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意外的范文怎么写英语 第一篇

One possible way is: I saw a traffic accident on my way to school this morning. At that time, the traffic lights were on at an intersection near the gate of our school. But a young man did not stop his bicycle.

At the same time, he rode very fast. A black car hit the man. The man was seriously injured, and the bicycle broke down.

The scene was terrible. So I We should obey the traffic rules and be careful on the road.



意外的范文怎么写英语 第二篇

One night, Mr. Li drove his wife home from work. She worked as a nurse in a hospital.

It was almost midnight. She was so tired that she fell asleep. Mr.

Li looked at her and said with a smile that Mr. Li is a careful and experienced driver. He knows that it is safer to drive slowly in the dark.

After a while, he noticed that a car was following him, and it suddenly overtook his car at a very fast speed.



意外的范文怎么写英语 第三篇

One afternoon, after class, the students swarmed out. The teacher ran to the playground, and the whole playground began to boil. The students began to play their favorite s, such as jumping rubber bands or bouncing a ball.

Some of the students who were playing football Xiaogang held a football and used a foot. The wind of the ball swung forward and just hit his head. He only heard a _Oh_ Xiaoming Holding his head, groaning on the ground, he was scolded: which , if I was caught, I would kill him.

Xiaogang saw his eyes, stood there scared, pale, at a loss what to do, or jumped for a few seconds, who knows he is a more iron hearted person, if he knows, that is not, you should apologize to him, he does not know the right When did I see the figure of the teacher? Ha ha, the teacher often told us that in order to be honest and trustworthy, Xiaogang saved Xiaogang and summoned up the courage to go. Xiaoming was patrolled by Xiaoming, looking for _committing a crime_. Seeing Xiaogang running away, he thought, he was still a good friend.

When he saw that he was in trouble, he comforted himself that there might be _pulling out a sword to help_ to find the _troublemaker_, but the situation was not satiactory Kuang is not small. Xiaogang came up to him and said with shame, _I'm sorry Xiaoming, I accidentally kicked the ball into your head. I didn't mean to.

Please forgive me. Let's continue to be friends._ how did you do it? _Xiaoming was ashamed of Xiaogang and swallowed it after half a word._ it doesn't matter. We are good friends, but we must be careful in the future.

Today, thanks to hitting my head, or However, _Ding Dang bell_ a rapid ring, the playground has been restored to the past calm http://wwwcsktwxnet/.



意外的范文怎么写英语 第四篇

Everyone has an unforgettable experience. When I was five years old, my parents took me to the city zoo. It was a hot summer day, so when we were walking around, most of the animals were lying down to enjoy the cool.

I suddenly saw a black leopard squatting on the side of a hill in the fence. The Panther jumped over the wall and jumped on the back of an old lady eating a hamburger. The old lady let out a scream, fell down from her seat and collapsed on the concrete pavement.

Instead of attacking the old lady, the Panther picked up the hamburger she had dropped after swallowing the hamburger. The Panther began to walk around the cafeteria and many people were watching it. A child saw it outside and exclaimed excitedly, _Mom, look, I'm going to take a picture of that leopard.

When the leopard lay on the ground, the little boy ran to the leopard and sat on its back. The leopard stood with the boy carrying it on his back. I started running to the gate of the zoo and disappeared into the city in the dusk.

I took some pictures of a boy riding a leopard, an experience I will never forget.





意外的范文怎么写英语 第五篇

Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example,one day, two students ran after each other in the , one of them down and hurt his leg because of the wet , he had to stay in hospital for two week. So I think students should always walk but not run in the the teachers had better keep an eye on the students after class and stop them from last, I hope all the students should pay attention to their safety in school.

