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小学英语面试课题范文初中 第一篇

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greeting.


Step 2 Presentation

1,教学单词Sun,直接由“Please look out of the window. What’s the weather like today? ”引出,从身边的环境入手,和学生的学习紧密相关,让大家学的不难学习。


2,紧接着,我还是借用引出第一个单词的方式,让学生继续看外面的天空,利用问话“Can you see the cloud in the sky?”引出今天的第二个新单词cloud,在教授单词的发音、拼写之后,我利用“Clouds have different colours.”,让学生一起说说你看见过的各种云的颜色,复习颜色单词的同时,也巩固了新单词的朗读。

3,最后在说道“grey cloud”的时候,引出句子“When the clouds are grey, maybe it will rain.”,教授今天的第三个新单词rain,同样教授好发音和拼写之后,我利用chant形式的句子:rain,rain ,where are you going?going to the riverlakesea?,

4,当说到 “stream”的.时候,利用句子“what’s this?”让学生猜之后,先播放了“row,row,row,your coat”flash,这首歌曲里有stream,让学生在感官上先对stream有了一定的理解,然后出示stream的图片,紧接着单词的发音。因为单词有点长,可能对于学生来说,有点难,所以我利用字母“ea”的发音,引出了一些相同发音的单词 seapeach eachereat...,让学生掌握牢固一点。

5,在教授了单词rain之后,提问:Do you like rainy day?采访了几个同学之后,在大家都不喜欢rain day的前提下,出示flash“Rain, rain, go away”,引出新单词vapour的教学,vapour的教学重点我放在朗读和拼写上。

6教授完今天的5个新单词之后,我利用刚刚的vapour“lots of vapour go up in the sky and become clouds,the clouds feel heavy ,so they fall dowm,become the rain. The rain goes into the stream. When the sun comes out and shines,the water in the stream goes up again,becomes the vapour…this is the water cycle.讲述这段话的时候,我将单词一个一个呈现,在复习所学的单词的同时,先将水循环的概念灌输了一遍,为下面的教学做了铺垫。

Step 3 Consolidation

1,在复习了单词之后,我觉得最主要的还是巩固单词,因为我这个课的主要任务就是要完成单词的教学,就是要让学生掌握所学的新单词,所谓我在巩固操练环节的第一关就是一个riddle的加入,通过five birds的展示,让学生在各自喜欢的前提下,揭开各个小鸟背后的谜语,然学生在各自看读的过程中,加深对各个新词的理解,更加巩固对单词的学习。

2,在学生对单词的具体理解后,我又紧接着将所学新单词放在一起呈现,在一遍朗读之后,我将事先设计好的线图展现出来,然后引出今天要讲的新句型Where does the come from ?It comes from the_______ .



3,在幻灯机上操练了几题之后,我马上转到板书上面,因为板书上面我还没有线图表示,可能有部分学生还不能联系起来,所以我又开始提问,边听回答边把水循环的线图一条条标示出来,最后,用一句话向学生说明“this is the water cycle”.

4,在向学生提出了“ the water cycle”后,为了学生能够形象地解释,我马上播放flash “the water cycle”,

5,通过观看flash “the water cycle”,学生已经能够理解水循环的意思,所以在理解的基础上,我出现了今天的chant,利用Chant的目的:1、记忆单词;2、熟悉新句型;3、使课堂更生动、活泼,让学生学得轻松。

6,最后,播放了一个“一滴水”flash ,把本课的主题升华,让学生在一堂课中能够有所学有所悟。Water is useful(有用的). Let’s love it and protect(保护) it.

Step 4 Homework




小学英语面试课题范文初中 第二篇

At the shop

So, do you want to make food for your parents? Yeah. All of you are good boys and good girls. Now 4 students a group, 1 student is the seller, 3 students are the buyers. Please look at the screen, you can buy so many things, apples, pears, carrots, meats,fish,rice,noodles, tomatoes,eggsand can ’llgiveyou15minutes. Then I’ll invite some of you to make a performance.

