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职场写作英语作文范文模板 第一篇

In the future, only by great efforts to improve the employment ability of college students, can you improve their employment ability through the practice and practice of their major Large enterprise internship, can give full play to your talents and professional skills learned in school, deepen the understanding of the cause, love or be good at the industry, which proves that college students in the practice process is a real working environment, different from the school, to improve their comprehensive quality and work experience, there are some deficiencies and work unfamiliar with the technology of the school and workplace, learning Study and work, students and employees are a qualitative change, they are very different from practice, formal employment from students to employees, from learning to work, from school to enter the workplace, in order to truly contact the experience of workplace practice, employment will be less detours, internship can increase their own competitive advantage, and internship is also a kind of work experience, interview People ask you if you have work experience, most graduate students have no work experience, but internship is your work experience and experience, so internship is very good for finding a job.



职场写作英语作文范文模板 第二篇

Through their own learning efforts and professional skills, only through practice to stabilize the employment principle, improve their professional and technical ability, and develop their own better in the future, college students can be closer to their desire for the company through practice, strive for the future, and provide a reference for the future employment practice. It is a process that graduate students must experience and a proof It is your ability, especially the internship in a large enterprise, that can give full play to your talents and professional skills learned in school, deepen the understanding of career, love or be good at the industry, which proves that college students are a real working environment in the process of practice. Different from the school, to improve their comprehensive quality and work experience, they have some shortcomings and are not familiar with the work Technical schools and workplaces, learning and work, students and employees are a qualitative change.

They are very different from practice. Formal employment changes from students to employees, from learning to work, from school to workplace. Only in this way can we really get into the experience of workplace practice.

On the way to employment, there will be less detours. Practice can increase one's ability to find a competitive advantage It's a kind of work experience. During the interview, some people ask you if you have work experience.

Most graduate students have no work experience. But internship is your work experience and experience, so internship is very good for finding a job.



职场写作英语作文范文模板 第三篇

Dear Mr. Wang,

I am very sorry to tell you that I am going to graduate this June and cannot go on with my job as a tutor of your daughter. It has really been a pleasant experience to teach your daughter English as she is such a lovely and smart girl. Here I take great pleasure in recommending to you my friend Lily who is a sophomore majoring in English in my university. She is particularly willing to take the part-time job of an English tutor when she knows about your daughter.

Lily is an excellent student. Especially her spoken English is both fluent and proficient, which can positively influence the person speaking with her. Moreover, as a lively, cheerful and easy-going girl, she is good at communicating with others.

Therefore, I am confident that she is highly competent for the job and will help your daughter make further progress in English.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

职场写作英语作文范文模板 第四篇

Everyone believes that attractive faces will be popular everywhere, no matter what they do, they will get special attention. However, according to the latest research, attractive people will encounter problems when watching movies and get unfair treatment in the job market. Handsome men and women always get special treatment in the workplace.

Many workers make way for them, but for good jobs In low-income jobs, they will be ignored. Employers think that these beautiful people will not take the job seriously, but everyone needs a starting job. They need a stage for learning and improving.

They actually think highly of beautiful people. They are like ordinary people. When they work in appearance, they always need to make ends meet And learning a person has a lot of skills, should be given to everyone, so as to get fair competition.



职场写作英语作文范文模板 第五篇

A study shows that there is a big gap between men and women in terms of who has more promotion opportunities. Earlier this month, Bain & Co, a consultancy, conducted a survey of global business professionals on gender equality in the workplace. The survey was conducted at the world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland The results show that both men and women believe that all eligible applicants have the same opportunity to get a junior position, regardless of gender.

However, men say that the opportunities for promotion to middle-level management are not gender specific. Similarly, compared with women, men show that promotion opportunities for men and women are equal, not in reality, Fortune magazine Women's role in CEO positions is likely to be much smaller than a long-term study by Fortune magazine, which suggests that women may play a much smaller role in CEO positions than Ellen Galinsky, head of the families & Work Institute in New York In the workplace, men will say that women are much better than they used to be, and women will say, yes, Deborah M. colb said, _but we have a lot fewer people and we have to give up more things to achieve this goal.

The concept may play a role in women's lagging behind men in career development Simmons School of Boston According to colb, a professor specializing in women and leadership, research shows that both men and women think women are inferior to men in leadership positions in the eyes of employers and colleagues, although there is evidence to the contrary that women are often asked to take career detours in fields like people _resources,_ she said, _men are asked to engage in strategic development Activities _;.


一项研究显示,在男性和女性谁有更多的晋升机会方面,性别之间存在很大差距。本月早些时候,咨询公司贝恩公司(Bain&Co)就工作场所的性别均等问题对全球商界专业人士进行了调查。这项调查结果在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)上公布,结果显示,男性和女性分别认为,无论男女,符合条件的申请者都有同样的机会获得初级职位,但男性表示,晋升到中层管理的机会是不分性别的,与女性相比,同样的,男性表示,男性和女性的晋升机会是平等的,而不是在现实中,《财富》杂志的一项研究显示,女性在首席执行官职位上所扮演的角色可能比《财富》杂志的一项长期研究显示,女性在首席执行官职位上的地位可能要小得多纽约家庭与工作研究所(Families&Work Institute)艾伦•加林斯基(Ellen Galinsky)说,在工作场所,男性会说女性比过去好得多,女性会说,是的,黛博拉•M•科尔布说:“但是我们的人少了很多,为了达到这个目标,我们不得不放弃更多的东西。

观念可能在女性在职业发展方面落后于男性起到了一定的作用。”,波士顿西蒙斯管理学院(Simmons School of Management)一位专门研究女性与领导力的教授科尔布表示,研究表明,在老板和同事看来,男性和女性都认为女性在领导岗位上的能力不如男性,尽管有相反的证据显示,女性经常被要求在像人类这样的领域走职业弯路“资源,”她说,“男人们被要求从事战略发展活动”;。

职场写作英语作文范文模板 第六篇

A: Hello, Mr. Roseman. This is Michael from Mr.

Emory's office. He'd like to make an appointment with you about buying a new copier. B: of course, I'm glad he has a schedule.

A: he wants to do it as soon as possible, sir. How about B o'clock tomorrow. That's great.

Tell him I'll see him and Becker.



职场写作英语作文范文模板 第七篇

Dear Sir,

I have heard that the university will choose 30 students to teach in rural junior high schools for one month. I am very much interested in this program and want to be one of them.

I am a sophomore majoring in English language and literature and I have been a private tutor ever since I finished my College Entrance Examination. I love teaching—whenever I teach, I feel I am making progress together with my students all the time.

Enclosed are my score reports on all relative subjects. I hope that my application will get your favorable consideration.

With best regards.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



