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轮滑俱乐部英文编写范文 第一篇

(A) From the picture, we can see that pollution is posing a threat to our earth, which comes from many aspects ■ (b) as a popular student, we all hope to be welcomed by our classmates and teachers. To be a popular student, we all hope to be welcomed by our classmates and teachers to enjoy the popularity, and we should treat the class as a popular student To be our big family, we should actively participate in all kinds of activities in our class. We should be responsible for our work and have team spirit.

To be a popular student, we should respect others, care for others, and sympathize with others. We should not hesitate to help those who need help to become a welcome student. In school, we should be strict with ourselves and strive to achieve all-round development We should be good at class, but also good at sports, music, painting, social services, etc.

we should be modest when we are successful, and we always maintain a strong will in difficult times. It is natural for those who constantly improve their personal quality to become popular students among students and teachers.


(A) 从图中,我们可以看到污染正在对我们的地球构成威胁,这是从很多方面来的▲(B)作为一个受欢迎的学生成为一个受欢迎的学生我们都希望受到我们的同学和老师的欢迎成为一个受欢迎的学生我们都希望受到我们的同学和老师的欢迎来享受人气,我们要把班级当作我们的大家庭,积极参与班级的各项活动,要对工作负责,要有团队精神,要做一个受欢迎的学生,就要尊重他人,关心他人,同情他人,我们毫不犹豫地帮助那些需要帮助的人成为一名受欢迎的学生,在学校里我们应该严格要求自己,努力实现全面发展,不仅要善于上课,还要擅长体育、音乐、绘画、社会服务等,在成功的时候我们保持谦虚,在困难时期,我们始终保持坚强的意志,在同学和老师中成为受欢迎的学生,对于那些不断提高个人素质的人来说是自然而然的。

轮滑俱乐部英文编写范文 第二篇

Note: write a notice to welcome students to join the club. At least write down in Chinese whether you want to live a different life than before. If so, join us.

Our club is for young people, whether it is boys or girls. The name of our club is that when you are with us, you can find what you want there. It will be great fun For example, sometimes we get together, which is not only a style, we may have different ideas about our club, and sometimes maybe we can have a tour near our school.

Of course, if you want to stay away from our school, you can also be in our club, you will make new and more friends, and I can assure you that in our club Any time spent will be an unforgettable experience. If you join us, you can go to a room in a building or contact us by email. Thank you http://gaokokoolearncom/.



轮滑俱乐部英文编写范文 第三篇

There was a man who had worked in a factory for 20 years. Every night when he left the factory, he would push a cart full of straw to the guard at the door. The guard would look through the straw and find nothing and send him there.

On his retirement day, the man came to the guard house as usual, but there was no cart. Over the years, he became a friend, and the guard asked him, _Charlie, I've seen you come out of here every night for 20 years. I know you've been stealing since yoetired.

Tell me what drives me crazy._,.


有一个人在一家工厂工作了xx年,每天晚上离开工厂时,他都会推着一辆装满稻草的手推车到门口的警卫那里,警卫会透过稻草看,找不到任何东西,把他送过去。在他退休的那天,这个人像往常一样来到警卫室,但是没有手推车。这些年来,他成了朋友,卫兵问他:“查理,xx年来我每天晚上都看到你从这里走出来,我知道你退休后一直在偷东西,告诉我是什么让我发疯了” 查理只是微笑着回答说,。

轮滑俱乐部英文编写范文 第四篇

A letter to the manager, I am a senior student of Tsinghua University skating club. I am writing this letter to invite you to sponsor our club. I assure you that your sponsorship of our club will greatly benefit your company.

Our club is set up by skating enthusiasts in regular activities, such as tour performance. Undoubtedly, by sponsoring our club, you can establish your brand image and popularity among many college students. In addition, skating itself is a sport full of passion and enthusiasm.

This spirit fits perfectly with your brand image, which is why we want you to be our sponsor. In addition, you can also know that by participating in our club activities, you can learn more about college students and fashion trends. Based on the above reasons, you can inspire the inspiration to launch new products.

I firmly believe that our cooperation will achieve win-win results. Please consider my words, any reply from you will be very grateful for your trust.




轮滑俱乐部英文编写范文 第五篇

A letter to the manager, I am a senior student of the skating club of Tsinghua University. I am writing this letter to invite you to sponsor our club. I guarantee that your sponsorship of our club will benefit your company to a great extent.

Our club is set up by skating enthusiasts in regular activities, such as touring. Undoubtedly, by sponsoring our club, you can establish your own brand image and resonate with many college students. In addition, skating itself is a sport full of passion and enthusiasm.

This spirit fits perfectly with your brand image, which is why we want you to be our sponsor. In addition, you also know that by joining our club activities, you can learn more about college students and fashion trends. Based on the above reasons, you can inspire the inspiration to launch new products.

I firmly believe that our cooperation will achieve win-win results. Please consider my words, any reply from you will be very grateful for your trust.






