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  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 1

  The Necklace: Reflections and Confessions of Human’s Vanity

  “What would have happened if she hadn’t lost that necklace? Who knows? Who knows? How strange and changeful is life! How small a thing is needed to make or ruin us!” This is what impressed me most in “The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant. I love the story not only due to the incredibly wonderful ending, but also because of the exquisite description of the weakness of humanity.

  In his story, Guy de Maupassant creatively reveals Mathilde Loisels dreams of a wealthy, splendid lifestyle. Mathildes lifetime of misery and despair is solely caused by her own selfish acts. And her vain obsession all ended up ruining her life.

  Vanity is defined as excessive pride, especially in your appearance. In Mathildes case, the "excessive pride" in her looks and charm caused her to feel as if she deserved a higher ranking social class and the wealth. When she wore the necklace to the party, she wanted to give the illusion that she was something that she was not. Vanity caused Mathilde to fantasize about her life and surroundings-to live in a world of illusion, rather than reality.

  Her life was affected in a negative way because of her obsession with vanity. It is so sad that she honestly felt successful the night of the dinner, just because of her looks and her surroundings. What a distorted view of true happiness and fulfillment! NEither an elegant dress or a beautiful piece of jewelry can make a person who they are. A caring and loving person has to be unselfish. Mathilde Loisel definitely lacked a caring and loving personality. The only person she proved to love was the person she wanted to be. Had Mathilde not spent so much of her life selfishly, she and Mr. Loisel could have had a lifetime of happiness. The most ironic and interesting piece of the story is the conclusion. Their lives were ruined for no reason. Had she told Mrs. Forrestier the truth about the lost necklace, she would have known that the necklace was just costume jewelry. Actually, it’s a tragedy made by herself, for she was conquered by the evil of her heart.

  In pursuit of vanity may lead to the loss of ourselves. Accept who we are and to be to true to ourselves or else it will contribute to constant unhappiness. Happiness or misfortune, it all depends.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 2

  Guy de Maupassant was the child of an unhappy marriage. His mother has been dessccrriibbeedd as neurotic and his father as a man who sought relief from his wife in the arms of other women. Perhaps the collapse of his parents marriage engendered de Maupassants pessimism, reflected particularly in his stories about infidelity and failed relationships. It certainly influenced his own attitude toward women, which, in turn, affected his creation of characters in stories such as "The Necklace."

  Events in History at the Time of the short story.

  The purpose of women. De Maupassants attitude toward women was ambivalent. He was one of few nineteenth-century authors to recognize and celebrate womens sensuality rather than regard it as a sign of corruption. He was also, however, devastatingly cruel to women, whether in his own life or in his fiction. He recommended that the French Academy commission a treatise on how to "break decently, properly, politely, without noise, scene or violence, with a woman who adores you and with whom you are fed up" (de Maupassant in Steegmuller, p. 178),He scoffed at monogamy, insisting that he could not understand how two women could not be better than one, three better than two, and ten better than three.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 3

  Life,always have,as necklace said:the story of a young and happy woman in pursuit of a moment of luxury and pride,but in exchange for 10 years of hard labor costs,and finally get is not to think Festival Madame the cruel answer,read here,cant help thinking,vanity then,this article reveals the reality as worthy of study,in the capitalist society the existence of such things is not rare,it is one of the capitalist class vanity corrosion caused loss of the tragic image of youth!The vanity.In fact,everyone has,the difference is,some people are very small,and some people are many,like show around people praise and have cast envious eyes was satisfied,and the necklace deep to expose the fact,vanity is very terrible,when a person has a vanity,he will do many surprising things,like Madame Loisel,for 10 years to pay off this should not he to repay the debt,the life is so strange,so changing all the time,and some people rich overnight,some people overnight bankruptcy...

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 4

  Recently I read the necklace Maupassant after reading the king of short stories Maupassant wrote "the necklace", I am filled with emotion.

  The article is about a vain woman because she could not afford to buy a expensive necklace, so she borrowed it and lost it at the party. She bought a real necklace and gave it back to her friend. From then on, she was in debt. It was, conceivably, the punishment of heaven upon her.

