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  钢铁是怎样炼成的的英语读后感 1

  Take full of enthusiasm, with great expectation, I finished watching the former Soviet union the author ostrovsky in "how the steel was tempered". In the ordinary day, I felt a hero of extraordinary quality. "How the steel was tempered is seen as a living textbook, signs of life and mental tonic, always pass by generations of readers.

  "How the steel was tempered it vividly describes the generation of the working class youth was born in suffering, in the process of growing up suffering. Under the stormy czar tyranny, the landlord capitalists, under the heavy oppression of foreign invaders, learned of love and hate, increased knowledge, had the perseverance of the character, in the October revolution storm, battle-hardened, from spontaneous rebels, became the proletarian revolutionary fighters. Among them, the main shape Paul ko ezer gold the perseverance of the heroic image of the proletariat. And his life experiences as the clues, images show the history of the Soviet union and the people hard struggle of life.

  Speaking of Paul, respect feeling arises spontaneously. He is a hero, is a stubborn man. Injured when he had to drop out of the field, he is still in the rear constantly strive to contribute; When he was diagnosed nerve centre has a problem, he did not flinch, continue to work, selfless dedication to the society. He has been struggling, his two legs paralyzed, blind, but he still didnt give up, resolutely picked up in the hands of the pen, and fate. As Roman Roland said: "the most terrible enemy, and he is no firm faith and indomitable willpower." Steel is tempered. Is this the meaning of life?

  He did, he did not live in vain, nor useless, he dedicated his life to the struggle, the struggle for the liberation of mankind.



  《钢铁是怎样炼成的》它生动地描述了一代工人阶级青年在苦难中诞生,在苦难中成长的过程。在风雨如磐的沙皇暴政下,在地主资本家,在外国侵略者的重重压迫下,懂得了爱和恨,增长了知识,炼就了坚毅顽强的性格,在十月革命的风暴中,百炼成钢,从自发的反抗者,成为了无产阶级革命战士。其中,主要塑造了保尔 柯察金这坚忍不拔的无产阶级英雄形象。并以他的生活经历为线索,展现了当时苏联的历史画面和人们艰难的斗争生活。

  说起保尔,敬佩之情不禁油然而生。他是一位英雄,是一个顽强的人。当他负伤不得不退出战场之际,他仍然在后方不停地努力贡献;当他被诊断神经中枢有问题时,他没有退缩,一如既往地工作,为社会无私奉献。他一直奋斗着,他两腿瘫痪,双目失明,可他依旧没有放弃,坚决拿起手中的笔,与命运做斗争。正如罗曼 罗兰所说的:“最可怕的敌人,就是自己没有坚定的信念和顽强的毅力。”钢铁就是这样炼成的。这不就是人生的意义吗?


  钢铁是怎样炼成的的英语读后感 2

  How is steel made? I have read this novel many times, but every time I read it, I feel a new shock. This novel is written by ostrovs, a former Soviet writer. The novel filled me with emotion.

  How is steel made? It vividly describes a generation of working class, Paul Kochakin, and people like him who were born and grew up in suffering. Under the tyranny of the tsar, the heavy oppression of the capitalists, and the influence of Zhu He and other young workers, he understood love and hate, found the meaning of life, and developed perseverance, Tenacious character.

  How should people live to be meaningful? Paul Kochakin answered this question with action. After he was disabled, he did not lose heart, studied tenaciously, worked hard, and began to write literature. Later, he became blind. What a heavy blow to the paralyzed people! However, he resolutely picked up the pen, groped for it, and insisted on writing. Every time he wrote a word, he needed to pay extremely hard work. After hard work, he finally successfully wrote the first few chapters of the novel in the storm. Reading, reading, Im full of emotion. Pauls resolute face seemed to appear in front of my eyes. Paul, such an ordinary soldier, has a stronger will than steel. What inspires him? It is a great and magnificent cause of Communism!

  Paul, a respectable soldier, I admire his uprightness, his wit and cleverness; I admire his bravery; I admire him for sacrificing his life.

  From Paul, I learned a lot, we should be like Paul, sublimate ourselves in the battle, recognize the life blooming out of splendor.

  钢铁是怎样炼成的的英语读后感 3

  The story of Paul from an ordinary student, to a soldier dedicated to the countrys ordinary and glorious life. Paul lost his father when he was young, his mother worked as a cook in a rich family, and his brother alqing worked in the railway. Because he was hated by the priest, he dropped out of school and went to work in a restaurant. When he grew up, he didnt want to stay in the restaurant, so he came to work in the power distribution station. Soon after, he was arrested for attacking the intruder. After nine days of torture, he was released by a confused officer. As soon as he came out, he was put on the train. Gradually he became a member of the Red Army, and he spent some time reading books. In a battle, he lost his eyes and split his head. So he worked in the back office of the coal mine. When he was doing this work, he fell down with a serious wind cold disease, so that he could not go down to the ground. He escaped from the brink of death five times and became disabled for life.

  After reading this book, I think Paul is a real hero. He even gave everything for his country., In my opinion, no matter how difficult and difficult a person is, he should be as brave, calm and steady as Paul. He should also seize the time to read and study, never falling behind in a subject. No matter where he is, he will seize the time to read and study. He always has a good time plan. Even if he is disabled, he will not waste any time. Every second he lives is full. He is physically and mentally handicapped. He does all the things that normal people can do every day like normal people, and is no less than normal people. Paul, at the last moment, he was blind and could not see anything, but he still wrote a novel with strong perseverance.

  From this I think: we live in such a peaceful era, all like little emperors, we must study hard, become the true pillars of the motherland.

  钢铁是怎样炼成的的英语读后感 4

  During the summer vacation, I read how steel is made· I admire Pauls spirit of fearing disease and not bowing to fate. He is always fighting for the revolutionary cause. Once, unfortunately, he was infected with typhoid fever. With his strong will, he miraculously came back from the death line and went back to the revolutionary post.

  Seeing Pauls spirit, I feel deeply. In my opinion, only when a person sets up lofty ideals and has persistent pursuit and action, in this way, in the correct goal of life, he will not be dragged down by life, will not be overwhelmed by setbacks, will he be strong and mature in the flames of suffering, so as to love life, enrich himself and meet a better tomorrow.

  Of course, in order to succeed, we must have unremitting perseverance. Perseverance needs persistence, and determination also needs decisive decision. When a person with perseverance faces a severe test, he can deal with it decisively, which is very conducive to persistence.

  Remember what Ostrowski, the author of the book, said? He said: "the most precious thing is life. Life belongs to us only once. A mans life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he does not regret for wasting his time, nor is he ashamed of his past mediocrity. In this way, when he is dying, he can say: "I have dedicated my whole life and all my energy to the most magnificent cause in the world - the struggle for the liberation of mankind."

  In retrospect, we todays happy life is not by countless hard-working workers and revolutionaries in exchange for blood and sweat? It is hard won, so we must cherish todays good life, lets take Paul as an example to refine our life, embrace the future optimistically, and build our motherland more beautiful!


