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介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第一篇

Many people, especially young college students, like pop songs. They hum.

small tunes all the way to their schools and seem to be never tired of this. Some of them are even mad about pop songs, rock'n'roll in particular. They shout and shout until their voices become hoarse.

Others will submerge themselves in the romance of the love songs, with tears streaming down their cheeks. Despite such popularity of the pop songs, however, some people dismiss such kind of songs as crude and worthless. They hold that these songs are easy to sing and they are usually characterized with simple tunes which lack variety and depth. Based upon this, they say that pop songs should not have gained such popularity. Whereas many others stick to pop songs. Their lives seem to ha dull without songs.

In my point of view, pop songs should not be banned. True, their tunes are

simple and sometimes repetitious, but this is not to say that they are of no artistic value. Folk songs are also quite simple in tune but no one could dismiss them as trash songs. There is no denying that some pop songs are equally excellent. Why? Because they are widely sung and widely remembered. For example, _Yesterday_ is of high artistic value. No one can deny its beautifulness in tune. Of com-se, there are bad songs that will not last long, but pop song fans will give these songs their due by choosing to sing them or not.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二篇








介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三篇

_The sound of music_ is an impressive musical that transcends other types of films because of its interesting characters, first-class direction, and a truly inspired script. Julie Andrews (Oscar nominated) plays a young nun who leaves the convent to become a tutor in a large family. She and her children's father soon fell out of each other (Christopher Plummer, but they soon fell in love and got married.

When the Nazis invaded their homeland Austria, the evil forces lurked overhead, which was a bit like a real story. The sound of music is a rare musical because there is a sense of fear and drama in the final act of the film Make the film believable, and no musical number will affect the direction of the story or the movie. The story in the film is adapted from the real life stories of Maria and other members of the van Trapp family.

In the s and s, they became a popular singing group. They met and married in the invasion and annexation of Austria by Hitler's third empire. Facing the Nazi invasion, he was first published as an autobiography, and then adapted by Rogers and Hammerstein It became a succesul Broadway musical, and finally a feature film.

At first, Maria applied to be a nun, but her uncontrollable nature and love to sing suddenly in a flash made her mother Abbes decide that maybe she should try to be a tutor and learn more about herself. She was assigned to be in charge of seven von Trapp's children Son, her mother has died, her father is a retired naval officer, her mother has died, is now in a military training camp. Happy Maria soon changed everything, bringing music into the hearts of the house and the children, life and love, all under the umbrella of the coming Nazi occupation, which Captain von Trapp, played by Christopher Plummer pramer rabbis, openly objected.




介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第四篇





介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第五篇


地球原来是一个没有战争的星球。突然有一天,外星人往地球扔了一枚炸弹,就像扔下了一个烟头。炸弹炸毁了好几座城市,伤害了许多无辜的人,地球成了一个烂西瓜。这时三个主角出现了,他们时“哆咪、嗦咪、发发”,他们是三位音乐小孩,他们看到地球将被毁灭,便想用音乐和外星人交朋友,使外星人停止对地球的伤害。他们三人到了太空,拿出小提琴、吉他和鼓,演奏出了一首悦耳动听的歌,“13 53 44 13 53 44!”想用音乐引来外星人,没想到却引来了两只“宇宙蛋”。发发误以为时炸弹,降落在了“海拉星球”上,发发等人看到这个星球荒无人烟,便又演奏起了音乐。宇宙蛋跟着他们来到了海拉星球,随着音乐注进了宇宙蛋里,宇宙蛋破裂了。从里面钻出一个人,人长得非常漂亮,她说:“我叫哆咪嗦咪发发嘟嘟,是你们把音乐注进了我的体内,使我获得生命,谢谢!”接着,她指着另一个宇宙蛋说:“他是我弟弟,我要让他也出来。”当他们想再次演奏音乐的时候,被海拉王国的士兵抓住了,误以为他们是坏人,把他们押到国王面前,然后用qiāng攻击另一个宇宙蛋。只听一声惊天动地的声音,弟弟出生了,可是是一只大怪兽,它会破坏全宇宙所有的星球,因为国王的士兵把暴力和邪恶的信息输入了宇宙蛋,怪兽变得越来越强大。哆咪嗦咪发发嘟嘟为了挽救她的弟弟和王国,不顾一切地和哆咪、嗦咪、发发、国王一起去挽救她的弟弟。当三位音乐小孩演奏出美妙的音乐,一向不会唱歌的国王居然唱出了婉转动听的歌,使怪兽恢复了善良的本性,成为了宇宙巨人,而哆咪嗦咪发发嘟嘟却献身了,最后她成为了美丽的天使。


