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2021四级范文预测 第一篇



范文:Universities provide students with an environment in which to learn, mature and began to realize their potential. While some students maintain a rigid, singular focus on their studies —— the next exam, essay or assignment —— others engage in a variety of extracurricular activities out side the classroom. Participation in such activities can greatly benefit students in their academic studies, chosen careers, and future life.

The most immediate benefit of extracurricular activities is to the participants’ studies. Spending an appropriate amount of time participating in sports, clubs or volunteer work can actually be an excellent way for students to relieve everyday stress. Students who are less stressed out will naturally be happier and healthier. In turn, they will be able to work more efficiently and effectively in their studies and attain better results. In addition, participation in extracurricular activities will also assist university students in their careers after graduation. Increasingly, employers seeking job applicants are not interested solely in students with a high GPA. Many companies also consider involvement in other activities when assessing which applicants are most qualified for the position because extracurricular activities also enable students to improve their communication, leadership and teamwork skills, which are important skills that they will need to succeed in their careers. Last but not least, students who take part in activities after school will learn how to live a more balanced and fulfilling life. As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” In other words, those who do noting else but work or study all day will become bored, uninspired, and apathetic towards life. Extracurricular activities can give students a greater appreciation for sports, hobbies and community service, and help them become healthier and more well-rounded individuals.

While academics are obviously important, it is neither necessary or advisable for students to spend on hundred percent of their time on their books. University students who devote some of their time and energy to extracurricular activities will be doing a service to their studies, their careers, and even their future life.

2021四级范文预测 第二篇













2021四级范文预测 第三篇












2021四级范文预测 第四篇

Dear Professor Alexander,

On behalf of all the students at my university who share a love for the English language, I cordially invite you to give a lecture to at Beijing Foreign Studies University.

As you are one of the leading experts in the English language in the world, I believe that the students will not only be able to learn from you, but to be inspired by you as well. We are hoping that you will be available for a lecture on our campus on January 4 at 10:00 am. There has been 45 minutes allocated for your lecture and 15 minutes for a question and answer session.

If you are interested in coming to our university for the lecture, you can email me at the address below. We are looking forward to your reply. (133 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

2021四级范文预测 第五篇




范文:Nowadays the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject in most colleges and universities. Although it is efficient, its side effects are also enormous.

On the one hand, examinations lower the standards of teaching. Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques. taught successfullywith . On the other hand, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. A the examinations corejis the only criterion for his academic performance students driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.

In fact, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students’ academic development. If that is the case, why cannot we make a change and devise something more efficient and reliable than examinations?

2021四级范文预测 第六篇



Directions: Write a composition entitled On the Low-carbon Life. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 目前人们很崇尚低碳生活;




On the Low-carbon Life

Recently, it is very popular to live a low-carbon life. It not only results .

Living a low-carbon life is of great importance to every one. First of all, it can protect the environment to a great extent. Second, it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our offspring. it is a healthy lifestyle and 所以对于儿童英语的启蒙,家长们是越来越关注will help mould a harmonious social atmosphere.

Therefore, how to create a low-carbon life is necessary for us to consider. To begin with, we should save the energy, such as the electricity, water and domestic gas. Second, when we go out we can walk or ride a bike instead of by car. Third, we should n所以,学习英语,选择线上外教一对一英语培训机构是最佳的选择。ot use the plastic bags which are hard to break down. If so, we can live a low-carbon life and gain the happiness of it. (158 words).



_When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success._ Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.


It has been said that when people succeed, it is because of hard work and that luck has nothing to do with success. Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to success for most people, I must disagree with this statement. It cannot be denied that luck often plays an important role in success. For example, many important discoveries have been made by accident. There have been many cases of researchers and inventors making major breakthroughs while they were actually trying to solve another problem or create a different device.

Furthermore, there is something to be said for simply being in the right place at the right time-perhaps meeting someone by chance who can offer a good job or rare opportunity. And of course, there are the rare examples of gamblers and lottery winners who beat the odds and achieve sudden and unexpected success.

While the influence of luck cannot be ignored, this is not to say that one should depend on it and ignore the value of hard work. If one is willing to work hard, I believe that success will eventually be achieved, with or without the added benefit of luck. Moreover, hard work is often an essential ingredient of luck because it enables one to take advantage of a lucky encounter. If the scientist has not worked hard to develop his knowledge and skills, he may not recognize that lucky breakthrough when it comes along. Therefore, my suggestion is not to count on luck to bring you success. Instead, work hard and keep your eyes open for that lucky opportunity.



Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?

Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, the overwhelming influence of advertisements on media has made too many controversial social issues. Some people argue that advertisements make the audience have the similar look by driving them to buy products of the same brand. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be explored as below.

Admittedly, the literal intention of advertisements is to sharpen the concept of individualism. For the purpose of distinguishing brand names, slogans and testimonials in advertisement are always full of very personalized words, including _new_, _innovation_, _uniqueness_, _revolution_, _the best_, _the only_, _the first_. It is clear that core values of these words bring people a motivation to change, and a desire to try something distinctive. Consequently, the gap between people can be broadened, because any individual is stimulated by advertisements to express their personalities by buy different items, instead of following common tastes.

However, when considering practical effects of advertisements on the society, I strongly believe they play a role of depersonalizing the audience, and the first reason is that commercials are the key tool for big companies to monopolize the market. One hand, many big companies invest billions of dollars annually in making fascinating and prepossessing advertisements to attract the public, which consistently maintains the loyalty of patrons, and cultivate good impressions of potential customers on their brands. On the other hand, small companies have too limited financial ability to afford these costly publicity campaigns, so that their names and influences continue to fade and lose consumer groups. That is to say, advertisements, an expensive privilege only for rich and big companies, help these companies exclusively occupy the market, as well as reducing the diversity of brands. In this situation, people definitely look the same, because they have no other options but buy the same-brand food, clothes and devices produced by a dominating company.

Another reason supporting this assertion lies on the fact that exposure to advertisements standardizes thoughts and tastes among audiences, especially in terms of their appearance. A typical example comes from fashion, cosmetic and shampoo commercials which highlight the close-up of images of certain model or celebrity. This is a strong brainwash by implying that images of these actors are common standards of human beauty, and then triggering massive public imitation shows round by round. In too many cases, large groups of hypnotized people, regardless of ages, careers and races, blindly follow and chase so-called iconic figures in an advertisement, mainly through buying and using the same lipstick and perfume, wearing same clothes, watch, ornaments and bag, even copying the same hair style.

In conclusion, I believe the main social influence of advertisements is to make people have the similar images apparently. Although slogans of advertisements tend to individualize the audience, the truth is that advertisements not only let big companies rule the market solely, but also manipulate the public’s minds to buy the same things.

2021四级范文预测 第七篇





Dear Han Dong,

I am a sophomore and I'm taking the CET-4 forthe second time. It has cost lots of money and timeto prepare for the exam. Meanwhile, my schedule isgetting tighter, for I have to take much more classesthan before. So I really want to make things workthis time. That's why I'm writing to you for help.

My biggest headache is the listening part, whose proportion becomes even more after theCET exam reform. Moreover, my vocabulary is poor, too. I'm wondering if there is any short-cut to memorize words more quickly in shorter time. I also want to know in what degree a CETtraining class can help. Finally, I need you recommend some better books to me.

I'm gratefully looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Qiang

2021四级范文预测 第八篇


参考范文:How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities

The shortage of housing in big cities is one of the most serious problems of modern living. Increasing numbers of people are finding it difficult to conduct normal family and work duties because they either have nowhere to live or their houses are inadequate. This is a problem that requires an urgent solution because it leads to social unrest and economic inefficiency.

Some people suggest that the solution to the problem is to build more high-rise apartments, others are in favor of underground housing areas. I prefer the first idea, because it is cheaper to build above ground than below. Besides, people prefer to live in the open air and see the sunshine.

The second idea is not practical. One reason for this is that it is dangerous to construct living places under streets and buildings. Another reason is that it would take too much time to carry out, and in the meantime the number of people waiting for houses would increase, thus making the problem worse.

2021四级范文预测 第九篇

In my life I have met many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I have ever known is my English teacher.

What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, he gave us the most valuable gift a teacher can offer—an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Second, I was deeply attracted by his lively wit. I still remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lectures were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs.

Although it is nearly two years since I attended his class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.(159 words)

2021四级范文预测 第十篇


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about the job that I will choose in the future. You should state the reasons and write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


In the past two years of my college life, I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graduation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I have now decided on a college teacher as my lifelong career.

