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做饺子的过程英汉范文 第一篇

Cooking method: put the flour in a bowl, add salt and water, slowly stir with fingers, knead into a soft dough, cover with wet cloth, let stand for at least minutes, mix meat, onion, ginger, soy sauce, salt and sesame oil evenly, then add chopped cabbage, sprinkle a little salt, and then squeeze out the water, mix the dough completely, take out the stuffing, and sprinkle a little flour Then knead it until it is very smooth. Cut the dough into small pieces, flatten by hand, and roll it into a round pancake (about 2 inches in diameter, the center should be thicker than the edge), place a teaspoon of filling in the center, fold, pinch the middle, then hold the edge between the thumb and forefinger, seal the boiling water in the deep pan, and when the water begins to boil, put the dumplings into the boiling water one by one (no more than once) Dumplings, carefully stir with a large spoon to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot. Cook until the water boils again.

Add 2 / 3 cup of cold water to the pot. When boiling again, add 2 / 3 cup of cold water. Take the dumpling off, spoon it in a plate, heat it in a small bowl, and put soy sauce, vinegar and red pepper oil as dipping materials saucehttp://abclocalgocom/wls/storysection=News&id=.



做饺子的过程英汉范文 第二篇


Module 1Unit1 Go straight on


1、让学生掌握turn left \turn right \go straight on。

2、学会用Where's ...? 来问路。



1、会用Where's ...? 来打听道路。

2、能听懂turn left \turn right \go straight on。

教学难点: left \ rignt \go straight on 的正确发音。

教学准备:小红旗、糖果、若干卡片、自制小地图、多媒体课件、 简易地图 (学 生每两人一张)


Step1. Warming-up

T: Hello! Boys and girls! Nice to see you!

Ss: Hello! Miss Gao! Nice to see you ,too!

T: I'm happy ! Are you happy?

Ss: Yes!

T: So let's sing a song , ok?


Step2. Presentation

1. T: Sam wants to go to Daming's home , but he is lost , let' s have a look .(播放课件)

2. T: There are some places in the classroom . Can you show me where's the school \ park \zoo \KFC \ supermarket? (事先把几幅相应的图片贴在教室的各个角落)

The Ss point them out

T: Is the school on my left ? (学生听不懂,用中文翻译一遍)

(教学意图:以情境引入教学,并使用多媒体课件辅助,更易使学生快速进入学习意境,以听指的方法来复习学过的单词,既巩固了旧知,又自然地引出了新知:left / right )

3. Teaching the two words : left / right (出示单词卡片)

4. Practicing the two new words:

where's the sweet .(猜对的学生,把那个糖果给他)

B. 踏步练习 :left , right,(分组练习)

T: Let 's do some exercises and we're going to have a competition. The group which does better will get 10 points.

5. 指定一名学生上来再做一组练习后,发出新指令:Turn left ! (学生没有反应,不明白什么意思,教师用肢体语言表示其意)

6.出示卡片:Turn 师带读

7. 贴出标志图:

1Turn left Turn right

8 . Competition.


(教学意图: 学习新词时,采用猜糖果游戏和踏步练习的形式进行操练,学生兴致极高,课堂气氛非常活跃;同时引入竞争机制,贯穿整个教学过程,使全体学生保持一种学习的积极状态,并培养学生的竞争意识和合作精神。)

9. Teaching the phrase : Go straight on

Show a map and ask the Ss : _ If I want to go to the KFC , how can I go there ? _ (学生用中文回答: 向前直走)教师给予肯定并用英语说: Go straight on. 并做相应的肢体动作。

10. 出示课题卡片: M2 U1 Go straight on!

11. 贴出标志图,并带读该词组

Go straight on

Step3 . Consolidation

1. 大小声练习.

2. 学生发指令,教师做动作.

3. Playing games : Help the other Ss get the flag.

游戏规则: 请两名学生上来,一个蒙着眼睛,一个用turn left \turn right \go straight on来指方向,帮助找到小红旗.顺利找到者,可各为自己的小组加10分.

4. 出示一张自制地图,指名提问:Where's the ...? 教师根据学生的回答在地图上画出行走路线.

出示词条: A : Where's the ...?

