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  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 1

  Having read a play named A Midsummer Night Dream which was one of Shakespeare’s earlier plays, I gained a lot of significant matters. Fairies, dreams and lovers are the three main elements.

  From the beginning, there was a tough triangle love among lovers, the kind King in order to keep them from endless distress, he sent his fairy to pick up a purple peculiar juice and dropped it into lovers’ eyes that they will fall in love with anyone they first see. However, things getting worse and worse resulted from the careless fairy mistaking with two hostile men. Experienced ups and downs, all of lovers found their real mate. All the sad , complex and odd memories changed into a dream, the same dream in lovers’ mind. Furthermore, the duke in the play was a nice person , he didn’t look down upon the poor instead of “enjoying the simple language of unintelligent people”, and he allowed lovers to hold weddings together.

  As far as I am concerned, I love this fairy tale presented by Shakespeare. Every word is in the expectation of sweet , perfect love .Meanwhile , their world was not a matter of fact , but there really existed a big distinction between their world and ours ? Should we learn something useful from that ? I think so.

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 2

  It’s just a midsummer night’s dream.

  Once I attended a speech given by a professor from a university in Hong Kong. When we introduced ourselves as BE majors, he asked, “You study English, how many foreign classics have you read? Who is your favorite author?” We all were in silence. But by that time, I made a decision that I would read Shakespeare at least while I am still in university. And the first book I chose myself is A Midsummer Night’s Dream. For Shakespeare, his tragic works may be more famous than comedies. But I prefer comedy.

  The moment I opened A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I thought it’s a tragedy. But it seems that all happiness come after sadness. As Yu Qiu Yu once said, “Tragedy is not great, neither is comedy, but those tragicomedy that let people read it over with tears and laughter. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is believed to have been written between 1590 and 1596. It portrays the events surrounding the marriage of the Duke of Athens, Theseus, and the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta. These include the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors, who are manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest in which most of the play is set. I found some common points among Shakespeare’s masterpieces, especially his love stories--the protagonists rebel against the traditional established practices and they look forward to a peaceful and equitable world; they even sacrifice their lives to achieve this dream. Hermia dose so. She refuses to follow her father Egeus’s instructions to marry Demetrius, whom he has chosen for her. Juliet and Romeo also do in the same way, they die together for their love.

  I guess why Shakespeare wrote like this is that he wanted to do the same thing just like the people he modeled. We all know he had to marry a woman he didn’t like at all, and he didn’t protest. So he modeled these characters on purpose to let them resisted the ruin of society.

  The more I read, the greater I think Shakespeare is. If this play had been divided to 10 chapters, I bet you can’t predict what the ending will be. He created the magical juice from a flower called “love in idleness”, which when applied to a person’s eyelids while sleeping makes the victim fall in love with the first living thing seen upon awakening, to make these characters within his grasp. If someday people’s sentiment is controlled by this kind of magical juice, it will be really terrible. Emotions are subjective things, there will be on difference between mankind and machine if our emotion are controlled. This situation can just exist in Shakespeare’s masterpieces. It’s an imagination of us. But finally, Shakespeare made the most beautiful marriages in the world.

  Shakespeare’s play is really a cultural peak. A Midsummer Night’s Dream explains the essence of tragicomedy. Lovers are ruthless separated and recombined mistakenly. These lovers are likely to be in an endless dream, but they can’t remember anything when they wake up, except the tears on the canthus. If delight can be compared to Qomolangma, then sorrow is the deepest oceanic trench--Marianas Trench. We can feel a big shock when read this play. We cried but finally laughed. It’s just a midsummer night’s dream.

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 3

  Shakespeare has many works, and the reason why he chose "midsummer nights dream" is derived from some complex feelings. Simple complex can decide a lot of things. Midsummer nights are simple, simple characters, simple dialogues, simple pleasures, simple humour. In my personal opinion, I only regard midsummer night as a funny, funny, warm and sweet drama. And, only when the "Midsummer Night Dream" is vividly shown, the charming scenery in Tuscany, the mysterious forest of the mountain flowers, the mysterious forest of the elves, the unique scene arrangement, is the incomparable in the script, and it makes people feel the integration of the works.