A variety of factors have led me to choose this occupation over other more lucrative ones. To begin with, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher, I am free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. More importantly, I like teaching in that it offers a certain peace of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.

Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the satisfaction of being your own boss and a gentle peace of life.






cease 停止

take up 从事

upon graduation 毕业时

although 尽管

consistent 连续的

lifelong 终生的

career 职业

a variety of 很多

factor 原因

lead to 导致

occupation 职业

lucrative 诱惑性的

to begin with 首先

freedom 自由

independence 独立

privilege 特权

highly-paid position 高薪职位

more importantly 更为重要的是

in that 由于

offer 提供

certain 某种

peace 安静

rush 匆忙

anxiety 焦虑

please 取悦

paycheck 收入

steady 稳定的

handsome 丰厚的、英俊的

big salary 高工资

equal 抵得上

satisfaction 乐趣、满足

gentle 安宁的


四级写作已经多次考察情景作文,如:2014-6:What is the Most Interest Place in China(中国最有趣的地方是哪儿),2014-6:What is the Most Interesting Place in Your Hometown? (你的家乡最有趣的地方是哪儿), 2014-6:What is the Most Interesting Place in Your Campus?(你们校园最有趣的地方是哪儿),希望考生引起高度重视.


make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world——the very thing I enjoy in my life.


is inevitable because ours is a society where one’s income is still determined by the knowledge you possess.


3. With the growing number of college graduates being turned out each year, the situation in the job market is getting tighter and tighter.



Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about The most unforgettable Person I ever Know. You should state the reasons write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


In my life I have met many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever know is my English teacher.

What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all,he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer—an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Second, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckl es or loud laughs.

Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.






really 确实

worth 值得

recall 回忆

perhaps 可能

unforgettable 难忘的

ever 曾经

frequently 常常

brings back memory 回忆

special 特殊的

quality 品质

first of all 首先

gift 礼物

offer 给予

awaken 唤起

passion 激情

appreciation 欣赏

beauty 奇妙

perfection 完美

language 语言

literature 文学

arouse 激起

interest 激起

explore 研究

in this field 在这方面

be attracted by 被吸引

lively wit 才智

anticipate 期待

with great eagerness 极大的渴望

lecture 课程

humorously 幽默地

deliver 传授

provoke 引起

chuckle 微笑

loud laugh 大笑

although 尽管

nearly 几乎

attend 参加


四级写作已经多次考察情景作文,如:2014-12:A Course That Has Impressed You Most in College (大学里令你印象最深的一门课),2014-12:A Campus Activity That has Benefited You Most (令你最受益的一个校园活动), 2014- 12:A Classmate of Yours who Has Influenced You Most in College(大学里对你影响最大的一位同学)。希望考生引起高度重视。


quite a number of students think they are forced to take it——merely for College English Test, I study it for the purposes other than the examination itself.


instance, as nearly all information on the Internet and over half the world’s technical and scientific periodicals are in English, a good command of English will facilitate my work.

2021四级范文预测 第十一篇


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Extravagant Spending on College Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:





Extravagant Spending on College Campus

According to a survey, in recent years the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students have no concept of thrift in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into the society. This extravagant spending is primarily caused by the following factors。

First of all, nowadays most of the students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their family’s eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditure of their children. Moreover, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tend to need more money. Finally, campus love is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending。

From my point of view, a college student, as a pure consumer, should learn to be thrifty. We should limit our expenditure on daily necessities but not buy whatever we want regardless of their prices. The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable to our future development。


Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic : Information Security. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.

1. 信息安全问题日益重要

2. 信息安全事故可能导致的危害

3. 如何做到信息安全


Information Security

The human beings are stepping into the information society. The information industry develops very rapidly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue.

In case of information breach, the victims-----government department, an organization or an institution, or a company will inevitably suffer great or small loss. Government may be threatened with national security. Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. And the public’s and users’ confidence will be damaged.

Then how to deal with this issue? Technology is only a partial solution to information security. What’s more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on information security to its staff. However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. Companies and organizations should adopt a dual approach to information security management by combing prevention and detection techniques.


1. 反应大学生生存状况的词语从“蜗居”、“蚁族”到“鼠族”,不断涌现。

2. 对于这种现象,你有什么看法?


College Students’Living Condition

Recently, the living condition of some college students is frequently referred to as “dwelling-narrowness”. In fact, this embarrassing situation is very serious that few of us can fail to meditate on the causes of it.