介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第六篇

My mother once told me when I was a baby ,I smiled and my eyes turned bright when I heard fair-sounding melody or some beautiful songs from the radio .It was weird, wasnt it? As I grew up a little older , we had TVs and tapes ,I learned a lot of songs popular at that time ,as we all know ,like childhood, Grandmas Penghu Bay and so on. I still remember very clearly ,when I was at middle school ,I frequently haunted the Video stores to buy my loved tapes ,the classical ,popular ,rock ,or my favorite singers.

Yes ,the music is such a magic creation we human beings made .You can put all your emotions into it as long as you can .You are happy ,a brisk music will make you happier ;Your are sad ,a blue music will comfort you a lot .Music can bring the young forward to the hopeful future ,bring the old back to the memorable past .An dynamic music can freshen you up as oxygen every morning .And when the darkness has fallen ,soft music can relax your totally tired body.

There are so much stuff I wanna tell you about music that I cant bear finishing my speech .No matter what time ,music is my favorite .As Albert Einstein said:Music really melt in my blood ,I believe music will melt in your blood ,and you will join us into the kingdom of music one day.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第七篇

If someone ask me,_Do you like music?_ I'm sure to answer him or her,_Of course,I do._ Diffrernt people have different ideas about me,I like rock music because it's so I also like pop classmate Li Lan loves dance music,because she enjoys best friend,Jane,likes jezz thinks jezz is really likes dance music and rock very he thinks they are Linda thinks rock is noisy snd boring. She likes some relaxing 's why she likes country music,I think. I like listening to the music,because the music make me happy!Always,I like the pop music,because it sounds lively and jie lun is my favourite singer,his sings are very fast think it can make us and ME is a classical music,and I like it very 's so beautiful and you likelistening to the music?I think you will enjoy it Music is everywhere plays an important role in our life.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第八篇

_The sound of music_ is an impressive musical that transcends other types of films because of its interesting characters, first-class direction, and a truly inspired script. Julie Andrews (Oscar nominated) plays a young nun who leaves the convent to become a tutor in a large family. She and her children's father soon fell out of each other (Christopher Plummer, but they soon fell in love and got married.

When the Nazis invaded their homeland Austria, the evil forces lurked overhead, which was a bit like a real story. The sound of music is a rare musical because there is a sense of fear and drama in the final act of the film Make the film believable, and no musical number will affect the direction of the story or the movie. The story in the film is adapted from the real life stories of Maria and van Trapp.

In the s and s, the family became a popular singing group. During the invasion or annexation of Austria by Hitler's third empire, the story of their meeting and marriage became a very popular singing group. They were first published in the form of autobiography, Then it was adapted into a successful Broadway musical by Rogers and Hammerstein, and finally turned into a feature film.

At first, Maria applied to be a nun, but her uncontrollable nature and love to sing suddenly in a moment made her mother Abbes decide that maybe she should try to be a tutor and learn more about herself first Arranged to be in charge of seven von Trapp's children, whose mother had died and whose father was a retired naval officer, whose mother had died and is now in a military training camp. Happy Maria soon changed everything, bringing music into the hearts of the house and the children, life and love under the umbrella of the coming Nazi occupation, openly opposed by Capt. von Trapp, played by Christopher Plummer, by Richard rogsoskal, the voice of music by Christopher Plummer Abbes ·The story of Hammerstein Emma von Trapp: (_the story of the Trapp family singer_ (the renttana Theatre).




