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英语明信片过去式范文 第一篇

Hi, happy new year. Nice to meet you. My name is my year old.

I come from the city of China. I graduated from school. I am now studying in University.

I like reading, dancing and dancing. I have many other hobbies. I have a cat at home.

It is very lovely. I also like to chat with my friends. They all like me.

It rains a lot in our winter city / country this season, but It hasn't rained all the time. I'm waiting for this winter's snow / how is your weather? I'm writing to introduce myself to you. I want to be your friend so that we can learn from each other and grow together.

I hope you have a good day and keep in touch. I will wait for your letter.



英语明信片过去式范文 第二篇

Dear mom and Dad: I'm very happy to tell you that I had a good time on children's day. First of all, I bought a lot of food that I like to eat. Then I packed my PAG to Zhongshan Park.

The flowers and trees in the park are very beautiful. Most importantly, I went to the park with my grandfather. So I feel very happy on this day.

He also told me to study hard, Be a strong man. I nod and we smile.



英语明信片过去式范文 第三篇

Dear XX, thank you very much for inviting me to your party. I'm sorry, but I can't come. My mother is ill.

The doctor told her that she should stay in bed for a few days. I'll take care of my mother. Thank you very much for sending me such a beautiful postcard.

I like it very much. I'll put it on my desk. Can I hear from you? Best wishes to your family,.



英语明信片过去式范文 第四篇


* Chinese [,tʃai'ni:z] n. 中文,汉语;中国人。adj. 中国的,中国人的;中国话的

* from [强frɔm, 弱frəm] prep. 来自,从…..来

* where [hwεə] adv. 在哪里

* year [ jiə] n. 年;年龄

* about [ə'baut] prep. 关于;大约

what about ……? ….怎么样?

* Ms [miz] n.女士

* America [ə'merikə] n. 美国;美洲(包括北美和南美洲)

* not [nɒt] adv. 不(用于否定句),不是,没有

* England ['iŋɡlənd] n. 英格兰;英国

* hi [hai] int. 嗨!喂

* American [ə'merikən] n. 美国人,美洲人;

adj. 美国的,美国人的,美洲的

* our ['auə] pron. 我们的

* grade [ɡreid] n. 年级;等级

* he [hi:,hi] pron. 他

* China ['tʃaɪnə] n. 中国

* everyone ['evriwʌn] pron. 每个人;大家

* capital ['kæpitəl] n. 首都,省会

* but [bʌt] conj. 但是;然而

* very ['veri] adv. 非常,很

* big [biɡ] adj. 大的;重要的

* city ['siti] n. 城市,都市

* small [smɔ:l] adj. 少的,小的

* first [fə:st] adj. 第一的;首要的;adv. 先;首先;

first name 名字

* last [lɑ:st] adj. 最后的;最末的。adv. 最后;最末

last name 姓

* all [ɔ:l] pron. 全体,每个


* aunt [ɑ:nt] n. 阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈

* brother ['brʌðə] n. 兄弟

* cousin ['kʌzən] n. 堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹

* daughter ['dɔ:tə] n. 女儿

* family ['fæmili] n. 家庭;家族

* father ['fɑ:ðə] n. 父亲,爸爸

* grandfather ['ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə] n. (外)祖父

* grandmother ['ɡrænd,mʌðə] n. (外)祖母

grandparent ['ɡrænd,pεərənt] n. (外)祖父母

* mother ['mʌðə] n. 母亲,妈妈

* parent ['pεərənt] n. 父亲(或母亲);父母亲

* sister ['sistə] n. 姐妹;修女;护士

son [sʌn] n. 儿子;孩子

* uncle ['ʌŋkl] n. 叔叔;伯父;伯伯;舅父;姨丈;姑父

* photo['fəutəu] n. 照片,相片

* photograph ['fəutəɡrɑ:f] n. 照片,相片

* these [ði:z] pron. 这些

* they [ðei] pron. 他们;它们;她们

* mum [mʌm] n. 妈妈(口语);

* left [left] n. 左边;左侧。adj. 左边的;左侧的

* on the left 在左边,在左侧

* dad [dæd] n. 爸爸;爹爹

* right [rait] n. 正确;右边;右侧。adj. 正确的;右边的;右方的

* on the right 在右边,在右侧

* who [hu:] pron. 谁

* woman ['wumən] n. 妇女;女性;成年女子

women ['wimin] n. 女人(woman的复数)

* next [nekst] adj. 紧挨着,紧靠着;adv.紧接下来地,下一步

next to 在……旁边,紧挨着。

husband ['hʌzbənd] n. 丈夫

front [frʌnt] n. 前面;正面

in front of 在···的前面

* those [ðəuz] pron. 那些(that的复数)