  Helenas loveliest place is still in her infatuation and constancy of love. No matter how intimidating and threatening her, she never gives up her love and persists in following him, as she says, "you attract me to follow you, your hard magnet!" But what you attract is not iron, because my heart is as strong as steel. Her infatuation moved Ci Wang O Brown, and the elves of the king forced her to use the sap of the lazy flower to help her in the eyes of Demetrius, trying to reverse her lovers abandonment by another symmetrical arrangement of 22 pairs of lovers, lahdard and haenna, haimia and Demetrius. The role of the exchange between the complicated and confusing. The story of the play takes place between the city and the forest, between wakefulness and sleep, between reality and dream, and the structure is very symmetrical. Forests, sleep or dreams symbolize the subconscious mind. Cities and sobriety symbolize intelligence and reality as 22 contrasting elements. Theseus in charge of the reality of Athens City, representing the order of social mechanism and social operation, can resolve all conflicts. Oblong is the dream of the king of the forest, representing passion, anxiety, confusion, uncontrolled, many unpredictable factors, even a misplaced crisis, as if it is a disturbing dream, time and space is very different from the real world.

  At the beginning of the drama, the two heroes of Dimitli J and La sander loved Helenas friend Hemia, and Helena was the object of being abandoned. At the climax of the drama, the two heroes fell in love with Helena when they were teased by a group of immortals in the forest. So dramatic, like Shakespeares dream for a girl like Helena. It is true that we can have such a day to become a person who is in love with all the people, to become the most jealous person of their own, and to fall in love with them without any effort.

  This is Savons few comedy, lively and beautiful, perhaps deeply moved by the full explanation of love, and dont forget to laugh with the people. Although it is "the play of the emperors noblemen", it also lets people see the world of omnipresent love - boundless and boundless, to thank Shakespeare for such a beautiful ending. Let us know that love will never end, love will be persistent, love will be stubborn, love will be bitter, love will perpetual.

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 4

  A Midsummer Night"s Dream is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare written sometime in the 1590s. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors in a moonlit forest, and their interactions with the fairies who inhabit it and Duke of the Athenians. The play is one of Shakespeare"s most popular and is widely performed across the world.

  The play features three interlocking plots, connected by a celebration of the wedding of Duke Theseus of Athens and the Amazonian queen Hippolyta.

  In the opening scene, Hermia refuses to comply with her father Egeus"s wish for her to marry his chosen man, Demetrius. In response, Egeus quotes before Theseus an ancient Athenian law whereby a daughter must marry the suitor chosen by her father, or else face death or lifelong chastity worshipping Diana as a nun. The word in this sense is an anachronism. Hermia and her lover Lysander therefore decide to elope by escaping through the forest at night. Hermia informs her best friend Helena, but Helena has recently been rejected by Demetrius and decides to win back his favor by revealing the plan to him. Demetrius, followed doggedly by Helena, chases Hermia, who, in turn, chases Lysander, from whom she becomes separated.

  Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies, and his queen, Titania, arrive in the same forest to attend Theseus and Hippolyta"s wedding. Oberon and Titania are estranged because Titania refuses to give her Indian page-boy to Oberon for use as his knight or henchman, since the child"s mother was one of Titania"s worshippers. Oberon seeks to punish Titania"s disobedience and recruits the mischievous Puck (also called Hobgoblin and Robin Goodfellow) to help him apply a magical juice from a flower called love-in-idleness, which makes the victim fall in love with the first living thing he sees when he awakens. Oberon applies the juice to Titania in order to distract her and force her to give up the page-boy.

  Having seen Demetrius act cruelly toward Helena, Oberon orders Puck to spread some of the juice on the eyelids of the young Athenian man. Instead, Puck puts the juice on the eyes of Lysander, who then falls in love with Helena. When Oberon finds this out, he makes Puck apply the juice to Demetrius. Due to Puck"s errors, Hermia"s two lovers temporarily turn against her in favor of Helena. Helena, however, is convinced that her two suitors are mocking her, as neither loved her originally. The four pursue and quarrel with each other all night, losing themselves in the dark and in the maze of their romantic entanglements.

  Meanwhile, a band of rude mechanicals (lower-class labourers) have arranged to perform a crude play about Pyramus and Thisbe for Theseus" wedding, and venture into the forest, near Titania"s bower, for their rehearsal. Nick Bottom, a stage-struck weaver, is spotted by Puck, who transforms his head into that of an ass (donkey). Titania is awoken by Bottom"s singing, and she immediately falls in love with him. She treats him as if he is a nobleman and lavishes attention upon him. While in this state of devotion, she encounters Oberon and casually gives him the Indian boy.

