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患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第一篇

I'm not feeling well today. I told my dad that my teeth are not feeling well. I'm sorry to hear that.

Let's go to the dentist. The dentist checked it first, and then he told me you can't eat too much sugar for a month. You know, if you eat sweets, your teeth will break.

See the dentist. Thank you for your help. No, thank you.



患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第二篇

They help the children go to the hospital to see a doctor academically. They help the elder sister to see a doctor in the city park and the street. The reason is to improve their working ability, build up confidence, gain valuable experience, live a happy life full of fun, and make our living environment more beautiful.



患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第三篇

Dear teacher: because of toothache, I want to ask for leave to see the dentist from December 3 to December 3, so I'm sorry I didn't come to class, especially your interesting class. I will make up for the absence after my illness, XXX.



患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第四篇

Dear Jim, thank you for your invitation. I'm sorry that I can't listen to music with you this week. I'm very busy on Monday.

I'm going to see the dentist because I have a toothache from Tuesday to Wednesday. I'm going to visit my cousin and sister because my aunt, uncle and my parents are going out on Thursday. I'm going to central park with me.

Brothers and sisters on Friday, I have to do my homework. Can you go to central park with me? Don't forget, I hope you have a good time listening to sumic's songs. Your friend, Mike.



患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第五篇

=============================az f h o q k M V X √×× bicycle my nose is very long. Museum left hand makes a day B bad C there is a fish B find C show me C red a glue B run C we a phone B factory C four library watch TV station play chess Museum headache Park toothache girl is my sister does not smoke here is the money I am in a school my schoolbag is under white playing cards in bed talking to books is a bed I can Mike, Please don't read it's bad for your eyes. It's a pencil I'll be with Mike this week.


=============================az f h o q k M V X√××自行车我的鼻子长很多博物馆左手做一天B坏C有一条鱼B找到C给我B看C红A胶水B运行C我们AB工厂C四图书馆看电视台等电影院下棋博物馆头痛公园牙痛女孩是我姐姐不抽烟这里是钱我在一所学校我的书包在白色的扑克牌下面在床上对书说话是床我可以迈克,请不要读它对你的眼睛不好它是一支铅笔我将与迈克这个星期。

患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第六篇

Now many people do not pay attention to protect their teeth, because of this, most people have toothache and other diseases, therefore, we must do three points of health. First, we can brush our teeth twice, gargle after lunch, we must eat a small amount of sugar and dessert, especially the last, when the teeth are sick, we must see the doctor in time. If we ignore this, we will have a bad impact on our health.



患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第七篇

Hello everyone, this is a Monday about myself. I went to my aunt's house. I ate some food.

It was a delicious Tuesday in the afternoon. I went to the beach. I played volleyball with my parents on Wednesday.

I went to the dentist. I had toothache on Thursday. I stayed at home, watched DVD, played computer s and read.

Friday was so boring. I went to a bookstore and bought a Saturday book And Sunday interesting books, I did my homework, I think I was very busy.



患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第八篇

He lowered the chair six inches. My sister had a toothache on holiday in San Francisco. When she found herself on the fourth floor of a skyscraper, the two walls of the office were made of glass.

Susan sat on the examining table. When the dentist came in, he held tightly to both sides of the chair and asked, _are you always so nervous?_.




患者牙疼医生英语范文高中 第九篇

Where have you been in trouble boy: sorry, miss, I'm just calling to tell you I can't go to school today teacher: what's the matter? Boy: I'm not comfortable teacher: where do you feel trouble boy: love dad in the classroom: my son, I punish you because I love you son: I know, Dad, but I shouldn't have received so many love books from two men at large They're talking about their son in school. My son's letters always send me dictionaries saying one Manton you're lucky to say another my son's letters always send me to the bank a hero reporter: Why did you jump into the river to save that hero: I had to because he was wearing my coat and I thought it was my huand: Oh, dear, someone stole my wallet. Woman: you don't feel it Someone has found something in your pocket huand: Yes, but I thought it was my real person.

Mr. Smith: Oh, my God, I left my purse under my pillow. What should I do? His friend: don't worry, your maid is an honest woman, isn't she? Mr.

Smith: Yes, but she will give it to my wife, just as the doctor said to the nurse. Ask the patient's name so that we can inform his parents. After a while, the nurse came back and said, the patient said his parents knew his name.

A stupid huand said to her huand Jack one morning, our ladies' club is in Mrs. Yang's house at lunch time today. I want to go and I'll leave you.

You can have something for lunch. Oh, yes, her huand replied, it doesn't matter. What are you going to leave I eat the canned fish Mrs.

Perry said. Here are some boiled potatoes and some beans. That's great.

Then Mrs. Perry went to a meeting. All the ladies had lunch at Mrs.

Yang's house. At three o'clock, Mrs. Perry came home.

How is your fish, Jack? She asked dye, but my foot was hurt. He answered why they hurt Mrs. Perry.

Askedwell wrote on the tin, opened the jar, stood in hot water for five minutes, let me take it out. A little boy went to the dentist Because he had a bad toothache, the dentist examined his tooth and decided to take out the bad tooth after the operation. The boy asked the doctor to give him that tooth.

What do you want? The dentist was surprised that I was going to take it home, fill it with sugar and watch it hurt. The boy said sincerely.