B :


5. Pair work . 学生拿出课前发的简易小地图,两两合作,一个问,一个答并画出路线. (做完了,请几组学生上台展示)

Step 4. Homework.

Tell your classmates and friends where your home is and how to go there

Unit 2 It’s at the station.



















1、Warm up:Sing a song.—left foot, right foot, left foot, right…以此把学生带入今天的课堂。这样学生就自然地进入到一个良好的英语氛围,当歌声落下,我热情地和学生打招呼,与学生用英语进行简单的交谈。出示课件和简笔画,用Excuse me. Where is…?进行看图问答,复习问路和指路使用的语言。请全班同学为踊跃举手的同学鼓掌,肯定他们的努力,鼓励他们大胆尝试。

2、Let’s go to a place. Look!Here we are.把本课的hill, station, house,rain等图片展出。使用单词卡片学习单词hill, station ,house, rain。反复操练后,接着开展I can read!活动,检测学生对单词的熟练程度。(二)、新课呈现

1)、用简笔画添上一条铁轨。Let’s go by rain.邀请学生们一起坐着这辆火车去游玩,播放CD-ROM,为了更好地完成课程目标,我给学生下达了任务:让他们注意看图中火车分别进行到什么位置?这些内容用英语又怎样表述呢?为了更好地帮助学生听懂录音,同时把Where is train_? It’s _.写在简图的下方。

2)、儿童的心理特点是好奇的,所以我选在这个时候为学生的疑问对故事中表示位置的介词进行讲解:把火车头对着山顶开,然后说:We are up the hill。然后操练和检测;用同样的方式学习down the hill,near the houses,at the station。



1、活动一:抢答游戏,题型包括:1、Read and 、、Read and 、Look and say(SB活动3).




Module 2

Unit1. She's reading a book

1、Language knowledge

学习单词和短语_write、letter 、picture 、friend 、take pictures 、talk to 、

little 、play with_和句型_This is...He's/She's…_

2、Language skills




三、Teaching key points


四、Teaching difficult points


五、Teaching procedure

1、Warming up

Greerings Free talk

老师和学生互相问好。在自由谈话中,随机向不同的学生提问:_What do you do at the weekend?_引导学生使用下列词组:play football、play basketball 、play table tennis 、swimming 、watch TV等。老师要求学生回答问题时带上动作,在他/她做动作的同时,老师向全班同学说:_Look! He's playng football .She's swimming._使用这种方法呈现更多新语言。



老师釆用“温故而知新”的方法教授新单词和短语。例如:white-write 、lake-take 、walk-talk。让学生自己先试着读,然后结合图画熟练掌握新单词和短语。

3、Learn the text


请学生对照着书听录音,老师帮助学生学习本课的语言结构,并使用不同的方式进行练习。例如:模仿录音,个人展示,根据课文内容问题:“What is Amy doing? What is Sam doing? What is Tom doing?”等。



Play a game




6、Cooling down

Review the lesson and end the class.



Unit 2 What are you doing?


1.知识目标:watching TV, talking to … taking pictures ,reading a book ,writing a letter, playing with ,listening to music, What are you doing? I ' m … What is he/she doing? ---He/She is …







通过预习能够认读简单的词汇,理解课文内容,了解如何询问正在做的事情。 预习内容:

1.复习上节课学过的内容:talking to … taking pictures , writing a letter, playing with 。




1. 同学做动作.老师问What is she/he doing?多说几遍,找同学回答。

2. 复习上节课学过的内容,出示挂图根据挂图的内容,说出句子,可找个人说,或小组代表,或集体说.


1.自主学习单词(Task 1)

(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.

(2)学习新单词 listen to ,music, read ,掌握词组listen to music, read a book,根据卡片练习句子I’m listening to music /reading a book ./ watchingTV,



(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。

(2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。


3. 学唱歌曲。


根据上节课学过及新学的词组,句型同桌练习,或者小组练习.根据图片或者动作进行对话练习:如: What are you doing? I’m listening to musicq


is he /she doing ?的问答。


2.对正在进行的动作进行描述.巩固练习.也可以采取you say I do ,you do

I say ,you say I draw等形式.



What are you doing? I’m listening to musicq

What is he /she doing ?




do swim take play read listen write

Ⅱ. 下列句子各有一个错误,你能找出来并改正吗?