Ok,time is ’sgroup please. Wow, I like your performance. Eric is the seller. He is very interesting. He says Welcome to my shop. Can I help you? Whatwouldyoulike? buys some eggs, Lily buys some noodles, and John buys some apples and bananas. They use how much is it? I’d like some…? What about it? Well done, you guys. Go back to your seat. I’ll give your big group 5 points. Next one, this way, who would like to have another try? Daniel, you four guys please. Class, do you like their performance? Yes, I also like their 5 points for you. Go back to your seat.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Well, time goes so quickly, let’s summarize today’s lesson, we learnt the six words, read it together, carrot, potato, tomato, fish,meat,rice, and thenewsentences,what would youlike? I’d like some…Food is very important, we should learn to save food. Now, would you like to sing birthday song for my mum? Thank you,please:Happybirthdaytoyou,happybirthdaytoyou,happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. I like your voices, thank you.

Your homework time, please ask your parents: what would youlike? with us. Now, class is over, goodbye!

小学英语面试课题范文初中 第三篇

Task 1 Individual asking and answering

Now, I’ll ask some of you to read these words one by one. Who want to have a try? Lucy, can you read this word please?(carrot)Sorry,it’snotcarrot,butcarrot,readafterme, carrot, try it again, this time is better. Sit down, please. And Tom? One carrot, two? Carrots, perfect. And two potatoes! I’m so proud of you. Sit down, please. We can also say some carrots, some potatoes, some tomatoes. Next one, Mary, this line, we say some? Fish, meat, rice. Right? You learnt it very well.

Task 2 Right hand or left hand

In order to help you be familiar with and remember these words, let’s play a game ‘right hand or left hand’, now I’ll divide you into two groups, this way is group 1, and this way is group 2. Let’s see which group will do better. Now, listen carefully, you canaskme“Whatwouldyoulike,please?”ThenIsaytheanswer. For example, I’d like 3 carrots. The answer iis right, you put up your right hands. But I say I’d like some fishes, this is wrong, you put up your left hands. Understand? Yeah, let’s go! Group 1, please ask me “What would you like?” I’d like some tomatoes, yeah, right hand. 1 point for you. Continue, what would you like? I’d like some meats. Left hand. Very good. I should say some ’ say some rice. 3 points for you. Now, group2. What would you like? I like some fishes. Left or right? Yeah, left. Why, some fish. Good. Next. I’d like some potatos. Right? I say potatos. So this time no point. Continue, what would you like? I’d like some tomatoes. Right. Good. 2 points for you.

小学英语面试课题范文初中 第四篇

Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Yeah, I’m fine, too. Thank you.

Before our class, let’s do a guessing game. Are you happy? Yeah. Please listen to me carefully. It’s a place. There are many things in it. For examples, fruits, such as apple, pear, banana, or other food, and toys, and pen, ruler, and some other things. And we can also buy these things from this place. Where’s it? Yeah, you are very smart. It’s a shop or it’s a store. Today, it’s my mother’s birthday, so I want to make lunch for her to make her happy. Now, I want to go to the shop to buy some things. Would you like to come with me? Thank you! Let’s go!

小学英语面试课题范文初中 第五篇

Wow, this is a very big shop. So At the shop(写题目) the salesman says “Welcome to the shop!” Now, let’s go to buy some vegetables. (开始画)I want to buy it. What’s it? Yeah, how to say it in English. It’s a carrot. Read after me, yeah,/æ/, good. Next, what’sthis? In KFC, many of you likes eatingchips, so you know it’s a potato, read after me, potato. I can make potato chips with you like potato chips?Yeah,I also like eating it. And we usually eat potato chips with what? Please tell me. Yeah, it is a tomato. Read after me, tomato, tomato. Next, I want to . (开始画)fish,fish./ʃ/lookatme. And,thensomemeat.(开始画)meat, some rice. Now read after me again, carrot, carrot, potato, potato, tomato, tomato. But look at my basket, I buy 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, 2 tomatoes. We can count them, right? Good. Please look at here and remember it, we plus “s” at the end of carrot, and plus “es” at the end of “potato” and “tomato”. They are different..’t countfish, So clever. Now please listen carefully. You can ask me “What would you like, Sophia?” I can answer” I’d like some …, please.” (写黑板)