* bus [bʌs] n. 公共汽车

station ['steiʃən] n. 站;车站

hospital ['hɔspitəl] n. 医院

hotel [həu'tel] n. 旅馆,饭店

* police [pə'li:s] n. 警察,警方

theatre(Am E theater) ['θiətə] n. 电影院,剧院;

actor ['æktə] n. 男演员

* driver [draivə] n. 驾驶员;司机

manager ['mænidʒə] n. 经理

* nurse [nə:s] n. 护士

policeman [pə'li:smən] n. 男警察

policemen [pə'li:smən] n. 男警察(policeman的复数形式)

* we [wi:] pron. 我们(主格);

* an [æn, ən ] art. 一(个,件···)(在元音字母前)

job [dʒɔb] n. 工作;职业

* at [æt, ət] prep. 在···,在···里。

same [seim] adj. 相同的;同一的;

* doctor [dɔktə] n. 医生;博士

* farm [fɑ:m] n. 农场;农家

* worker ['wə:kə] n. 工人;劳动者

* man [mæn] n. 人;男人

men ['men] n. 男人,人类(man的复数)

* shop [ʃɔp] n. 商店;店铺

* its [its] pron. 它的http:// www .

* their [ðεə] pron. 他们的,她们的;它们的


* Computer [kəm'pjuːtə] n. 计算机;电脑

furniture ['fə:nitʃə] n. 家具(总称);

* map [mæp] n. 地图

* picture ['piktʃə] n. 照片,图片

television ['teli,viʒən] =TV n. 电视,电视机

wall [wɔ:l] n. 墙壁,围墙

thirty ['θə:ti] num. 三十

forty ['fɔ:ti] num. 四十


fifty ['fifti] num. 五十

sixty ['siksti] num. 六十

seventy ['sevənti] num. 七十

eighty ['eiti] num. 八十

ninety ['nainti] num. 九十

really ['riəli] adv. 非常,很;真正地

* many ['meni] adj. 许多的,很多

how many 多少

there [ðeə] pron. (用于引导句子的主语)

lot [lɔt] n. 大量,许多

a lot of 大量;许多

oh [əu] int. 哦;哎呀(表示惊讶或恐惧等)

* any ['eni] adj. 任何的,一些;pron. 任何;任何一个

world [wə:ld] n. 世界

* tree [tri:] n. 树;树木

building ['bildiŋ] n. 建筑;建筑物

hall [hɔ:l] n. 大厅;会堂

dining hall 饭厅,饭堂

gate [ɡeit] n. 大门;出入口

* library ['laibrəri] n. 图书馆,藏书室

office ['ɔfis] n. 办公室;政府机关

* playground ['pleiɡraund] n. 运动场,操场

* science ['saiəns] n. 科学;科学课

lab [læb] n. [口]实验室,研究室

laboratory [lə'bɔrətəri] n. 实验室

* behind [bi'haind] prep. 在···后面;

* between [bi'twi:n] prep. 在…之间

middle ['midl] n. 中间,中央

* near [niə] prep. 靠近;接近

* with [wið] prep. 和;具有(品质,特征);和…在一起

* for [fɔ:, fə] prep. 为,为了

* room [ru:m] n. 房间;室,屋子


* food [fu:d] n. 食物;食品

* drink [driŋk] n. 饮料;vt. 喝

* candy ['kændi] n. 糖果(等于sweets);

* fruit [fru:t] n. 水果;产物

meat [mi:t] n. 肉,肉类(食用)

* vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n. 蔬菜

* apple ['æpl] n. 苹果

bean [bi:n] n. 豆

beef [bi:f] n. 牛肉

carrot ['kærət] n. 胡萝卜

* chicken ['tʃikin] n. 鸡肉;小鸡

chocolate ['tʃɔkəlit] n. 巧克力

coffee ['kɔfi] n. 咖啡;咖啡豆;

cola ['kəulə] n. 可乐

* juice [dʒu:s] n. (水果)汁,果汁

* milk [milk] n. 牛奶

* potato [pə'teitəu] n. 土豆,马铃薯

* tea [ti:] n. 茶叶;茶树

* tomato [tə'mɑ:təu] n. 番茄,西红柿

* water ['wɔ:tə] n. 水

* shop [ʃɔp] vi. 购物;买东西

go shoping 去买东西,去购物

* have [hæv, həv] aux. 助动词。vt. 有,吃,喝

* get [ɡet] vt. 得到;获得

have got 有;拥有

* some [sʌm] adj. 一些;若干;少量。pron. 一些;某些

* much [mʌtʃ] adj. 大量的,许多。

too much 太多

* kind [kaind] n. 种类;

lots of 许多,大量

so ['səu] conj. 所以;因此

How about···? (征求意见)···好吗?···行吗?