  We in daily life, do not be vain, haggle over every ounce, natural beauty is really beautiful, spiritual beauty is more important than everything. We just have to be ourselves, our most authentic selves.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 5

  Once upon a time, I had a great desire to live in luxury, to attract peoples attention, to be a perfect person. I can safely say that what I want to have is probably what Mathilde wants to have...

  Mathilde yearns for a life of luxury because of his inner emptiness...

  Then I? Am I just as empty?

  I think I should also learn to accept things that are not perfect. How time flies, time flies, I do not know how much time because to care about a little bit of fundamentally insignificant deficiencies and pass, why let oneself live so heavy......

  Ha ha... Actually, since I went to high school, especially since this winter vacation, I have been very open about everything... For feelings this kind of thing, still early, too often far, still in line with the principle of low-key treatment, so as not to leave their regret, or an impulse to make their own regret decision ah. The study, also so return a responsibility, try to do not regret, what should look like what look like, also have no regret.

  In the world of mortals, there are too many vacant infatuation chase. Believe in your path.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 6

  The famous French writer Maupassant by the "necklace" is the world of short stories in the boutique, I feel after reading its content winding, exciting, and contains a profound life truth, necklace after reading 400 words.

  "The Necklace" describes the heroine Mrs. Wasser is very vain, in order to attract attention at the ball, but lost a pearl necklace borrowed from a friend. It took the family ten years to scrape together enough money to buy the necklace. They bought the same necklace and returned it to their friend, who told her that the necklace lent to her was an artifact and only worth a few hundred francs. Mrs. Wasser repented and hated herself for her vanity.

  Reading this article, I think of many people in life in order to face, in order to satisfy their own vanity, and others than to eat than to wear, but finally fell a fiasco. For example, now that the quality of life has improved, some women feel that they are not beautiful enough, so they dye their hair and have facial surgery. Some even spend tens of thousands of yuan on cosmetic surgery. I have seen such a piece of news on TV: a young college student disregarded her parents advice and had a plastic surgery. The result was a failure. She not only did not become beautiful, but also ruined her original appearance. It is not difficult for us to understand that people should not be good face, should not have vanity.

  "The Necklace" is not only an excellent short story, but also an excellent work of literature with profound meaning. If you are interested in this novel, you should read it.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 7

  The article "Necklace" tells the story of a woman who complains about her poor life and loses the necklace borrowed from her good friend in the education party. In order to return it as soon as possible, they think of the loan. Since then, they have embarked on the road of paying off the debt with bitterness. Ten years later, they finally finished the loan, perhaps is the god deliberately to play a trick on them, the string of necklace borrowed at the beginning, turned out to be false, the article to this also stopped abruptly......

  At first glance, this article is just a piece of intriguing tragedy, however, when we are tasting again, faintly feel the author the irony of vanity, scorn and criticism, and let our product to how sorry tale, life is so fragile, a false necklace, can turn, change, easy to destroy a good prospect.

  Perhaps, this woman is hypocritical, vain, but, her some qualities are worth us to learn from her not to escape the problem, but to compensate, to make up for the wrong, she resolutely decided, to pay off this terrible debt, she bravely stood up, to face their own fault.

  In fact in our life and feelings of the eclipse the modern new generation thought is deep inside, also the invisible on the shackles of "money talks", how many couples because the money and go their separate ways, startup the most tough time coming, but how many single-parent families have money left, give the child caused greater psychological and ideological hurt!

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 8

  I read this short story in the first year of junior high school. I never liked the matriarch Mathilde. Her good looks fell into a poor family, she thought the heaven was unfair, but I think she has a loving husband is her greatest asset. She pursues luxury, the feeling of being loved by thousands of people, the pursuit of all material comforts. I think she does not know how to cherish. She only complains to her husband and ignores his pressure and feelings. Therefore, I do not have any favorable impression on her.

  Finally, that "priceless" necklace is lost! At this time my feelings were mixed. I thought it was retribution for her, but on the other hand, I was worried about how the poor family would compensate for the staggering amount.

  Of course, my opinion has changed since then. Mathilde was vain and proud, but it was her nature to love beauty. Ten years of debt life, the passage of time slowly smoothed her impetuous heart, she lost beautiful face, lost everything. At that time, although she was plain and did not have any luster, I thought she was very responsible. She faced bravely what she had done wrong, took responsibility to the end and tried to make up for it instead of complaining about everything. This is the responsible she, perhaps more "radiant" it!