  Having achieved his goals, Oberon releases Titania and orders Puck to remove the ass"s head from Bottom. The magical enchantment is removed from Lysander but is allowed to remain on Demetrius, so that he may reciprocate Helena"s love. The fairies then disappear, and Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an early morning hunt. They wake the lovers and, since Demetrius doesn"t love Hermia anymore, Theseus over-rules Egeus"s demands and arranges a group wedding. The lovers decide that the night"s events must have been a dream. After they all exit, Bottom awakes, and he too decides that he must have experienced a dream past the wit of man.

  In Athens, Theseus, Hippolyta and the lovers watch the mechanicals perform Pyramus and Thisbe. It is ridiculous and badly performed but gives everyone pleasure regardless, and after the mechanicals dance a Bergomask (rustic dance), everyone retires to bed. Finally, as night falls, Oberon and Titania bless the house, its occupants, and the future children of the newlyweds, and Puck delivers an epilogue to the audience asking for applause.

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 5

  "A Midsummer Nights Dream" revolves around the marriage of the Athenian ruler, Duke Theseus, and weaves a humorous, poetic and picturesque drama together, featuring the love entanglement between two young men and women, the "magic juice" of the young immortals, and a group of Athenian workers performing a play for the Dukes wedding

  This drama tells the complex and chaotic love story between Hermia, Rassander, Dimitrus, and Helena in the city of Athens. Hermias father opposes her being with Rassander. Hermia deeply loves Rassander, but refuses to obey her fathers orders because Dimitrus once showed love to his close friend Helena. Hermia and Rassander decide to escape Athens to obtain their true love, but Dimitrus and Helena also follow the lovers into the forest In the dead of night, they all fell asleep one after another. The little immortals had intended to use "magic juice" to help them smooth out this relationship, but the appearance of magic juice caused a dramatic change in the entire story. The magic juice dripped onto the eyelids of the sleeping Rassander, and when he woke up, he saw Helena who had accidentally entered. Therefore, he "moved to another love" and paid great attention to Helena, which made Hermia extremely sad; And when Demetrius woke up, he saw exactly Helena who had been drawn in by the elves, causing a resurgence of old love. This made poor Helena extremely distressed. At this moment, two equally beautiful and kind girls, one driven crazy by sadness and the other blinded by surprise, began to maliciously speculate and even slander each other, while the other two passionate young men dueled for Helena in anger.

  What an incredible thing it is, and how comical it seems! And all of this depends on the power of the magic juice, the will of the fairy king, and the mischievous behavior of the little elves. Later, it was also according to the fairy kings will that the magic was lifted, the lovers eventually got married, the immortals reconciled as before, and the immortal world and the human world returned to peace. The strong fantasy was integrated into the dramatic plot, and the poetic and clever dramatic language in the book made people more restless and restless

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 6

  Midsummer Nights Dream was written by William Shakespeare of England. Shakespeares plays have been translated into major languages around the world. Even today, his works are still very popular

  Fork is a character in "Midsummer Nights Dream" - a subordinate of the Fairy King Obran. The Fairy King wanted a child from the Fairy Queen Titania, but the Fairy Queen refused. The Fairy King decided to tease the Fairy Queen. He asked Fork to pick a flower, and the juice of the flower could make people fall in love with what they saw at first sight. The Fairy King dropped the juice on the Fairy Queens eyelids, causing her to wake up and fall in love with the weaver Burton wearing a donkeys head. At the same time, the Fairy King also asked Fork to drop the juice on the eyelids of a person named Dimitrus. Dimitrus loved him. Mia, but Hermia doesnt love Demetrius. She loves Lassander, and Lassander also deeply loves Hermia. So, who loves Demetrius? Its a woman named Helena. However, Demetrius doesnt like Helena. The Immortal King wants Demetrius to see Helena for the first time and fall in love with her

  However, Fork found the wrong person and dripped the flower juice onto Lassanders eyelids. Lassander fell in love with Helena at first sight. The fairy king, who disliked Hermia, found out and dripped the flower juice onto Dimitrus eyelids again, using an illusion to attract Helena to pass by. Later, following Lassander, Dimitrus woke up and saw Helena, falling in love with her. But now the situation is like this: Dimitrus and Lassander both love Helena at the same time, but poor Hermia is not loved by anyone. At this point, the fairy has already given the child to her. Immortal King. The Immortal King decided to calm the chaotic situation. So, he used a kind of grass that could dispel magic, and asked Fork to drip the grass juice onto the eyelids of the fairy and Lassander, making Lassander fall in love with Hermia again, and the fairy returned to normal

  If Fork didnt admit the wrong person, perhaps this fun play wouldnt have happened. But we should still take things seriously, not be careless, and not play around. This book is very good, I like it