1. What are he doing?

2. I'm watch TV.

3. This is my father. She is reading a book.

4. I'm doing I homework.

5. What are you doing? I listening to music.


1. 抄写你喜欢的句子。


Unit2 What are you doing? G1 G2 G3 G4

I’m listening to music

watching TV

reading a book

Module 3

Unit 1 What are they doing ?




3.学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry 。



1.学说问句What are they doing?

2.掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]




b t ch s r s b n milk dr k h ry

2.用“ ”标出询问动词的ing形式,反复阅读,理解句子意思。




1.师生齐唱M2 中的小诗,并配以动作。

2.教师快速向学生出示几组词,每组包含一个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read , write ,listen ,play , talk …


4. 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。



教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing? (我正做什么?)引入句子: I’m doing taijiquan.。

3.请全体学生一起边做动作,边说:I’m doing taijiquan.

4.自主学习单词(Task 1)

(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.

(2) Listen and read the new words and the difficult words 3 times.

(3)Read the words by yourself.

5.小老师检查单词(Who can teach?)

6.单词句型运用(Task 2)

以小组为单位,用所学词汇造句,进行运用,找出本模块重点句型what are they doing?进行替换、拓展、对话等情景练习,然后小组进行展示。



2.教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习He’s/ She’s 动词+ing。

3.请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:I’m动词+ing [+宾语]。

4.教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh. They’re 动词+ing [+宾语],并板书。


6.小组合作挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词(不能重复),做出相应的动作,其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ?




3.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么?


5.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。



riding playing rowing drinking doing

They’re Taijiquan.

They’re a dragon boat.

They’re chess.

They’re soybean milk.

They’re on a bus.


上车 在湖上

under the tree play chess

许多 row a boat


1. 抄写单词:row , play, drink, boat, milk

2. 收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么?


Unit 1 What are they doing?

What are they doing?

They are rowing a dragon boat. On the lake

They are doing Taijiquan. In the park

They are playing chess. Under the tree

Unit 2 What ’s the elephant doing?


a、知识目标:能听懂、会说本课句型―What are they doing? They are… What is Amy doing ? She is…




本课时的教学重点是掌握句型―What are they doing? They are…What is Amy doing ? She is…?, 难点是培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力,教师抓住这个重点内容,通过大量的 会话练习,做不同人称的 替换训练,进一步突破了难点。



Step 1 Warm-up.

1、Greetings and sing an English song.

2、Let’s do.

T: doing taijiquan ,rowing a dragon boat,playing chess,drinking soybean..

Ss: Do the actions. (师先发指令,生做动作,再利用多媒体课件依次播放图片,让学生看图说出完整的句子, 如:They are doing taijiquan.( rowing a dragon boat,playing chess;drinking soybean.. )

Step 2 Presentation.(创设情景,引入新课。)

1、师先示范―跑的动作,让学生跟着做动作,边做边说:―I’m running.师适时提问:―What is the teacher doing?引导学生回答:―The teacher is running .

2、师再分别出示Amy ―跑的动作并提问, ―What is Amy doing?学生模仿前面的 句子说:―Amy is running .or she is running .

师再分别出示Daming(看电视 ) 的动作并提问,―What is Daming doing? 学生跟着说―Daming is watching He is watching TV .师同样出示Sam and

Daming (打篮球 )以及Amy and Lingling(打乒乓球 ) 的动作并提问,

T: What are Sam and Daming doing? Ss: They are playingbasketball. Boys: What are Amy and Lingling doing?

Girls : They are playing table tennis .

3、Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Q1: What are Sam and Daming doing?

Q2: What are Amy and Lingling doing?

Q3: What is Amy doing?

Q4 ―What is Daming doing?

Step 3 Practice.

1、Play a game ―I act, you guess.

一个学生做动作,另一个学生躲在其身后, 全班齐问What are you doing? S2根据动作猜出并回答:―I’m…‖教师让全班同学评出最佳默契奖,并以stickers奖励。

2、Play a game again―find your friend.‖



这游戏能让学生在完成任务的过程中,不断操练What are theydoing? They are…,What is he/she doing ? He/ She is…能极大地激发学生学习英语的兴趣,巩固所学的新授知识。

Step 4

What is he/she doing ? He/she is …

What’s he doing ? What’s Liuxiang doing

He’s playing football . He’s runnin

What’s Yaoming doing ? What is Dengyaping doing ?