介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第九篇

Almost everybody loves music, because music has its power. It can brings joy to people when they feel upset. As for me, when I am not happy, I will turn up the music in my bedroom, singing loudly and shaking my body. As I'm immersed in the music world, I will forget the annoyance and become active again. Music also brings me the happy memories. Some songs have special meaning for me. Whenever I hear them, the happy memories will appear in my mind. I feel life is such wonderful for me. Music is the most beautiful language in the world. It touches everybody's heart with beautiful rhythm.



介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十篇







介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十一篇

there will be a concert given by teachers and students of beijing institute of music. the programme includes male and female solos①, ensembles②, choruses③, piano and other instrumental④ performances. admission free.

time: 7:30 p. m., july 7

place: the school auditorium

the student union

july 6, 1992

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十二篇





介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十三篇

Music, a wonder that human beings created ever before,I think,is a favourite of most individuals. There are many types of music in the world, for example, pop music, soft music, disco. Pop music are welcome by most people for its easy accessibility, and soft music maybe can create a good atmosphere that men and women can date on, and disco, which is very fast in rhythm, can be used as the dance music.

I like the soft music in that I like a quiet having a cup of tea, reading a good book, the soft music can be the best choice to calm yourself down.

Music, which is a cure for all, can really relax oneself after an exhausting working day,and can also make you in a good mood whole day.







介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十四篇

My idol personal file name: Xu Song weight: kg body height: cm Constellation: Taurus blood type: type a learning calendar: Bachelor degree (health management major of Anhui Medical University) Xu Song Specialty: writing, music creation, Xu Song and his album photos music editor: Zhang piano, electronic synthesizer most satisfied Animation: Doraemon favorite music type: various types, including Xi Rap music is usually dressed and lyrical Leisure: free to like food: eat places not interested in: House: Kgcm:: A:::.


介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十五篇





介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十六篇

My favorite singer is Jay Chou (Jay Chou). It took him a few years to become famous, and Jay Chou wrote songs for other pop singers. He also learned to record and mix.

His first album was released in, and since then, he has released one album a year. Even though it's very difficult for my audience to give up his music, it's very difficult for my audience to give up his music. When I listen to his songs, I feel happy and energetic.

I introduced my best friend to Jess's songs, and he loved them.


我最喜欢的歌手是周杰伦(周杰伦)他花了几年时间成名,而周杰伦为其他流行歌手写歌,他也学会了录音和混音。他的第一张专辑于年发行,从那时起,他每年发行一张专辑。他的专辑在许多国家都很成功,他的歌很受各年龄段听众的欢迎我非常喜欢他的音乐这是流行音乐,但它混合了其他类型的音乐,如R&B,rap,和rock他的很多歌都是关于我们生活的世界我最喜欢的一首歌是Dao Xiang,这鼓励人们即使在生活困难的时候也不要放弃。


介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十七篇

1. Many people, especially young college students, like pop songs.

2. Various opinions about the influence of pop songs on young people.

3. My attitude to pop songs.

Many people, especially young college students, like pop songs. They hum small tunes all the way to their schools and seem to be never tired of this. Some of them are even mad about pop songs, rock'n'roll in particular. They shout and shout until their voices become hoarse.

Others will submerge themselves in the romance of the love songs, with tears streaming down their cheeks. Despite such popularity of the pop songs, however, some people dismiss such kind of songs as crude and worthless. They hold that these songs are easy to sing and they are usually characterized with simple tunes which lack variety and depth. Based upon this, they say that pop songs should not have gained such popularity. Whereas many others stick to pop songs. Their lives seem to ha dull without songs.

In my point of view, pop songs should not be banned. True, their tunes are simple and sometimes repetitious, but this is not to say that they are of no artistic value. Folk songs are also quite simple in tune but no one could dismiss them as trash songs. There is no denying that some pop songs are equally excellent. Why? Because they are widely sung and widely remembered. For example, _Yesterday_ is of high artistic value. No one can deny its beautifulness in tune. Of com-se, there are bad songs.

that will not last long, but pop song fans will give these songs their due by choosing to sing them or not.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十八篇

I love music. Everyone has a hobby. I like music best.

