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留学文书成功范文大全 第一篇

Dear __,

I believe teachers are given the opportunity to set the foundations of aprosperous future, not only for individual children but for our society as awhole. Although this is a huge responsibility, I also believe that through theeducation of children, we are able to deliver children the opportunity to find afuture which they enjoy, and this is a responsibility which is very much worthworking towards. Overcoming the hardships involved in working with young peoplein such a transitional and dynamic time of their lives will be a challenge, butI believe the reward of seeing children flourish is more than worth the effortand dedication required.

I have chosen this course in particular as it is a vital step in my pathtowards teaching, and one which can equip me not only with the skills requiredto teach, but with the skills required to engage pupils in subjects which theyrequire to form the basis of their education [this will be extended once I workout if I am doing a subject joint with education/which subject]. I am extremelyinterested in the sociological aspect of this course, as it is fundamental, inmy opinion, that we understand the social issues surrounding childhood, . thecreation of childhood as a concept or racism in education, if we are to moreadequately raise children in a society based in equality.

I spend most Sundays caring for my younger cousins (from infancy to the ageof 11) which has created a passion for helping the young. Likewise, I spendaround four to five hours each week voluntarily helping young people on thewebsite ‘7 Cups’, which involves helping them through issues such as bullying,stress, and family issues. I have dedicated time to reading research ofeducation, with the book ‘Racism and Education’ in particular standing out as ahugely important collection of essays.

My A2 and AS level choices have equipped me with skills which will benefitmy further education and work with young people. English Literature has been apassion of mine since year 7, and means that I have learnt key skills such asanalytical techniques and different social perspectives, as well as empathywhich is required in understanding the perspective of authors, which isessential for caring for young people. Similarly, History has given me anunderstanding of the modern education system and principles on which it isbased, for example, universality. Psychology has involved a unit on childcare attachments in young children and the effects this canhave in later life, and so I am more aware of the importance of high qualitycare and what that involves . a high level of involvement in the work of eachindividual child, though of course this is difficult in the context of aclassroom of children. Finally, and possibly most importantly, Sociology hasgiven me a grasp of the social context in which we teach, . the effect class,race, and gender have on children, and how teachers are responsible to educatethemselves in regards to their own inherent cultural biases, meaning that we cancombat the effects which these biases have on young people and our widersociety.

[im currently searching for work experience and so I have not completedthis section]

Going forwards, I hope to strive towards a career in primary teaching,wherein I will have the capabilities, upon completion of this course, to helpenable children to reach their potential, both in terms of their educationalsuccess and their personal well-being.

Yours sincerely,

留学文书成功范文大全 第二篇

Dear sir / madam:

I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 2006. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.

My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.

I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.

留学文书成功范文大全 第三篇

Dear _,

“Life is Like a Box of Chocolates. You Never Know What You are Going to Get”. Such words come from a famous movie “Forrest Gump”. I don’t know what kind of chocolate life will give me, but I believe I can achieve my target if I work hard with my unwavering belief and persevering efforts like Forrest Gump. As a student of Mechanical Engineering, I have just finished my undergraduate study since July. Next what I have to face is to choose the new chocolate which I have yearned for all long. With four-year study of . in China, I would like to scale higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies in __ University, as I believe its rich learning environment and free academic atmosphere will open my eyes to new realities and influence me to confront the situation back home.

My strong interest in research was born during the undergraduate years at _University. Upon entering the university in 2000, I began to embark on my journey of industrious study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. My exceptionally solid foundation in mathematics and physics provided me with a stepping stone with which I proceeded onto the exploration of other sophisticated and erudite subjects. My performance in all the specialty-related coursework not only enabled me to secure good GPA ranking me about top 17 in my grade among 169 students but also furnished me with a powerful instrument whereby to materialize my dreams in the research. I constantly congratulated my luck to obtain a lot of scholarships and awards, due to my academic achievement, from the university, especially the scholarship of “_University – American United Technological Corporation”, awarded only for the best students who are both good at academic and social capacity. Not contented with doing a good job in mere coursework, I endeavored to keep abreast with the latest theories and technologies by reading extensively technical literature in recent journals and attending the lecture some famous professors made. During my undergraduate career, I have grasped every chance to do some researching work. I used to participate in at least six projects including the intern work in the factory, mechanical designs and graduate design.