He’s playing basketball. She’s playing table tennis

Module 4

Uint 1 Do you want some rice?


1. 知识目标

1)掌握并运用单词:Chinese fast food want some make nice chopsticks


2) 熟练运用句型:“Do you want some „„?” “Yes, please. / No, thank you”、 “Have you got„„?” “Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.”

2. 能力目标


3. 情感目标



1.教学重点:掌握句型Do you want some...?Yes, please. No, thank you.并能就食物的选择向他人提问或回答他人。

2.教学难点: chopsticks、difficult的发音及新句型的运用。




step1、Warming up

1 、Greetings


T: Today we will learn the new lesson. First, let's review some words of food. ( 复习以前学过的食物的单词,全体学生齐读一次。)

3、Free talk

T: Can you tell me what your favorite food is? My favorite food is noodles, what is yours?

S:My favorite foot is chicken.

T: Chicken is very nice. (教学nice)

句型:Have you got _____ in these days? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.


step2、presentation and practice

1、T: I have got some nice food.Look.

(Show the food cards and ask)

T:Noodles、rice、dumplings、hamburgers and hot dogs are fast food.

(Show the card and read “fast food”)And noodles、rice、dumplings are Chinese fast food.(explain “Chinese fast food” )Yes, hamburgers,hot dogs and sandwiches are Western fast food.

2、T: dumplings、noodles and rice are Chinese fast food . Do you like Chinese fast food?

Ss:...教学Chinese / fast food(小火车读)

3、T: Boys and girls, look at me please, what foot I is this?

Ss: Noodles.

T: Yes, you are right. I like noodles. Do you know how to making noodles? Ss:...

T:(出示图片)Look, what is he doing?


T: He's making noodles.(随机教学 making noodles)

4、T: I want some noodles. What do I need? (用体态语帮助学生理解句意,同时拿出筷子)

T: Yes, chopsticks.

教学 chopsticks (把单词为两个部分chops / ticks)告诉学生这个词语用复数

5、T: Chopsticks are difficult. 教学 difficult (个人读,小组读,齐读)

6、教授句型Do you want some...?Yes, please. No, thank you.

T: Do you want some...?

1)板书Do you want some...?

2)引导学生回答Yes, please. No, thank you并板书

7、practice /先个别后整体/

1)老师轮流指着实物图片提问Do you want some...?



Listen to the text and answer the questions:

1. Does Amy want some rice?

2. What is the man doing?

3. Are chopsticks difficult for Amy?


Step3 extension

请学生看书上或者挂图上的五幅图,老师指着图问:What’s this? 引导学生学生说出食物的名称,然后指着图单个向学生提问:Do you want some…?要求学生用Yes,please. / No, thank you.回答。最后两人一组练习。

Play a game: Do you want some rice? 食物问答接龙。

饭馆订餐游戏,四个同学一组,每组有两张菜单Chinese fast food and western fast food.创设去饭馆订餐的情境表演对话(一名服务员、三名顾客)学生进行对话: A: Excuse me, can I help you?

B: I want to east fast food.

A: Do you want some _____?

B: Yes, please. \No, thank you.

A: Do you want some _____?

C: Yes, please. \No, thank you.

A: Do you want some _____?

D: Yes, please. \No, thank you.

A: Anything else?

B: That’s all, thank you

A: You’re welcome.


1) Ask your parents and friends what kind of food they want.

2) Write the new words.


Module5 unit1 Do you want some rice?

Do you want some_____? Chinese fast food Yes, please. Western fast food No, thank you. Scores

Unit 2 How much is it?

教学内容:Students’ book Module4Unit2

学习任务:What are you doing ? I’m making dumplings/ I’m cooking vegetable. Do you want some ? Yes , please . / No , thank you .




一.Warming up


二.Chant : left foot ,right foot ,left foot right



T:What’s this ?

Ss : cake, rice , noodles , fish(学生快速读出)

T: Do you want some …

Ss: Yes ,please . / No , thank you.


