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女生英语听力考试范文 第一篇







女生英语听力考试范文 第二篇



雅思听力经常涉及到一些生活场景类材料,其中像accommodation, vegetarian等高频词都是需要重点记忆的听力词汇。















2.对照听力文本和答案解析进行错题纠正,总结各种题型的答题技巧。雅思听力题型包括multiple choice,gap filling ,matching ,illustration这几种。




女生英语听力考试范文 第三篇








女生英语听力考试范文 第四篇

Cancellation of international cooperation, our students have discussed whether to retain or cancel the college entrance examination English listening test. Some students think that the listening test should not be cancelled. Some students think that listening test should not be cancelled.

Some students think that listening test should not be cancelled. They insist that listening is one of the four basic skills. Therefore, we can not ignore it It.

In addition, listening is one of the important channels for us to obtain information from the outside world. In today's increasingly strengthened international cooperation, listening should be strengthened more and more frequently. However, some people disagree.

They think that not everyone should communicate with foreigners in the future. Moreover, in areas where radio signals cannot be effectively received, listening tests are unfair to students, and for some reasons, there are great differences between rural and rural teachers and equipment.




女生英语听力考试范文 第五篇




女生英语听力考试范文 第六篇




女生英语听力考试范文 第七篇

persuaded the speaker to take some new photogrphs? Her ...

could be destroyed if the women erased the imprint of age? The imprint of ...

did the speaker deal with the photographs in the end? She ...

Recently, at the instigation of my publisher, I had some photographs taken. I do not enjoy the process of being photographed. However, after I compared the new photograph with one taken twenty-five years ago, my feminine vanity suffered. My first instinct was to have the prints “touched up”. As I thoughtfully considered the photographs, I knew that a still more important principle was involved. A quarter century of living should put a great deal into a woman’s face besides a few wrinkles and some unwelcome folds around the chin. In that length of time she has become intimately acquainted with pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, life and death. She has struggled and survived, failed and succeeded. She has lost and regained faith. And, as a result, she would be wiser, gentler, more patient and more tolerant than she was when she was young. Her sense of humor should have mellowed, her outlook should have widened, and her sympathies should have deepened. And all this should show. If she tries to erase the imprint of age, she runs the risk of destroying, at the same time, the imprint of experience and character. I know I am more experienced than I was a quarter century ago and I hope I have more character. I released the pictures as they were.

女生英语听力考试范文 第八篇


雅思听力 相见恨晚的听力地图题技巧图1
















女生英语听力考试范文 第九篇




















B(短文理解题):Scetion B一般由三篇短文组成,每篇字数在150-170左右,只读一遍,然后提出三到四个问题要求考生进行选择,主要测试的是考生的语篇记忆力和整体的听力理解能力。






If I were you, I'll...

We should...

Why don't you ...?

How about...?


Maybe you'd better...

Perhaps we can...

Maybe you should...


Would you/Could you tell me...?

I wonder if you...

I'll be very appreciated if you...



否定副词和形容词:hardly, rarely, little, seldom, few, never等

否定代词和连词:nothing, nobody, neither, nor, none等

否定前缀或否定后缀:im-, un-, dis-, non-, -less等

表否定意义的其他词:fail, miss, avoid, deny, refuse, doubt, far from, anything but, instead of, rather than等。

另外,要注意否定形式、肯定意义的结构,如:I couldntagree with you any more.这句话相当于I agree with you completely.

身份及人物关系题型:在Section A中身份及人物关系的题型几乎每次考试都会出现。考生可以通过抓关键的特征词来判断。四级听力中常见的人物关系有teacher and student, librarian and student, shop assistant and customer, doctor and patient, waiter (waitress) and customer。地点及场所题型:这类题在听力对话题中也较简单,考生只需掌握表示地点及方位的介词短语,抓住其中的关键场景特点,就能辨认对话发生的场所。如一听到boarding一词,就想到是机场。