Especially during the period from September to November of 2003, I read many books and journals in the field of mechanical engineering such as “Handbook of Practical Gear Design” (Written by __). In these books, I did intensive reading on the theory of the speed reducer. I investigated and discussed with my teacher on how to apply the theory into the practice. Then according to my teacher’s advice, I tried to organize a team consisting of five members to make a harmonic gear reducer. As a team leader, I should not only take charge of the whole arrangement of project but also make every member of the team cooperate with each other harmoniously. Before starting the program, I, together with my team, made a detailed plan covering the schedule, materials, and equipment. The first step of our work is the design of the reducer. The design plan is as follows: (1) Set down the blue print. (2) Complete 3-D solid model with Pro/E software. (3) Finite-element analysis with ANSYS software. (4) Assembling simulation by using Pro/E. (5) Complete the 2-D draft of part and assembly. After two-week design work, we stepped to the next work, manufacture of the product. With the aid of the technique of computer, we plan the manufacturing process of every part. And then, all parts were made with various machine tools such as CNC lathe, wire electrical discharge machine, vertical machining center, and so on. Finally, we had toassembly all parts to the harmonic gear reducer, and test-drove it for many times. With five-week unremitting efforts, we succeeded in the project of harmonic gear reducer and obtained the highest praise. This special experience makes it very helpful for my further study. Firstly, I find the connection between theory and practice. Textbooks could hardly cover everything, therefore, if we want to learn more, we should pursue every opportunity to have practices. Meanwhile, I experienced the importance and mightiness of cooperation. In the project, we divided ourselves into several parts, not only doing one’s own work well, but also cooperating with each other harmoniously.

Another case worthy mentioning is my design project for graduation, “Manufacturing and Performance of Electroplated CBN Tools”. The main objective of this project is the manufacturing of the electroplated CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) wheels and the research of its performance when grinding the heat-resisted steel. I had completed three steps of task. Firstly, I took charge of the manufacturing of electroplated CBN wheels, covering the following work: selecting electroplating solution, computing various electroplating parameters such as electrical current and temperature, adhering CBN to the tool base by electroplating a nickel layer. After these basic preparations, I had to do the second part of the research work to compare grinding abilities of electroplated CBN wheels with those of other wheels such as SiC wheels, Al2O3 wheels etc. This part of the work needs the researcher’s highly particularity and staidness. I did the detailed work as follows: (1) Grind heat-resisted steel with various wheels in the same grinding conditions. (2) Record data and compute the grinding ratio of various wheels. (3) Measure the surface roughness of the heat-resisted steel ground by various wheels. (4) Observe dulling and pullout of abrasive grains of various wheels by using optical microscope. In this part, we can conclude that electroplated wheels have far better grinding abilities than other wheels, by comparing parameters, such as grinding ratio, surface roughness etc. The final assignment of the project is to find out the most suitable parameters of grinding heat-resisted steel with electroplated CBN wheels, through comparing the grinding ratio and surface roughness of heat-resisted steel ground in different grinding parameters. By investigating the attributes of electroplated CBN wheels and concluding their practical grinding parameters, this project is very important in promoting the application of them.

China’s unique advantage of labor force predicts the resplendent future of its Mechanical Engineering, especially the manufacture, and it is our belief that this day will come soon. On the other hand, there are so many experienced technicians in China, however, with the absence of advanced experts many advanced producing method cannot be used in practical yield. When I worked as intern in some factories, I found that most of them were still using facilities which were used in America about thirty years ago. Therefore I want to use the advanced knowledge earned in United States, combined with my acquaintance with China, to improve the present situation and apply best the advanced scientific technology to practical social wealth as soon as possible. I hope to become a successful researcher in Mechanical Engineering, the arduous but exhilarative field. The significant progress achieved in , with the extraordinary cultural and intellectual sources in your university, has attracted me greatly. Based on the study and the research experience in _ University, I am sure that I am qualified and would be an outstanding . student. With the advanced courses, balanced program and distinguished faculty of your department, I would get a solid background for my future academic career.

Yours sincerely,


留学文书成功范文大全 第四篇




















留学文书成功范文大全 第五篇

Dear sir / madam:

Hello, my name is__, __ University teacher. I am also very pleased to recommend to you my students __, and believe that it can be a good completion of your masters courses in your school.

Ever since he entered the University, he has often shown maturity and stability. Since most of the students in the class are from other provinces and cities, the experience of leaving home for the first time makes it necessary for them to take a long time to adapt to the new environment. But I have noticed that, by contrast,__ adjusted quickly and actively involved in the new environment.

There is a big difference between the curriculum of the University and the middle school, and the emphasis is on the ability of self-study. Therefore, in freshman, sophomore, a lot of students have shown varying degrees of adaptation, do not know how to learn the University curriculum. However, __ students have a strong ability to adapt, quickly find out the key business management courses, in a very short time to master the learning methods, and other teachers said he is very strong ability to accept new knowledge, new knowledge that hell be able to digest, can be understood.

It can be said that some of the students in the class is holding a very good college entrance examination scores into our school, and__ by virtue of his strong self-learning ability and good learning methods. This, in each semester final exam has been well reflected, especially excellent achievements in professional English in the final exam, the class is a smooth through the 46 English exam students. His passion and determination to learn English is to move me most.

