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China is a time-honored country consisting of many ethnic groups. Various ethnical civilizations have assimilated and intermingled with each other and brought forth the splendid Chinese culture together. Due to different ecological environments, modes of production and life and folk customs, minority groups have created their fantastic culture with different genres during their long-term development. Arts and crafts of ethnic minorities created by the craft masters embody their long history and brilliant culture. These works were made from a multitude of materials by using a variety of techniques and served pragmatic use, fully embodying the unique charm of their culture. The great varieties of colorful works produced with brilliant skills by ethnic minorities contribute an exotic and appealing flavor to the whole of Chinese art.



网购(online shopping)是电子商务的一种形式。顾客轻点鼠标,足不出户就可以通过网络购买商品或服务。物美价廉的商品令越来越多的人迷上了网购。网购随时随地都可进行,极为便利,非常迎合年轻一代的口味。据预测,中国网购人数将以更快的速度持续增长。但网购的迅猛增长也给快递业(the express service)提出了很多挑战。为了按时送达大量的网购商品,很多快递员(courier)不得不夜以继日地工作。

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to purchase goods or services over the Internet by clicking a mouse without stepping out of their home. With high quality and lower price, online goods attract an increasing number of customers. Meanwhile, online shopping can be conducted anywhere at any time, so it's very convenient and quite fits the young generation's taste. It is predicted that in the future the number of online shoppers will keep growing in China at a faster rate. But the rapid growth of online shopping presents a lot of challenges for the express service. To deliver the massive number of items ordered online to the customers on time, many couriers have to work day and night.





The growth of the hardware industry in China is a worldwide success story recognized throughout world. With annual growth in PC sales of 40% over the past five years,China is a bright star of the Asian region and even around the world.While the software industry in China has also grown over the past five years,it has not seen the level of grawth one would expect when given the number of PCs in use.Software revenue per PC,one measure of the health of the software industry in a market,is particularly low in China compared to other countries in the region.





As the informationtechnology begins to play a essential role, more and more companies chose this kindof commercial model which has become a trend nowadays. The e-commerce has a lotof advantages on reducing the cost, and one is that the advertisement is more cheaper and easier on the internet, what is more, the information can be exchangedquickly, and staff can deal with their works in an efficient way. Although it is a challenge for physical shops to retain customers in the face ofe-commerce, industry experts said interaction and integration between onlineand offline vendors are vital to sustain consumption.




Energy is an essential material basis for human survival and development. Every significant step in the progress of human civilization has been accompanied by energy innovation and substitution. The exploitation and utilization of energy has enormously boosted the development of the world economy and human society. China is now the world's second-largest energy producer and consumer. The sustained growth of energy supply has provided an important support for the country's economic growth and social progress. Being an irreplaceable part of the world energy market, China plays an increasingly important role in maintaining global energy security.


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