* has [hæz, 弱 həz] vt. 有;吃(have的第三人称单数现在式);

* bad [bæd] adj. 坏的;不好的

* healthy ['helθi] adj. 健康的

delicious [di'liʃəs] adj. 美味的

* bread [bred] n. 面包;

* fish [fiʃ] n. 鱼,鱼类

hamburger ['hæmbə:ɡə] n. 汉堡包,汉堡

* ice cream [,ais'kri:m] 冰淇淋

* noodle ['nu:dl] n. 面条;[俚]笨蛋

* rice [rais] n. 稻;米饭

sugar ['ʃuɡə] n. 糖;食糖

* eat [i:t] v. 吃

* child [tʃaild] n. (14岁以下的)儿童,孩子

children ['tʃildrən] n. 孩子们(child的复数)

be good for 对···有帮助的

sweet [[swi:t]] adj. 甜的

be bad for 对···有害的

* right [rait] adj. 正确的,对的

* egg [eɡ] n. 蛋;鸡蛋

* eye [ai] n. 眼睛;视力

cheese [tʃi:z] n. 奶酪;干酪

tooth [tu:θ] n. 牙齿

teeth [ti:θ] n. 牙齿的复数

bit [bit] n. 一点,少许

a bit 稍微,有点儿

* face [feis] n. 脸;表面

* tired ['taiəd] adj. 劳累的

* soup [su:p] n. 汤,羹

important [im'pɔ:tənt] adj. 重要的,重大的

remember [ri'membə] vi. 记住,记起

* well [wel] adv. 很好地

stay [stei] v. 停留;保持

fat [fæt] adj. 肥的,胖的

get fat 发胖

* or [ɔ:] conj. 或,或者

* breakfast ['brekfəst] n. 早餐,早饭

* every ['evri] adj. 每一的,每个的

* lunch [lʌntʃ] n. 午餐

* home [həum] n.家;家庭

* dinner ['dinə] n. 晚餐,正餐

* banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n. 香蕉

* buy [bai] v. 买


* half [hɑ:f] n. 一半

* past [pɑ:st] prep. 过(几点);晚于

o`clock [ə`klɔk] adv.···点钟

* to [tu:, tu, 辅音前弱tə] prep. 到;(距整点时间)差···

* art [ɑ:t] n. 艺术;美术

geography [dʒi'ɔɡrəfi] n. 地理;地形

history ['histəri] n. 历史,历史学

IT [.aɪtiː] n. 信息技术

* maths [mæθs] n. 数学(等于mathematics)

* PE[.pi`I:] n. 体育;体育课

* PE=physical education ['fizikəl ,edju:'keiʃən] n. 体育;体育课

* lesson ['lesən] n. (一节)课

* then [ðen] adv. 然后;接着

* like [laik] vt. 喜欢;喜爱

* difficult ['difikəlt] adj. 困难的;难懂的

* love [lʌv] n. 喜爱;关爱。vt. 喜欢;热爱

* subject ['sʌbdʒikt] n. 主题;科目

because [bi'kɔz] conj. 因为

* interesting [intrəstiŋ] adj. 有趣的

* talk [tɔ:k] vt. 说话;谈论

* begin [bi`gin] vt. 开始

* when [hwen] adv. 什么时候,何时

go to school 上学

weekday ['wi:kdei] n. 平日,工作日

get up 起床

have breakfast 吃早餐

* house [haus] n.房子、住宅

start [stɑ:t] vt. 开始;启动

* work [wə:k] n. 工作,学习; v. 工作,学习

break [breik] n. (课间)休息,

have lunch 吃午餐

go home 回家

* evening ['i:vniŋ] n. 晚上;傍晚

* watch [wɔtʃ] vi. 观看,看。

have dinner 吃饭,吃晚餐

* do [du:] vt. 做;干

homework ['həumwə:k] n. 家庭作业,课外作业

* bed [bed] n. 床;

go to bed 去睡觉

* sleep [sli:p] vi. 睡觉。n. 睡觉

go to sleep 开始睡觉,入睡

* park [pɑ:k] n. 公园;停车场

* busy ['bizi] adj. 忙碌的;繁忙的

* wash [wɒʃ] vt. 洗涤;洗

* minute ['minit] n. 分,分钟

Revision module A

* grandma ['ɡrændmɑ:] n. 奶奶;外祖母

* grandpa ['ɡrændpɑ:] n. [口]爷爷;[口]外公

* him [him] pron. 他(宾格)

