

月光下的诉说 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞


制作披萨的范文英文 第一篇

In Florence, there is a small crossroad near the Plaza grandeuca. I think there is a market called port Rosa in this street. There is a man-made but beautiful metal pig standing there.

A fountain of water gushes from its mouth. Age has made it dark green. Only its nose is shining like it has been polished.

Hundreds of people Children and poor people hold it with their hands. When they put their mouths in its mouth to drink water, they hold it with their hands. This is an interesting picture.

It is embraced by a handsome, half naked boy and covers its nose with young lips. Everyone who goes to Florence will find a place. You only need to ask the first beggar you see about the metal pig.

One winter evening, he will find it for you. The mountains are covered with snow, but it is moonlight. In Italy, the moon is as bright as the dark winter days in the North.

Yes, it is brighter, because the clear air seems to be shining We, lift us off the earth, and in the north, the cold, gray lead gray roof presses us to the ground, this is a cold and wet ground, one day will put our coffin in the Duke's palace garden, a ragged little boy sitting under the stone pines all day, where thousands of roses bloom in winter, a boy who may represent Italy, so beautiful Li, so happy, however, although hungry and thirsty, he did not get a cent from anyone. When it was dark and it was time to close the garden, the doorman drove him away. He stood on the bridge over the Arno River, dreamed, and looked at the reflection of the stars shining on the water under the solemn Dali stone bridge.

He went to the metal pig, knelt in front of it, put his hands around its neck, put his small mouth on its shining nose, drank a large mouthful of fresh water, and placed it beside it A few salad leaves and chestnuts, which made up his dinner, and there was no living soul in the street. He leaned on the back of the metal pig alone, leaned forward, and put his little curly head against the animal's head. Before he knew what was going on, he fell asleep.



制作披萨的范文英文 第二篇

People have changed a lot. For example, I used to spend my free time watching TV, which was very interesting and relaxing. But now, I just watch some famous works, because it can let me know that more and more things are important to me.

Now, I used to eat a lot of junk food, such as hamburgers and pizza, so I really like them. They are delicious and fast, although they are not good for my health. When I was in grade, I hated English.

I thought it was too boring and hard to understand for me. But now, I love it. I used to practice every day.

I joined an English club. It is a good way to learn English. I always get _a_ in the semester.

Now I am so happy I'm really crazy. I love it. Of course people will change, but a good change will make us better and better, don't you think.




制作披萨的范文英文 第三篇

The origin of pizza is that people put small round flat bread or pie on a plate on hot rocks. It is round bread or pizza. It is a kind of unfermented bread discovered by Egyptians in yeast in human history.

It is just the beginning of fermented bread production. The name of _pizza_ comes from Latin _pinsa_, which means Latin _pingsere_. The past participle means _Oppress_ the Mediterranean region, such as Egypt, Greece and Rome, used to eat bread or pie made of barley, water and various spices.

Of course, these buns or pizzas are _predecessors_.



制作披萨的范文英文 第四篇

Main ingredients: Flour accessories: butter, milk powder, cooking oil, tomato sauce, garlic and chili sauce, cheese, chili, onion, shrimp, Tricholoma. Method: put the milk powder and butter in the flour to process, save time to wash the onion and cut it into round, wash the green pepper and dice it, clean the mushroom slices, put it on the plate, pour a little oil, press the dough in the middle of the thin edge of the plate, and evenly mix it with a fork Cut round pancakes into holes, then add tomato sauce and garlic sauce, add onion, green pepper, mushroom, shrimp, cheese, put the sauce of the pizza in the oven for minutes, and then press the (Crispy) button.



制作披萨的范文英文 第五篇

Pizza, originally from Italy, is made of wheat flour paste and cheese. It has different ingredients, such as sausage or bacon slices, plus some vegetables, and then roasted in the oven for a few minutes. It is very delicious, so it is very popular all over the world, but don't eat it often because it contains too much protein and fat.



制作披萨的范文英文 第六篇

The history of pizza: the soul of Italy does not have many countries to say that their national cuisine has become an international phenomenon. There are two kinds of Italian dishes, pasta and, of course, American pizza. Pizza is usually divided into two categories: one is Chicago style thick cheese pizza, the other is thin and traditional Italian New York Pizza.

There are two main types of pizzas: Italian pizzas and the rest of the world, which looks silly considering the basic ingredients, but once you try a real Italian pizza, you'll never feel the same way about this , delicious food. The most basic form of pizza is seasoned flat bread, which has a long history in the Mediterranean. Some cultures, including the Greeks and Phoenicians, ate a flat bread made of flour and water.

The dough will be placed on a hot stone and seasoned with vanilla. Greeks call it early pancakes, which are basically used when eating stews or soups Plate it's not the pizza we call it today, but it's very much like the modern Phoenicia. These early pizzas were eaten from Rome to Egypt to Babylon, praised by the ancients, historians Herodotus and Cato the old The word _pizza_ is believed to come from the Latin word pinsa, meaning flat bread (although there is much debate about the origin of the word, legend suggests that Roman soldiers, while stationed in Rome occupied Palestine, tasted Jewish mazot and developed a similar food when they returned home.

