english study .oh ,my heart become very shocked ,i 'm not the smart girl which i have thought ,so ,i sweared ,from now day on ,i will work hard than ever ,i will tye my best to make my business more wonderful!

英语读后感范文 第四篇








英语读后感范文 第五篇

For the ending of gone with the wind, it is sad and sad to stand in a perceptual sense and tell you the truth. Is there any stronger and warmer love going away with time? But from a rational point of view, we have to think that the broken love that Wright said will not stick to the new idea even though it is sticky. What a sad man's two sides!

Anyway, it's an attractive, at least attractive, novel.

英语读后感范文 第六篇

This is a foreign masterpiece. This story content is very wonderful , lets person have feeling very much after read it.

This story has given an account of a little girl Mary who was self-abased has bee a lively , open and clear , clever girl's process. During the period of this, she has known Diken and Colin. Colin was a disabled ,but he has finally overe difficulties and saw the sunshine again with the help and encouragement of Mary and Diken .

That lets me feel Mary is a nice girl , because she can correct mistake, she is also eager to help people . when she knows Kelin is a disabled , she didn't laugh at him , but forts him on the contrary ,did things for him , and shared happiness and sadness with him. Diken is a kind-hearted boy , because he went to give food to Colin when Colin was able to build again , he certainly is also a child lively and actively.

But Colin and he are pletely different , Colin always gets angry, slightly no satisfactory will be he also has merit. He is a persistent child , insists walking every day. They three are just like one family, in harmony cheerful life of three people. I also admire Mary very much , because she has given Colin courage , happiness and confidence . Having read this story ,I understood that carrying through firmly is victory no matter what we we must work hard for our dream.





英语读后感范文 第七篇

I feel very embrassed and shamed .i think it's unfair for all of our schoolmates .the 33floor is more excelent than me and my classmate s,if i haven't surf the internet about the sentence of jane eyen i will never found how silly we are,i feel very sorry about my english study .oh,my heart bee very shocked,i 'm not the smart girl which i have thought,so,i sweared,from now day on,i will work hard than ever,i will tye my best to make my business more wonderful!

英语读后感范文 第八篇

The hero Holton, a plicated and contradictory young man, came into my sight with his mouth full of dirty words. His cynicism caused a negative rebellion. He believed that no one in the adult society was credible, all _false hypocrite_, and he longed for simplicity and sincerity, but all was false and deceptive, and he was unable to change the situation, and finally promised and even fled to the real society. In the real world, go to the backcountry to pretend to be a deaf and dumb person. But he has a childlike innocence, a pursuit of a better life and a noble ideal. In order to protect the children from falling off the cliff, he also longed to grow up as a _catcher in the wheat field_, giving out the voice of _saving the children_. In a word, he is a lonely and struggling man, but he is a man who demands the perfect man in the world and is helpless to yield to the reality. The kind and uneasy situation of the contradictory man is jumping, bleeding, and my eyes full of sympathy.

Holton's actions and speech actions are like the _he_ that we have gone through: cynical, cynical, but conscientious and loving, Leng son, he always speaks aloud, sometimes aloud, his restless heart of youth.

Reading novels, I seem to read the confusion and dissatisfaction of teenagers on their way to life. Looking back at our current life, are there any struggles like Holton? There must be a lot of it. The confusion of puberty must be faced. Everyone in youth is probably Holton. They walked through a lot of curves, narrow roads, dangerous roads, even cliffs, and then stood, sprint and run in a bitter struggle, and finally set foot on the road of life. Perhaps hand and foot injury, perhaps head broken blood, perhaps exhausted, but finally will e over, his face has a firm smile.

The catcher in the Rye is a twilight of youth's lost journey. The confusion and loss of Holton are always the confusion and loss of the growing people. I hope that the realities of Holton will correct the deviations in the journey, step on the right track, and walk on the journey of life.

英语读后感范文 第九篇

I have a lot of feelings after reading ‘Love Yourself’.This article gives me a leon and helps me a has influence on will do will in the future.

The article tells us that we should invest in ourselves, because it can help us understand ourselves and the world, it also can help us to live a better article thinks that we can set a low bar for can gain happine easily in this a long bath and reading something to escape from stre, that is very reading this article, I think that we should take one small step forward towards something can help us get more useful you stumble, you should be your own best can ask ourselves how would my friends support me and help me in this can gain succe in this break is also very important, we can read a funny book or comic or listen to a can help us relax ourselves and do things article let us remember that the future is still in our shouldn’t get stuck in thought loops that just go round and round about what we could have done or what went we can’t change should take one of those steps today that is the most important ’s more, we should remind ourselves of why is smart to be kind to we are kind to ourselves, we will do well and gain succe eventually.

After reading this article, I do learn a lot of useful things, it tells me a lot and helps me a believe that I can do better in the future.



英语读后感范文 第十篇

After watching the destruction of the black forces in Chongqing, I think so! Chongqing this crackdown on black forces, so that people live a good life. I hated for their bad behavior, they committed crimes will be subject to legal sanctions is surging, the determination of the government, the efficiency of the police and the people to make the packing, for many years, the powerful evil gang a collapsed. After the storm, the haze cleared, sunny.

