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为中国健儿加油范文英文 第一篇

Eagle belong to the blue sky, white water belong to the sea, while our athletes are belong to the grass. it is hoped that the place up, it will be come a stage win.

Sports athletes are confident that when you fight for the dream, in order to win time and sweat, but also for the glory of our liuyang eight.



为中国健儿加油范文英文 第二篇


Use your action about important processes, endless finish, not to climb the mountains, like carrying end to smile at you, to struggle! Experience is a wonderful, that all your energy, your success is the portrayal of sweat.

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第三篇







为中国健儿加油范文英文 第四篇

Is the stadium walk upstream flame is always in the footsteps of come and go, is the wind leaves, golden glow of refraction, thereby, can interpret athletes excited face.

The lightsome pace is like the wings of the birds, the ringing of gunfire rang out, and it rises beaming the vigor and the desire to start, acceleration, beyond, the sprint, step by step to the victory of the dawn. That is the force of competition, the quality of the contest, is the pomegranate tree, heart moving.

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第五篇




为中国健儿加油范文英文 第六篇

在你的努力中,你滴下了汗水,它浸渍着你的全身, 映射着太阳光辉,可是你知道吗? 那是每个毛孔,为之动容,而流下的泪水,这是速度与毅力的接力,这是期望与祈盼的接力,时间在这里凝固几分几秒也变得如此漫长。

千百双眼睛注视着你那矫健的身影,近了,近了,你可曾听到那山呼海啸般的加油声? 近了,近了,前方就是终点,加油啊,运动员,成功和失败就在转瞬之间明天,是我们班一雪前耻之时。





为中国健儿加油范文英文 第七篇


Come on, athletes! With strong pace, sound strong cry, sports field in dribs and drabs of our youth. Flag shake, drum sound, here do not help is youthful vitality; Shots ring out, _ready to start_, not to help athletes like fire. Hero, the world is victory, sound vow with the high morale of athletes. My friends, cheer for athletes, cheer for sport! On the field, every molecule in the air is saturated with confidence. I want to shout _here is an exciting!_

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第八篇

1. 在这激动的时刻,白云露出了笑脸,太阳为你们而高照。亲爱的运动员们,为了你们的目标而努力向前冲吧!只要你们相信自己能行,我想:胜利的到来就离你们不远了。冲吧,运动员们,我们会为你们呐喊,会为你们加油的,记住,前面的胜利旗永远为你们而准备的。

2. 在这200米跑道上,运动健儿们挥洒着他们的汗水,坚持不懈地向着目标冲刺,他们仿佛不知疲惫,他们的心中只有一个信念——终点,只有到达了终点,之前所有的努力和汗水才会显得有价值。所以,让我们一起为运动健儿们呐喊吧,让我们以他们为荣吧!

3. 200米,有一个人生的起点;200米,有一个人生的弯道;200米,有一段人生的冲刺;200米,有一个辉煌的胜利。200米,只刹那一瞬间,却成就一段永恒的胜利;200米,只弯过一个转折,却折出多少汗水。运动员们,冲向你那光辉的胜利吧!跨过那一瞬,转过那道弯,胜利在向你招手。

4. 起跑线上,你们一字排开,健美的肌肉蕴涵着爆发力量,坚定的目光充满了自信。枪响了,你们开始了并不长的征程,笔直的跑道上,有你们稳健的足迹;不远的的终点,将留下你们冲刺时矫健的身影。拼搏吧,掌声将为你响起;奋斗吧,胜利和鲜花将属于你们。

5. 大地属于你,蓝天属于你,在你一跃的瞬间,同时跃出了我们的希望。草儿欣赏你,白云欢迎你,身轻如燕,飞跃蓝天,奥林匹克精神在你的身上体现。跳吧,跳出你的自信,跳出你的顶尖,跳出你的胜利山巅。

6. 蔚蓝的天空下,有你们矫健的身影,热闹的操场上,有你们坚定的步伐,美丽的鲜花后,有你们辛勤的汗水,我们的喝彩中,有你们的骄傲和自豪!

