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英语数学俱乐部宣传词范文 第一篇

How are you doing, my dear friend? My university life is very good, I signed up for four classes, Egyptian civilization is my favorite course, because I have always wanted to explore the mysteries of Egypt. This month, I am studying the pyramid. I like it.

So far, most of the friends I know are my class and I like living with my friends. Although my room is much smaller than my home, I enjoy , I also like to share with others. There are many clubs here.

As part of me, I am considering joining Asian clubs and meeting people with the same culture as me. International clubs are also a good idea because I'm going to learn from other people and their culture, and besides that, I'm thinking about the math club, you know how much I love math, and I'll feel good at home, good luck, good luck, good luck, Michelle.



英语数学俱乐部宣传词范文 第二篇

The new year has begun. In this semester, I will try my best to get high marks in English. I am not good at math, so I need to practice math.

Every time I do some exercises, I will do my homework carefully. I will listen to the teacher in class. I think I can do it.




英语数学俱乐部宣传词范文 第三篇

The new semester begins, our school has organized different clubs for different interests of students. We have done a survey. It can be seen from the chart that most students are willing to join the computer club after class.

In other words, most students like to play computer s after school. More students are willing to join the table tennis club than the English club. Therefore, we can see that many students like to do sports after class.

Finally, some students like to do other things.



英语数学俱乐部宣传词范文 第四篇

This semester is coming to an end, so I have to prepare for the final exam. Chinese, mathematics and English are my three subjects which are not good at math. So I have to study hard every night.

Fortunately, I seldom spend time watching TV. I don't have much homework. I have enough time to review.

I hope I can get good grades in the exam.



英语数学俱乐部宣传词范文 第五篇

I am confident that the position determines the influence, the angle determines the space, the height determines the vision, and the platform determines the future. This is my confidence and ability commitment. I sincerely hope you can give me a chance.

Thank you.



英语数学俱乐部宣传词范文 第六篇

5÷m×7×n×a×6×x××x××x×××2××××××6××a·b·a·a·a·a…… x=x-2=2×2×aa xy ÷ x x+y÷4 ÷(x+y)÷(x+y)÷x+y÷ -9=4 x=4 ×3 ×4 9 -4=9×a.×5×5 b.×2+×××D.×8××2=÷=2-2=.5×8=1-2÷2=0×3÷9=2÷7×7=5×2÷5×2=7×2x-7×4=6 8x+x=43+3x=8 3-2x+5=4+++8×8++++2×5 3+×5…… My uncles and moms from the pictures play teaching and learning. Tell 9put's job is a woman in red. Mary and ANN are men.

This is her 30-year-old teacher. Her students have a lot of English. He is very good at you.

I have a girl. She has ten a's, several B's and C's. you can make a uniform.

I'm in B for C's fun Is this your English book? Yes, it's a your b my c my let's help you a my b my C I'll put your things one by one behind C a good looking boy a where b my brother is very interesting a what kind of a is C look at my mother is a actress B waiter C this is your mask no, a Mary B Thomas C she you What does mother do? A is B is C. We love our parents, they love us, too. We thank you for your email to B.

C. where is your uncle doing a? B who c his mother dances well B finds C throws the ball to B like him 11 you a is B doing c is about your students yes, a I am B we are C they are famous scientists Mary Curie from Canada B Poland C USA This is my book. My name is Tom's name.

This man is from Beijing. This man is a candle. A candle.

They've been drumming. That's my mother. What does she do on TV? She's a TV reporter.

B he looks very young. He's a father. A TV reporter.

Too. He's not a. he's an animal doctor.

B. He's interesting. He's a lover of work.

I think there's one It's a happy family time, its seven o'clock eraser. Those are his bike. Yes, it's my.

Your father goes to work on Sunday. What does she want? The man with long hair and big eyes is my teacher. She wants it.

For the future dentist, this woman is a tiger at the party. She does very well. Mary plays the chain at the party.

He's from Canada, yes.


5÷m×7×n×a×6×x××x××x×××2××××××6××a·b·a·a·a·a……x=x-2=2×2×aa xy ÷ x x+y÷4 ÷(x+y)÷(x+y)÷x+y÷ -9=4 x=4 ×3 ×4 9 -4=9×a.×5×5 b.×2+×××D.×8××2=÷=2-2=.5×8=1-2÷2=0×3÷9=2÷7×7=5×2÷5×2=7×2x-7×4=6 8x+x=43+3x=8 3-2x+5=4+++8×8++++2×5 3+×5……AB·√×数学成绩她这些从图片里来的我叔叔妈妈玩帮教教要有学习告诉9put的工作是穿红衣服的女人很玛丽和安都是男人这是一个她xx岁的老师她的学生我有很多英语他很擅长你在他们身上像风筝我有一个女孩她十个a几个B多大C你能做一个我在B为了C这个有趣的故事a妈一个女演员a是B是C做这是你的英语书吗是的,是A你的B我的C我的让帮你A我的B我的C我把你的东西一个接一个地放在C后面一个好看的男孩A在哪里B我弟弟什么样很有趣A长什么样B是C看我妈妈是A女演员B服务员C服务员这是你的面具没有,A玛丽B汤姆斯C她妈做什么A是B是C我们爱我们的父母,他们也爱我们,也A我们B我们C我们感谢你给B的电子邮件C关于你叔叔做A在哪里B谁C妈跳舞跳得很好B找到C把球扔给B喜欢他11你A是B做C是关于你的学生是的,A我是B我们是C他们是著名的科学家玛丽·居里来自加拿_波兰C这是我的书我的名字是汤姆的名字这个男人来自北京这个男人是蜡烛一支蜡烛他们一直在鼓,那是我妈妈她在电视上做什么工作她是一个电视记者B他看起来很年轻是父亲一个电视记者,太A了,他不是A,一个动物医生B有趣的他照顾宠物,对A他热爱工作我认为有一个快乐的家庭时光它的七点钟橡皮那些他们是他的那辆自行车是的,它是我的你父亲星期天他去工作什么她有长头发和大眼睛的男人是我的老师她想要的对未来的牙医来说,这个女人在聚会上是只老虎她做得很好玛丽在聚会上扮演纸链他来自加拿大,是的。