:老师今天带了二种好吃又有营养的东西,大家猜猜是什么?(学生猜) 师拿出饺子教学dumpling

① 全班读

② 个别读

③ 小组读





Play a game:猜单词



1. I’m making dumplings.

T:今天老师非常高兴,所以要大展厨艺(带上围裙,包饺子),now ,look here ,What am I doing?


Ss:What are you doing ?(板书)

T:I’m making dumplings. Do you want some?(板书)

采用不同形式读句型I’m making dumplings.( 如:师读快,生读慢;师读慢,生读快)

2. I’m cooking dumplings.

T:接下来,老师要展示每二样厨艺,Look here(师抄菜),想知道Miss Lin 正做什么要用英语怎么问

Ss: What are you doing? (板书)

T: I’m cooking you want some.(板书)

采用不同形式读句型I’m cooking dumplings.(如:男女分开读,小组读)



1.T:Now open your book ,turn to page20.今天Sam 和Amy去Darming家做客,我们来看看Daming 一家做了什么好吃的请他们。(播放CD—ROM)

T:他们来到Daming 家,看到Daming正在making dumplings,他们两个不知道Daming在干嘛,他们是怎么问?

S1:What are you doing ,Daming?

T: Daming 是怎么回答?

S1: I’m making dumplings?


2. 情境表演


T: What are you doing ?

Ss: I’m making dumplings .

Do you want some ?

T: Yes ,please.


1.T:Daming家除了Making dumplings 还做了什么好吃的?

Ss: Cooking vegetables.

T: Daming 急匆匆来到厨房里,看到妈妈正在cooking vegetables他是怎么问的? SS: What are you doing?

T: mother是怎么回答的?

Ss: I’m cooking vegetables.

Read after the CD-ROM



Ss: What are you doing ?

T: I’m cooking vegetables. Do you want some ?

Ss: Yes ,please./ No, thank you .

②Play a game

听音乐传花,音乐一停,拿到花的学生做抄菜的动作,其他学生问 What are you doing ?此生回答I’m cooking vegetables. Do you want some ?操练对话。

3. 表演课文对话



Play a game: Copy 不走样

请几名学生上台,站成一排,师传给第一个学生一句话(如:I’m rowing a boat.),此学生根据这句话做出动作,并把动作一一传下去,等到最后一个学生做完动作,全班问最后一名学生:―What are you doing ?‖此学生根据自己的理解回答,最后师说出答案,给答对的学生奖励。


Module 5

Unit 1 Can you run fast?


1 知识目标 Knowledge aim

掌握本课主要生词并能熟练的听说认读 run fast jump high jump far ride fast 及听懂理解会说Can you „的句型和肯定回答Yes, I can. 否定回答No ,I can`t.

2 能力目标 Ability aim

能听懂理解会说Can you„ 句型,并在实际情景中进行应用。

3 情感目标 Emotion aim



教学重点 Teaching Points

会听说认读本课词组 run fast jump high jump far ride fast

教学难点 Teaching difficults

能运用can you 句型进行对话。

动词 run 和 ride 读音上的区分 fast 和 far 在读音上的区分。 教学方法: 游戏法、交际法


1. Warming up

师生之间自然地的问好。教师告诉学生I like sports .询问学生是否喜欢sports 。引导学生理解sports 的意思。

2.Teaching process .

做饺子的过程英汉范文 第三篇

Today is the Lunar New Year's Eve. My family had a big family party at home. Chinese tradition is to make dumplings together on New Year's Eve and then eat them at midnight.

We prepare pork stuffing and some vegetables for the dumplings. We also need a lot of skins to make dumplings. Some people are dumpling skins.

Some are mixing meat and vegetables. We were all enjoying the process of dumplings and chatting with each other before midnight. When we heard the New Year bell, the dumplings were ready for us to eat.

What a wonderful night it was.




做饺子的过程英汉范文 第四篇

Jiaozi is a traditional Chinese food. In China, many people like to eat dumplings. In fact, I also like some people who eat dumplings.

They eat dumplings every year on Chinese festivals. In addition, there are many restaurants that only make dumplings and they are very professional. For example, they can use different ways and different ways.

In short, I like to eat dumplings.