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 7

  The first impression that "midsummer night" gives people is a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere or a word that reveals a romantic and ethereal feeling. According to online research, midsummer refers to the second month of summer, which is called midsummer because it is in the middle of summer. And midsummer night is a night in May according to the lunar calendar, and the evening of June 4th this year is midsummer night

  Shakespeare has many works, and the reason why he chose "Midsummer Nights Dream" as a comedy is only due to some complex emotions. Simple emotions can determine many things. Midsummer Night is very simple, with simple characters, simple dialogue, simple happiness, and simple humor. In my personal opinion, I only see Midsummer Night as a funny, funny, warm, and sweet drama. Moreover, only when "Midsummer Nights Dream" is vividly portrayed, its charming scenery in Tuscany, colorful mountains, mysterious forests where elves appear, and unique scene arrangements are incomparable to the script, and it is truly empathetic. Works that are integrated into

  In the first scene, the first thing to enter is society, a scene under the pressure of family power. If one does not follow the fathers orders, they have the right to sentence their daughter to death on their own. The first impression is of oppression and tragic colors. However, as the plot gradually progresses and the scene changes, the plot becomes more interesting, the mood becomes more relaxed, and the atmosphere of the entire play also changes to be relaxed. The story of "scattered mandarin ducks", the small farce, the play of elves, Shakespeares rare comedy mixed with this magical fairy tale like character and story, must make people feel relaxed and happy. The most exciting thing is the third act, because in the third act, contradictions begin to unfold. The first person Lysander saw when she opened her eyes, who was dripping magic liquid into her eyes, was Helena. Helena was surprised that Lysander had fallen in love with her Lysander said, "I dont love her at all. To me, shes just a crow, and youre a white dove." From here on, the drama begins to fluctuate, and the effect of the potion reaches absurd and ridiculous goals: the elf queen falls in love with a donkey, from two lovers who originally loved each other to a complex relationship. Hermia and Helena go from being good friends to not understanding each other, and all of this, after a happy ending, is really like a dream on a summer night, which is unbelievable

  The reason why the script is called "Dream" is because the development of the plot is too fantastical and confusing. From four young people falling in love with each other, to the emergence of complex infatuation and hatred between each other, and then to the fairy falling in love with a foolish little donkey. Since the emergence of the strange thing "Magic Juice", the entire story has undergone dramatic changes The divine power of "Magic Juice" makes people feel too much like a dream, but later, according to the will of the Immortal King, the magic is lifted, the lovers are finally married, the immortals are reconciled as before, and the immortal world and the human world return to peace. Strong fantasies are integrated into the dramatic plot, and these chaotic changes eventually turn into a peaceful and happy ending. The whole drama lingers in peoples hearts like a dream from beginning to end. At the end of the drama, Puck indeed said: if anyone is angry about this little elf prank story, then treat it as a fantasy dream while sleeping! At the same time, I hope no one will still be angry about this beautiful and harmless midsummer night dream. Indeed, although it is all elves playing tricks from it, it is a bit absurd, ridiculous, and helpless. But it is precisely because of such a dreamlike prank that perfect love is achieved, on the road of many trials and tribulations "A Midsummer Nights Dream" is a joyful and relaxed experience, ending with a grand celebration and dance. Of course, the "jokes" between the fairies and weavers, as well as the comical dramas interspersed in the book, are all the crystallization of imagination, poetry, and wit, which are pleasing to the eye and lingering back and forth. The most illusory is dreams, the most beautiful is emotions. Just like life, love is tragedy, comedy, and the encounter of dreams and emotions

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 8

  I specifically searched for its English name: A Summer Nights Dream. For some reason, it doesnt sound so beautiful

  Regarding the summer night, I think of a poem by Xin Qiji: "The bright moon startles magpies on other branches, and the clear breeze chirps cicadas in the middle of the night. The fragrance of rice flowers tells of a bountiful year, listening to the sound of frogs." In just a few sentences, I wrote about the clear breeze and bright moon, and the magpies startle cicadas. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt like I could hear the fragrance of rice and the sound of frogs. The peaceful summer night came to mind, and this poem was like a painting

