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  法布尔的《昆虫记》英语读后感 1

  Recently, I read a book called the insect. The author of this book is faber, a famous entomologist in France.

  This book is about the rich and colorful insect world. The habits of various insects, the method of making nests, the time, place, method, and the process of hunting.

  After reading this book, I learned a lot about insects! How the praying mantis lays its eggs, the mother mantis even has the habit of eating her husband. The caterpillar is a clumsy line of worms. The cicadas went through four years of hard work in the underground, and they were given the freedom to sing in summer. Lady beetle eats aphids like a ruthless killer, but it also has a gentle virtuous, can guarantee the child wont hungry belly, dont kill each other in order to compete for food.

  I like the book "the insect" very much, and I admire fabers spirit of not being afraid to observe insects in cold and hot weather. I will also study him in the future.

  The book tells the story of the colorful insect life, which brings us to the wonderful insect world. The detailed descriptions in the book are vivid, concrete and engaging. Children by reading the insects to record "and understanding of the writer method Boolean, know didnt know a lot of knowledge, oneself also keep reading every day, formed the good habit.






  法布尔的《昆虫记》英语读后感 2

  The insects to record "is written by the French famous writer method Boolean, his whole life love observing insects, even, in the book mainly introduces the insects living habits, such as the firefly, hornets, bees, butterflies, crickets, cicadas, etc. There are also insects that I have never heard of, such as the black belly tarantula in Italy, the tube worm of love, the head of Spain, the lovely stone silkworm, the fiery red ant.

  The introduction of these insects in the book makes it easy to understand the features of these insects. Mr Faber describes it as a miser. Dressed in a tuxedo that appeared to be missing the fabric, the beetle made a selfless contribution to its descendants, breaking hearts for her children. The little sparrow, which is bitten by a poisonous spider, also eats happily and, if fed slowly, even cries like a baby. I put in red ants on my way home the colorful stones and a few leaves, red ants walks around like a headless fly, this shows that red ants are not like bees will recognize the way home, they are in a home. So, even if they go on a long journey, they need a few days to go home, and they go home as long as they dont change. A few ugly and clumsy larvae to climb out of a seam on the river water, it is early spring bug they climb climb up the street binhe transformation capsule in the body skin, become wings, small body, the symmetry of insects, they are neither fly, nor are they butterfly winter jasmine worm. What a lovely little insect! What a vivid, interesting language! How cute these little insects are in fabers pen.

  I couldnt help but admire the writer for his knowledge of insects. He opened a pathway to the world of small insects, a new, magical world, and thats what inspired me to learn about the insects. So in my life, I also look at small insects and identify them based on the descriptions in the book.

  The book of bugs is a book that appeals to any child.


  书中把这些昆虫介绍得活灵活现,让人很容易了解到这些昆虫的外貌特点。法布尔描述道:杨柳天牛像个吝啬鬼。身穿一件似乎缺了布料的燕尾服,小甲虫为它的后代作出了无私的贡献,为儿女操碎了心。而被毒蜘蛛咬伤的小麻雀,也会愉快地进食,如果喂食慢了,它甚至像婴儿一样哭闹。我在红蚂蚁回家的路上放了五颜六色的石头和几片叶子,红蚂蚁就像无头苍蝇地走来走去,这说明红蚂蚁并不是像蜜蜂一样会辨认出回家的路,它们是凭着记忆回家的。所以,即使它们出征的路程很长,需要几天几夜才能回家,它们只要沿途不发生变化,它们照旧回到了家。几只丑陋笨拙幼虫从河上的水缝爬了出来,那是迎春虫它们攀岩爬上滨河的街道蜕变囊在身上的'外皮,变成翅膀,身体细小,匀称的昆虫,它们既非苍蝇,又非蝴蝶它们是迎春虫。多么可爱的小昆虫呀! 多么生动,有趣的语言呀!在法布尔笔下,这些小昆虫变得多么可爱。



  法布尔的《昆虫记》英语读后感 3

  Insects the book that I was fascinated by the insect world, there are so many mysteries, I know: how is the shell, cicadas, Shit how lang shell rolled dung ball, The ant is how to eat aphids secretions. Also the son of MingLing: wrong, is not as nutritional bee caught his own son, but for their offspring arrangement of food.

  First read insects somehow it attracts me. This is a family, work, insects and hunting, plain text science books, pure and fresh and natural, Humor, provoking laugh Note the humanized bugs, how singular, interesting story! The method of Boolean insects, let I didn"t dream, the concrete and detailed text, sometimes I feel a magnifying glass, damp, stars, and the existence of odour, if worm immersed in the field. I ignored for a long time, the insects and their rowdy, suddenly gather up, I hold your breath, then, with them through the darkness in my mind. Is the method of Boolean, let me see insects with our human life and death, in labor and looted many problems are similar. I lift up the head, at this moment, I very want to lift my head, like the sky, to treat the mystery of existing insects. It makes me first entered a vivid world of insects. Hence, I then downwards see insects.

  Then look down, insects is a fun story: mantis is one kind of extremely cruel animal, but it just might have life, and also the early in the GeTouEr minimum expense of ants under the talons. Spider webs, which USES the compasses, ruler of tools, nor a designer can draw a more than the standard, the nets rich story made me to extrapolate. Looking at these bugs are gradually clear, I thought: if we protect environment, no pollution, the worm is also in? Now the deterioration of the environment, and is in there?

  As I continue to read the insects , I saw the method of Boolean meticulous observations of caterpillar travel, I saw him regardless of the danger, I saw him capture the hornets bold hypothesis, careful experiment, the experimental process and data weigh, step by step, that the effect of high nose needle with bee light.a effect, the process, catch flies bee processing method, the peacock prey of distance contact Once, he failed in the test data collection, analysis and design, turned to the next. The experimental method, bold rigorous, diligent spirit of questioning attitude. This time, I felt the scientific spirit and its profound connotation.

  Entomology gates with humanity care Boolean hardships, write a masterpiece insects, to leave a rich knowledge, gout, aesthetic feeling and thoughts of prose treasure. It captures lively, relaxed tone, full of abundant appeal. In the author"s works like a miser, podul longicorn, wearing a seems to lack short body shape fabric dress, The little beetle for its offspring to unselfish dedication for the children, broken heart, By poisonous spider bites sparrow, would happily eating, if we feed the slow, he will even crying like a baby. How cute little creatures! No wonder the insects lu xun as a model of life insects.

  I gasp for exploring nature of Boolean method of spirit, let me feel the insects and environment, and let me feel the originality and subtle observation. Insects let my eyes open, treat problems in a different Angle, the depth of understanding problems will surpass past. I think insects life reading books is worth, I think anyone carefully read insects, read, read, can know more.

  法布尔的《昆虫记》英语读后感 4


  Insect is a great work written by fable. Fable spent his whole life observing the life habits of insects, such as birth, survival and death. This book lets us know that the world of insects is infinite.


  Insect is a treasure book full of admiration for life. We should learn from fables spirit of loving observation, loving nature and daring to explore the insect world.


  Who hasnt seen the bee, but he has written down this very common thing, which is telling us that nature never lacks beauty, just the eyes to explore beauty. A lot of things often need our careful observation to know that the fun and tips from it are the big red envelopes the world gives us.


  Read this book, you will find that in the small words read the big truth, let us understand the respect and love for life.


  The earth is very big, and many lives are ignored because they are too small. The book of insects tells us that even though they are pests, they are also life, and they are part of the earth. Their life is very short, as long as they live, even if only for a moment, it is also worthy of admiration!


