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The Melting Snow

Cen Sang

Unwilling to be driven from the streets, the heavy snow piles sit here and there in the bumpy places, looking stubborn and rough. It is piled so deep and gives off a chilling air that makes people tremble.

Don’t you believe that the cold winter has ended and spring has come?

At that time, as the biting north wind blew, nature appeared to be frozen solid. Buried under the hard crust of snow, the world gasped in exhaustion. The world has dumb and the pleasure of the rich forests had faded. Hope had curled up and hidden away in the depths of the frozen earth to pass its winter in hibernation. The pleasure of life had withered and the songs had died down too, leaving only the sighs, howling wind the cry of jackdaws. Men became heart-broken and their senses dulled. The hope of green life gradually withered away with the dry twigs and brittle leaves. The only fresh colour in the world were the blood stains on the snow-covered field.

It was simply like that the ice age had returned!

During the long nights, people were used to a hopeless and miserable life. When the warmth of spring finally arrived and snow melted, some people were too numb to believe in the passing of time.

Is it because of winter that you do not believe in spring?

In piles here and there, the snow was stubborn to melt away. And in the corners where the sun spent little or no time, the snow remained thick and threatening.

So, why don’t you believe that the cold winter has passed and spring has arrived?

Then it was a time of a hundred leagues locked in ice and ten thousand leagues of whirling snow. The world was in fact still frozen and silenced by the force of the ice and snow. Man was forced to wait in pain. The eagerness for the coming of spring made them anxious to the point of tearing their chests open.

Oh, when would the colourful butterflies be whirling about again? When would the orioles be flying around? When would the flowers blossom, the trees turn green, the bee hives overflow wither sweet honey, and the human heart be full of the ties of friendship?...

Beautiful expectations are dancing in our hearts, for life has been so desolate for so long and nobody can bear it any longer. We sincerely hope that the snow melt overnight, and the flowers and leaves flourish. But the warmth of spring is not yet enough to melt the hard, thick ice. No wonder that even after the swallows are darting about, there are still some people who are not yet convinced that the world is changing. And there are those men who are only satisfied in their eagerness to understand this feeling through touch.

Is it just because of this that you don’t believe spring is before your eyes?

The sun’s reflection of the melting snow is blinding our eyes. However, it is slowly melthing and no longer can you build a snowman with it.

With a chilly gesture, the melting snow still settles in this corner and that corner, trying its best to keep a foothold to life. However, the melting weather is too warm for the snow, so it finally surrendered to spring.

The remainder of snow, you are a proof of the ugly force that desperately attempts to force itself upon the earth when it should retreat. You are also a symbol of the impossible escape from its doomed fate. You belong to winter with your cold-blooded and untamed character. However, you are also a proof in the triumph of spring with your dissolving appearance. We can see the real spring atmosphere through your chilly, bleak light.

The cold winter has retreated, and the melting snow is its real guard.

Time is ruthless yet full of feeling. Those which must die, die; and those which should live, live. It curses those which should be cursed and turns green those which be praised.

Spring drifts in lightly from beyond the sky in the form of gentle breeze and skylarks.

Spring silently oozes from under the earth in the form of grass, leaves and fresh shoots.

Spring rushes up from mountain valleys, in the form of streams, riverbeds and lakes with shining ripples.

Spring changes into countless life forms, into songs, smiles and warm and beautiful colours…

We have been longing for you, spring. You are that wonderful season when life beings. Today, we put on spring couplets, hang up lanterns and colourful decorations over gateways, light the ever-burning lamps to usher you in! The children light their firecrackers and fireworks, and girls put on their butterfly hair ties and wear their colourful dresses to cheerfully usher you in with complete happiness.

Oh, spring, you are the best season and are beyond words to describe. You are so wonderful that even when our exciting affection towards you is put together, it still amounts to so little.

It’s better to greet you with our hope which has just been recovered!

It’s better to greet you with our will which has just sprung up!

We should light hope with will and let it shine bright as the flames dance in the wind. Let us hold high the torch of hope, put it at the top of both the Taishan Mountain and the Kunlun Mountain.

Melting snow, as the fire of hope burns brighter and brighter, we watch you with a consoling heart. You are the residue of a cold winter that eventually melts and sinks deep into the earth and fills the ditches and pools with dirty water.

It is at this moment that our dream of green manifests itself into reality and grows stronger and stronger with each passing day.


Working Alongside Bosses Encourages Female Staff to Dress for the Job They Want, Study Says

There are full of distractions, from chatty colleagues to incessantly ringing phones. But it seems open-plan offices also hold another source of stress for women – their appearance.

Modern open workspaces put women under pressure to dress up, buy elegant clothes and wear make-up, a study has found.

Rubbing shoulders with bosses in one shared office may encourage women to dress for the job they want. This means looking ‘conventionally business-like and feminine’, the researchers said.

But standards of dress may also rise because there are so many people to impress. Researchers at Anglia Ruskin University and the University of Bedfordshire spent three years studying the behavior of around 1,000 employees.

Interviews with female local authority staff, who moved from small, separate offices into a large shared space, found they felt ‘there isn’t anywhere that you don’t feel watched’.