数字和时间题型:这是Section A中最简单的一类,考生只要事先浏览了选项,留意对话中的数字或时间稍经计算和分析,就能答对。所以,考生一定要把握好这类拿分题。


女生英语听力考试范文 第十篇




mammal 哺乳动物

kangaroo (n.) 袋鼠

joey (n.) 小袋鼠

koala (n.) 树袋熊,考拉

brown bear (n.) 棕熊

polar bear (n.) 北极熊

panda (n.) 熊猫

dinosaur (n.)恐龙

antelope (n.) 羚羊

leopard (n.) 豹

elephant (n.) 大象

zebra (n.) 斑马

rabbit (n.) 兔子

rhino (n.) 犀牛

hippo (n.) 河马

squirrel (n.) 松鼠

goat (n.) 山羊

sheep (n.) 绵羊

camel (n.) 骆驼

bat (n.) 蝙蝠

marine mammal 海洋哺乳动物

shark (n.) 鲨鱼

dolphin (n.) 海豚

whale (n.) 鲸鱼

blue whale (n.) 蓝鲸

killer whale (n.) 虎鲸

minke whale (n.) 小须鲸

Northern right whale (n.) 北露脊鲸

sperm whale (n.) 抹香鲸

sea otter (n.) 海獭

bird species 禽类

pigeon (n.) 鸽子

falcon (n.) 游隼,猎鹰

hawk (n.) 隼,鹰

parrot (n.) 鹦鹉

penguin (n.) 企鹅

kaka (n.) 卡卡啄羊鹦鹉(新西兰的一种橄榄色鹦鹉)

emu (n.) 鸸鹋

ostrich (n.) 鸵鸟

insect 昆虫

wasp (n.) 黄蜂

bee (n.) 蜜蜂


lizard (n.) 蜥蜴

chameleon (n.)变色龙

amphibian 两栖动物

crocodile (n.) 鳄鱼

frog (n.) 青蛙

toad (n.) 蟾蜍

fish 鱼类

herring (n.) 鲱鱼

whiting (n.) 牙鳕

others 其他

ocean urchin (n.) 海胆

jellyfish (n.) 水母

spider (n.) 蜘蛛

lobster (n.) 龙虾


marine forest (n.) 海底森林

kelp forest (n.) 海草林,巨藻林

pine tree (n.) 松树

pepper (n.) 胡椒

passion fruit (n.) 西番莲子,鸡蛋果

pea (n.) 豌豆

lentil (n.) 扁豆

lettuce (n.) 莴苣,生菜

pumpkin (n.) 南瓜

mushroom (n.) 蘑菇

spinach (n.) 菠菜

celery (n.) 芹菜

cauliflower (n.) 花椰菜,菜花

broccoli (n.) 西兰花

aubergine / eggplant (n.) 茄子

garlic (n.) 大蒜

ginger (n.) 姜

女生英语听力考试范文 第十一篇





改述和同义词 (Paraphrases and synonyms):正确选项会通过改述或同义词,换个面孔出现。




PS Camping has been organising holidays for

A. 15 years

B. 20 years

C. 25 years

Thank you for coming to my talk this evening. It’s nice to see so many people in the audience. For those of you who don’t know very much about PS Camping, let me start by giving you some background information about the company started twenty five years ago. It actually started as a retail chain selling camping equipment, and then twenty years ago, it bought a small number of campsites in the UK, and began offering camping holidays. The company grew rapidly and has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last fifteen years.


错误选项干扰 – 25 years, 20 years and 15 years.

类型和读音相似 – (25-20)(25-15)

问题被改述( paraphrased) – “organising holidays”替换了原文中的“began offering holidays” and “providing holidays”. 这会导致听漏。

顺序改变 – 25出现在前,15出现在最后




2.画出问题中的重点词“Organised Holidays”,为捕捉答案做准备。



The company started twenty five years ago. It actually started as a retail chain selling camping equipment, and then twenty years ago, it bought a small number of campsites in the UK, and began offering camping holidays. The company grew rapidly and has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last fifteen years.


PS Camping has been organising holidays for:



C. 25 years 公司成立,和holiday无关。

B. 20 years start是开始的时间,has been要从began开始算,所以是。

A. 15 years 后来才扩展的业务,只有。

女生英语听力考试范文 第十二篇

········cancel international cooperation our students discussed whether the national college entrance examination English listening test should be retained or cancelled. Some students think that the listening test should not be cancelled some students think that the listening test should not be cancelled. Some students think that the listening test should not be cancelled.

They insist that listening is one of the four basic skills We can't ignore it. In addition, listening is one of the important channels for us to obtain information from the outside world. Today, when international cooperation is becoming more and more frequent, but others do not agree, they believe that not everyone must communicate with foreigners in the future.

In addition, listening tests are unfair to students in areas where radio signals cannot be effectively received, and for some reasons, there is a big difference between the two, teachers and equipment between rural and areas.



女生英语听力考试范文 第十三篇

were the drug traffickers arrested? In ... of Cadiz.

did the 10 men wear when they were arrested? ... and ... kit .

did the fake football members hide the drugs? ...

