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公共场合行为英语范文 第一篇

We may have experienced such experience before: most people always do some uncivilized things in public places, which will disgust and annoy most people, such as spitting, littering, urinating in public places. I had an embarrassing experience. One night, I saw a man urinating by the river.

He didn't feel embarrassed at all. This kind of inappropriate public behavior has a terrible impact on society. On the one hand, most unhygienic behaviors will spread germs and diseases to the public.

These behaviors may lead to environmental pollution, with little or no consideration of the environment. We must take measures to improve the situation. Our government should emphasize this kind of behavior.

Our teachers should teach all students and students at home to acceptable standards. Parents should set an example to teach their children what is right. There is no doubt that immoral behavior exists in every public place, such as Beijing subway.

When you try to buy tickets, you will find many people waiting for you in front of you Immoral behavior in public places will bring about a series of problems, the most serious of which is that it may have a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility. We will continue to ignore the rights and feelings of other people. In turn, we will be disrespected one day.

It is certainly difficult to improve this phenomenon, but it is necessary to call on people to do appropriate things in public places feeling.




公共场合行为英语范文 第二篇

Writing instructions: in this part, you can write a composition entitled _immoral behavior in public_ in minutes according to the following Chinese outline. Your composition should not be less than that of the text network to witness the immoral behavior in public. I still remember that the first time I took the Beijing subway was one morning.

I was rushing to school. I was preparing to buy a ticket Many people are waiting in front of me, but no one's immoral behavior in public has caused a series of problems. One of the most serious problems is that it may have a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility.

We will continue to ignore the rights and feelings of others. On the contrary, we will be disrespected one day, from the perspective of actual implementation and cost-effectiveness It is certainly not easy to improve this phenomenon. I suggest that the society should make it clear from all aspects that those who do not respect the common interests will be severely punished.

Therefore, more stringent policies should be formulated to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible.



公共场合行为英语范文 第三篇

Pay attention to the public behavior in China. The issue of public immoral behavior has been widely reported. Chinese people always say that they laugh at themselves because of the low quality of the population.

Recently, a video shows a young couple holding a baby in the subway, and they let the baby urinate in the subway car. They are condemned by the passengers. They don't care what is the most shocking A light father even wants to kick a lady who is willing to provide a plastic bag for the baby as a toilet.

The uncivilized behavior of this young couple is intolerable and disgusting. Public places belong to every citizen. We should keep it clean but not make a fuss about it.

The behavior in public represents personal quality. People can know what kind of person you are through your behavior If you want to litter everywhere, you are a low-quality person, not to mention defecating on land. If you do that abroad, that's OK.

Secondly, the shame of our Chinese nation is that the growth path of babies is worrying. The immoral behavior in public shows that the quality level of this young couple affected by their parents may be huge, baby It's easy to grow up to be a man like his father. Miehaving, irritable and aggressive are what parents should set up to set a good example for their children.

However, it is not a sentence to teach them a wrong concept. It is our duty to behave politely in public places, not only for ourselves, but also for a more comfortable public environment.



公共场合行为英语范文 第四篇

Although we think that we are senior people living in a civilized society, impolite behaviors are still seen everywhere. For example, some cyclists throw waste and plastic bags in public places, some tourists litter in tourist attractions, not to mention spitting in the streets of cinemas. Some listeners speak out loud in front of others.

I strongly oppose speaking out loud in front of others word.



公共场合行为英语范文 第五篇

Not long ago, a man complained that his mother was feeding her baby on a bus. He thought it was impolite to show naked in public. Soon, the man's words were criticized by women for supporting mothers to feed their children freely as we all know, mothers are the greatest people in the world.

They give us life and take care of us all the time. Some mothers even sacrifice their career and become housewives. They focus all their attention on household chores.

A man will never know the pain of a woman when giving birth to a child, so they have no right to make a judgment; they use mother in public places Breast feeding babies is a woman's right, because babies don't stop crying, so mothers must always be ready to feed them. In any place where it's not easy to raise children, what mothers do should be supported by the public, because everyone has an hour to wait for.