Alison Hirst, of Anglia Ruskin’s Lord Ashcroft International Business School, said: ‘When changing from a more closed, compartmentalized office space to a new open-plan [office]… workers were more conscious of their visibility and often found this unsettling rather than liberating.

‘Women in particular felt anxious about the idea of being constantly watched, and felt they had to dress in a certain way.’

In the study, published in the journal Gender, Work and Organisation, Dr Hirst described women dressing more smartly and spending more on clothes after moving to an open-plan office in an organization where senior female managers were known for their smart attire.

A learning and development manager in the office said: ‘People’s level of dress just went up… people seemed to have more respect for themselves.’ Another staff member said she swapped her cardigan for a jacket and spent a lot of money on clothes.












Tips for Your Healthy Autumn

Do eat moist food. According to traditional Chinese medicine, autumn corresponds to the lungs of the human body. The lungs are especially vulnerable to the influence of dryness. The most convenient and easy way to nourish lungs in autumn is to drink more water. In addition, you can adopt the diet therapy of traditional Chinese medicine, eating some food with moisture, like pear, yam, sugar cane and duck meat.

Do have digestible food. People’s spleen and stomach functions are weakened because of the raw and cold food they had during the long, hot summer. So in autumn, you should give your spleen and stomach a rest. For example, you can choose some nutritious food that is easy to digest, such as fish, red bean, lotus root and kelp.

Do take vitamin supplements. Vitamins play an important role in the body’s immune system. The number and vitality of immune cells are related to vitamins when the body resists foreign invasion. It is recommended that you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as kiwi and oranges.

Don’t eat irritating food. In autumn, the immune function of the human body will be significantly weakened, people should eat less irritating food, like spicy food and cold food, which could cause some ulcers and inflammation in the intestinal tract.

Don’t take too many health tonics. Some people choose to take tonics to improve their immune system in autumn. But that can be too much burden for human body.

Sleep is important for people to restore their physical strength, ensure their health and enhance their immunity. The autumn weather is cool and suitable for a good night’s sleep.

Therefore, in autumn, it is suggested that you go to bed at 9 pm, or try to fall asleep before 11 o’clock. According to traditional Chinese medicine, autumn represents yin. Yang Qi, the Yang spirit, is deficient and Yin Qi, the Yin spirit, is the most abundant at Zishi (11 pm-1 am). So if you sleep at that time, you can nourish yin while having a sound sleep.

People are usually recommended to sleep at least 8 hours every day, and those who are physically weak and sick should appropriately increase sleep time.

To stay energetic throughout the day in autumn, it is an ideal way to do two or three high-intensity exercises a week, with low-intensity fitness workouts, such as yoga, walking or weight-bearing training, in between. Even if you are not tired, you will feel relaxed if you have a few limb stretches.












The Metamorphosis of Silicon Valley C.E.O.s: From Big to Boring

When Joe Barton, a Republican congressman from Texas, greeted Jack Dorsey at a congressional hearing last week, he sounded flummoxed.

“I don’t know what a Twitter C.E.O. should look like,” Mr. Barton said. “But you don’t look like what a C.E.O. of Twitter should look like.”

The congressman had a point. Mr. Dorsey – who sported a nose ring, a popped-collar shirt and a craggy Moses beard – looked more like a hipster version of a Civil War officer than a tech icon. Yet more striking than his look was his manner before skeptical lawmakers.

Faced with tough questions, Mr. Dorsey did not mount an aggressive defense of his company and his technology, as an earlier generation of tech leader might have. Instead, he demurred, conceded mistakes and generally engaged in a nuanced and seemingly heartfelt colloquy on the difficulties of managing tech in a complex world. Even in response to Mr. Barton’s comment about his look, Mr. Dorsey was solicitous. “My mom agrees with you,” he said.

Mr. Dorsey’s testimony prompted questions about what we expect from tech leaders today –and how thoroughly what we expect has been upturned in the last few years. Since the 1980s, a common leadership archetype has loomed over the tech business: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Sometimes unconsciously and often deliberately, a generation of tech leaders attempted to ape the Apple and Microsoft founders’ charisma, their quirks, their style and above all their irrepressible, hard-charging confidence, to say nothing of arrogance.

Mr. Dorsey returned to a company he co-founded in order to save it – has long drawn comparisons to Mr. Jobs. Yet the congressional testimony marked a surprising rhetorical shift. Instead of the black-turtlenecked Mr. Jobs, Mr. Dorsey sounded more like Tim Cook, the understated operations manager who replaced him (and who is holding his umpteenth iPhone event on Wednesday).

That is, Mr. Dorsey sounded less like a quotable visionary who can see beyond the horizon and more like what he actually is and ought to be – a thoughtful, accessible, transparent and, despite the beard and nose ring, kind of boring manager of a serious company whose decisions have world-changing consequences.

When it comes to tech C.E.O.s, boring is the new black. Under the glare of global scrutiny, the daring, win-at-all-costs ethos that defined so much of the tech industry in the last couple of decades has been undergoing a thorough metamorphosis.