  As a short story by Maupassant, the ending is of course very dramatic. Although I have complained for the matriarch, but more is to thank this incident, let her understand that youth, looks are not capital. Your attitude towards life and your heart are worth more than any "priceless" necklace!

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 9

  Accidentally, I found a collection of stories by Maupassant on the bookshelf, and finished reading one of the short stories "The Necklace" with a relaxed attitude of killing time.

  "The Necklace" is about the wife Mathilde of the Ministry of Education staff Luerse. In order to attend the party held by the Minister of Education, she used the 400 francs her husband was going to buy the shotgun to buy clothes, and borrowed a necklace from her girlfriend. At the party, her beauty was so outstanding that all the male guests looked at her with fascination. She felt satisfied with this as a "success". When she got home, she took off her clothes to find that the necklace was missing. The couple was shocked and had to compensate for the loss. Finally, they bought an identical diamond necklace worth 36,000 francs in the jewelry store and gave it to their girlfriend. It took the couple 10 years to pay off the debt.

  The climax of the story comes at the end, ten years later, when Mathilde meets her girlfriend and learns that the necklace she lent her is a fake.

  After reading the whole story, my first feeling is inconceivable, fate is really a trick on people, life is really unpredictable!

  Mathilde quietly determined to choose a full of thorns of the road of life, through the wind, through the rain, through yesterday, through today, through tomorrow. She changed, poor life temper, not only changed her appearance, more important is to change her spirit. Hard work and life pulled her unrealistic fantasy from the clouds back to the solid ground, and now there was a new Mathilde.

  Although Mathilde is unfortunate, her misfortune is that she cant get what she wants and increase her annoyance in vain, at the same time, she is lucky, the cruel reality makes her sober.

  After reading this novel, I feel that life is not a fantasy in the clouds, but more down-to-earth step by step.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 10

  "The Necklace" is a short story. A few strokes on the outline of a woman who was attached to the upper society, asset life, but also vividly depicted the status quo of France at that time: the upper and lower into three fault, the upper society luxurious erosion, every day to dance for fun. In order to yearn for a better upper class life, do everything possible, at all costs; The lower classes were struggling to make a living and could only live by selling their labor. And Madame Mathilde was the middle class, the one who pursued the upper class and ended up at the bottom.

  The end of the article is laughable: Madame Mathilde spent 10 years paying off her debts and got a diamond necklace that was a fake. It was ridiculous that Madame Mathilde, after the necklace had been lost, had not the least doubt of its authenticity! And when they went to look for it, they found out that the box was from a jewelry store and the necklace wasnt, and there was no doubt!

  On the other hand, Madame Mathilde, though not born in the upper class, did not have a particularly good life, but she also had a husband who loved her, a maid who could help with the work, and she could look at her husband affectionately after supper. If you stick to it, you may have a wonderful life. But she had never lived a down-to-earth life of her own.

  Looking at the full text, we find that the conclusion makes us think deeply: Mathildes friend hid what kind of false truth under the appearance of wealth? That night at the sumptuous ball, glittering jewels, fighting for beauty, but who knows how much truth there, how much disguise. And what Madame Mathilde pursues, is not just such unreal, luxury but also on the disguise of fame and vanity? Indeed, The Times make a person, a false society, confused society, will give birth to such tragedy as Madame Mathilde.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 11

  The author of "The Necklace" is French writer Maupassant, who is the king of the worlds three major short stories. This novel has a winding plot and exciting content, mainly telling the story of a necklace.

  The protagonist of the story is Mrs. Mathilde, although she is very hardworking, she is very poor. One day, Mrs. Matil was invited to attend a grand ball. She wore a necklace borrowed from a wealthy friend to the ball and became the focus of the whole party. She was too engrossed in playing and accidentally lost her necklace. From then on, she wandered in the countryside, working tirelessly for decades just to make money and buy necklaces to compensate her friends. Later, she coincidentally met with a friend who said that the necklace was fake and only worth a few hundred yuan. This sentence was like a thunderbolt, hitting her heart hard, which is the origin of the novel necklace.