I think it's the most wonderful thing in the world. When I was a little girl, I liked to listen to my mother sing beautiful songs. I can understand that these songs are about music.

I've been my good friend for many years. Sometimes I enjoy sweet music so carefully that I forget everything else. When I grow up, I don't I want to be a singer, but I think music can really make my life colorful.



介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第十九篇

Pop music, often called simply pop, is contemporary music and a common type of popular music (distinguished from classical or art music and from folk music). The term does not refer specifically to a single genre or sound, and its meaning is different depending on the time and place.

Within popular music, _pop music_ is often distinguished from other subgenres by stylistic traits such as a danceable rhythm or beat, simple melodies and a repeating structure. Pop song lyrics are often emotional, relating to love or dancing.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十篇

Since the new neighbors move next to my house, every morning, I can hearsomeone singing, and the voice is so nice. So I decide to say hello. Then I seea girl who is almost my age standing in the garden, and she is practicing hervoice everyday. She is very happy to see me and say hello to me. Since then, webecome good friends.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十一篇

I like pop music very much, and I also like music that can dance, because when I'm not happy, it can cheer me up and make me relax. However, I don't like too loud music, it always makes me feel uneasy, I like quiet and soft music, I like singers who write their own songs, I like music, because it can make me forget the unhappy things.



介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十二篇





介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十三篇









介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十四篇

It is true that a rich variety of musical styles can be found around the world. Music is a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional music is more important than modern, international music.

Music is something that acpanies all of us throughout our lives. As children, we are taught songs by our parents and teachers as a means of learning language, or simply as a form of enjoyment. Children delight in singing with others, and it would appear that the act of singing in a group creates a connection between participants, regardless of their age. Later in life, people’s musical preferences develop, and we e to see our favourite songs as part of our life stories. Music both expresses and arouses emotions in a way that words alone cannot. In short, it is difficult to imagine life without it.

In my opinion, traditional music should be valued over the international music that has bee so popular. International pop music is often catchy and fun, but it is essentially a mercial product that is marketed and sold by business people. Traditional music, by contrast, expresses the culture, customs and history of a country. Traditional styles, such as ...(example)..., connect us to the past and form part of our cultural identity. It would be a real pity if pop music became so predominant that these national styles disappeared.

In conclusion, music is a necessary part of human existence, and I believe that traditional music should be given more importance than international music.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十五篇

Music in my life

Music is an important part in my life,I even can't live without music.

Actually,I like many kinds of music,I'd like to talk about my favorite music like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it's mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!

I'm not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and can't hear them can't stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!

In a word,music has an very important place in my for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can't live without anyone want to take it away from me,I'm gonna fight him and never give up!

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十六篇





介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十七篇

Today is a very happy day. I have just watched a rockˊnˊroll music. When it became popular in the late 1950s, accompanied by accompanied by a great variety of energetic dance styles.

The idea was to “ move to the music ” Anyway you felt like moving. Popular dance has become more and more free since that time.

The music emphasized harmony and repeated melodies; the dancing , like the music, was smooth.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十八篇






介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第二十九篇

Pop music is held in contempt by many people. In these people’s eyes pop music is always in sharp contrast to “lofty music”. The latter refers to symphonies and operas of the European countries. They show great concern for the fact that many people prefer pop music to symhonies, because for them, pop music should be excluded from the holy palace of music.

Conversely, many people have an order for pop music. They argue that people who want us to listen to symhonies are advocating a kind of “elite culture”. This notion is unacceptable to pop music fans, for they don’t believe that symphonies are loftier than pop music. The difference only lies in the interests of different people. It is unfair to speak of pop music with contempt while speaking of symphonies with awe.