In addition to the study of students in the school __ football players, actively participate in the activities of the school organization, strong organization and leadership. He often comes to my office or give me a call, he met together to discuss the problems in study and life, hope to get better grades in the. __said the students is a good student.

I hope your school can give him a chance, let him in your school rigorous study style and good learning environment to continue to develop his expertise, further improve professional knowledge, broaden their horizons. Look at your school to consider its application.

留学文书成功范文大全 第六篇

Dear _,

It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age, many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, I will consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavors can be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I can realize the value of my life.

My undergraduate study focused on economics and I achieved remarkable scholastic performance in this field. My GPA is (my GRE score is 2020 and TOEFL---- ). For four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, I received scholarships for my distinguished academic performance. Due to my equally prominent performance in extracurricular activities I was conferred on the Outstanding Student in Campus Activities. However, honestly speaking, my real interest lies not in economics, but in education. Ever since I was a primary school student, I had cherished a strong desire for a teaching career exemplified by my teachers. In the actual teaching career that I embarked on upon my graduating from university, I have become increasingly aware that the existing educational conditions in China are far from satisfactory. The backward teaching methodology and the prevailing pedagogical ideology have rendered Chinese education out of place with the modern international development in education. On the macro level, the current education theory and practice in China lag significantly behind advanced countries in the West. For instance, though education via the internet has achieved considerable development in past two years, in practical operation such education has more often than not deteriorated into an extended form of the conventional examination-oriented education instead of a really interactive process. In my personal experience, despite the fact that some of the problems that I have encountered in my teaching career can be solved by consulting relevant technical literature, I have found that the more serious flaws inherent in China's current educational system cannot be worked out easily. Under such circumstances, an advanced program in education becomes necessary.

In this age of information, traditional education, both in its ideology and methodology, has met unprecedented challenge like many other aspects of human existence. Meanwhile, the pursuit for higher levels of educational development and of the quality of life has largely transformed the educational value orientation of the general public. The educational model that is centered around the cognitive and intellectual instruction has been seriously questioned. Greater attention has been devoted to the cultivation of well-developed personality and to the ontological status of the individual in education. Such issues as the internal studies of education science, scientific decision-making in education, and meta-education have also been increasingly emphasized upon. There have also been innovations in educational research methodology. The tendency has been to combine modern technology with humanistic research categories and with naturalistic research categories, and to organically integrate qualitative descriptions with quantitative descriptions. It is also important to carry out educational experimentations in which educational predictions are complemented by educational feedbacks. Both the complexity of education and the complexity of human individuals have made the comprehensive application of diverse educational approaches necessary. Those new horizons are what fascinate me.

In view of the following qualifications that I have acquired, I believe that I will acquit myself satisfactorily in the prospective . program in education that I am currently endeavoring to apply for. First and foremost, as is often claimed, one's interest is one's best director. I believe that I will do well what I am really interested in doing. Secondly, though I majored in economics as an undergraduate, my trainings during that stage helped develop effective modes of thinking and research approaches. In addition, I conscientiously self-studied many works related to education, including A Developmental History of Educational Science in the West, which enabled me to construct a solid groundwork for more advanced studies in this field. Next, it can be safely asserted that education and economics are not entirely separated. For example, it is necessary to apply many statistical methods in educational psychology and my academic record indicates that statistics is the subject that I am most good at. Last but not the least, my current teaching career and my teaching experience will play a positive role in facilitating my target degree program.

The reason why I apply for the University of -- is that it is the first state university with a time-honored history. The School of Education in this university is quite prominent among its counterparts in the field. I am particularly attracted by the School's powerful pedagogical resource, vibrant intellectual atmosphere and a comprehensive curriculum. I plan to apply for a degree program in Instructional Technology or Educational Psychology, both of which enjoy unparalleled academic reputation in the world. My application for Instructional Technology is motivated by my strong interest in the application of modern science and technology, especially the information technology represented by the Internet, in the field of education and in the nature of a series of revolutionary changes resulting thereof. Instructional Technology is a new discipline that has emerged as a result of the rapid development of modern communication technology since the late 20th century. It has tremendous potential for development and commercial application. As for my motive in selecting Educational Psychology as another possible area of specialization in my degree program, it is my long-cherished interest that primarily counts. On the other hand, all the accomplished educators since the 1960's have been well-versed in psychology. Almost every important new educational theory is derived psychological findings in one way or another so that educational psychology has subsequently developed into a fundamental subject for the science of education. The tendency in the 21st century is to emphasize on the micro research of educational activities and against this backdrop educational psychology will be attached greater importance. In Instructional Technology, I would like to focus on the following studies: how to improve educational efficiency by applying research results from natural sciences and engineering technology; how to explore the combination and coordination of pedagogical contents and to improve teaching methodology by exploiting the theoretical findings from psychology and educational science concerning the process of teaching and learning. In Educational Psychology, I will concentrate on applied cognition and development, gifted and creative education, genetics and children development, personality structure and individual differences and other related subjects.