  After reading Maupassants short stories, I feel that human nature is truly complex. She not only makes people love her loyalty and reliability, but also makes people hate her vanity. "Ah! Poor people must have their pitiful aspects!" We cannot learn from her admiration for vanity, we must act within our means!

  Speaking of Mrs. Mathildes vanity, it reminds me of one thing: there was a proud and chubby little man in our class. His parents lent him a shiny silver phone, and he couldnt wait to take it to school to show off. As a result, I accidentally broke my phone and cried loudly at night, saying to my mother, "Mom, I accidentally broke my phone." My family was also helpless, look! There are also many people in life like Mrs. Matil.

  We must act within our abilities and not be impulsive. We should be down-to-earth and responsible!

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 12

  The article "Necklace" is about a woman who complained about her poor fate and lost the necklace she borrowed from her friend at an education party. In order to repay it as soon as possible, they thought of a loan, and from then on, they embarked on a painful path of debt repayment. Ten years later, they finally paid off the loan. Perhaps God deliberately played a trick on them. The necklace they had borrowed was actually fake, and the article came to an abrupt end

  At first glance, this article may seem like a thought-provoking tragedy, but when we savor it more carefully, we can vaguely feel the authors satire, ridicule, and criticism of vanity. It also makes us appreciate how life is full of twists and turns, how fragile, and how a fake necklace can easily reverse, change, and destroy the beautiful future.

  Perhaps this woman is hypocritical and vain, but her qualities are worth learning from. She did not evade problems, but compensated and made up for her mistakes. She resolutely decided to repay this terrible debt and bravely stood up to face her own mistakes.

  In fact, this kind of thinking is eroding the depths of the hearts of the new generation of modern people in our lives and emotions, and has invisibly put on the shackles of "money is everything". How many couples have gone their separate ways because of money, and even the toughest times of entrepreneurship have come, but how many single parent families have been affected by money, causing greater psychological and ideological harm to children!

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 13

  The Necklace, written by the famous French writer Maupassant, is a masterpiece of short stories in the world. After reading it, I feel that its content is winding, gripping, and contains profound life lessons.

  The article "The Necklace" describes the protagonist Mrs. Vassel, who is very vain and loses a pearl necklace she borrowed from a friend in order to attract attention at a ball. From then on, the family had to save and work hard. It took them ten years to finally gather the money to buy a necklace. They bought the same necklace and returned it to their friend, who told her that the necklace they lent her was an artificial item worth only a few hundred francs. Mrs. Vassel regretted deeply and hated herself for being too vain at the time.

  After reading this article, I think of many people in life who, in order to save face and satisfy their vanity, compete with others in terms of food and clothing, but ultimately end up in a disastrous defeat. For example, now the quality of life has improved, and some women feel that they are not beautiful enough, so they go to dye their hair and have beauty treatments, and some even spare tens of thousands of yuan for plastic surgery. I have seen this news on TV: a young college student underwent plastic surgery despite her parents advice, but the surgery failed. Not only did she not become beautiful, but her original appearance was also destroyed. It is not difficult for us to understand that being a person should not be about saving face or having vanity.

  "The Necklace" is not only a masterpiece of exciting short stories, but also an excellent literary work with profound truths. If you are also interested in this novel, why not read it.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 14

  I have read this short story in my first year of junior high school. I have never liked the female protagonist Mathilde. Her beautiful appearance falls into a poor family. She believes that heaven is unfair, but I believe that having a loving husband is her greatest asset. She pursues luxury, the feeling of being sought after by thousands of people, and all material pleasures. I think she doesnt know how to cherish and only complains to her husband, ignoring his pressure and feelings, so I dont have any good feelings for her either.

  Finally, the priceless necklace was lost! At this moment, my emotions were mixed, as I believed it was retribution for her, and at the same time, I was worried about how the impoverished family could compensate for the astonishing amount.

  Of course, my opinion has changed later on. Although Mathilde is vain and saves face, she is just a natural beauty lover. Ten years of debt repayment life, the passing time slowly calmed her restless heart, she lost her beautiful face, lost everything. At this time, although she was simple and lacked any brilliance, I felt that she was very responsible. She bravely faced what she did wrong, took responsibility to the end, and worked hard to make up for it, rather than blaming others. This is the responsible one, perhaps even more radiant!