* want [wɒnt] vt. 需要;想要

* make [meik] vi. 做,制作

* kitchen ['kitʃin] n. 厨房

* farmer ['fɑ:mə] n. 农夫,农民

* week [wi:k] n. 周,星期

* read [ri:d] vt. 阅读;看懂

* story ['stɔ:ri] n. 故事;小说

* live [lɪv] vi. 生活;居住


bear [beə] n. 熊

elephant ['elifənt] n. 象

giraffe [dʒi'rɑ:f] n. 长颈鹿

lion ['laiən] n. 狮子

monkey ['mʌŋki] n. 猴子

panda ['pændə] n. 熊猫

tiger ['taiɡə] n. 老虎

zebra ['zi:brə] n. 斑马

zoo [zu:] n. 动物园

guide [ɡaid] n. 导游

animal ['æniməl] n. 动物

such [sʌtʃ] adj. 这样的,如此的

as [æz] prep. 如同,像…一样

such as 比如

come [kʌm] vi. 来

come from 来自

different ['difərənt] adj. 不同的

country ['kʌntri] n. 国家;故乡

other ['ʌðə] adj. 其他的

dangerous ['deindʒərəs] adj. 危险的

ugh [ʌɡ] int. 啊,哎呀

also ['ɔ:lsəu] adv. 也;而且

plant [plɑ:nt, plænt] n. 植物

look [luk] vt. 看,瞧

look at 看

tall [tɔ:l] adj. 高的

leaf [li:f] n. 叶子

sure [ʃuə] adv. 当然;的确

bamboo [bæm'bu:] n. 竹

cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的

shall [ʃæl, ʃəl] aux. ···好吗?要不要···?

them [ðem, ðəm] pron. 他们;它们;她们

which [hwitʃ] pron. 哪/那一个

over ['əuvə] prep. 越过;在…上方

there [ðεə] adv. 在那里;往哪里

over there 在那边,在那里

funny ['fʌni] adj. 有趣的

call [kɔ:l] vi. 把···叫做;称呼···为

Africa ['æfrikə] n. 非洲

Asia ['eiʃə] n. 亚洲

Europe ['juərəp] n. 欧洲

little ['litl] adj. 极少的

a little 少量

only ['əunli] adv. 只,仅仅

about [ə'baut] adv. 大约 大致

kilo ['ki:ləu] n. 千克;公斤

kilo= kilogram ['kiləuɡræm] n. 公斤;千克

people ['pi:pl] n. 人;人们

all over the world 全世界

African ['æfrikən] adj. 非洲的,非洲人的。N.非洲人

as well as 并且,还

grass [ɡrɑ:s] n. 草

large [lɑ:dʒ] adj. 大的;巨大的

usually ['ju:ʒuəli] adv. 通常,经常

alone [ə'ləun] adv. 独自地

be good at 擅长

strong [strɒŋ] adj. 强大的;强壮的;强烈的

catch [kætʃ] v. 抓住;抓住

many kinds of 许多种类

even ['i:vən] adv. 甚至


keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d] n. 键盘

mouse [maus] n. 鼠标;老鼠

mice [mais] n. 老鼠(mouse的复数)

screen [skri:n] n. 屏幕

connect [kə'nekt] vt. 连接

turn [tз:n] vt. 转动

turn on 打开

learn [lə:n] vt. 学习;学

document ['dɔkjumənt] n. 文件

英语明信片过去式范文 第五篇

Dear Mary, this is mainly to tell you my new address on Burmese road in London, London, UK has not heard from you for a long time, Amy Lee, please write to me as soon as possible, let me know 2 / Stamford street, you do love by the park, Amy London XXX stamps Hi, Mary, OK, we are in heaven, this is a wonderful holiday for both of us. We were so excited last night that we didn't go to bed until early in the morning. We'll be back in a week.

Goodbye, Amy Lee 2 / Stanford de Saint Amy and Peter Park side XXX SA London.



再见,艾米李2/斯坦福德圣艾米和彼得公园赛德xxx sa伦敦。

标签: 新学期

英语明信片过去式范文 第六篇

Last week, I went to Beijing with my parents. When we got there, it was a sunny day. We went to the Great Wall.

We took a lot of pictures. Then we went to the museum. We saw a lot of old things.

We went shopping. We ate delicious food. We were very happy.



英语明信片过去式范文 第七篇

My holiday plan I've been looking forward to the year-end holiday this year. It's a normal holiday, but my first plan is to travel to my country for a long time. I haven't had time to relax.

It's going to be a begpack trip. I hope to meet different people from all walks of life. I'll write postcards to my family and friends to update the places I've been to.

I really hope my plan can realization.



英语明信片过去式范文 第八篇

No, Bruno, Argentine mom and Dad, next week, I'm moving into a room in the city park, Oxford Avenue, near the bank zip code of this area. Welcome to our new home. Please call before you come.

I'll meet you at the airport. I'll write this on a postcard of a restaurant. After we arrive at our new home and have a rest, we can walk to the restaurant on the right of our new home, Li Hua.



英语明信片过去式范文 第九篇

PAM and Sandy are aquariums. They stood in front of a shop and quietly read the store's books and postcards. They have some nice T-shirts.

PAM and Sandy are big. There's a restaurant next to the store. Jamie is eating snacks in front of the restaurant.

PAM and sandy want some French fries.