They looked like a real football team — with snarling coach included. But the 10 men arrested at the weekend in Spain’s southern province of Cadiz were not going to play a match, despite their yellow and blue kit. They were drug traffickers who used their footballs, knapsacks and club strips, emblazoned with the team name of a local town, Guillen Moreno CF, as a ruse to fool border police as they passed from the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, in North Africa, to Algeciras, on the southern Spanish mainland, a police spokesman in Cadiz said. The fake team would usually cross the Straits of Gibraltar into the province of Cadiz on Saturday afternoons with the hash tucked beneath their jerseys and stage a drama to enhance their credibility before border agents. The supposed manager, 49, would carry a roster in his hand and continuously bark at the young men “Everybody pay attention, everybody stay right here!” and “Come on, follow me!”. The players would cross back to Ceuta on Sundays after the fictional match and actual drug sales in Spain. Police do not know how long the fake season lasted before a tip spurred an investigation. The game ended when officers stopped their cars in Cadiz and found a total of 16kg of hash hidden beneath the men’s strips in little pellets taped to their bodies.

女生英语听力考试范文 第十四篇












女生英语听力考试范文 第十五篇

一、 图书馆设施和服务场景总汇

library services 图书馆服务

specialist library 专业图书馆

self - access language center 语言自学中心

computer center 计算机中心

micro - computer lab 微机室

well - stocked bank of resources 资料丰富,藏书量大

volume 卷,册,藏书量

general - loan section 借阅部

reference section 参考书库

reserve section 预借书库

reserve section 非外借书库

be available for reference only 只用于参阅(不外借)

works 著作,作品

fiction 小说

book 图书

periodical 期刊

bound periodical 装订期刊

journal 学术期刊

current issue 期刊杂志的最新一期

reference books 参考书目

newspaper 报纸

popular course book 热门教科书

extensive range of dictionaries 各种各样的词典

encyclopaedia 百科全书

abstract 摘要

publication 出版物

street map 市区地图

standards 标准出版物

general interest 大众兴趣

special interest 特殊兴趣

supplementary reading material 补充阅读材料

prescribed texdtbook 指定教材

course book 专业教材

indexed journal 索引期刊

bibliography 文献目录,参考书目

index 索引

category 分类

catalog 目录

subject 科目,主题

title 题目,书名

女生英语听力考试范文 第十六篇


考题中经常通过现在和过去的状况的比较来设置陷阱,考生要特别注意:used to,in the past,many years ago,at present,now,in the future等一系列提示时间先后的词。例如有健身俱乐部在介绍设施时说现在只有健身房,将来还会开设游泳馆。题目中问此俱乐部有什么设施,答案就只能是健身房。


考题中经常会出现一连串数据连报的现象,让大家颇为头疼,特别是当数据较多或较难解释时,需引起注意的词有:minimum,maximum,least,most,up to等。例如在旅游场景中会说一个旅游团的人数通常在30人左右,但是在淡季时也会有20人的小团,而旺季最高会达到40人,考题中问最大的团几人,就应填40。




这类陷阱在两人对话中是经常发生的,特点是由一人列举大量信息让对方选择,对方在评价后作出决定。注意:…should do,decide on,don’t want to等接做决定的用法及一些表评价的形容词。这时要分清谁是做决定者,且做决定的人的语气有一定提示作用。例如在讨论旅游携带物品时,一方说要带防晒霜,水壶,毛衣,另一给建议的人说防晒霜是必须的,因为会去海滩晒太阳,但水壶太占地方,而且如果换了是他的话,不会带毛衣会带雨衣,则最后要带的物件是防晒霜和雨衣。

女生英语听力考试范文 第十七篇

The importance of listening is self-evident. Students should improve their listening ability. First of all, they should have a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary.

We must pay attention to the following problems: change the traditional way of memorizing words. Most students memorize words in a traditional way. Simply memorize the spelling words in their heart and remember the spelling written.

Listening, root reading and repeated reading are very important On the one hand, it is necessary to ensure the correct pronunciation. On the other hand, it is helpful to listen to the familiar words, pay attention to and often read aloud, which helps to combine listening with fan Ting's listening. Listening carefully has two advantages: one is to pay attention to the improvement of language form and improve the level of consciousness; the other is to do the details of dictation, which can improve the accuracy rate; the second is that we can not only pay attention to careful listening, but ignore extensive listening Extensive listening can not only obtain more information and knowledge, but also help to improve listening, improve intonation, expand vocabulary, and diversify listening materials.

As we all know, to improve the listening level, it is not enough to have a weekly listening class. We will take the initiative to find some materials to practice listening after class. However, many people are not optional in listening, or only personal listening materials This kind of thing is often half reaction.

Although it takes a lot of time, it makes little progress.



女生英语听力考试范文 第十八篇


Tip 1: If you don't understand something right away, don't give up. Keep listening. The speaker might say something later that will help you understand the main idea.