  And Shakespeares portrayal of summer nights is another fantasy world, hazy and romantic. Shakespeare wrote: In the forest of summer nights, there is a water beach blooming with fennel, covered with cherry blossoms and violets, as well as honeysuckle and wild roses; The mermaids ride on the backs of dolphins and sing, while the stars become fascinated and jump out of their tracks wildly; Cupid held a bow and arrow, flying between the cold moon and Earth; The Immortal King and Queen orbit the Earth, following the shadows of the night at a speed faster than the light flow of the bright moon; The milky white flower was dyed purple due to the trauma of love (being hit by Cupids arrow). Whoevers eyelids are stained with this juice, when they wake up, they will fall in love with anyone they see at first sight

  These words, under Shakespeares pen, seem to have magical power, like Xin Qijis poetry, beautiful and picturesque Midsummer Nights Dream has inspired many painters in later generations. In the works of artists such as Joshua Reynolds and Francis Danby, mischievous elves and fairies dancing under the moonlight look beautiful, just like what Shakespeares words express

  Someone once asked Hemingway, who is your literary predecessor? He listed many writers, such as Mark Twain, Flaubert, Stendhal, Shakespeare, and so on. Surprisingly, he also listed many painters, such as C é zanne, Gauguin, and Van Gogh. Hemingway said, "I learn writing from painters as much as I learn writing from writers." Indeed, I have read "The Old Man and the Sea," and this name alone is just a painting, isnt it?

  From this perspective, literature and painting, and even music, have similarities because they are all pursuing and expressing the artistic conception of "beauty" - this may cross cultures and is not limited to regions

  Lastly, there is a very interesting play in "A Midsummer Nights Dream"

  A group of tailors, carpenters, weavers, pot patchers, and windbreakers formed a temporary theater troupe to perform a comedy at the Dukes wedding. The play was called "The Most Sad Comedy, and the Cruel Death of Pyramus and Tisberg." "Sad comedy" is not like "tragedy that makes people laugh and watch it all", not like "lengthy short plays", not like "scorching ice" and "feverish snow", appearing contradictory and interesting?

  When it comes to the performance of this group of people, you can say its either foolish or simple. The official in charge of drama in the Dukes Mansion said, "In the whole play, there is not a word used properly, no actor controlled it properly, that play is very sad." I wont go into detail about the specific performance, but its a clumsy and funny one

  This play reminds me of a topic I recently saw on a forum: What painful insights have you had in your life? A netizen left a message saying, "If someone says that the food is ready, you can eat here later. Dont take it seriously, they are just being polite." Someone replied, "I want to ask, how much food have you already eaten at someone elses house before understanding this truth?" These netizens are really naughty and have amused me And this playful play in the play also gave me such a similar joy. I like to see heavy topics being resolved in a nonsensical way. The Duke must also feel the same way, he said, "This crude play made us unconsciously pass the long time."

  I have watched several plays by Shakespeare, and currently I love "A Midsummer Nights Dream" the most. I love its romance and humor, and I appreciate its beauty of "being happy but not lustful, sad but not sad".

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 9

  The most illusory is a dream, the most beautiful is a love. Just like life, life is a tragedy, a comedy, a combination of dreams and love. When I read Shakespeares masterpiece "A Midsummer Nights Dream," I always have an impulse to laugh. This thin booklet really surprised me because it tempted me to read it all in one breath, but it seemed like I couldnt finish it like this. At this moment, I felt like I was in the midst of a forest full of flowers, and the scenery was overwhelming.

  The bell of love rings from the church with a white roof in the distance. The goddess of the night, the moonlight, shines her splendid new clothes on the earth. The charming summer flower fragrance wafts from the green countryside, and the azure waves, the tranquil forest, and the intimate flower bed sway with sweet breaths. Everything falls asleep quietly. The elves of the earth float ashore in small boats made of flowers. The dim sparks in the house are still shining slightly, and each sprite jumping gently dances together like birds on flower branches. Ah, a good dream is about to begin, and the summer night full of love begins

  In the simple and lovely countryside of Athens and Tuscany, the wedding of the Duke of Theseus and his fianc é e Hippolyte was being prepared in an orderly manner. The Duke was embroiled in a dispute against arranged marriage: stubborn old Iggis betrothed his daughter Hermia to Demetrius, but she loved Rasander and was willing to marry him at all costs, so she decided to elope with her lover. Helena, who loved Demetrius, told him this plan in exchange for love. That night, the couple ran into the forest with Demetrius and Helena. At this time, there was a group of amateur actors in the forest, and they... It is a worker from a nearby village who is looking for a place to rehearse a performance at the Dukes wedding. However, even their director, the weaver Burton, is a very clumsy person who performs comically. However, for both lovers and actors, they do not know that they have approached the secret home of elves in the dark jungle. The beautiful queen and handsome king are arguing about their own stubbornness. The elves find a kind of flower that generates admiration, blinding the eyes of their lovers, so this lively and beautiful summer night begins to sing.