不久前,一个男人抱怨母亲在公共汽车上给孩子喂奶,他认为在公共场所展示是很不礼貌的行为,很快这个男人的话就受到了女人的批评,因为他们支持母亲们自由地喂养孩子们 众所周知,母亲是世界上最伟大的人,他们给了我们生命,一直照顾着我们,有些母亲甚至牺牲了自己的事业,做了一个家庭主妇,他们把所有的注意力集中在家庭琐事上一个男人永远不会知道女人在生孩子时的痛苦,所以他们没有权利做出判断;在公共场所用母乳喂养婴儿是妇女的权利,因为婴儿没有停止哭泣的意识,所以母亲们必须随时准备喂养他们在任何不容易养育孩子的地方,母亲们所做的都应该得到公众的支持,因为每个人都有这样一个小时候的时刻。

公共场合行为英语范文 第六篇

Civilized etiquette is everywhere, which often happens around us, but we are often ignored. Therefore, we should integrate the civilized etiquette into the real life. We should pay attention to the civilized etiquette at ordinary times, and develop the good habits formed from childhood.

First of all, we should show filial piety to your parents. Parents have spent countless efforts to nurture our growth. What is the basic morality of filial piety to parents We should always remember the kindness of our parents.

Parents should have good manners. Second, we should love others and get along well with others. When there are difficulties between people, we should lend a helping hand.

Everyone needs love and help. Third, we should be humble and courteous. In interpersonal relations, we should be modest, respect others, respect everyone, and be polite.

Fourth, we should be honest and trustworthy Fifthly, we should ask the men in Yanji who are familiar with the sentence _forgive others but not ourselves_. Forgiveness means to be strict with ourselves and to see our own shortcomings. _Living without letting live_ means understanding, tolerating others and forgiving others' mistakes.

The famous writer Goethe said: _a person's politeness is like a mirror reflecting his portrait Indeed, people always ask us to improve our behavior according to your P and Q evaluation, and pay attention to conscious etiquette. Only in this way can we gradually get used to civilized etiquette, temperament and demeanor, and cultivate modern civilized people.



公共场合行为英语范文 第七篇

How to deal with uncivilized behaviors in the process of tourism, such as writing on historical sites, has been discussed for a long time, or this kind of thing happens more frequently in China than in any other country. What can we do to prevent these behaviors? Although we have been advocating the education of tourists for many years, in my opinion, the situation is not better than expected, we still need to drum up We should encourage the education of tourists, but there are some changes. We should not only publicize _don't do something_, but also explain the reasons and explanations that signing everywhere is not cool.

On the contrary, we have to feel ashamed. Comparing us with foreigners can also increase our awareness and behavior in public places to witness the immoral behaviors in public places. I still remember that I was the first The first time I took the Beijing subway was an early morning.

I was rushing to school. I was preparing to buy a ticket. I found many people waiting in front of me, but no one was on the line.

① immoral behavior in public places caused a series of problems. The most serious one is that it may have a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility, and we will continue to ignore others On the contrary, we will not respect the reform of this phenomenon one day. It is certainly not easy to focus on the actual implementation and cost-effectiveness.

I suggest that the society should show from all aspects that those who do not respect the public interest will be severely punished. Therefore, we should formulate more stringent policies to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible. We all expect a world without thieves.

Everyone has responsibility. Personal responsibility is very important for the construction of a harmonious socialist society. ① unethical public behavior.

② immoral public behavior. ② advocacy. ③ social responsibility.

① immoral behavior in public places. ② implementation. ③ cost benefit.

④ public welfare. ① sharing huge responsibility. ② demonstration.