Tip 2: Listen for key words. Key words are stressed. They are louder, longer, and higher pitched than other words. These are the words that the speaker thinks are most important in a sentence. For example, notice the stress and intonation in this dialogue: A: I went to the store. B: Which store?

Tip 3: Think about the situation and ask yourself these questions: Who is speaking? What is the relationship between the speakers? What are they talking about? Where are they? How do they feel?

Tip 4: Pay attention to body language, gestures, and facial expressions. This may give you a better idea about what someone is saying.

Tip 5: Listen with a specific purpose in mind. Ask yourself what you are listening for. Are you listening for general understanding of the whole lecture or conversation? Or are you listening for specific information?

Tip 6: Think about the speaker's attitudes or feelings. Is the speaker certain, uncertain, angry, happy, serious, joking? The tone of voice can help you understand someone's feelings on a topic.

Tip 7: Check your understanding by asking the speaker questions. For example, use expressions like Could you repeat that? and I'm sorry, I didn't catch that when you want the speaker to repeat something.

Tip 8: Write down new words and phrases you hear. Don't worry about spelling. Then look the new words up in a dictionary or ask a native speaker to explain what they mean.

Tip 9: Notice how spoken English is sometimes different from written English. Many words and expressions, such as phrasal verbs and idioms, are more common in spoken than written English.

Tip 10: Don't worry about hearing every word. Often, English words are linked together or shortened so you cannot hear every word clearly. For example, speakers often use contractions (can't instead of cannot) and reductions (wanna instead of want to). Try to focus on the most important words and you will understand the main idea.

Tip 11: Listen to how speakers' voices go up and down. This is called intonation. What kinds of questions are they asking you? What kinds of responses do they expect from you? Listening to the rise and fall of their voices can help you understand more clearly.

Tip 12: Listen for new thoughts. When speakers finish one thought and start a new one, their voices fall to a slightly lower pitch and they may pause between the two thoughts. Also, the words within one thought are often linked together and sound like one big long word.

Tip 13: Listen for organization words such as first, then, next, after that, and finally. These words can tell you that a speaker is explaining something in chronological order.

Tip 14: Listen to songs in English. Songs

女生英语听力考试范文 第十九篇

country is the first fattest nation in the world? ...

is the widely-held image of Australians like? They are ...

is the reason for the increasing number of obese Australians in the past decade? A sedentary lifestyle and ...

Forget fit, tanned and sporty ?the new generation of Australians is fast becoming fat, pale and lazy. A love of junk food, television and computer games has sent the country's waistline ballooning, with Australians weighing in as the world's second fattest nation after the United States. Rather than hitting the beaches, thousands of young Aussies are heading for the couch with a bag of popcorn, with one child in every four classified as overweight or obese. The trend is squashing the widely-held image of Australians being sun-bronzed and superfit. _The rate of obesity, particularly among children, seems to be going up faster in Australia than anywhere else in the world, but we don't know why,_ said Dr Peter Williams, president of the Dietitians Association of Australia. Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, estimate 60 percent of men, 50 percent of women and 25 percent of children are overweight or obese ?a huge jump from five percent in the 1960s. A sedentary lifestyle and a changing diet has doubled the number of obese Australians and trebled the army of fat children in the past decade, pushing direct health costs related to childhood obesity to about A million (294 million pounds) a year. Data shows childhood obesity in Australia is rising at the rate of one percent a year, a trend which suggests half of all young Australians will be overweight by 2025. Australia's rapid weight gain has health agencies and state governments racing to find ways to encourage people to get on their feet and shed some kilograms ?while sending the weight-loss industry skipping to the bank, pocketing A billion a year.

女生英语听力考试范文 第二十篇








听和说是息息相关的:如果听力不好那么口语(speaking)可能就不太好反之亦然,很多时候因为我们的发音不好甚至不对,句子重音移位甚至错位导致我们对本来是正确的英语句子和单词产生了“无法辨识”的错觉,大脑根本无法处理(deal with)这些信息,因为平时习惯了那些错误的声音就算能够做出正确的理解,听力材料都也可能已经过了一大半了。

对于这一类原因建议平时多跟读正确的材料,例如各种新闻广播(news broadcast)来达到纠正发音和练习听力的双重效果,此外在平时做练习时有意识地将自己的发音与标准发音有出入的词记下来并强化训练,保证以后不再有类似错误(mistakes)。


女生英语听力考试范文 第二十一篇


1.东西丢了:lost the key,can’t found the note

2.剃头:hardly bald, hairstyle change for not covering the eyes, cut curl hair

3.搭车:pick up the third one at the airline, give me a ride to the office

4.穿衣: a jean and T-shirt for interview is casual, clothes is wet before the concert