In the first place, it’s difficult for graduates to bear the high cost of life in big cities. Poor payment thus gives rise to bad living conditions. Next, college students are more ambitious. Many of them are eager to compete in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing, where talents are abundant and positions are limited. Refusing to go back hometown let them suffer in big cities, which indirectly make their situation worse.

Generally speaking, college students should be more qualified to better themselves and adjust their goals according to the reality.

2021四级范文预测 第十二篇







on behalf of代表

share a love热爱









be available for能够





question and answer问答


be interested in对······感兴趣



look forward to期待


am pleased to invite you to participate in an activity to be held from January 4 to 7 in Beijing.


is my pleasure to extend an invitation to you to take part in an evening party for purpose of celebrating my birthday. 为了庆祝我的生日,我很高兴邀请你来参加一场晚会。

hope that you have not any plan for the coming Sunday, as I would like you to spend it with us at our home.我希望你下星期天没有什么安排,因为我想邀请你到我家玩。

2021四级范文预测 第十三篇


_Nowadays parents are too permissive withtheir children._ Do you agree or disagree withthis statement?


Today, few people would defend the traditionalattitude to children. If you recall what happened inold days, you would be astonished at the severeand strict education for children, for instance, old-fashioned spanking was common punishment forchildren. As a result, while the parents thusestablished their own authority, the poor children would never recover from the dreadfultraumatic experience when they grew up.

However, as you know, things often go to extremes. Nowadays, parents' confidence in theirown authority has been greatly undermined. Countless articles in magazines and newspapersand tv programmes publicize childcare. When so much over-enthusiastic advice flying about,mum and dad just don't know what to do any more. In the end, they do nothing.

So from early childhood, the kids are in charge and parents' lives are regulated according tothe needs of their off spring. When the little dears develop into teenagers, they take completecontrol. If the young people are going to have a party, for example, parents are asked to leavethe house. Their presence merely spoils the fun. What else can the poor parents do butobey?

In my mind, a child certainly needs love, and a lot of it. But the excessive pe rmissiveness ofmodern parents is surely doing more harm than good. The spread of juvenile delinquency islargely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that her little baobao can look after himself, isnot at home when he returns f rom school, so little baobao roams the street. The dividing-linebetween permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed.

英语四级作文预测及范文二:The Courage of Never Giving Up

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Courage of Never Giving up by commenting on the saying “It doesn't take guts to can most people do-on their dreams and on 's always easier to quit than to hold on.”You should write at least l20 words but no more than l80 Words.


The Courage of Never Giving Up

Life is a long journey like a sealed book which is full of unknown and this journey you decide the direction and hold on it. However,sometimes life can place a stumbling block in your this moment,you need courage to keep going and never give up.

There goes a saying that “It doesn’t take guts to quit. Anyone can quit. And most people d0-on their dreams and on ’s always easier to quit than to hold on.”Definitely,confronted with is always easier to give up than to hold ,constant effort yields sure you pursue your goals with the courage of never giving up,you will succeed in whatever endeavor you take is just like farmin9,and what you can reap depends a lot on your sowing and ,keep going forward. even in the toughest time,never give up and take courage determines whether you are a winner or a loser.

英语四级作文预测及范文三:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Information Security. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 信息安全问题日益重要

2. 信息安全事故可能导致的危害

3. 怎样做到信息安全


Information Security

The human beings are stepping into the information society. The information industry develops increasingly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue.

In case of information breach, the victims — a government department, an organization or an institution, or a company, will inevitably suffer great or small loss. Government may be threatened with national security. Companies may lose opportunities to develop new projects. And the public’s and users? confidence will be damaged.

Then how to deal with this issue? Technology is only a partial solution to information security. What’s more important is that organizations and companies should promote the awareness on information security to its staff. However, since no system can ever be 100 percent secure, a prevention-only approach to information security management is not enough. Companies and organizations should adopt a dual approach to information security management by combining prevention and detection techniques.

2021四级范文预测 第十四篇



Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects plumper harvests; a student tries to learn more and better. And

However, one should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not. If it is, one has to plan and work hard for its realization. Effort, skill and persistence are all necessary. And very often, one has to get help from others, including advice and support in one form or another.

My ideal is to become a doctor. It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take it as a lofty profession entrusted with saving people’s lives. To realize my ideal I have concentrated on laboratory work to develop the analytical skills necessary to become a qualified doctor. Ijm sure^willjiealizejm^.