However, recent archaeological discoveries have found a well preserved Bronze Age pizza in the Veneto area. By the middle ages, these early pizzas began to take on a more modern look and taste. Farmers at that time made modern pizza dough from the very few ingredients they could get and sprinkled it with olive oil and vanilla.

The introduction of Indian buffalo has given pizza and masurila another dimension of cheese. Even today, the use of fresh mozzarella buffalo cheese in Italian pizzas is irreplaceable, while other cheeses have become popular on pizzas (usually used with fresh mozzarella cheese, no Italian pizza shop uses so many American pizzas) Type of dry shredding used on (flat bread, pizza, flat bread).


披萨历史:意大利的灵魂没有太多的可以说他们的民族菜已经成为一种国际现象意大利有两种这样的菜肴,意大利面,当然还有的披萨比萨通常分为两类:一类是芝加哥式的厚奶酪比萨,另一类是薄而传统的意大利纽约披萨。比萨也分为两大类:意大利披萨和世界其他地方,考虑到基本配料,这看起来很傻,但是一尝真正的意大利披萨,就这样,你永远不会对这种简单美味的食物有相同的感觉。比萨最基本的形式是调味的扁平面包在地中海有着悠久的历史,包括希腊人和腓尼基人在内的一些文化吃了一个由面粉和水做成的平头面包,面团将通过放置在一块热的石头上,然后用香草调味,希腊人称之为早期的薄饼,它基本上是用来当吃炖菜或浓汤时食用的盘子它还不是我们今天所说的披萨,但它非常像现代的福卡西亚这些早期的比萨从罗马到埃及到巴比伦都被食用,受到古人的赞扬历史学家希罗多德(Herodotus)和老卡托(Cato the Elder),“披萨”(pizza)一词被认为来自拉丁语单词pinsa,意为扁平面包(尽管关于这个词的起源有很多争论,传说表明罗马士兵在驻扎在被罗马占领的巴勒斯坦时尝到了犹太人的马佐特,并在回家后开发了一种类似的食物。


制作披萨的范文英文 第七篇

Main ingredients of pizza: wheat flour accessories: butter, milk powder, cooking oil, tomato sauce, garlic and chili sauce, cheese, pepper, onion, shrimp, Kou momentum method: milk, butter, put in the flour time-saving onion, wash, cut into the place where the vegetables are washed, slice the mushroom and put it into the pan, pour into the dough, make a thin plate from the thick and round cake, Even if there is a hole in the bread, sprinkle tomato sauce and garlic, pepper, onion, mushroom, shrimp and cheese, put the sauce of the pizza in the oven for minutes, then press the (Crispy) button for minutes.



制作披萨的范文英文 第八篇

Celina My birthday pizza DIY recipe: flour, milk, butter, mozzarella cheese, vegetables, meat, shrimp and olive oil + steps for mixing milk and butter (Note: milk must be cooled, because heat will destroy fermentation) step mixing flour with mixed buttermilk, fermenting with egg steps, and then cooking tomato sauce with black pepper and onion slices, in addition to preparing vegetables, Put some olive oil on the dish, then spread the batter on the baking plate, leaving some holes (see picture step put the mixture of tomato sauce and mozzarella on the batter, then put the plate in the oven for a few minutes (see picture step take out the paste and put vegetables and other materials on it (see picture step put it in the oven and wait for another step ready to eat little dance step.


Celina MYY制作的生日披萨DIY食谱:面粉、牛奶、黄油、马苏里拉干酪、蔬菜、肉类,虾和橄榄油+牛奶和黄油混合的步骤(注意:牛奶必须冷却,因为热的会发酵)步骤将面粉与混合的酪乳混合,用鸡蛋步等发酵,然后用黑胡椒和洋葱片烹调番茄酱,除了准备蔬菜外,在菜上放些橄榄油,然后将面糊铺在烤盘上,留下一些小孔(参见图片步骤将混合好的番茄酱和马苏里拉酒放在面糊上,然后将盘子放入烤箱中几分钟(参见图片步骤取出糊状物并将蔬菜和其他材料放在上面(参见图片步骤将其放入烤箱等待另一个步骤即食小步舞步。

制作披萨的范文英文 第九篇

First, make dough out of yeast, flour and water, bake it in the oven for a few minutes, then make your ketchup. We cut the tomatoes, put oil, boil it, put your favorite vegetables or other food on the base as ingredients, then put the cheese and ketchup in the oven and wait for them to be ready.



制作披萨的范文英文 第十篇

A woman roasted a chapati for her family and gave it to a hungry passer-by. Every day, she put the extra chapatti on the window sill. A hunchback man came and took the little pizza instead of thanking him.

As he walked along, he murmured, _the bad things you do will always be with you: the good things you do come back to you. The woman is annoyed. She says a word of thanks to herself every day.

What does this hunchbacked man mean by this jingle? One day, she decided to get rid of him. She poisoned the cabin she had prepared for him.