  As a short story by Maupassant, the ending is certainly highly dramatic. Although I have complained about the female protagonist before, I am more grateful for this incident, which made her understand that youth and appearance are not capital. The attitude towards life and the heart of cherishing possession are more valuable than any necklace!

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 15

  Once, I was extremely eager to have a luxurious life, to gather peoples attention, and to become a perfect person. I can say without hesitation: what I want to have is probably like what Mathilde wants to have

  Matilda yearns for a luxurious life because of his inner emptiness

  What about me? Am I equally empty?

  I think I should also learn to accept things that are not perfect. A white horse flies by, time flies in a hurry. I dont know how much time passes because I care about a little bit of insignificant shortcomings. Why should I live such a heavy life

  Hehe... Actually, since entering high school, especially since this winter vacation, I have been very open-minded about everything... For things like relationships, its still early, too far away. Currently, I still follow the principle of low-key handling, so as not to leave regrets or make impulsive decisions that make me regret. As for learning, thats all there is to it. If you try your best, you wont regret it. You can do whatever you want, and there are no regrets.

  In the mortal world, there are too many confused and infatuated pursuits. Believe in your own path.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 16

  When I first read "The Necklace", it was probably one or two years ago. To be ashamed, at that time, I didnt even know who the author was. At that time, I was just a child of unknown times. After reading the entire article, I couldnt help but feel a bit sad and sad for Mathildes misfortune.

  Its strange to say that at that time, I didnt even see the "snobbery" and "vanity" described by everyone. I never even felt that Mathilde was a greedy person for wealth, but only felt sorry for this ordinary and sympathetic woman. After a long time, when I tried Maupassants (unforgettable) "The Necklace" again, my original ideas were not abandoned due to their immaturity, and some new thoughts were added. From this story, I seem to see the growth process of a "child". Yes, Matildas changes, in my eyes, are like a child who has not yet delved into the world, gradually transforming from hazy to mature and becoming an adult. At first, Lady Louisa longed for a beautiful and prosperous life, hoping to be noticed by everyone, just like a child with memories, always dreaming of the future in her free time. During the period before attending the party, Mrs. Louisa was panicked due to not having decent attire, often shedding tears. Isnt this the behavior of an innocent and active child praying for a beloved toy?

  Naive Matilda did not make her own decisions, but expressed her wishes in a way unique to children. Between the lines, it reveals the childs cuteness and stubbornness. After borrowing the necklace, Mathilde was as happy and crazy as a child who had obtained a treasure. At the party, her appearance and temperament surpassed everyone, and she naively became intoxicated. Perhaps it was because all the children had the same shortcomings, and despite being lost and overwhelmed by happiness, she ultimately made a mistake. Or perhaps it was because she seized the only opportunity in her life to hone herself, like a runaway child, beginning to savor the hardships and joys of adventure.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 17

  Accidentally, I found a collection of Maupassants novels on the bookshelf and read one of the short stories, "The Necklace," with an attitude of killing time.

  "The Necklace" tells the story of Mathilde, the wife of education department employee Russell. In order to attend a party hosted by the Minister of Education, she took 400 francs of her husbands bird gun to buy clothes and borrowed a necklace from her girlfriend. At the party, her appearance and attire were very outstanding, and the male guests were all staring at her in a daze. She thought it was a kind of "success" and was very satisfied. When she came home, she found the necklace missing when she undressed. The couple was shocked. They had to pay for it when they couldnt find it anywhere. Finally, they bought an identical diamond necklace worth 36000 francs in the jewelry shop and gave it to their girlfriend. The couple spent ten years paying off the debt they owed when they bought the necklace.

  The climax of the story is at the end. Ten years later, one day, Mathilde meets her girlfriend and during the conversation, she learns that the necklace she previously lent her was actually a counterfeit.

  Reading the entire story gave me an incredible first impression. Fate is really a prank, and life is really unpredictable!

  Mathilde quietly and resolutely chose a life path full of thorns, walking through the wind, rain, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. She has changed, and the trials of poverty have not only changed her appearance, but more importantly, her spirit. The arduous labor and life have pulled her unrealistic fantasies from the clouds back to the real ground, and now a new Matilda has emerged.