In conclusion, my idea is that just as there is no distinction between high culture and low culture, so it is inappropriate to say pop music belongs to the “lower” people whereas symphonies in a higher, loftier form of music. After all, there are many badly-composed symphonies. And we can’t expect every piece of pop music to be excellent. Pop music reflects the thoughts and interests of a certain age group of a generation. It is the product of a certain age, but it also has something universal, something that belongs to all human beings, that underlies its great success among people. In this sense it is rather foolish for some people of media to show great concern simply because many people prefer pop music. Anyway pop music has become an indispensable part of the human family.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十篇






介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十一篇

Early rock music came from a wide range of sources, including blues, R & B, country music, music, traditional gospel, and pop, jazz, and folk music. All these influences together form a simple structure based on blues, which is fast, suitable for dancing, and easy to remember & but rock veteran Bruce Springs, Dawei In terms of the definition of rock and roll, although they have different interpretations, we can understand their importance to other rock stars through their words, including Richard Jr., Mick Jess and Bono of U2. They talk about songs that change their lives and record the first style of rock stars in their heyday: madihua LAFA, chuck berry and Tina, completely in cotton field Another scene that included Michael Jackson Bauer daywood's Billie Jane singing live U.



介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十二篇









介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十三篇



一开始,曲调便充满了辛酸的味道,随着曲调的变化,我仿佛想起了一位远在海外的同胞踏上了回家的行程,回家的路,此刻像变得那么遥远而漫长,婉转而艰辛,那位天涯浪子思索得很远很远------想起故乡的树木 流水 草地,一切是那么亲切而可爱,又想起故乡的温暖,都是那么美丽而值得期盼------


播放后,随着几声定音鼓,曲子一下子便到了高潮,这象征着人生的命运,时而起浮不*,时而*淡如水,好似一位满脸写 着风雨的老者*静地述说着人生的路是那么曲折而坎坷,富裕固然快乐,*静的生活也不乏安详和美丽,生活处处充满了挑战,随着琴键的按响,你的心弦也会被紧紧的拉住,起伏不*。琴声嘎然停止,你也会意犹未尽,思考,这充满变化,不幸,莫测的人生!


音乐奏响,曲子是那样的神秘,仿佛月亮披着一层轻纱,透着朦胧的月光,好似美丽的银辉撒在大地上,星光点点陪伴在月亮的身边,发出的光芒是那么的安静,唯美,照亮了巴黎这个浪漫的城市,仔细地品味每一个音符,你已经沉浸在美妙的曲调中了,不知不觉,手上充满了感动的泪水,不难发现,你已经爱上了音乐,要是在夜深人静的时候,在河边独自一人欣赏美丽的月光,再听一首《月光奏鸣曲 》,那是多么的惬意呀!


介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十四篇

My favorite song I like listening to all kinds of music. Music makes me happy. When I'm sad, I listen to music.

It makes me relax. My favorite song is never say never. The lyrics are so inspiring.

This song tells people never to give up. No matter what happens, this song inspires me to move on and overcome all kinds of difficulties my favorite song my favorite song is a popular song. Its name is healing the world.

Michael Jackson sang this song at the same time. This song is composed by Michael. This song is about our increasingly bad environment and people who are against protecting the earth.

For example, from this song, we can cure the world and make it better. It is very good for you, for me and for mankind as a whole I like the lyrics. I like this song very much because of its melody and content.

Through this song, we can understand what our earth and what we should do in the future my favorite song my favorite song is Jay Chou's hair like snow. I haven't known him for a long time. I think he has artistic talent in music creation, such as hair like snow.

This song sounds very quiet, and every note tells us a silent accident. In their story, I feel very happy, I feel refreshing, especially I can't Resist Jay Chou's temptation to his own music ‰ now, Jay Chou's new album is about to be released, I hope I can hear more and more good songs in this new album I like every country music song. Misic is one of the most popular songs in the world today, because it is about simple and strong human emotions and events, sadness, good times and bad times.

It tells stories and sounds in real life. Just like the difficulties people encounter in life, it's good to hear music about ordinary people. My favorite song, country music, is sometimes called country west Music, from two kinds of music, one is the traditional music of the United States, the other is the traditional Cobo music from the West.