2021四级范文预测 第十五篇












brings back memory回忆



first of all首先













in this field在这方面

be attracted by 被吸引

lively wit才智


with great eagerness极大的渴望






loud laugh大笑





effective teacher will spend time and energy ensuring that they themselves have mastered the material they present and organizing and preparing the lessons. 好老师还会花时间,下功夫,确保自己熟练掌握教学内容,并认真备课。

teacher will be more successful if they are able to interest and motivate their classes. 老师如果能调动学生的积极性,教学效果就会更好。

teachers recognize these factors, spend time and energy both in and outside of the classroom to ensure that their students are prepared for their examinations. 好老师会认识到以上这些因素,而且无论课上课下,他都会花时间,下功夫,确保学生为考试做好准备。


Write an email of 120-180 words to invite a famous professor to give a lecture to the students who love English in your university.

2021四级范文预测 第十六篇

1、From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。

2、The following reasons can account for my inclination. 如下的原因可解释我的倾向。

3、I disbelieve, and therefore strongly resent, the claim that … 我不相信,因此强烈反对,这一主张,即…

4、For the same reason, it matters to me that … 同样原因,我很在乎…

5、For these reason, I recommend that … 出于这些原因,我推荐/建议… (recommend做建议讲时,接从句要用虚拟,即谓语用(should)+动词原形)

6、My view is that … 我的观点是…

7、Like almost everybody else, I believe that … 正如几乎所有人一样,我相信…

8、I cannot entirely agree with the idea that … 我无法完全同意这一观点…

9、I’m not suggesting that … 我并不是建议… (该句中suggest做建议讲要用虚拟,即(should)+动词原形)

10、I have nothing against something. But … 我并不反对某事,但…

2021四级范文预测 第十七篇



范文:Recently, the living condition of some college students is frequently referred to as “dwelling-narrowness”. In fact, this embarrassing situation is very serious that few of us can fail to meditate on the causes of it.

In the first place, it’s difficult for graduates to bear the high cost of life in big cities. Poor payment thus gives rise to bad living conditions. Next, college students are more ambitious. Many of them are eager to compete in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing, where talents are abundant and positions are limited. Refusing to go back hometown let them suffer in big cities, which indirectly make their situation worse.

Generally speaking, college students should be more qualified to better themselves and adjust their goals according to the reality.

2021四级范文预测 第十八篇


作文题目:How to Study Efficiently

范文:As students, we have to study almost every day. However, not everybody knows how to study you want to know better about it?

There is some relationships between the study efficiency and the hours spent in studying in a fact, more hours of study do not necessarily result in better or higher study is said that the optimum of efficiency comes when one studies about 5 hours and the efficiency begins to drop as he studies longer than it. By the time when one studies 11 hours per day, his efficiency of study becomes very poor.

In conclusion, there is always a maximum of efficiency and an appropriate amount of time for study in a day. More time spent in study doesn’t always mean greater efficiency.

2021四级范文预测 第十九篇


There is a saying that “The real danger is not that the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer.” The purpose of the saying is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to innovation and creativity.

To begin with, an attitude of innovation could be said to be the watchword, or motto of science. Think of all the innumerable times a scientific experiment must be carried out, all the laboratory tests, all the live trials, before a new medicine or vaccine is discovered. In addition, innovation is also responsible for many of today’s business successes. For instance, it was only after four years and four different tries of varying business models that an entrepreneur finally found success, and went to become the chairman of one of the largest Internet companies.

To sum up, in any field of endeavor, it seems necessary to first put great emphasis on innovation before one can finally reach success.

2021四级范文预测 第二十篇


On the Low-carbon Life

Recently, it is very popular to live a low-carbon life. It not only results jt^omJbejpELaJsojEises^utjofjthejpeaple’s internalheart.

Living a low-carbon life is of great importance to every one. First of all, it can protect the environment to a great extent. Second, it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our , it is a healthy lifestyle and will help mould a harmonious social atmosphere.

Therefore, how to create a low-carbon life is necessary for us to consider. To begin with, we should save the energy, such as the electricity, water and domestic gas. Second, when we go out we can walk or ride a bike instead of by car. Third, we should not use the plastic bags which are hard to break down. If so, we can live a low-carbon life and gain the happiness of it.