如何处理旅游过程中的不文明行为,如在名胜古迹上写字等,已经讨论了很久,或者说这种事情在中国发生的次数比其他任何都多,我们能做些什么来防止这些行为尽管我们多年来一直提倡对游客进行教育,但在我看来,情况并不比想象中的好,我们仍然要鼓励对游客的教育,但是有些改变,我们不仅要宣传“不要做某事”,而且要说明到处签名、签名不酷的理由和解释,相反,我们不得不感到羞耻,把我们和外国人做比较,也可以增加我们在公共场合的意识行为,来见证①在公共场合的不道德行为,我还记得我第一次坐北京地铁的时候是一个清晨,我正赶着去上学,当时我正准备买票,我发现很多人在我前面等着,但是没有人在这条线上①在公共场合不道德的行为②引发了一系列的问题,其中最严重的一个就是它可能会对我们的社会责任感产生负面影响我们会继续忽视别人的权利和感受,反过来,总有一天我们也会不尊重①这种现象的改革,着眼于实际②实施和③成本效益,肯定不容易,我建议社会从各个方面表明,不尊重公共利益的人将受到严厉的惩罚,为此,应制定更严格的政策,尽快纠正这种现象。我们都期望有一个没有小偷的世界。每个人都有责任在适时的个人责任对于构建社会主义和谐社会至关重要◇①不道德的公共行为◇①不道德的公共行为②倡导③社会责任感◇①这种公共场合的不道德行为②实施③成本效益④公益性◇①分担巨大责任:② 演示。

公共场合行为英语范文 第八篇

As a tour guide of an international travel agency, I found that many Chinese tourists behave badly in foreign countries. They make a lot of noise in public places, carve words in tourist attractions, throw garbage and spit everywhere. It is really embarrassing.

Even when the traffic lights are on, they cross the road. This kind of bad behavior abroad has damaged the reputation of the country. First of all, we should take measures to stop it Before going abroad, tourists should be trained to abide by social and public order and respect local religions and customs.

In addition, kindergartens and primary schools should also do the same. Finally, laws should be enacted to punish those who miehave in public places. I hope overseas tourists can change their behavior as soon as possible and win respect for themselves and their country.



公共场合行为英语范文 第九篇

Pay attention to our behavior. We all know that we should pay attention to our behavior in public places. For example, we can't speak loudly, smoke or sneeze in public places.

Don't jump in line and litter. In addition, we should be polite and civilized citizens. As middle school students, we must abide by these rules.




公共场合行为英语范文 第十篇

Nowadays, many people do not perform well in public places, such as spitting everywhere, littering everywhere, carving their names on walls and buildings, etc. I think the reason why so many people behave badly is that people and the government do not attach great importance to our social morality. Based on these reasons, I first put forward some solutions to let more people know that their behavior in public represents their own country and their own reputation.

Secondly, let people understand that a civilized society needs the efforts of all people. People should understand that what they do in public places will be children's role models. What kind of society and children do you want Let's start with little.

In public, stay away from bad habits.



公共场合行为英语范文 第十一篇

When we develop good study habits, we learn quickly and remember things easily. You sometimes copy other people's homework. No matter how difficult the homework is, you should do it yourself and finish it on time.

If you practice again and again, there is no hard to learn good habits, don't forget to take notes. Before doing homework every night, you must take out your notes to review what you have learned today. Don't forget to clean your desk.

A clean desk will make you feel comfortable. Good study habits are the key to success.




公共场合行为英语范文 第十二篇

In terms of expression space, candidates may have their own ideas and ideas. As long as reasonable and rigorous expression is needed, they can write this article. Remember the set of questions, just like Guangdong's composition this year, they can't put down the suite.

_This is the biggest problem that students should write in the composition materials. The material composition is based on the materials. Starting from the students themselves, it encourages students to write their own hearts to a certain extent.



公共场合行为英语范文 第十三篇

Graffiti damage behavior Dear editor, recently graffiti has become more and more conspicuous in my university. I feel very angry with them, especially when some of my classmates praise them as a kind of so-called art. Facing this impolite phenomenon, I can't help but ask myself: in my opinion, what's wrong with today's agers? Graffiti is a form of public property destruction.

They are It's a mess. It looks ugly. The wall is a public place.

It shouldn't be used to express personal opinions and feelings. I really think that sabotage should be stopped. Those who refuse to stop such bad behavior should be punished.

We should remove these ugly expressions and pictures so that our college may return to its true self, a clean and quiet study A place for study, teaching and research, Li Ming.