7. 拼搏者,你是赛场上最亮的点。在你的眼中,不在乎胜利的欢乐与失败的眼泪,完全只是为了展示生命跳跃的节拍。奋斗者,你是生命乐章中最响的音符,在你的心中,只有不停奋斗的信念,用自己坚定的步伐去迈开人生新的旅程。场上的运动员,你是我们永远的骄傲!

8. 只要你努力,辉煌不是空中阁楼;只要你奋斗,辉煌不是若隐若现的星河;只要你拼搏,辉煌不会与你擦肩而过;只要你进取,辉煌自然会与你亲切握手。祝运动场上的全体运动健儿们取得自己满意的好成绩!

9. 青春在飞扬,个性在张扬,运动场上的运动健儿们,拿出你们的热情,拿出你们的自信,让运动展现你们的风采吧!伴随着激动人心的音乐,你的心一定在跳跃着。让行动证明你们的魅力吧!我们永远支持你们,无论成败,无论结果如何,你们始终是我们心中的英雄。

10. 光,是温暖的;月,是温馨的;星,是浪漫的;风,是清爽的;鱼,是滋润的;雪,是完美的;冰,是晶莹的;而我们的加油,是连绵不断的;希望你们能够加油,奋力拼搏!

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第九篇

Come on, athletes! With strong pace, sound strong cry, sports field in dribs and drabs of our youth. Flag shake, drum sound, here do not help is youthful vitality; Shots ring out, _ready to start_, not to help athletes like fire. Hero, the world is victory, sound vow with the high morale of athletes.

My friends, cheer for athletes, cheer for sport! On the field, every molecule in the air is saturated with confidence. I want to shout: _here is an exciting!

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十篇

Some people say that boys running on the playground, is a black horse horse. Some people say that the playground is active, is the beautiful scenery.

I said, you are the hero in my heart, you are brave, you fought tenaciously, you never give in, self challenge, you are deeply branded in everyone's heart, and your spirit in you heart condensed into a powerful force, the strength, only because you are the hero in my heart.

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十一篇

Cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone. you do not know when it would play, when will it drop; sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, you do not know when to go, when to stay,

In this down, back and forth, stop-and-go, the life will be filled with no regrets, filled with touching. your life will be sweet brilliant!



为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十二篇

Cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone. You do not know when it would play, when will it drop; sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, you do not know when to go, when to stay,in this down, back and forth, stop-and-go, the life will be filled with no regrets, filled with touching. Your life will be sweet brilliant!


为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十三篇


up/Buck up!

Cheer up的意思是高兴起来,振作起来。在看比赛的时候,如果支持的队伍面临落后局势,我们可以说Cheer up!

Oh, don't be so childish!Cheer up!


4. Go for it!

这句通常有鼓励的含义。隐含的意思是不必担心失败,应该利用这个机会勇敢地行动。如果你支持的队伍比赛中到了一个局点,那就说,Go for it!

It sounds a great idea. Go for it !



表示“勇往直前!”,“冲啊!”的意思,在比赛中如果处于有利局面,就可以直接说:Go ahead!

Go ahead!You are getting there!


6. Keep going!


Keep going,you're nearly there!


7. Hang in there!


Hang in there.Things will look up soon.


一晃眼2021年已经过去一半啦,年初立下的提高口语的flag是不是已经摇摇欲坠?学习口语同样需要Keep going!