  Brave and lovely Hermia transformed into a passionate lily for the sake of steadfast love. "Since it seems like a law of fate that true lovers always have to endure hardships, let us practice patience; because these hardships, like memories, dreams, sighs, hopes, and tears, are all servants that poor love cannot lack." With Cupids golden arrow, Venus pigeons purity, and the divine power that combines soul and blessings love, she broke free from the constraints of the world and wanted to sing for love!

  She showed me the steadfastness and courage of love. She watered the roses on her face with tears and said, "Oh, there is such a magical power in my lover that can turn heaven into hell!" Love is passionate, loyal, and singing. It is wholeheartedly following and searching for her. Let us love her bright eyes, cherish her running with all her might, and bless her never-ending love.

  Another girl, beautiful and sad Helena, you make me cherish you, wipe away the sparkling tears on your cheeks. Apollo is about to start singing, and your prince will never be as ethereal as Daphne Love is seen without the eyes and with the soul, so Cupid with wings is often depicted as blind. Moreover, loves judgment is completely irrational, with wings alone and no eyes, always expressing reckless impatience. Therefore, the god of love is said to be a child because he often makes mistakes in selection. Therefore, please forgive his momentary lateness, as the elves are guiding him to your side All despicable weaknesses become insignificant in love, but become contentment and solemnity. Love is blind, love is obedient, love is never giving up, even in pain. Please continue to believe in love in the direction of the stars. This day, your dreams come true, and you will eventually see them.

  Please dont pay attention to the momentary arguments between the fairy king and queen, because this is also a message of their love. When dawn breaks, these two playful people will reconcile. Even if they have been noisy or jealous, love can be tolerant and forgiving. Love is an omnipotent world. Lassander and Demetrius, two lucky young men, let the summer goddess bless your luck. And Bolton, can you have a good dream tonight? A tolerant and big bellied Duke, remember to bless the love of young people, cunning Pok, dont be too slick.

  This is one of Shakespeares few comedies, lively and beautiful. Perhaps deeply moved by the full interpretation of love, dont forget the heartfelt smile of sharing happiness with the people. Although it is a play played by the nobles and nobles, it also shows people the ubiquitous world of love - boundless and boundless. We should thank Shakespeare for giving it such a beautiful ending, letting us know that love will never end, love will be steadfast and tenacious, love will endure hardship and sweetness, love will be eternal.

  仲夏夜之梦英语读后感 10

  Shakespeare is a very influential writer in human history, and he has read many of Shakespeares works before. This book, "A Midsummer Nights Dream," was strongly recommended by a friend to me, and after reading it, I felt a lot. In our impression, Shakespeares tragic works are very famous. "A Midsummer Nights Dream," is a comedy created by Shakespeare during his youth. I took the opportunity to secretly read this work.

  I like Shakespeares writing. The plot of "A Midsummer Nights Dream" is well arranged. The story is about two young men, Lassander and Demetrius, who fell in love with the young woman Hermia during the ancient Greek period. However, Hermia only likes Lassander, and her friend Helena also likes Demetrius. Hermia came to the agreed forest to oppose arranged marriage and elopement with her lover. Helena also told Demetrius the news and they came to the forest together.

  In the forest, there is a pair of fairy kings, queens, and elves. The elves have a kind of magic juice, and if this juice drips into the eyes of the sleeping person, regardless of gender, the person who wakes up will fall in love with them. Later, the magic juice drips into Lassanders eyes, and when he wakes up, he sees Helena who accidentally enters, and he falls in love with her crazily. And when Demetrius wakes up, he also sees Helena who is attracted by the elves. Both men fall in love with Helena.

  This situation has surprised some and saddened others.

  But in the end, the little elf found out the truth and lifted the magic, finally resolving it together. The two lovers also held their wedding on the same day.

  "A Midsummer Nights Dream" is a comedy that embodies the spirit of the Renaissance and humanistic ideas. Hermia stubbornly struggles with her fathers arranged marriage for true love. Shakespeare reflects the bourgeois new womens struggle for free love and marriage autonomy through the description of the emotions of ancient Greek characters. Through the comparison of real emotions and magical forests, as well as the coexistence of real characters and forest fairies, he expresses the humanistic ideal of equal coexistence between people and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

  "A Midsummer Nights Dream" is somewhat bizarre, but it is not unacceptable. I strongly recommend Shakespeares work