  Although Mathilde is unfortunate, her misfortune lies in not getting what she wants and increasing her troubles in vain. At the same time, she is fortunate, and the cruel reality has made her clear headed.

  After reading this novel, I feel even more that life is not just a fantasy in the clouds, but more about walking step by step with a down-to-earth approach.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 18

  The story of "The Necklace" in "Selected Short Stories by Maupassant" tells the story of Mrs. Mathilde borrowing a necklace from a friend to make herself more beautiful at a ball. However, she later lost the borrowed necklace and borrowed money to buy it to repay her friend. The expensive necklace took her ten years to repay her debt, but it was learned from her friends mouth that, That lost necklace is actually fake!

  After reading this story, I couldnt help but burst out laughing, but after finishing, there was a hint of chill. Yeah! In real life, there are many people like Mrs. Mathilde who have a strong sense of vanity and desire. Some people also show off their wealth in front of others, but in fact, they just show off their fat face, which is completely unnecessary. However, Matilda in the book is still very responsible, and she has put in ten years of hard work for her friends things.

  In our lives, there are also people like this, not only adults, but also some children. Do they have a reason to be extravagant? Those children, they only know how to be extravagant, but they dont know that they are not spending their own money, but the hard-earned money earned by their parents! Classmates, instead of treating guests, its better for you to think about how to save money and donate to those peers who, although unable to eat and dress warmly, can study diligently and diligently.

  The heart of vanity cannot exist, as long as it can disappear with time through ones own efforts.

  Dreams do not distinguish between high and low, and it is not difficult to express a desire for servants to serve. It is not necessarily more embarrassing to become wealthy than to serve the people. Having a dream is better than not having one. Getting out of bed and realizing your dreams is better than continuing to dream with your eyes closed.

  The borrowed necklace is lost, Matildas most beautiful time of ten years is lost, her beauty, elegance, and charm are lost. Lets take it as a joke that life plays on people who only know how to dream.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 19

  "The Necklace" is a short and concise novel. A few strokes outline the image of a woman who lingers in the upper class and lives a bourgeois life, vividly depicting the current situation in France at that time: the upper, middle, and lower parts are divided into three faults, and the upper class society is luxurious and decadent, enjoying dancing every day. In the middle, in order to yearn for a better upper class life, they do their utmost and spare no expense; The lower class is troubled by livelihood and can only rely on selling labor for a living. Madame Mathilde, on the other hand, was the middle class who fell into the lower class in pursuit of the upper class.

  The end of the article is ridiculous: the diamond necklace that Madame Mathilde obtained after paying off her debt for 10 years is a counterfeit. This is ridiculous: Madame Mathilde had no suspicion of the authenticity of the necklace after it was lost! And when they went to search, they found that the box belonged to a jewelry store, while the necklace was not, and there was no suspicion at all!

  Looking at Madame Mathilde on the other hand, although she was not born into the upper class and did not have a particularly good life, there were also husbands who loved her, maids who could help with work, and deep affection for her husband after dinner. If we persist in our days, we may have a wonderful life. But she has never lived a down-to-earth life of her own.

  Referring to the entire text, it is found that the ending is thought-provoking: What kind of hypocritical reality does Mathildes friend hide beneath his wealthy appearance? At the luxurious dance party that night, there was a dazzling array of jewels and coquettishness, but who knew how much truth and disguise there were. And what Madame Mathilde pursues is precisely this unreal, luxurious yet disguised vanity of fame and fortune? Indeed, the times have created a person, a false society, a confused society, which will give birth to tragedies like Madame Mathilde.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 20

  Time is like a wheel, no matter how complex things may be, they will eventually return to the starting point. Whether the necklace is real or fake, after ten years of washing and grinding, it has become smooth and flawless. Ten years of time, ten years of youth, and ten years of effort were not in vain due to the loss of the necklace, but rather achieved a better version of oneself.

  "The Necklace" is a book written by the great literary scholar Maupassant, who tells the story of the vain Mrs. Rosevard who borrowed a diamond necklace from her wealthy girlfriend in order to make a name for herself at a noble banquet. When she appeared at the banquet wearing a necklace, it caused admiration and flattery from the whole audience, and her vanity was greatly satisfied. Cola was extremely sad. On the way home, the necklace was accidentally lost. In order to compensate for the diamond necklace worth 36000 francs, Mrs. Rosseward spent a full seven years of frugality to pay off this huge debt. Unfortunately, that necklace is fake.