英语读后感范文 第十一篇

Today, the teacher showed us a movie, the name is Lei Feng, the movie mainly tells the story of Lei Feng doing good deeds and serving the people. What impressed me most was Uncle Lei Feng's kind-hearted, economical and helpful qualities.

What touched me the most in the movie was when Lei Feng was young and when Lei Feng died. When he was young, all his relatives were lost, but he was strong and said, _China is my home and everyone is my family._ In the end Uncle Lei Feng sacrificed his precious life to save others.

Although Uncle Leifeng died, but his spirit will never die, live in our hearts forever!

英语读后感范文 第十二篇

Novel describe and buy to sell through perfect art form wine upstart_ American dream_ that Gatsby pursue unreal the twenties Kill , has announced the tragedy of the American society. Gatsby falls in love with Daisy and departure is actually a very ordinary love story. But the author makes skilful opening moves, regard girl whom Gatsby loved the symbols of the youth, money and status deeply as, Regard . as by means to pursue rich material life_ Dream of_. For pursue Gatsby Daisy exhaust own emotion and ability and intelligence, ruin one's own life. He thought innocently : Can revive an old dream after having money, redeem the lost love. It's a pity , he is wrong. He has misunderstood this one of Daisy Vulgar and shallow woman . He has misunderstood the boring society on the surface dissipated and luxurious and hollowly on spirit. Whether it live he the dreamlike China, is abandoned by Daisy, treats for the society coldly, Cast the tragedy that can't retrieve at last.

Gatsby is the typical American youth in the twenties. Experience of him whether joyous song smile at portrayal in_ knight's times_ of dance. Sweetheart Daisy of one's early years such as Gatsby marry rich and life dissolute Tom. For win Daisy, by buy to sell he wine accumulate first a large sum of wealth again He thought innocently : Can revive an old dream after having money, redeem the lost love .But he fails to gain Daisy's heart finally, has exhausted one's own emotion and ability and intelligence in order to pursue Daisy, Ruin one's own life finally. The illusion that Gatsby revived an old dream has gone for ever. The author composes a chilly and disappointed sad melody with the multicoloured note, leave somebody limitless thinking.

英语读后感范文 第十三篇









当孩子们第一次与沈丽新老师邂逅在课堂上时,她会和班里的孩子们一起欣赏毕淑敏的《我很重要》,帮孩子们树立英语学习的信心;其次在她的课堂上, 她还让孩子们欣赏到了_总理在英国剑桥大学的精彩演讲,看到了生活在美国白宫里的奥巴马总统一家……帮助孩子们聆听到了世界的声音……此外,沈老师在课堂上还特别尊重学生鼓励学生,耐心引导学生认识对错, 不以成绩论英雄。她的教学实践证明很好的证明了这句话:只有“亲其师”才能“信其道”。






如果把八个单词写在黑板上,让学生看着单词进行句型操练。这样的效果一定是相当乏味的;如果请学生去她办公室取教具,这样至少会浪费5分钟。来不及思索得更完美,教学步骤已经过渡到句型操练了。灵感就在此刻不期而遇,沈老师利用图片问“Where’s my …?”让学生们自由发挥、想象:你觉得老师的这个东西会放在什么地方合适,你就用适当的词来回答。效果竟然是出奇的好!许多答案更是精彩纷呈!这让沈老师异常的激动和兴奋。

沈老师还告诉学生,她要从大家刚才的回答中选最好的一个来回答。为了证实自己的答案是最好的,为了得到老师的肯定,学生们积极开动脑筋,发言热烈,课堂气氛活跃,连平时一直懒怠于举手发言的学生也多次发言,收到了非常好的教学效果。而且像sofa,bathroom, TV, bed, fridge, sitting room, bookcase, study这些单词,如果利用实物在教室里的摆放,是没有机会让孩子们练习到的,他们的思维将局限于几个有限的单词中。







英语读后感范文 第十四篇

On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel _ old man and sea _ of Hemingway , famous writer of . ,. I admire the old fisherman's will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed .

Man is not made for defeat,a man can be destroyed but he can not be defeated. Gently closing the book _the old man and the sea_,I can't help thinking . In real life, encountering difficulty is unavoidable, the most important is to confront and have perseverance so that we can learn from failure.

英语读后感范文 第十五篇

Didn't see the animation for a time, the only reason is that there is no better animation masterpiece can appeal to me, but this _despicable me_ look tonight let me not stop laughing, I haven't felt it, seems to be the film, the film of that original moved been thinking over, replaced, although still have deep feelings of the movie, but has become less pure, or should I say is too pure.

Despicable me _in the first half of the imagination really let me be startled at various all sorts of strange things, the invention of Pyramid as well as the moon, stealing ideas and so on, but it does not keep this advantage, at the back we can obviously feel it in imagination too, repeated design makes the second half, monotonous.

But it is stubbornly find narrative logic in general make trouble out of nothing rigorous from cartoon, so _despicable me_ still can not stop me every 3 minutes in the heart for this movie exclamation _too cool_.

For the film, but also for their development in the future hope, hope they later animation can do better, to create their own piece of heaven.