做饺子的过程英汉范文 第五篇

Chinese dumplings are very delicious. They are very popular in recent years. Many western families make dumplings on the Chinese New Year's day.

So now, let me first introduce the process of dumplings. Take a plate, some vegetables, appropriate meat, put the vegetables into small cubes, and then put the meat into the meat, vegetables and meat together, put them into the plate, add soy sauce, pepper, vinegar and other seasonings On the side of the plate, take some flour, add water, knead into dough, roll into small round pieces, put in appropriate amount of stuffing, make dumplings, and then put them into water for 5 minutes. Take out the dumplings and put them on the plate.

You will smell the strong fragrance. In this way, the traditional Chinese dumplings can be finished. Have a try.

Do you want to taste such delicious food.



做饺子的过程英汉范文 第六篇

The Hollywood blockbuster Titanic will be released in 3D to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the epic shipwreck. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are destined lovers on the ill fated ocean liner and will be released on April, the first anniversary of the real-life disaster. Digital experts have tested the footage in the film to see it tranorm into _It's a time-consuming process and we want to make sure it's done well,_ said Jon Landau, the producer of Titanic.

_It's a time-consuming process, and we want to do it well,_ he said. Converting movies is not a technical process, it's a technology supported innovation process, with eight to nine companies participating in the test, so we can compare them.



做饺子的过程英汉范文 第七篇

Dumpling is a kind of traditional Chinese food. Making dumplings is very simple and interesting. First, mix the flour into the dough with the right amount of water, then add the water to the powder gradually until the dough is set for a few minutes, and make the stuffing you love, and then cut the dough into several sections, and grow it in different meat flavors, fruits and sugar..



做饺子的过程英汉范文 第八篇

Dumpling batter is traditionally mixed by hand, and often not measured in exact measurements. If you do want to measure, the ratio of flour to water is typically 2 to 1, but you can always add more flour if your dough seems sticky or more water if it seems too dry.

Add the flour to the water in a medium bowl. Mix together with a wooden spoon or a spatula until it begins to be sticky.[9]

Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it by hand on a clean surface. (Use caution if you used boiling water to form the dough.)

Continue kneading until the dough is smooth.

面一般都是用手和的,而且一般也不会太精确。如果你想要精确一点的话,面粉和水的比例大概是 1:2。当然了,如果太稀的话可以再加点面粉;太硬的话可以再加点水。






包括白酒,很遗憾我们也没有一个词。我们一般都是说 Chinese alcohol,或者 White alcohol (中国酒,白酒)。为什么我说遗憾呢,因为俄罗斯和日本的白酒都已经有英文的词了。Vodka是伏特加,估计是俄语直接过去的,这个我不收,麻烦收的人评论一下。日语叫 Sake,懂日语的都知道,这就是日语中的一种酒。而且日语和英语是不同的,英语的Sake泛指所有的产自日本的酒,而日语是可以特指某一种,也可以泛指所有的酒。

说回包饺子,medium bowl 的翻译。bowl 既可以是盆,也可以是碗。medium 这个比较明确,中等大小。knead,这个词我本来不认识,就是揉的意思。而最后的一个 smooth,哈哈,这个词估计没有英语圈的人能看懂。不过不怕,我看的这个地方其实是有录像的,给他们看一眼就可以了。所以这个smooth,我翻译成了合适,本来是光滑的意思。


做饺子的过程英汉范文 第九篇

How to make Jorge stuffing is very delicious, but the stuffing is difficult to stir. This is a very powerful work. It not only takes time and energy, but also if it can't be mixed well, the packaging for cooking Georgi will be torn up.

In fact, just add some potato powder.



做饺子的过程英汉范文 第十篇


废话少说,开始教大家包饺子!我同样弄个外国的怎么包饺子的教程来给大家翻个中文,这样地道些。话说我看了这个教程才知道,原来南美也有 Dumplings (饺子)。但是实际上他们的这个饺子相当于我们的片汤,我们那里也叫银子。就是面疙瘩,煮熟了吃,我先时候还挺爱吃的。

所以大家记住,Dumpling 并不是特指饺子,还有面疙瘩的意思。其实还有包子的意思,叫做 Steamed dumpling,蒸饺也是这么说。可能在老外眼里差不多。不过这个时候你就可以跟他们说,就像意大利面分那么多种意思差不多:通心粉(macaroni)、意大利面(spagetti)、还有蝴蝶结面(Farfalle)。


做饺子的过程英汉范文 第十一篇

Dumplings are the food I like to eat since I was a child. I learned from my childhood that there are five steps to make dumplings. First, mix the water and flour together to make dough.