  The French philosopher Berkson once said, "It is difficult to say that vanity is a kind of evil, but all evil deeds revolve around vanity and are merely means to satisfy it." From this novel, we learn that we should not blindly pursue false things, but should be down-to-earth, and through our own efforts and wisdom, strive to create our own honor.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 21

  After reading Maupassants "The Necklace". I didnt expect the result to be like this. I couldnt help but say "ah?". This ending is simply unexpected. But upon careful consideration, this is the female protagonists own fault.

  This novel tells the story of Mrs. Rosseward, who is full of vanity. She wanted to stand out at a banquet. I borrowed a diamond necklace from my girlfriend on purpose. When she appeared at the party wearing a necklace. Causing admiration from the whole audience. Her vanity was greatly satisfied. Unfortunately. On the way home. This necklace is missing. In order to compensate for the gold necklace worth 36000 francs, she was heavily indebted. Afterwards. She worked hard and frugally for ten years before paying off her debts. Ironically, at this point, her girlfriend told her that the lost necklace was fake.

  Mrs. Rosseward showcased herself by "puffing up her face to make her fat". Because of vanity and vanity, she suffered a lot. False honor is a soap bubble that bursts in an instant. We should not pursue such false things that do not belong to us; And we need to work hard to achieve our goals. Through struggle. Create your own honor.

  The female protagonist in the text, Mrs. Rosevard, was burdened with accumulated debts for ten years due to her vanity. The lesson is profound. In real life, we cannot be overly vain. And one should be a simple person.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 22

  Last week, I finished reading a short story by Maupassant.

  Maupassant is a world-renowned short film novelist, known as the "king of world short stories". "Maupassants Short Stories" records thirty famous short stories, including "Sheep Fat Ball", "Necklace", "My Uncle Yu Le", and so on. Among them, my favorite is "Necklace".

  The article "Necklace" mainly wrote that Mrs. Matilde Lossell was going to a dance party, but she didnt have anything beautiful to wear. So she borrowed a necklace from her friend Mrs. Frankie. Unexpectedly, the necklace was lost on the way home, so she bought an identical one and returned it to Frankie. But to her surprise, buying that necklace made her go bankrupt. She spent a whole ten years paying off her debt and finally found out that the necklace was fake. Matilda no longer indulged in vanity, but instead became diligent.

  From this article, I learned that we cannot learn from Mathilde Russells admiration for vanity.

  I remember I had a good friend with my grandmother named Liu Yun. Her parents worked hard outside, and sometimes he saw other children wearing designer clothes. She was very envious, so she also argued with her parents to buy for her. Her parents had no choice but to buy for her. Others praised her beautiful clothes when they saw her.

  I think we cannot indulge in vanity.

  莫泊桑项链英语读后感 23

  Matilda is a beautiful girl, but no one appreciates her. She can only stay at home and sit in front of the mirror, admiring herself. Matilda suppressed herself, but her vanity burst out completely. In order to fulfill her vanity, she borrowed a diamond necklace from a friend. Matildas tragic fate unfolded as she lost her diamond necklace but dared not tell her friends, only silently earning money to pay off her debts. Ten years later, after paying off the debt, she felt relaxed and told her friends the truth. At this moment, her friend told her that it was just a fake diamond project and not worth any money.

  I feel heartbroken and regretful for Mathildes tragedy as I read it here. She could have told her friends the truth, but vanity kept him silent. It was vanity that hurt her. Actually, everyone has more or less vanity, and I also have it.

  I like to wear beautiful clothes and play with trendy toys. I think only in this way can I hold my head and chest high in front of my classmates, and my friends will look at me with new eyes. I completely disregard the expensive prices and always beg my parents to buy. My parents, relying on me, would rather save their hard-earned money to help me buy new clothes and toys. Actually, those are not necessary, they are just my vanity. I just want to show off in front of my classmates and friends. The clothes are still very new, but the style is not the most fashionable, so I wont wear them. After playing with the toys a few times, I feel bored and throw them away. This is really a huge waste.

  From now on, I feel that I should restrain my vanity, not waste money because of it, and not let my parents live a difficult life.