5.花需要光: put the flower to the window, the bookcase will prevent the sunlight, need the fresh

6.忘了: slip my mind, forgot to give the note to someone

7.图书馆: spend the whole day in the library, make the photocopy at library, meet at the library, return the books to the library, library is a better place to study

8.室友: looking for a roommate, roommate should apologize, roommate is too noisy,

9.吃的:fish can’t be eat, berry is a bush even for a bird, bread is over toasted, vegetables are over cooked, bread may be in the refrigerator,

10.借东西: lend me calculus book(calculator), borrow the money from check, borrow car for shopping

11.天气:clean up for picnic, cold enough for skating, snowing too much to fly, so hot that we need an air conditioner,

12.作业能否完成:wait till the last minute, chemistry test without time for reading, fill out the financial aid form without the priority, paper extended to the next week

13.第三者: have done it for me

14.排队: magazine to kill the time, read the magazine twice, go early for not queue

15.得病看医生: need another doctor, it is open till 10 at the health center, take the pill the doctor assigned,

16.没空帮忙: can’t give you a ride due to the meeting tomorrow morning,

17.锻炼减肥: lost weight, two blue clothes but one with the large size

18.电影或音乐会: see the concert twice make sense again, sell ticket to you so that you come with me, lectured by some professor is worth watching,

19.还书: return so as not to pay fine, help me return the books,

20.重新考虑以前的决定: reconsider your decision,

21.转让: movie ticket

22.加入社团: garden club, find another committee member to replace,

23.认不出来: beard, bother is different,

24.住房: find an apartment under 500 dollars, find a larger apartment, live nearer to the campus

25.放松: join a entertainment club for leisure, spend more time outdoors,

26.约会: (appointment), reschedule one of the appointment

27.关门了(过期了): museum closed, cafeteria closed,

28.照相: film run out, film not processed, film not good

29.同去: come go with me

30.太吵: too noisy, can’t concentrate



艺术类场景的细分就比较复杂了。首先,艺术类可以简单分为:艺术家及艺术形式,艺术史(art history),艺术理论,艺术保护(art conservation)这四个话题。其中,艺术形式涉及的内容就更多了,按目前TPO里的讲座来看,具体的艺术形式可以有:电影、歌剧、诗歌、散文、话剧、建筑、雕塑、绘画、音乐及乐器、舞蹈等。这个话题主要是说艺术家及其风格特色;艺术史着重的是与艺术有关的人或事情的发展,历史价值;艺术理论比较抽象,我们可以这么理解,如果艺术家和艺术形式是在讲具体的画,画中的景,景用的颜色等,那么艺术理论就是在说,颜色要怎么调,景色要怎么选…;艺术保护类的文章,顾名思义,不仅说具体的艺术品,还会讨论如何保护不会损坏,如何修复。





比如,绘画这个场景中常出现的词汇有:brush 画笔;canvas 帆布、画布;sketch 素描、描绘;figure人物;gallery 画廊;pigment 颜料……

文学类的文章中常出现的词汇有:chapter 章节;biography 传纪;fiction 小说;character 人物;tale 故事;plot 情节……

女生英语听力考试范文 第二十二篇


一、 英国(大不列颠) .、the United Kingdom、Great Britain

London 伦敦

England 英格兰

Liverpool 利物浦

Manchester 曼彻斯特

Sheffield 谢菲尔德

Birmingham 伯明翰

Coventry 考文垂

Leeds 利兹

Scotland 苏格兰

Glasgow 格拉斯哥

Edinburgh 爱丁堡

Wales 威尔士

Cardiff 加的夫

North Ireland 北爱尔兰

Belfast 贝尔法斯特

二、 爱尔兰 Ireland

Dublin 都柏林

三、 澳大利亚 Australia

Canberra 堪培拉

Queensland 昆士兰州

Brisbane 布里斯班

New South Wales 新南威尔士州

Sydney 悉尼

South Australia 南澳大利亚州

Adelaide 阿德莱德

Victoria 维多利亚州

Melbourne 墨尔本

Western Australia 西澳大利亚州

Perth 珀斯

四、 新西兰 New Zealand

Wellington 惠灵顿

五、 加拿大 Canada

Ottawa 渥太华

British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省

Victoria 维多利亚

Vancouver 温哥华

Alberta 艾伯塔省

Edmonton 埃德蒙顿

Ontario 安大略省

Toronto 多伦多

Quebec 魁北克省

Montreal 蒙特利尔

六、 美国 The United States of America


New York




Los Angeles、.