意外的范文怎么写英语 第六篇

Considering that as a whole (= overall) randomly (richly) occasionally (accidentally, unexpectedly, without accident (= safely) spontaneously (= not voluntarily asked for) to (fully) obtain (obtain) an account for one's own interests, besides, it is customary to, in addition to, insist on (= comply with) Follow, obey, insist, insist, insist, observe, opinion, belief) adjacent (= close, close) adapt (= slightly change) acknowledge (= can, (advance) advance (before time) predominate, most importantly) in a word (= count everyone or everything) after all (not) once (= suddenly) first of all, but Consider (= consider, consider).



意外的范文怎么写英语 第七篇

One day, on my way home, I saw a group of people around me. I was very shocked to see an old man lying there. He seemed to be knocked down by a car that the driver had escaped.

But the most strange thing for me was that there were so many people standing there watching no one willing to help. A young man came and he quickly held him in his arms In my arms, rush to the hospital. I wonder if those bystanders, perhaps including me, blush with shame when they see this scene.



意外的范文怎么写英语 第八篇

One day I was on my way home while I saw a crowd getting around. I went over curiously. I was very much shocked at the sight. There lied an old man who seemed to be knocked down by a car. The driver had got away. But the strangest thing to me was that so many people were just stood there watching. No one wanted to help. Just at that time, there came a young man. He quickly took the man in his arms and rushed towards the hospital. I was wondering whether those standers-by, maybe including me, blushed with shame at this sight.


意外的范文怎么写英语 第九篇

take place, do something to protect, on the earth's surface, take precautionary mea sures, vibrations, _earthquake belts_, have, likely to occur, tremble, to resist earth quake shocks, crack, in the future, destroyed, predict_.(事情、事故等)发生了,在地的表面做[作文]一些保护措施,做一些细心的措施,常常发生地震的地震带。好象经常发生(地震),会震动。防止地震发生的缓冲装置在未来会预计被爆炸(损坏)Earthquades地震Earthquakes may take place anywhere on the earth' s surface. During all earth quake, the vibrations make the earth's surface tremble, and even crack open. Houses fall, people are lilled or injured and sometimes whole cities are destroyed.地震会在地表的任何地方发生。在地震整个过程中,地震会使地表震动,甚至地面会裂缝。房屋倒塌,人们都受伤了而且有时整个城市都被毁坏了Can we do something to protect ourselves against earthquakes? Can we take precau tionary measures? We can. Scientists have made investigation on earthquakes. They have made maps showing the _earthquake belts_. In areas along these belts, earthquakes are likely to occur. In these areas we can build special houses to resist earthquake shocks and protect ourselves.我们能做什么来保护我们自己来抵抗地震呢?事先准备好的措施? 我们可以。科学家们做了地震调查,他们做好了地震带的地图。在地震带之间,地震好象发生了。在这里,我们可以建造特殊的房屋防御地震的缓冲装置来保护我们自己。in the future, scientists will be able to predict exactly when and where earthquakes will take place. Then they will be able to tell people to take precautionary measures. Thus lives can he saved and damage can be lessened.实际上,科学家们能正确地预报什么时候,什么地方地震会发生,然后他们会告诉人们预防措施。于是生命不会被救起和损伤会减轻



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意外的范文怎么写英语 第十篇

Money and happiness are very important in our mind, but some people think that money is omnipotent, and others think that it is worth paying all the costs while pursuing happiness. Please take a look at my point of view. Money can buy medicine, but not health money can buy a clock, but not time.

Money can buy books, but not knowledge money can buy gifts, but not friends' money To buy toys, but not joy money can buy glasses, but can not buy vision money can buy insurance, but can not use security money to buy cards, but can not use friendship to see the above point of view, if you still have some doubts, then look at what happened to us. A man spent millions of yuan to buy an insurance for himself, and then he had a five-year accident, three Although every injury insurance company will use this money to compensate him, but no one can bear the pain of torture for him. What makes him more surprised is that he is also the last mother who died in an accident.

Because the child has myopia, he spent yuan to wear a pair of glasses for the child. Who knows that one year later, when she took the child to the vision test again, she was stunned, and the child's eyesight plummeted We hope that people can make money as soon as possible, and let us embark on the long road to happiness.