公共场合行为英语范文 第十四篇

In China, the problem of public immoral behavior has been widely reported. Chinese people always ridicule themselves because of the low quality of the population. Recently, a video shows a young couple holding a child in the subway, and the young couple who let their baby pee in the subway car are condemned by passengers.

They don't care about what may be the most shocking, young father Parents even want to kick a lady who is willing to provide plastic bags for their babies as toilets. The uncivilized behavior of young couples is first of all intolerable and disgusting places. Public places belong to every citizen.

We should keep it clean, but we can't make a fuss. The behavior in public places represents personal quality. People can know what you are through your behavior If you want to litter everywhere, you are a low-quality person, not to mention urinating on the land.

If you do that in a foreign country, the second thing may be the shame of our Chinese nation. The growth path of children is worrying. The immoral behavior in public shows that the quality level of this young couple affected by their parents may be huge It is easy for a child to grow up to be like his father.

Miehaving, irascible and aggressive parents should set a good example for their children instead of teaching them a word. Wrong ideas are our obligation to behave politely in public places, not only for ourselves, but also for a more comfortable public environment.




公共场合行为英语范文 第十五篇

As a student, how to behave properly is the secret of getting along well with others. I think it is very important to do everything on time. Lying or swearing to others.

We should be polite and help others at any time. We'd better not make a lot of noise in public. Don't litter or spit.

Remember to obey the traffic rules. Finally, learn to deal with others. We need good teamwork.




公共场合行为英语范文 第十六篇

Pay attention to public behavior in China, the issue of public immoral behavior has been widely reported. Chinese people always ridicule themselves because of the low quality of the population. Recently, a video shows a young couple holding a child in the subway, and the young couple who let their baby pee in the subway car are condemned by passengers.

They don't care at all, perhaps the most shocking What's more, the young father even wants to kick a woman who is willing to provide plastic bags for babies as toilets. The uncivilized behavior of this young couple is firstly intolerable and disgusting. Public places belong to every citizen.

We should keep public places clean and tidy, but we can't make small things. The behavior in public places represents personal quality. People can directly know what kind of person you are through your behavior.

If you want to litter everywhere, you are one People with low quality, let alone defecate on the stairs, is a shame for our Chinese nation to do so abroad. Second, the growth path of the baby is worrying. The immoral behavior in public shows that the quality level of the young couple affected by their parents may be that hugging the baby is easy to grow up to be the same as his father.

Misbehaving, irritable and aggressive people should set a good example for the children, but don't teach them a wrong concept. In a word, we are in public The duty of politeness is not only for ourselves, but also for a more comfortable public environment.



公共场合行为英语范文 第十七篇

(no smoking in all public places) some enterprises now say that smoking is prohibited in any of their offices. Some governments have already banned smoking in all public places. This is a good idea, although it deprives us of some of our .

As we know, smoking is not only harmful to our health, but also harmful to the environment. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. The influence of smoking on non-smokers is greater than that of smokers.

Passive smokers have a higher rate of illness than smokers, so many non-smokers object to smoking in public places, and smoking is more harmful. This is related to another effect of smoking, that is, smoking pollutes the environment by releasing a large amount of toxic gases into the air. Therefore, it is very necessary and important for us to ban smoking.

It is a measure to protect our health and environment. So many people, especially non-smokers, support this policy. Some people say that it deprives us of some .

I think this is a one-sided view. If a person wants to smoke, he may smoke in private places, not in public places. In fact, smokers still have the to smoke, but I think it's better for smokers to quit smoking, not just in private places, but in public places, everywhere, it will be good for all of us.




公共场合行为英语范文 第十八篇

Not long ago, a man complained that his mother was feeding her baby on the bus. He thought it was very impolite to show naked in public. Soon the man's words were criticized by women for supporting their mother's free feeding of babies.

As we all know, mothers are the greatest people in the world. They give us life and take care of us all the time. Some mothers even sacrifice their career and become housewives.

They focus all their attention on household chores. A man will never know the pain of a woman's life and children, so they have no right to make a judgment. Breast feeding in public places is female Because babies don't have the awareness to stop crying, mothers must be ready to feed them anytime, anywhere.

It's not easy to raise children. What mothers do should be supported by the public, because everyone has such a childhood.