Singers usually play the guitar, and began to use electronic guitar in the last century. Today, one day about the tone of country music broadcast by radio stations, British stars sing this music started by cowboys and poor southerners in their own language It's all over the world, so I like it very much.


我最喜欢的歌我喜欢听各种各样的音乐,音乐让我快乐,当我难过的时候,我会听音乐,它让我放松。我最喜欢的歌是永不说永不,歌词是如此鼓舞人心,这首歌告诉人们永不放弃,不管发生什么,这首歌激励我继续前进,克服各种困难 我最喜欢的歌我最喜欢的歌是一首流行歌曲,它的名字是治愈世界,迈克尔杰克逊同时唱了这首歌,这首歌是由迈克尔创作的这首歌是关于我们越来越恶劣的环境和反对保护地球的人们例如从这首歌中,治愈世界,使它变得更美好,对你,对我和整个人类我都很喜欢这首歌词我很喜欢这首歌,因为它的旋律和内容通过这首歌,我们可以体会到什么我们的地球和我们未来该怎么做 我最喜欢的歌我最喜欢的歌是周杰伦的《头发像雪》很久没认识了,我觉得他在音乐创作方面很有艺术天赋,比如《头发像雪》;这首歌听起来很安静,每一个音符都在告诉我们一个无声的故事,在他们的故事里,我感到很开心,我感到耳目一新,特别是我无法抗拒周杰伦对自己的音乐‰现在,周杰伦的新专辑即将推出,我希望在这张新专辑中我能越来越多地听到好歌我喜欢每一首乡村音乐歌曲。米西克是当今世界上最受欢迎的歌曲之一,因为它是关于简单而强烈的人类情感和事件,悲伤,好时光和坏时光它讲述了现实生活中的故事和声音,就像人们在生活中遇到的困难一样,听到关于普通人的音乐是很好的,我最喜欢的歌曲乡村音乐,有时被称为乡村西部音乐,来自两种音乐,一种是本土的传统音乐,另一种是来自西方的传统科博音乐,歌手通常演奏吉它,上世纪年始使用电子吉它,今天关于广播电台广播乡村音乐色调的一天,英国明星用他们自己的语言演唱这首由牛仔和贫穷的南方人开始的音乐现在风靡全世界,所以我非常喜欢它。

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十五篇







介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十六篇

Early rock music came from a wide range of sources, including blues, R & B, country music, music, traditional gospel, and pop, jazz, and folk music. All these influences together form a structure based on blues, which is fast, suitable for dancing, and easy to remember & but rock veteran Bruce Springs, Dawei In terms of the definition of rock and roll, although they have different interpretations, we can understand their importance to other rock stars through their words, including Richard Jr., Mick Jess and Bono of U2. They talk about songs that change their lives and record the first style of rock stars in their heyday: madihua LAFA, chuck berry and Tina, completely in cotton field Another scene that included Michael Jackson Bauer daywood's Billie Jane singing live U.



介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十七篇

There are two important kinds of music in the world --one is written down and the other is not. Many people earn their living by writing music. They write songs for popstars and music for films and TV plays. They usually write exact instructions how the music is to be played.Folk music has been passed down from one goneration to another. At first it was never written down. Pe ple learnt the songs from their families, relatives, neighbours and friends in the same village. These songs were about country life, the seasons, animals and plants, and about love and sadness in people's lives.Early performers of music were popular and used to learn hundreds of songs by heart. On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of heroes who lived long ago. This was at a time when there was no radio, TV or cinema. Many of the country people could neither read nor write. In this way stories were passed on from one person to another. This continues in some countries even today. In some parts of the world nowadays, you often see musicians performing in the streets to passers-by. They put a cap on the ground in front of them, so that people who like the music can drop coins into it.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十八篇

I like listening to the music,because it makes me relaxed. Last summer holiday, my father brought me a MP3 as the birthday usually put it in my schoolbag. On the way to school or go home, I usually listen to music. Pop music is my favorite. Jay and Stephy are my favorite singers. I like their songs. The rhyme and lyrics are wonderful.

介绍音乐英语初中作文范文 第三十九篇