为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十四篇

闭幕式Closing Ceremony开幕式opening ceremony奥林匹克运动会the Olympic Games奥林匹克体育场 Olympic Stadium奥运会会歌 Olympic Hymn/Anthem奥运火炬 Olympic torch奥运火炬塔 Olympic cauldron奥运会主场地 main Olympic venue奥运村 Olympic village国际奥委会 International Olympic Committee (IOC)火炬手 torch bearer火炬接力 torch relay冬奥会 Winter Olympics残奥会 the Paralympic Games金/银/铜牌 gold/silver/bronze medal裁判 referee决赛 finals半决赛 semifinals四分之一决赛 quarter-finals药检 dope testing

和奥运会相关的英文表达大家学会了吗让我们一起给自己喜欢的奥运健儿们打call吧Trust yourself.相信自己!I'm sure you can do it.我确信你肯定能行的!Hang in there.坚持住!Get it together! 振作点!Keep it up.继续保持!Come on!加油!最后祝奥运健儿们一举夺冠凯旋归来

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十五篇

How many times sweat profusely, injury had full memory, just because always believe, to strive to win. Always encourage yourself, to success have to work hard.

Blood is on the pitch, the giant rises on the pitch. Believe in yourself, you will win, create miracles; Believe in yourself, the dream is in your hands, this is your world. When all the past, you will be the first. Believe in yourself, you will be beyond the limit, beyond yourself!

Believe in yourself, come on, athletes, believe in yourself.

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十六篇

踏上跑道,是一种选择。 离弄起点,是一种勇气。 驰骋赛场,是一种胜利。 朋友,用你的实力,用你的精神,去开拓出一片属于你的短跑天地。




一百米是个风狂的世界!10米是早晨地平线上的微光!20米是微微的红光!30米太阳以跳出了地平线!40米风正狂奔!50米欢呼!60米气力不足!70米有了顺序!80米光明就在眼前!90米赢定了! 100米赢了!



夏日的操场,竟是如此美丽,美丽地几乎令人绝望。你蹲在起跑线上,每一块肌肉都固执得顶起,像一尊雕像。慢慢地、慢慢地、你抬起了头,坚毅的目光中透出了贪婪,汗湿的发丝终于飞了起来。 冲吧!冲吧!化作勇敢的苍鹰,去寻找我心中的太阳。



为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十七篇

Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a twinkling of an eye, make you depressed, sad, but tried to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his eyes we do not think so, you are courageous, you are strong, you use your determination to complete your task. Proud to see the success or failure in life, we should start all over again, to feel proud of you.


为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十八篇

The campus is happy today, and the flags are waving in the sports field.

The sound of gongs and drums, the athletes are reported in batches.

Fragrant peach plum blossoms, a gun, a generation of heroes. You're chasing me on a 100-meter dash.

The students win the championship and strive to achieve their goal.

Come on! Come on!

What a wonderful future.

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第十九篇


Some people say that boys running on the playground, is a black horse horse. Some people say that the playground is active, is the beautiful scenery. I said, you are the hero in my heart, you are brave, you fought tenaciously, you never give in, self challenge, you are deeply branded in everyone's heart, and your spirit in you heart condensed into a powerful force, the strength, only because you are the hero in my heart.

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第二十篇


How many times sweat profusely, injury had full memory, just because always believe, to strive to win. Always encourage yourself, to success have to work hard. Blood is on the pitch, the giant rises on the pitch. Believe in yourself, you will win, create miracles; Believe in yourself, the dream is in your hands, this is your world. When all the past, you will be the first. Believe in yourself, you will be beyond the limit, beyond yourself! Believe in yourself, come on, athletes, believe in yourself.

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第二十一篇

Life is like a race track.

In this season of high seven seasons, in this far away from the city's hustle and bustle of war, all the passion, in that burst of shouts of coagulation. All the hope of the ship was gone. All the power was curdled in the Shouting.

In the midst of the Shouting, the athletes took the challenge in turn and went beyond themselves. They showed their strength in their own actions. Show me the presence of the true self. Show the spirit of strong struggle.

We look forward to the success of the athletes, and we are always ready to offer the encouragement of failure, comeon, everyone! Let your success and our joy coagulate in that second, become eternal!

为中国健儿加油范文英文 第二十二篇


Strong, persistent, endurance and hope, In the extension of the runway of the little white condensation! Power, faith, hard work and struggle, in the distant finish line gradually bright! Voice of the age you are at the foot of the riding ring.