For me, to shift from economics to education and to pursue an advanced degree in the United States is not so much a challenge as an opportunity. At present, major reforms are being introduced into virtually every important aspect of Chinese society. The field of education especially calls for comprehensive reforms. The United States occupies an absolutely leading position in the present-day world in education. It is my conviction that, in the United States, advanced educational theories, technologies and information will facilitate me immensely in the achievement of remarkable academic progress, fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field of education. This will not only bring my patriotic fervor into reality but also make my life more meaningful and rewarding.

Yours sincerely,


留学文书成功范文大全 第七篇





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留学文书成功范文大全 第八篇


I'm Yang, a master candidate from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. Tang. And I ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time. I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on MAX phases and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in _ in the world. I find your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. My CV and published papers have been attached.

My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers in the journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition, papers were submitted. And now I'm doing _. I am not applying a full time PhD programme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-education experiences more like a visit scholar programme. This programme is a new type of co-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council. The study period abroad varies from 12 months at least to 24 months at most. I have to accomplish my doctor degree back to my school (Harbin Institute of Technology), so I'm not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at Drexel University.

And this programme runs like this, students meet the application requirements can apply this programme, and my University and research area is among the main supporting Universities and areas. Students must acquire an official invitation letter from the prospective tutor/University. Therefore, all I need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The date of enrollment I'm considering is September/October 2010. In order to make sure I can catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all the application stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January, 2010. And because it will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter from USA to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to make sure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if you can't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose research areas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon as possible!

Yours sincerely,


留学文书成功范文大全 第九篇




正如剑桥大学山姆博士(Sam Lucy)提到的:“我们学校并不特别看重学生的工作经验,我们更加关注的是与你所学学科相关的任何知识及经历。我们看重的是学生的个人能力及潜力。因此,如果学生能向我们展示他具有某一方面的专长及特别优势,我们是非常欢迎的。”







留学文书成功范文大全 第十篇

Dear x,

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live Gandhiji.

This quote by Gandhiji reflects the way my life is lived and thepersonality developed by living this lifestyle.

My name is Daniel Sykes and I have been told on numerous occasions that Iam an intelligent person and have an ambitious personality. My ambition in lifeis to become a respected athlete of this country playing Rugby League and tobecome a Biochemical Engineer. My ambitions in life have developed throughout myentire life hence making Sport and academia the two greatest the greatest of importance in my life. Personally I am willing toparticipate in any activity that will broaden any chance of making my ambitionsbecome a reality. Therefore I understand the importance and difficulty of makingmy ambitions come true.

Some of my best traits of my personality are honesty, loyalty, Sincerity,trustworthiness and completing any task given to me to the greatest of myability.

I have been told by many people of great importance personally that I amconscientious, hardworking and always willing to do any task that is myresponsibility. I can work under any environment stressful or peaceful and I amdetermined to work to the best of my potential all the time.

Due to many experiences I have endured, it has given me the opportunity tohave gained the ability to cope with the pressure of any situation.

Many hobbies and interests in my life make me who I am and determine theway my life is lived. Physical activity and Intellectual activities are my mostdistinguished interests. I enjoy Maths, science and I am willing to broaden myacademic horizon by learning many different types of subjects.

Academically I am achieving above average, in every subject from math toPD/H/PE. During my entire schooling career I have been in the Gifted andTalented Student Program (GATS). I am a person whom of which enjoys learning andfurthering my knowledge in every aspect.

I do not only achieve highly in academic regions of life but I also achievehighly in sporting aspects. I have been playing rugby league for many years andI thoroughly enjoy this sport and my love for sport prolongs more and more theolder I get. Since I have been playing this sport I have gained verysophisticated disciplinary skills and I have found the ability to transfer theseskills into everyday life and everyday situations. I have been the appointedcaptain of many different teams and I am told by mentors that my leadershipskills are very mature and disciplined.

With acknowledgement of skills that I possess I have gained the ability topride myself on being an enthusiastic team member, responsible, Organised, ableto take initiative, disciplined and my leadership skills.

With all the experiences I have completed I have gained the ability of timemanagement and this is beneficial in completing my short term and long termambitions. I developed my time management skills by participating in sport,school and work.

My ambitions are a major part of my life and they sculpt the way my life islived. I persist in making the best of my life and taking any opportunities toexpand my chances of achieving my ambitions that I have set for myself.

Yours sincerely,

留学文书成功范文大全 第十一篇



















留学文书成功范文大全 第十二篇