The container should be large enough to prevent the flour and water from overflowing. Press the dough until it is not sticky by hand and keep it for use. Then continue to make stuffing.

The second step is to cut up the meat, mushroom and meat stuffing, mix them into paste, add ginger, onion and other seasonings, and mix them evenly; the third step is to roll the dough into small round pieces, each two inches in diameter The fourth step is to put the stuffing in the middle of a package, and then press the package tightly. When you have made enough dumplings, the next step is to boil the dumplings. The last step is to put a pot of water on the stove and put the dumplings into the water one by one.

After the pot is covered and steamed out, add some cold water, boil it again and add cold water. When you see the dumplings floating in the boiling water, you can put the dumplings on Go to the bowl or plate, take the chopsticks, ready to eat.



做饺子的过程英汉范文 第十二篇

国际在线报道(记者 郑宇):乔希来自英国斯卡布罗,是英格兰东北部北约克郡的一个港口城市。他在北京的一所中学教英文,平时除了上课,日常的爱好就是音乐和旅游。虽然在中国只待了一年时间,但包饺子、背包旅行、繁忙的春运……中国的春节给乔希留下了深刻印象。





做饺子的过程英汉范文 第十三篇

Dumplings are the traditional food of Chinese New Year. Most families make many delicious dumplings. According to this process, the first step is to mix the flour and water when the dough is ready.

We can start to make the dumpling skin. We roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces with a rolling pin, so that it is easy to cook when it is packaged. Usually, the stuffing is prepared It's time for seasoning.

We use beef, mutton and other meats, as well as some vegetables, such as cabbage and carrots. You can choose whatever you want to put in them. We must cut these things into small pieces, put some salt, put oil and other seasonings in and mix well.

When all the preparation work is finished, we can start to make dumplings. First, put a spoonful of stuffing in the center of the wrapping , then stick the two sides together, and then do not just wrap the stuffing with wrapping . The best shape of dumplings is boat shape, because they boil in the pot.

They look like boats sailing on the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.



做饺子的过程英汉范文 第十四篇

Dumplings are traditional Chinese food for the lunar new year. Most families will make many delicious dumplings. Follow this process.

The first step is to mix the flour and water when the dough is ready. We can start to make dumpling skins. We use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a thin and round shape.

After packaging, it is easy to cook. Usually, it is time to prepare the filling. We use beef, mutton and other meat, cabbage, carrot and other vegetables as stuffing.

You can put whatever you like, cut these things into small pieces, and then put some salt, oil and other seasonings to mix the prepared dumplings evenly You can start to make dumplings. First put a spoonful of stuffing in the middle of the dumplings, and then stick the two sides together. Don't cover the rest only on the stuffing.

The best shape of dumplings is boat shaped, because when cooked in a pot, they look like boats sailing on the sea, and the smell will make your mouth water.




标签: 新学期

做饺子的过程英汉范文 第十五篇

In the process of dumplings, Chinese dumpling families usually prepare enough dumplings for several days during the Spring Festival. First of all, you should cut the meat into small pieces and mash them. Then add salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, scallion, cabbage and monosodium glutamate.

If you like, mix the ingredients into the meat stuffing. If necessary, add two spoonfuls of water in a large bowl, and gradually add water to flour. Note: once Don't stir too much.

Knead into a soft dough by hand. Cover it with a towel and set aside for about an hour. Sprinkle some dry flour on the board and knead it into sausage like dough with a diameter of about cm.

Then cut it and press it into small pieces. Finally, you can get a pancake. Put the stuffing in the middle with your palm and wrap it into a half moon shape.

Seal the edge. The next step is to eat. Put the dumplings in boiling water, cook them, and eat them.

But before you eat them, you need to prepare some small dishes and add a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil or pepper oil to suit your taste.






