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介绍工厂的英文视频范文 第一篇

Dear Mr. Li: Yes, I'm very glad to meet you during my recent visit to your factory. Thank you for introducing the unique features of your automated assembly line to me.

Your presentation is not only well organized, but I also thank you very much for arranging several appointments and meetings during my stay in Singapore. Thank you again for all you have done for me if I can help you in the future Help, please don't hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to offer you any help, Jack Chen Taiwan Automobile Co., Ltd.



介绍工厂的英文视频范文 第二篇

Oil plant pollution concerns local residents. In January, residents of the town of nongwuesaw are looking for Mr amnaj With the help of pagarat, the governor of Wudong province told him about the pollution of Lai oil factory. This is not the first time that they have asked for help.

The former governors promised to help, but nothing happened to the municipal industrial department. They reported to the public that the factory seemed to have no problem. People in town say many of them have health problems, and doctors say it's caused by factory pollution.

Mr amnaj is very concerned about this issue. He asked the city's industrial department to check again within a few days and report directly to him. If he does not, he will close the factory himself.

Lailai oil plant is located on the highway of nongwuesaw kudjab, which converts waste oil into reusable oil. This has been a problem since the factory was built. People hope that one day their voices will be heard.


油厂污染问题引起当地居民的关注xx月Nongwuesaw镇上的居民正在寻求MrAmnaj Pagarat的帮助,乌东省省长关于赖油厂的污染,他们告诉他,这家工厂在7公里的半径范围内散发出难以忍受的气味,这已经不是他们第一次寻求帮助了,以前的省长们都承诺会帮忙,但是市工业部门却什么也没发生并向公众报告说,这家工厂似乎没什么问题。镇上的人说他们中的很多人有健康问题医生说这是工厂污染造成的。MrAmnaj非常关注这个问题,他要求市工业部门在几天内再次检查并直接向他报告,如果不这样做,他将自己关闭工厂。


介绍工厂的英文视频范文 第三篇

I am very glad that you have come all the way from the United States to visit our company. We are very proud and honored to have a group of distinguished guests like you come to our company. Our staff and employees will try their best to make your visit comfortable and valuable.

They will introduce our newly established factory and research center to you. Please do not hesitate. If you have any questions, I would like to express my warmest to you We sincerely hope that your visit will be worthwhile and meaningful.



介绍工厂的英文视频范文 第四篇

Why are we opposed to building a chemical plant into a school? We have the responsibility to protect the health and safety of our children. We have no doubt that the chemical plant will bring new income to our city. However, these incomes will have to pay a huge price.

It is a well-known fact that the output of chemical plants is very high, and the polluted industrial wastewater and toxic gases will lead to the water we drink, the water we drink and the poisonous gases we breathe The air we breathe in and the land where we live and play is polluted. In addition, it will replace most of the school children's playgrounds in a short period of time, which will far exceed any economic benefits the city hopes to get from the factory.




介绍工厂的英文视频范文 第五篇

① So far, its history has gone through two stages: in the past, the equipment of the factory was backward and the technology was backward. It was built in the S. at that time, there were less than workers, and then the valve radios were manufactured by workers.

Later, the working conditions of transistor radios were very poor, and most of the work had to be done by hand, because Great changes have taken place in the factory. Today's factory is ten times larger than before. The five large workshops are equipped with modern machines.

The number of workers and engineers has exceeded the three types of machine recorders they produce. Most of them are sold all over the world. Our factory is an advanced enterprise in China.

It creates output value of more than 4 million yuan for the country every year, and pays profits and taxes of ten thousand yuan Type recorder ② valve radio ③ transistor radio ④ output value.


① 红星收音机厂②红星收音机厂生产立体声盒式录音机①到目前为止,它的历史经历了两个阶段:过去工厂设备落后,技术落后,建于年代,当时只有不到工人,然后是工人制造的阀门收音机②,后来晶体管收音机的工作条件很差,大部分工作都得靠手来完成,因为工厂发生了巨大的变化,今天的工厂比以前大了十倍,五个大车间都配备了现代化的机器,工人和工程师的数量已经超过了他们生产的三种类型的机器录音机,大部分销往世界各地,本厂是中国先进企业,每年为国家创造产值④万元以上,上缴利税万元①立体声盒式录音机②气门收音机③晶体管收音机④产值。

介绍工厂的英文视频范文 第六篇

Almost every child has seen Disney things, such as Disneyland, the classic cartoon character Mickey Mouse. Disney film company has created many interesting images, most of which accompany the children to grow up. These lovely creatures are fictional friends who appear on the screen every day.

Disney Company is a dream factory.



介绍工厂的英文视频范文 第七篇

Last month, my classmates and I went to a factory. The weather was fine that day. I was in a good environment.

We saw ceramics, paintings, some traditional clothes and so on. This factory was founded in XX. Now it is a very famous factory with too many cultural relics.

It is one of the most famous factories in the world. It is a very exciting place. I think it is a good education.

If you only have time in a factory, make sure it is one I believe you can enjoy yourself in this factory.





